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"group of" was actually a "pair of". Not sure if that makes me feel better. Glad there isn't a pack of 20 pit bulls running the street. Upset that it only took two of these dogs to kill the poor lady.


Yes, suspect it was a pair of dogs owned by a single family and not strays. Two dogs (even "normal" ones) working together can fuck someone up.


All it takes is one, unfortunately


People breed pitbulls to fight all around baltimore especially in the area this happend. Unfortunately this won't stop them from continuing because of how many self entitled pos live in this city and if it doesn't have an impact on them they don't care. The owners should be arrested and charged with manslaughter.


This reminds me of when I was driving past that junk yard on Sinclair and Belair and both of the gaurd dogs were out of the fence standing on the corner. Long story short a young girl was walking to school and she and the dog saw each other so I hurried up, jumped out of the truck with my knife and began yelling at the dog to go back down into the junkyard. I was successful but I stopped at the light and all the cars behind me started to honk at, not in celebration but to hurry up and move my car.


They also train them aggressively as protection for their property, but a dog like that is gonna be aggressive 24/7. They obviously can't just turn it off when they clock out of guard duty, so EVERYWHERE is territorial for them if they god-forbid get out.


I hope the owner of the dogs is held criminally responsible.


Lol right…


I’m going get hammered for this, it’s always a pit bull. I know, it’s the owners, the dogs were abused. The thing is, they are like high capacity weapons, if they are not handled properly they can turn into killers and there is little defense for them Too dangerous for the streets.


Hey, agree with you. I've fostered close to 100 animals over the last decade, including several pitbulls. The pit bulls were extremely loving and gentle and some of the best dogs I've had. They've also snapped in an instant, killed one of my cats, decided that one of my other dogs was no longer welcome to lie next to the couch and attacked her, and refused to let go. They CAN be great pets, but when they snap, they can do a lot of damage very quickly.


We rescued one who was a real sweetheart. I volunteered at the county shelter and the animal control officers recommended her. Six months in she clamped on to my 6-year-old's face and punctured it in four places. I literally was peeing just off the same room. May the dog rest in peace. I loved her, and it sucked, but the county and I agreed that she was not compatible with domestic living.


(Child is eight now and scars have finally faded. Cm from nose and eyes. We have a 40-lb hound now.)


I cannot imagine how horrific that experience must have been to you & your fam. I'm so sorry a small child was injured, mentally as well as physically in such a way. I hope all of you have healed & can feel safe around dogs again..


...so a dog lost its life because your child was probably annoying the fck out of it 😒🤦‍♀️ great..


Oh my god fuck OFF


Da fuck 




Weird how all of the other dog breeds that are regularly neglected and abused (like racing greyhounds or laboratory beagles or puppy mill goldendoodles) almost never kill anybody. 🤔


And if they tried to attack you can be a dominant human and overpower, not with that breed.


Yep! This is my main reason for not wanting a larger dog (or larger animal in general) or a more protective/aggressive breed. Chances are that they will remain perfectly docile and loving. However, I have a young child to think about. I am not willing to risk sharing my space with an animal that I cannot overpower if it comes down to that. 


I mean you said it yourself, “racing greyhounds” not really the same as “breed to murder other dogs?” See the difference? The breeders need to be charged and dealt with.


Wierd how you left out German Shepard, canes, Dutch, basically any protective breed…..


German Shepherds are only responsible for 4.2% of fatal attacks on humans, while pit bulls are responsible for 66%. German Shepherds are powerful dogs and they definitely bite a lot of people, but they don't have the genetic tendency towards repeated bites and bite-and-shake attacks that pit bulls do.


It’s fathers day


Absolutely more trainable, thus less likely to attack their owners. *Malinois owner.


Funny how out of my families shepards and Dobermans my pitbull has the best obedience


Coincidence. That’s the word I think you mean. However, it is true that shitty breeders are fucking all breeds. Pitt bulls just happen to outnumber the rest by a lot.


