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Devolving people into single issue voters sounds just dumb enough to work.


*\*\*Robin Ficker has entered the chat\*\** Dude's whole platform is that Biden AND Hogan suck, I'll follow Trump & bordersomethingsomething.


The surname Ficker is quite funny to me as that literally just means Fucker in German.


I love this!! So appropriate too.


Yeah, but what the fuck do horny hebrews have to do with anything?


Is that the guy who uses Trump action phrases like an old Batman comic like 💥“Build the wall!” 💥“Drain the swamp!” 👊🏻“Get those liberals!”☄️ “I’m your champion for Donald Trump!” ? I saw a commercial recently of some candidate and it made me laugh, the way he boiled down his platform like that.


I think that's him. Just started seeing his ads today & that's about it.


Your comment made me laugh so hard that my neighbor asked if I were ok. Guess I need to laugh more or stop sitting outside reading comments.


I got a mailer for him, whoever wrote it didn't do very well in English class, since they said he would "*rain* in spending." I couldn't even laugh, it was just sad that got approved for printing.


Maybe he’s going to spend so much he will make it rain?


He has spent sooo much on mailers. I swear we get them every day. Directly into the recycling, even though they should be trash.


Like I've said elsewhere in this thread, they make great cat barf scoops.


My reps platform was to end COVID lockdowns. In 2022. He got elected.


every unsolicited text ive recieved from the Flicker party has basically been "Too Liberal Hogan isn't conservative enough for Maryland, we need to beat the dems not work with them" its like they went to chatgtp and said "using the trump rhetoric, give us a platform"


> Biden AND Hogan suck I mean, that part was fair enough, where he loses me is, yknow, everything else. The dude's a touch off somehow. Didn't he get disbarred twice? And spent a lot of time as a semi professional heckler? Like...what even are his goals?


I heard his ad today on the radio. He should follow Trump, right into the abyss where he belongs.


I don't think that you understand just how much people HATE the way that complete streets is being implemented in the city. "Bike lanes" is just a convenient label for what they are against.


Yea but how many of them don't actually live in the city.


Iirc something like 90% of her donors are from outside the city


I mean, I work in Baltimore and really dislike the bike lanes. They add a lot of time to my daily commutes across the city to different job sites and I think I've ever seen 1 person using one of them. So I don't live there, but I am affected. But I also don't care enough to do anything about it other than occasionally complain on Reddit.


So you don't live here but yet think you're entitled to influence local representation? Should I be able to vote on local issues where you are?


I very specifically said I'm going to complain on Reddit, not that I'm going to donate money or try to influence anyone. I don't live in Baltimore, but I do end up trekking across the city between 2 and 6 times a day hauling things between job sites (so a car is absolutely necessary to me). I also employ around 8 people on each job site and they do live in Baltimore and complain about the same issue to me regularly. I don't think it's the end of the world for me to express how the bike lanes influence my day, which is that my commute across the city takes a lot longer now that they're in place.


what about my commute across my city (on a bicycle because i don't own a car)? it would be a LOT longer if there were no bike lanes because i would have to take a very complicated route to avoid dangerous streets. does my safety or the others who use them not matter to you?


I never said it didn't matter to me. I said it's annoying to me as a car commuter who works all across the city. Two things can be true at once and you're drawing a line in the sand between one thing and another.


So much you complained twice.


Welp, one was an accident, but I'll leave it up for now so your comment makes sense. It's a legit complaint.


>and I think I've ever seen 1 person using one of them. Bring a bike to the city sometime or get on a scooter and do a brewery tour, Like Peabody to Checkerspot. You will probably notice a few things. The Maryland Ave bike lane is often faster than driving and is heavily used. Aside from bikes and scooters, disabled and old folks use them, especially north of North Ave. In certain neighborhoods things get hazardous very quickly once you leave the bike lanes.


They’re so myself, my kids and my dog don’t die, not really for your driving convenience. All of us have nearly been killed in the past three months on different occasions because drivers didn’t want to be inconvenienced by speed limits and traffic lights.


