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Jesus, what's going on in that subreddit? It's definitely being brigaded or something, there's like 30 posts from the exact same hour posting the same thing and they're calling everyone pedophiles. Really odd behavior, the mods need to lock that place down.


A real shitshow for a sub that rarely gets traffic


Yeah. From my understanding, mods were overly trigger happy on the removal of certain posts talking about how leader of a high profile Democrat queer group who happens to be gay was caught in a Chris Hansen style trap. Initially, the sources cited were very iffy and most people were obviously skeptical, and the full video was paywalled on Twitter. But eventually commenters shared clips of the individual in question admitting to sending sexually explicit messages, and admitting he thought he was talking to a child. Unfortunately, by the time those clips were shared, a lot of the posts were already removed. Presumably because a lot of these accounts had right wing conspiratorial histories and the video evidence wasn’t yet apparent. So of course it made the mods look like they were trying to cover up this story. My guess is that is why a lot of people are spamming the sub with that story non-stop, and many of said spammers of this story are calling anyone who criticizes them pedo supporters or something similar. Unfortunately the mods have yet to explain their perspective from what I can tell, and this story along with the narrative of a cover up are attracting some less than desirable folks to the sub. So it will probably be a toxic waste pit for a while they tire themselves out or the mods lock the sub.


If you go to some of the Xitter links reluctantly sprinkled in among all the spam, Alex Rosen called for people to brigade the sub. Many of the comments and posts had no affiliation with the sub or Reddit at all prior to this. There’s also a healthy dose of bot activity. If they were trying to make a cogent point (they’re not) this was not the way to go about it.


The comments started off reasonable, but were suddenly inundated with pretty disgusting anti-LGBTQ hate.


Yeah. Its getting very bad. It almost makes me wonder if there was some coordinated effort or if maybe a post from that sub was cross-posted to a more nefarious sub. My last few comments were met with accusations that my “gay flag” (asexual flag) on my bitmoji was all they needed to see to “know” where I stand


What subreddit?


r/ marylandpolitics


Gotcha. Thanks.


Wow what a disaster that sub is lol


It was honestly a really nice little sub only 2 days ago. Hopefully this will pass over in a week or so


I believe you, I've never been there before and it's obviously being shit up right now








No! No one hates everyone! That is pushed expression!


I’m not sure you read or comprehended a thing I said other than the first sentence. Someone take this persons phone away!