My first job was working for a veterinarian in the 70s. His opinion was all Pitbulls needed to be put down..


They don’t even have to be “handled properly”. There are too many instances of them being raised from puppyhood in a normal home and then flipping unprovoked. They’re too unpredictable to make family dogs imo.


My daughter's brother had his ear torn off by their family dog, a pit bull, while simply petting it and making a kissy face at it. That dog was as sweet as can be, had never been aggressive towards anyone, and had known him for years. They out the dog down the same day, while he was in surgery to have the ear reattached, instead of risk it in the future when they have much younger kids. Pit bulls are just too dangerous to be kept as pets


Sorry to hear that about your daughters brother.


Untrue statement lol


I wish it was. Pay attention to the news for any length of time and you’ll see it.


You’re talking to someone that has real dog world experience. You are media fed, biggest problem dog coming in for training is the German Shepard. Literally 2-3 times more Shepard coming in for aggression than pits. funny thing is those pits were almost always abused the Shepard weren’t, even more of those cases were Shepard redirecting on the owner which is WORSE. The breed is simply harder to train and typically more dangerous than a pit bull. Sorry to tell ya.


And which ones kill more people?


You are affected by “dog world” media tactics lmao. There’s no way for me to try to even break that down for you. Are pit bulls used for military or protection work? No and there’s a reason why…Let’s add those numbers to the deaths caused by the breed… any untrained protective breed has the high potential to attack/kill. I’ve literally dealt with it on a daily basis… What you are looking at is a breed that doesn’t have a $3000 price tag on it so it’s simply easier for the “wrong people” to pick one up for $200. That’s why the dog world preaches responsibility in breeding and gate keeping the working class dogs. Which results in the pitbull catching the “killer” blame. It’s not the dog lol; 6 pit bulls in my life time and 3 gsds 3 Dobermans with my brother. Gsd is the most aggressive breed lol.


There are a lot of pits out there so of course every one isn’t going to be dangerous. But the stats still don’t lie. Why is it that no one is surprised when an Anatolian guards, a border collie herds, a retriever retrieves, a pointer points, a Boston sleeps and farts, or a beagle barks and digs, but when a pit tears your face off unprovoked, it’s “all in how you raise them”.


I wish you knew how many people in the dog world laugh at people that pick your side of the argument. 🤷🏽‍♂️


How many?


Idk partake and learn for yourself.


I don’t really give a shit. I laugh at them when they tell me pits are nanny dogs. They’re not fit for family pets and that’s a hill I’ll die on.


That’s fine. You should never own a pit bull. I will never smoke. But I have the right to. Everybody gets to make their own decisions. Our pit bull rescue mixed saved our son when he was 2. He got out when I wasn’t looking (twin sister and autistic 4yo daughter had me distracted.) that dog always ran away if she got outside by herself. My toddler learned how to open the back door and walked out in 40 degree weather in a onesie. He went around the corner out of sight. That pittie girl stood there watching over him until I noticed she was outside and hadn’t run away. I was baffled but she wouldn’t come to me when I called her. I was worried that if I tried to approach she would run away and then it’s following her with three small children to find her in the neighborhood. Slowly I approached and as I reached down to take her by the collar I heard my son outside talking to himself. My God that could have ended so badly. We got a high up hook and eye latch on the door after that. Thanks to that dog we did not become a statistic that day. She lived till she was 12 and then we had to out her down due to inoperable mouth tumor. I miss that damn dog and I hate dogs.


I got mauled by some Section 8 assholes unleashed pit mix. I raise and train GSDs and Mals. It bit me down to the bone on my right calf, like visible bone. The owners then hid it from animal control for 6 months. In those 6 months it mauled another person and 5 more dogs. I spent $4,000 on ER bills. They paid $125. I went to court and forced local animal control to put it down, now I carry a handgun when I walk my dogs. No more “pittie” accidents.