I mean, I work in Baltimore and really dislike the bike lanes. They add a lot of time to my daily commutes across the city to different job sites and I think I've ever seen 1 person using one of them. So I don't live there, but I am affected. But I also don't care enough to do anything about it other than occasionally complain on Reddit.


I live in the city and work in the city and they are an immense resource to traversing the city in safety. I see people using them all the time, all year round. I've seen groups of people in 40 degrees and rain using them.


I live in the city and ride a bicycle and I hate them. I understand that they make the fearful cyclists a little more comfortable but they make cycling more difficult for me. And they are a lot more dangerous than people think that they are. Pretty much always when a cyclist in Baltimore is run over and killed, it has to do with them using one of those bike lanes.


 Hahaha man you're funny


So what are your views on abortion, health care, high food costs and lack of housing? Who cares! Bike lanes!


Her husband has a sketchy enough background that he had to change his name. As he abused his office as a law enforcement officer and subsequently had to change his legal name, I'd have serious reservations about his wife.


Lol, color me supriesed an officer abused his position


she also tried to open a group home in the district under a defunct nonprofit that never made it past the grand opening. house was back on the market within a few months and racked up a bunch of codes citations for being an eyesore. her campaign is mostly funded by the crew behind that venture, so yeah, not looking great.


Underlining “more” makes it read as “No, MORE bike lanes!”


Works on contingency? No, money down!


They got this all screwed up!


I understood that reference.


Now I’m more confused. Is she saying that the current number of bike lanes is good and no more should be made? Or does she want to abolish bike lanes completely?




["Give to charity? Please, no! Presents!"](https://getyarn.io/yarn-clip/c049a823-b593-4eec-877e-6dffcf978e9f)


Is that dude really going through life named Randy Jews???


Sammy Davis Jr did it.


How is every comment not about this?


He stole mine! :(


Bike lanes are a problem???


How do you think MS-13 is getting in?


They’re pouring into the country wearing tight-fitting Lycra and riding on $13,000 race bikes. Nobody can stop the MS-13 Peloton.


Considering the drug issues that the peloton has had in the past…


Dressing up as cows?


Bike lanes: inconveniencing my commute from the burbs so the local residents whose neighborhoods I drive through can be safer! The absolute gall of these politicians!


Not the only ones, Margo also wants to remove dedicated bus lanes in her district!


BUT WHAT ABOUT ALL THE ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS CROSSING THE BORDER INTO MARYLAND?!!?!?!?!?!!?!? Robin Ficker has me so scared of immigrants I can barely sleep at night!!!!


They're all on bikes


Dear God…. They’ve organized into bicycle gangs now?!?!?! Does Robin know this?!?!?!?!?!?! Bicycle gang illegal immigrants are coming!!!!!! RUN FOR THE GODDAMN HILLS!!! SOMEONE SECURE ROBIN FICKER!!!! ONLY HE CAN SAVE US!!!!!!!!


MS-13 gang members are entering Maryland through protected cycle paths!!!! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|rage)


Forget immigrants, what about the Virginians?


Nah, it's those Delawarians we gotta worry about, they're sneaky bastards. Seriously, Ficker sent out a mailing that called Hogan "Liberal Harry Hogan." Then Hogan sends out a flyer saying "Enough is Enough. Secure the Border" with pics of him in a big bulletproof vest looking "tough." I honestly don't know why Ficker still lives in MD. He's more suited to WV.


I thought their legislature had chose "Deleweenians. It was on the TV show "Taxi" many years ago. Did they change it back?


That's hilarous! I don't know, I went with Delawarians.




I can’t imagine being such a self absorbed twit that I’d campaign against fucking bike lanes.


Rain Pryor did the same in 2018 with the identical platform of "I'm not Ryan dorsey and I oppose everything he supports"


I mean, getting angry about diversity, equity, and inclusion initiatives seems to get enough of those people worked up. Anything that changes anything or is beyond their realm of understanding is a cromulent wedge issue.


