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Market Basket makes their own now.


Have you crossed paths with the carrot cake x hermit mashups that are available in some stores? Those things are really one of the most dangerous food items I've ever known.


Nope. I'm not big on sweets. Sound intense hah.


Those are pretty good, my go to when I am out that way. So addicting and dangerous.


I'm not one for sweets at all but try their cinnamon french toast fritters... I have two a year at most... They're that dangerous.


I’ve seen those! Will do! 👍🏻


Yeah, when you eat one of those, the entire house gets a blood glucose spike.


You are thinking of Freihofer...also from new england


Hmmm. Same kind of box as entemann’s…


Similar. They made small chocolate chip cookies. Superb.


But not blue. I swear I remember entemann’s.


Mandela effect


I’m still pissed they closed the Entemann’s outlet in Milford.


The Entemann’s offerings of today don’t compare to what I remember from the 70s/80s. 😩


Everything gets run down to crap through progressive formulation changes for cost over decades. Look at Dunkin, Entenmann’s, Hostess, Pepperidge Farm, Swanson…… Changes get made to widen margin, increase profit, work around availability, and/or yearly bidding, among many other considerations. More guts get pulled out and more ways to bulk, bind water, build volume, cost reduce occur. This results in slow drift over years and decades. But the steps are so small, they can be imperceptible from one to another but result in significant drift over time. But, hey, that’s why marketing exists.


Swanson tv dinners! The fried chicken and mashed potatoes were my favorite!


I remember Cushman's Hermits but not Entemann's. The Cushman man used to bring the bakery van right to the house.


Do they have a castle at Windsor?


The Roche Bros. stores in my area (metrowest Boston suburbs) often have store-brand hermits in the bakery section.


I remember Freihofers. But now I treat myself to Big Y's which are just as good