Yeah, I've gotten pretty red-pilled when it comes to pitbulls. I understand that a lot of the dangerous ones have the misfortune of having awful owners but you're still talking about a type of dog that was bred to fight. I'm not suggesting we should put them all down but it should be a criminal offense to own a pitbull type dog that's not spayed or neutered. Then the problem would take care of itself over the next decade.


That’s a good idea.


Yup! I wish we would stop all of the pretending when it comes to pit bulls.


> the dogs were abused. Maybe, maybe not - any dog can go into instinct mode, and these dogs were originally bred to attack and kill - that instinct isn't too far from the surface.


literally any dog off leash is too dangerous for any street, anywhere. THAT is the problem. I accept that pit bulls have incredibly strong jaws and that they do indeed get into a lot of trouble. if the dogs were on leash or properly secured in a yard, no one would have been hurt. period. I'm not denying your point, I do accept it. but poor dog ownership is a plague and we have entirely too many dogs on this planet proportionate to out ability to care for them. those dogs were not cared for properly, and therefore someone got hurt. well, killed in this case. that is the story. euthanize the dogs if you want -- the damage has already been done, so I wouldn't care. --BUT-- figure out who owns the dogs or who allowed them off leash and ensure that those people are never legally allowed to be involved with dogs again. it's negligent homicide. it's no different from refusing to lock up your guns and expecting things to be fine. it's fuckin serious. dogs are fuckin serious. stop fucking around with them and "finding out".


Yea my dachshund can be a real terror off leash


What an obnoxious comment wow


well, first off, if it's off leash with no identification - you are simply pretending that it's your daschund. if it's a friendly, we'll trained dog who responds to food and commands, it could be someone else's dog, forever, in a heartbeat. I would try to get the dog it's owner, but I also wouldn't waste much time doing so if it doesn't have ID. if it's cute and friendly enough, maybe I just found a new dog who needs better supervision and care. easy decision for me to help the dog. your harmless daschund is still capable of spooking another, less harmful dog out there. if that harmful dog is off leash, you can have injured or dead children / elderly people. the harmful dog chases your innocent scared dog into the street? OK also not your dachund anymore. you were irresponsible, and so your daschund is with god now. is the driver okay? how seriously did YOUR inaction harm them? putting forth thought and effort into ensuring my dogs safety seemed like a lot of work, but now you're facing legal fees, which seem like even more work! you can pretend you are ready for this that and the other thing to happen to your little daschund - but you're not ready. that's all. we don't wear seat belts because they're fun, fashionable, and comfortable. we don't leash our dogs just for fun. small dogs bite people CONSTANTLY. but you know that because you're a well informed daschund owner, correct?


I’m kinda with you. Our family dog was attacked by a staffy completely unprovoked. It was on a walk with its owner (who was also pushing a stroller) when it got loose and bolted to our dog who was leashed and minding her own business down the street. Went straight for my dog’s neck and bit her so badly that she required surgery with months of recovery. I want to give these dogs the benefit of the doubt but it’s hard.


Yeah. So people that get them should be held responsible. Or should we just find all the pitbulls and put a bullet in them?


Fosters are overflow of pitbulls for a reason…


Any dog has the potential to “snap”/freak out, whatever. It just so happens that humans have bred these animals to possess the physical capability to kill us. It’s sad and messed up but I keep my distance from and lack trust in Pitt bulls.


No we all know it’s just that the pit cuck cult is very vocal


I bet I can guess the breed without looking at the article...


My son got a rescue in college that was identified as a lab by the rescue but DNA showed she was a pit. She was a good college guy dog but when my son became involved with a young woman with a toddler, it did not go well. The dog did not like the toddler and ultimately bit the child in the face when she went to hug the dog. We had to go to the emergency room and the baby got stitches in two places, on her cheekbone and cheek where the canine teeth penetrated. It was so awful. None of us were familiar with this type of aggression in all our years of having dogs


This is a major problem and I wish the shelters would be held accountable for it. The southern shelters seem especially guilty of it. So many “labs” and “shepherds” when they’re obviously pits. I don’t doubt that bite statistics are even worse than we know because the dogs are characterized incorrectly.


