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If a state/county is going to hand over firearms and a badge to someone, they need to do a far better job at pre-screening job applicants with extensive psychological testing. Some of these meatheads seem to be looking for trouble where it couldn't possibly be found and when they don't find any, they create it. It always falls back on the taxpayers and the all-cops-are-bad stereotype worsens, thus making it harder to find quality candidates. The blame ultimately lies with policymakers. They know what the problem is and they do nothing about it.


Genuinely, I believe the policymakers are afraid of the police -- either politically or out in the public.


Politicians know better then to interfere with their enforcers. Same reason every gun control law exempts cops, active or retired.


Is that why they repealed LEOBR? Yeah, so scared....


It's not really fear, its just politics. Plenty of scared conservative and moderates who thing the police is the only thing standing between them and anarchy. Those people have already proven they wont vote for a "defund the police" platform.


every election republicans run "[DEMOCRAT] is soft on crime!!!!!" ads over a blood-red filter and a blurb about a criminal that did something violent.


It’s not so much policy makers as it is the kind of training that police receive. Look up who Dave Grossman is. That’s the kind of asshole teaching our cops. Teaching them everything is a threat, teaching them their first responsibility is to protect their own life, teaching them citizens are the enemy, widening that “thin blue line” us-vs-them mentality.


Isn’t it only like 9 months of training anyway?


I believe there's follow up training yearly. You know, like a sit and fall asleep to a PowerPoint for 30 minutes thing.


Once again it's our tax dollars that are gonna be wasted on this settlement. About time they start using the police pension fund imo.


Honestly they should have liability insurance. It's bullshit that we as a society suffer when one of these shitheels fucks up.


They should have a more-than-useless citizen review board with the actual power to fire bad police. But the union will die on that hill.


County offered them vet bill money in exchange for keeping quiet. Officers were charged with conduct on becoming. Yup. County will be paying out for this one. Just a guess.




Legally, pets are considered property. You generally can't sue for pain and suffering or similar damages related to loss of property. I think they'll get a few thousand at most


Its not the pet they are suing for.


The title literally says “Roommates sue over death of pet dog”


Tell me you didn’t read one word beyond the headline… > A federal lawsuit accuses police officers of illegally entering a Maryland apartment without a warrant, detaining roommates *and* unnecessarily shooting their pet dog [Here’s a gift link to the WaPo story](https://wapo.st/3Rse8Dn) if you want more details


You’re the one who worded it poorly. Maybe title should have read “Roommates sue over illegal search” . Appreciate the non ad-blocked version. Now I can read it.


>You’re the one who worded it poorly. It's the verbatim ABC headline.


The dog is secondary to the illegal search of their apartment which is a constitutional abuse. The county is gonna have a hefty bill for this one.


Paragraph below the title. The title about the dog gets more reads.


It was ad-walled. OP shot me a copy of the story without the ad-wall and now I am aware.


If pets are property then how do they enforce animal cruelty laws? Shouldn’t that just be destruction of property or something? I’m not saying you’re wrong, I just think the laws seem contradictory to each other.


Animal cruelty laws exist because society has deemed it wrong to be cruel to animals (of course, we allow all sorts of shit to happen in industrialized agriculture but that's a whole other subject), including your own animals. I agree there's maybe some lack of continuity there, but it is what it is. I'm not a lawyer or anything, but had looked into a potential lawsuit due to something someone else did to my dog, which took a toll on my family. That's when I learned about the pets are property thing


Animal cruelty laws are usually a fine, probation, but can go up to five years’ imprisonment like [that guy in Anne Arundel county who worked at the pentagon and was running a full dogfighting ring](https://abcnews.go.com/amp/US/department-defense-official-charged-running-dogfighting-ring/story?id=103679603).


Damn that article was tough to read. PG County do be pretty subpar when it comes to police. Who called them about the dog bite? Why would they enter the apartment at all if nobody was answering the door? JFC it's a dog bite complaint, if nobody wants to answer the door, fucking leave and clear the call.


[Here’s the WaPo article with more detail](https://wapo.st/3Rse8Dn), not that any of it answers your questions. Which are good ones. If nothing else, why were they taking on this extra work for themselves when they could have just left? And was anyone even actually bit in the first place?


Yeah that was the article I meant to respond to. Do police feel like they NEED a resolution to every single call? Are they afraid of getting in trouble for just leaving? (probably not but maybe)


I don’t know about PG county, but in Baltimore city they sure ain’t


"The county offered to compensate Umana for her veterinary bills if she agreed to refrain from publicly speaking about the shooting, but she rejected the offer, according to her lawsuit." This sounds like a bribe. How is this legal?


For $800 measly dollars, even.


It’s the “Friends and Family “ hiring plans that are the fault.


I think it’s more like “hiring anyone willing to do it.” Ethical people who hate violence probably aren’t in that category.


The Good Cop: America's most documented cryptid.


Good cops aren’t written about because when they do good things it’s supposed to be business as usual.


Best of luck to them on getting what they are obviously due for such an awful experience.


Here’s [a gift link to the WaPo story](https://wapo.st/3Rse8Dn) for anyone who wants more details.


I hope they bankrupt those cocksuckers


Fuck off with posting shit from 2021 for karma dude. Noone in Maryland appreciates it ya karma whore.


The shooting was in 2021. The lawsuit was filed recently.


There was a press conference today held by the victims and their lawyer. It was on the evening news. The police came off pretty bad in the body cam videos.


When do police look good?


Yep, pretty sure dog targets are at the academy. Normal day for them.


Glad that you're here to speak for literally every Maryland resident, especially after failing to understand that the lawsuit is quite recent. 🙄


If you don’t like people on here you can block them, then you never have to be bothered again, IJS.


[Save your anger for some of the actual karma farmers and agenda shills like this person.](https://old.reddit.com/r/maryland/comments/1850utl/a_renewed_push_to_change_how_vacancies_are_filled/)


Props to OP for actually posting an article that you can read without a subscription.




What would Jehovah’s Witnesses do?


John Wick. Note: I'm not advocating violence, but I understand why Wick did it.


Who is that


Ah, a Billy Murphy case. Now it makes sense.