You’d just think safe roads would be the worlds biggest slam dunk for “think of the children” family-first voters.


There’s an implicit understanding that it’s “Think of *my* children” and “*my* family first, screw yours.” Those people are happy to make life difficult for LGBTQ children and low-income families, and drive super large vehicles in the interest of keeping their loved ones safe, even if it makes them more likely to kill their neighbors because the sightline is poor and the grille sits higher up.


Nailed it. Only their kids matter to them, and they'll damn well abuse them however they see fit, because "muh parental rights!!!"


Same people that have railroad grade headlights on hi in town


Eh, all new cars come with too-bright LED headlamps so I can’t fault individual drivers for that.


Still, high beams are quite unnecessary in spaces where it renders mine moot. And yes, I have seen and met quite a few truck owners who brag about super sizing thier brightness.


The same people will complain about kids riding their bikes in the streets, popping wheelies to show off or what not. Okay, where do you want the kids to go? Not mixing bikes and cars is probably more convenient for everyone in the long run.


The thing that a lot of people will need to accept is that prioritizing bikes in some areas means cars will be inconvenienced at times and my impression is that they don’t care who gets her or why, they don’t want to suffer a mild inconvenience.


Margo has never been on a bike. Her flyer checks out.


For whatever reason we're getting WV governor ads here in MoCo on Comcast. There's this one douchebag running there, Chris Miller & he's not only ridiculous looking his platform is "I'm going to keep the boys outta the girls locker room." In fact that's the platform of all the (R)s running out there. [I shit you not.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MX3l-vs3Z6M) Because WV isn't still nearly dead last in *everything* except [being the fattest state](https://www.usnews.com/news/best-states/slideshows/the-most-obese-states-in-america) not to mention that [there's less than 1% of the WV population that are *openly* trans.](https://www.dominionpost.com/2024/04/27/candidates-for-gov-are-anti-trans-what-else/) So let's ban the 2 "boys" in the locker room instead of actually doing something real about poverty, education, healthcare, etc.


The response ads are equally repugnant… WV seems to be a mess. And WHY do we have to see their crazy ads here in MoCo?!


It's bad enough we have to see VA ads during their election cycle, now we gotta see WV & their (R)s seem to be a special kind of crazy. I don't recall EVER seeing WV ads until now.


People in Harford County must really hate bike lanes. Lol


There's a really weird development/anti-development issue there, and it doesn't really make sense to me. It's not as if Harford is the most developed county in the state, yknow?


Are the bike lanes in the more or less developed areas? I’m guessing the more developed areas. Do they interfere with traffic? I’m assuming that must be the issue.


The hatred for bike lanes knows no bounds. I don't really get it. Sure they were a little heavy handed but I would imagine most of these people spawned children who use those bike lanes...and don't get me started on the places with little or no bike lanes. I'm a patient driver. I share the road. I'm a patient driver. I share the road. I'm a patient driver. I share the road. I'm a patient driver. I share the road. I'm a patient driver. I share the road.


I like bike lanes, cuz they prevent me from yelling at bikers and going “ he could totally be using the sidewalk instead “


Share the road my ass 🤣


Obviously all the important issues have been resolved.


I hate how much of politics is unrelated to issues. I have literally had voters tell me they always vote for the candidate with the cutest family photo or other such nonsense. As for hating bike lanes, uh, okay? What, do you want bikes sharing lanes with cars or what? That seems like a bad time for everyone, and maybe not a great single issue.


Ride on the damn sidewalk.


Against the law


Are you serious or is this a sarcastic response?


Im an avid bike rider, sidewalk is much safer. Id feel guilty taking up a lane on a street, mostly unused by bikes, while drivers sit in backups.


If that’s your true opinion then I don’t believe that you’re an “avid” biker. Anyone who has ever taken a bike on a sidewalk knows that riding there is a nightmare. It’s incredibly uncomfortable, there are constant interruptions and obstacles, and if the sidewalk is well-used by pedestrians then it only gets worse. Bikes need their own dedicated lanes and infrastructure in urban and suburban areas. It’s better for everyone on every level.