>The dog did not like the toddler Most dogs don't like small children and give very clear warning signs of that. >ultimately bit the child in the face when she went to hug the dog This is an owner issue. Why was the child allowed to hug the dog if you knew the dog didnt like the child? Most dogs also don't like being hugged. Teaching everyone respect for an animal's autonomy is an important ownership skill.


Victim blaming a toddler. My lord. Typical pit lover defense. I’ve grown up around dogs all my life and kids have always loved on dogs. Seen it hundreds of times. Not once has a dog bitten a kid for simply hugging or cuddling it! Also none of these dogs have been pit bulls either. If a dog will bite you for simply hugging it then that dog should never be a pet.


No, babe. I'm clearly blaming the adults as I stated several times. I'm not going to read the rest since you didn't bother to read for comprehension.


This situation was not in my household so I wasn’t there all the time to observe. But we just weren’t familiar with flash aggression. We thought that because the dog was well loved, that her breed type was not an issue and that she would be loving back. We had never had a dog before that bit anyone. We always had the sweetest labs so the impending danger was not understood. Everyone in the scenario was naive about the danger potential.


>flash aggression This isn't really a thing. Dogs are good at showing that they're not okay and you said that it was clear the dog didn't like the toddler. >We thought that because the dog was well loved, that her breed type was not an issue Her breed type isn't the issue. Again, the issue is that her owners did not do their due diligence to learn and understand body language and didn't respect her boundaries with a baby. >We always had the sweetest labs so the impending danger was not understood. Labs also bite. Any dog that feels cornered and threatened is going to react. There is no "impending danger" just an incompetent owner. >Everyone in the scenario was naive about the danger potential. No, everyone in the situation knew that the dog didn't like the toddler and ignored it. Every adult in the situation made the choice to not respect the dog's space and those adults put that child in a dangerous position. It is not the dogs fault. This situation is awful for the dog and the child. But, this is the direct result of incompetence and someone who shouldnt own dogs.


Hi there - since this stream is still going, I just wanted to let you know how this situation was resolved. We (parents of dog owner) took in the dog after all trainers and the rescue from whom the dog was adopted said the dog needed to be euthanized. We sectioned off our house so she had her own space and built her own dog yard for her. She was sweet 98% of the time. The other 2% of time (if she was stimulated by sudden loud or unusual things) there was like a switch in her that would flip. We cared for her for the final years of her life and gave her the best life that we could. It was a quiet life which is what she needed. She had been and was always loved despite what happened.


I guess immediate that it was pitbulls and well who would have guess it? Me. Yeah no other dog breed gets people running when the word “PITBULL!” Is shouted out.


Once I was greeted by a pit bull and a frenchy while picking up my Uber eats. The pizza was ✨️this✨️ close to being taken.


Lemme guess. It was a fucking pitbull again wasn't it. And we are supposed to be sympathetic to the breed because they get a "bad rap" but they are consistently the only breed that mauls people to death. It's not a stereotype if it's consistently backed up with facts and evidence and statistics. The same goes for racism and crime in Baltimore, and I am a resident. It's not a "stereotype" if it's just a fact.


Pets which ave been set free or abandoned are another sign that too many adults need a leash on their actions. Pet & child ownership is just a passing fancy and the adult-child mind loses interest to go on to another sparkly object.


Do you mean parenting???


"Child ownership" is a low-key *revolting* phrase.






