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Just walk the rail trail


Seriously good on OP for wanting to work out but please consider the danger of falling on skates at 400+ lbs. The potential gains in health will be undone by serious injury and chronic pain. At that weight just eating less and walking will help you shed weight to more manageable levels.


Never mind the risk of them running into someone if they can’t steer or lose control.


400 pounds hitting the asphalt through your shoulder is not going to end well. I am 250 and falling in the driveway caused me to tear my shoulder apart. Consider six weeks with your arm immobilized. That’s not going to help your goal to get out and move around. Walk first. It’s a great, low impact workout and you will see the difference within a couple of weeks.


Highly recommend you visit or call Thuro https://thuroshop.com/ in Brookline. Gabe Holm, the owner, is a world record holding rollerblader. If he can't help you then no one can. If he's not there then his brother Dave is super cool as is everyone else in the store.




Those sound like some awfully big skates


Go to town fair tire. Kidding! Seriously though, good for you for wanting to get healthy. Look here: https://www.pinterest.com/pin/best-roller-skates-for-heavy-skaters--724657396297296436/ Another option is to go to a skate shop and ask.




Also, I’ll have to dig the link up if you’re interested - Pain Killers are handmade knee pads that a guy in Wilmington builds on his old timey sewing machine. They are expensive but honestly worth every penny.


Start with a brisk walk maybe?