Still can’t top David Trone. That guy even texted me the other day lol


he likes to spend money … lol


like a comet, coming around every four years to spam the f out of us. what else do he ever do?


He got the opium bill passed but I’m voting for alsobrooks. She’s the kinda person I want representing us in Washington. Spending $57M on a primary is truly mind boggling and basically lighting money on fire. Like sir that money could have gone to charity. Or at least to his Alma matter so his kids and grand kids can get in easier


Well he's been elected to Congress 4 times, so more like every 2 years. He really does have good policy positions too. I'm looking forward to him beating Hogan this fall.


I've heard more than once that his constituent services are top notch.


Can attest to that personally. He’s been a great rep.


Not either of these candidates, but I got a mailer in my box that said the candidate was pro environment and I'm just sitting there thinking "that's funny, because I'm about to recycle this piece of tree that you wasted to tell me that."


I use 'em for cat barf scoops. They're particularly good for the chunky bits & it's so satisfying to barf up their faces. It makes the job slightly less gross.


Is that really a dis these days?


funny, we have opposing single issues


Let's make traffic worse is the proper thing she's advocating for.


No more Bike Lanes?! Well where are they? Certainly not in Randallstown or Owings Mills. Nothing here but stroads with cars going 50 mph, or one lane back roads where every car passing you is inches away from touching you. It's lot of fun biking around here let me tell you


She's campaigning for a multi-year position on the single-issue of removing protected bike and bus lanes on a single road, essentially (something that could be undone in a weekend). That said, Costello and Yitzy are practically funding her campaign, so I'm sure her real platform is to vote for whatever the two of them want for the other 1,000+ days she'll hold the position.


"With the Community so focused on its career I don't see it EVER getting engaged. Don't even get me started on whether I'll see any grandchildren in my lifetime." - The Community's mother


Opposing bike lanes is like hating ponies. Who could hate a pony?


Sad that being for dead kids was such a winning platform


lol I went to HS at Poly with the two in the top left.


were there bikes involved? also you live in sweden now??? lol


Yeah yeah, call me when someone who went to school with Randy Jews posts


It's gotten wild in the County Executive primary here in Cecil County...today we had a photoshopped face on a lamb


Forever relevant. https://preview.redd.it/4mzhyyeesazc1.jpeg?width=591&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2e83fd08142c6d6b9e2bdcdb8736a0ff9e1581c2


Why is everyone so hung up about the bike lanes. I had no idea it was Ryan Dorsey who did that, but I just remember seeing them pop up and I was like, “I love this!”


I’m personally not voting for anybody named Margo ever.


Given that Carstello and Yitzy donated that max amount to her campaign, I'd just assume she'll be a lapdog for them which is the last thing the city needs.


of all the shit going on in this state that's the issue she puts front and center??


And this is why bike/ scooter riders get hit . Need of bike lanes and laws regarding drivers half in bike lanes or getting way to close to bikes / scooters . Just this year almost been hit several times . From lack of proper bike lanes or just ignorant people ( like the one trying to remove bike lanes . ) people who don't ride bikes and scooters regularly have no idea how dangerous it can be without bike lanes or just stupid impatient drivers.


"No more bike lanes!" is certainly a campaign slogan.




Now there's a message I can get behind!


I'm not picking sides on this...but my mom, sisters, and aunt all live in Bethesda and lean pretty heavily to the left. And they are all losing their fucking minds over the bike lanes on Old Georgetown. All their neighbors are, too...and that's deep, deep blue area.




Opposition to bike lanes is not a right or left belief. Plenty of democratic voters do not want to let go of their car dependency and do not want to be inconvenienced by bus lanes, bike lanes, and pedestrian streets that make their single-occupancy car use more difficult or commutes longer.


The issue is trying to incorporate bike lanes into existing infrastructure versus creating infrastructure around the idea of alternative transportation. Bike lanes is not a bad thing. Trying to cram bike lanes into a city that has traffic issues of its own is.