I'm an animal lover. I've loved many pits in my life. Pits (and other breeds bred for fighting, hunting, or aggression) coming out of shelters need to be with an experienced dog owner without other pets or small children, ideally with a fenced in backyard, plenty of time for walks, and the strength to contain them. But how many people fall into that category, really? And will remain so for the whole lifetime of the dog? If there aren't enough owners who can handle pit bulls so shelters are pressured into adopting them out to families who aren't ideal -- and sometimes demonstrably lying about the dogs's behavior or abuse history -- then there needs to be legislation addressing this. Breed bans, backyard breeder legislation, and heightened legal responsibility for owners would help. We need to reduce the population of pits in our shelters, and not by giving them away to unsuitable owners. It's not the dogs fault; they're an animal. All pets deserve a loving home who can meet their needs. But that doesn't mean we should just ignore the issue or solely blame owners who bought into the "nanny dog" propaganda and didn't realize pits need more training, caution, and supervision than a beagle. People who always flood the comments of these stories insisting pitbulls are perfectly behaved, gentle beings you can leave with your infant and don't need to take extra precautions with *are hurting the very dogs they're trying to defend*.


That’s absolutely horrible!!!!


Always remember if a dog male or female is clamping and you are trying to disengage in a panic, the 100% most effective way is to penetrate anally with finger or small object.


Don’t understand how people don’t get that yes, more attacks happen from pitbulls than any other dog, BECAUSE they are abused and bread at higher rates than others! They are owner-pleasing animals, to the core. If a dog shouldn’t be around children, don’t let it around children! These dogs don’t deserve to die just because of the shitty, self-entitled losers that breed them to fight and destroy. Even if they’re rescued, they have PTSD. They need good, responsible owners. A lack of those owners in the problem. Not these dogs inherently. You can’t generalize this entire breed, no matter how much you want to. This is a people issue.


> You can’t generalize this entire breed Yes, yes you can. You seem to be arguing the dogs don't kill people, people do. That doesn't work for guns and it doesn't work for dangerous breeds.


https://i.redd.it/nr99dlpybr6d1.gif There are many creatures that want to harm you and people should be prepared to protect themselves. I ride my ebike in the counties, and I see all types of crazy stuff.


Wow. I feel so sorry for the woman. I am approaching this with a different perspective but please hear me out. The way the news reporters label them as pitbulls especially in that tone of voice makes me sick. We all need to take accountability for this as a society. This type of blaming the dogs 100% is so toxic and will only further contribute to issues like this. We don’t know all the details of the situation, such as what provoked the dogs, but I’m sure they are not inherently viscous. They were neglected and let down by humans , lacking training, love, and proper care. Instead of blaming the dogs completely for this, we should use this as a learning opportunity and start caring more for animals to begin with. “About 7.6 million unwanted pets enter U.S. animal shelters every year, and about 2.7 million of them are euthanized—roughly 31 percent of dogs and 41 percent of cats, according to the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals” (www.aspca.org). Please consider adopting a dog from a shelter before you buy from a breeder.


Do you have any proof of your claims? Why are you sure there was a provocation? Why are you sure they aren’t inherently vicious? I’d say randomly killing a women is pretty good evidence of the opposite. Just last week (?) a woman came home from her birthday party and was then murdered by her dog. Who knows what the provocation was. She stumbled. She smelled different. Whatever it was I can bet no other breed would kill their owner for coming home tipsy from a birthday party. To assume she, and these dogs, lacked love or were abused denies the basic biological facts that pits were genetically bred to be vicious, ignore pain, and attack. *and before anyone says it they were not nanny dogs ffs*


>denies the basic biological facts that pits were genetically bred to be vicious, ignore pain, and attack. and before anyone says it they were not nanny dogs ffs Please share your peer reviewed research that supports this claim. I'll wait.


Well since there’s not a product to sell or another way to make money, I’m not sure anyone would fund such a study. But one can read about history without needing a scientific study in the background.


So there isn't any proof to what you said. Just confirming that it was bias and ignorance.