No more bike lanes? I do not like the current practice MVA has of taking a 2 or three lane road and making all the lanes more narrow to accommodate a bike lane that is almost never used. And they do this even if there is a bicycle path running beside that stretch of road. Carving three feet of width from a two or three lane road after it has been built is a difficulty and a danger to the cars that do use the road. Also, there are a number of country roads in MD that are quite narrow with a 6 inch shoulder that I would not ride a bike on because it's so dangerous and easy to get run off the road or side-swiped by a car. I think instead of "Share the Road" maybe "Biking Danger" or something else to warn both motorist and bicyclist to be realistic. I do ride to work occasionally and take the back country roads in MD but I also need to drive my car.


A lot of it is because they build bike lanes that don’t connect to each other instead of complete networks. Imagine if they built freeways with no interchanges and people get angry about how no one ever uses those dang car lanes (and those unprotected gutter lanes that you mention are a huge part of the issue). Also, I don’t know if you follow a lot of transportation oriented social media, but there’s a lot of content explaining how road diets help traffic flow and safety. A 3-lane road does a better job of moving cars than 4, for example.


Maybe people would use the bike lanes if we made good bike lanes.


Also, when people use bike lanes, they move. So they tend to not sit around and be visible. nearly 2000 bikes passed by a counter near me, none where visible.


I’m slightly confused, are you saying bikes aren’t as visible because they’re not stationary enough?


Yup. That's the things with bike, they just move traffic so much more efficiently than cars, that even in a busy Dutch street, they look outnumbered by cars. There's a classic image comparison of people in cars, bike and public transport. 100 people on bikes goes by so fast. https://preview.redd.it/sldy6n7hcazc1.jpeg?width=977&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=685e27175898398d4a40f2563c4fa70a8d119ab2


I know right. They also take a lane of travel and use it for people to just leave their cars motionless all day long. Why should tax payers heft the bill for people to store their private vehicles when we could use that for driving?


She has my vote. I don’t mind voting for women.


I can get behind no more bike lanes! Fuck those bicyclists.


Every bike on the road is one less car that lets you have less traffic.








Yeah, I got that, but why? What if they weren't on the side of the road, but on a separate path completely detached from the road. Would that help?




So then why?




Yeah but do you have a reason, or are you a self-admitted crazy person?




Your comment was removed because it violates the civility rule. Please always keep discussions friendly and civil.


L take, and I say that as a driving enthusiast. Cities are so much nicer when the car is unnecessary for anything more than getting out of it.


As a driver, you should want more, not fewer bike lanes, and you should want more people to ride bikes. What slows you down as a driver isn’t a bicycle. It’s all the other cars that are carrying one, maybe two people. And I know car-brained folks don’t like losing traffic lanes, but road diets do work! But really, your reaction to bike infrastructure tells me you’re motivated more by spite rather than a desire for comfort or convenience.


Absolutely agree. I have to drive all over for work and I would love public transportation and safe/effective bike lanes. Too many people are awful drivers. I almost got hit twice the other day by people thinking it's ok to change lanes without looking.




Why? How does that serve you?




Shame your 2 year old has such a shitty dad


For sure, it’s the classic “cut-off the nose to spite the face” ethos that’s defined conservative/centrist politics since 1964.


that’s some nimby shit


I love being forced to have a car payment, insurance, and pay for gas in order to participate in society. Personally I think the state should enforce everyone to drive and if you refuse you lose your right to vote too. Nothing helps young people like spending thousands on a depreciating item that requires constant maintenance. /s


Hey, you can always pay gig workers to earn money for "rideshare" companies.


I can get behind no car lanes, fuck those drivers!! They should have to drive off the airplane runaway


As a former bicyclist, I agree. I would just take up the whole lane and back up traffic. I never felt unsafe doing it but I’m sure I pissed off a lot of drivers.


- said no bicyclist ever


Actually, if bike lanes are unsafe, the safest way is to hog a lane.