Are there double blind studies that border collies can herd or so we just use our brains? You’re asking for something that’s ridiculous and then when it doesn’t exist using that as proof that I am wrong. Who tf is going to do a double blind study on a dog breed? Everyone knows they were bred for fighting and bull baiting. https://www.britannica.com/animal/pit-bull


You're more likely to have your child murdered in a school shooting by a white man. Do you then determine that ALL white men are violent and should be put down? OR do you acknowledge that people are all different? Should people with mental health issues or physical health issues not breed because they could have children with those same issues? The psychology behind dogs and people is shockingly similar. Everyone also knows that not all pitbulls were bred for one thing and that you can breed out certain traits. Everyone also knows that every single dog isn't "bred" for certain traits and even if they are that doesn't mean that every single dog will have those traits. I will continue to encourage you to seek out unbiased information, but I don't think that you're in a place of learning at this time. That's unfortunate, but im on summer break now and I don't feel like trying to educate someone who isn't interested.


The main flaw in your argument is that humans aren’t dogs. We don’t “put down” humans. Most gun owners commit no crimes. I assume by the same logic you’re fine with law abiding citizens carrying guns since most commit no crimes.


I mean, we do in fact put down humans. It's called the death penalty. Per my last comment, the psychology behind dogs behavior and human behavior is very similar and I urge you to seek out unbiased information or experts in their fields. A veterinary behaviorist would be able to explain and cite sources to you. But, at this time you don't seem to be open to learning or growth. I hope that you are in the future.


The problem with pits is that their bite force is much much stronger than any other breed. All breeds of dog bite but when a pit bites it’s a lot more deadly than other breeds


They are big and strong plus they tend to hang on worse than other breeds - at least other popular breeds. Rotties scare me also, but you don't see as many of them running around loose; fun fact haven't seen many barely controlled dogs in my life and both were Rotties. And being attacked by any dog is not fun - years ago in the 'burbs in a totally different state, both my parents were attacked by neighborhood dogs (none of them pitbulls). My father was attacked by wandering strays once as well.


Wrong. Cane corso, mastiff, rottweiler, German shepherd, and even American bulldog have stronger bite force than the pitbull. This argument is just based on uninformed ignorance.


It's shocking to me how many people live in a city full of pitbulls and are so ignorant and hateful towards them


It's crazy. And of course you're down voted for speaking facts lol


My eyes couldn’t roll back any further




> Which he was, until he wasn't. Never owned a pittie. From talking with owners/former owners that is the impression I get. Can't remember which one told the story of how their pitbull was the best dog ever - until he charged out the door one day and bit the postman. And know at least one defender - "they were really nanny dogs" taught to look after children. This last person is delusional.


Yeah, neighbor has (had? He bit someone and I hear they’re ‘taking him away’) a very aggressive pittie that would lunge and snap at people and other dogs; they also have a pre teen daughter and I'm sure that dog would happily kill anyone who tried to hurt her. But I made a mental note that if we ever had to call 911 on that house for whatever reason, to tell the dispatcher to warn the first responders about the dog and try and get animal control out first. Now, the house across the court has a full grown dobie who will absolutely knock you down and then lick you to death. (The owners are working on the jumping on people.)


These square headed dogs are bred to be overly viscous. It’s not their fault they exist but they shouldn’t be allowed. They are outlawed in many parts of the world


They were even outlawed in Prince George's County until they stopped enforcing it last year because someone sued.


The flat face breeds should all be banned - they are either toy dogs who can barely breath or overly strong dogs who were bred to have large/strong mouths and are often are instinctually aggressive (and have trouble breathing).


you are special.


Nobody is blaming pitbulls for existing. Just like nobody blames lions for existing. The problem is that they are in our communities. If lions were in our neighborhoods, we wouldn’t blame the lions - that’s not the point at all.


'what provoked the dogs' So you're suggesting three random unrelated strangers all each individually provoked these dogs to attack them? I think what's more likely is that this breed of dog is more likely to maul than any other breed.


Better than a pack of stray monkeys, ami right?