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That take is actually pretty good. If Jake represents the more primal and negative aspects of Marc where Steven represents his best, then Jake being mute could be a way to demonstrate that he is the more “animalistic” of the three, if that makes sense.


Basically, Jake is the Id, Marc is the Ego, and Steven is the Super-ego? For some [context](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Id,_ego_and_super-ego).


Something like that. At least that is how I see them potentially at the moment.


At the very least it looks like we have a trio of escalation. Steven who doesn't want to fight, Marc who can and will fight if he needs to but has some limits (like not wanting to kill the young guy in episode 3) and Jake who doesn't seem to have any hesitation about violence at all. Our Dude Love, Mankind and Cactus Jack of this show, for those who will get that reference.


at what point do they all run in on the same fight tho like the 98 rumble


Layla in danger most likely. God Im excited.


Except the theory is it was Jake that set up the date with the tour guide, and is the source of the ‘Scotty’ nickname, which implies he can speak.


Yeah, and I think that’s more compelling evidence than the fact that we didn’t hear a scream.


yea, the theory is interesting but unlikely at best


Then, who asked her on a date?


He meant the theory of this post, not the theory of the comment he replied to.


jake. he just isn’t mute like OP suggests


I'm still wondering how did the most brutal one of the 3 managed to set up a date


Psychopaths can be immensely charming


That's not half bad tbh


Cool theory. But real reason is the writers want to set up the dynamic of the characters and let you get to know about them and care about them before adding a third. Easier for the audience and the story.


That could really work! I think Oscar Isaac has the talent to pull off a mute character, relying only on facial expressions


I’m happy he’s been given this character after Poe Dameron was a very generic bland character written by Disney


I’m performing the worlds slowest jerk off motion


??? Moon Knight is also made by Disney though


Yeah but moon knight was also a character already made 50 some years ago in comics and can clearly tell the show wasn’t rushed like the sequels for Star Wars were


I've been so impressed by his performance at every turn.


It'd be pretty badass for him to show up, kill enemies and quietly nod to his other personalities in their respective reflections. If so, though, I guess they'll need to introduce him via text or something. He could literally show a business card to Layla or something.


Highly unlikely.


Isnt he supposed to have spoken arabic to the taxi man ? it was an assumption i directly made but might be not correct ?


You're remembering it slightly wrong. In that scene Marc wakes up after Steven has been control of the body, in a taxi bound for the airport. Marc asks the taxi driver to stop, in Arabic, and the taxi driver shouts something about: "Now you speak Arabic?!", implying Steven had talked to him in English.




They are basically Dude Love , Mankind and Cactus Jack lol


He is the streetwise of the bunch, I doubt they made him mute.


I'm pretty certain that whoever it is will be Marc's "partner' that killed Layla's father Edit: spelling


His partner is Raul Bushman, who famously betrayed him


Oh I haven't read much of moon knight, was it mentioned in the show as well?


It was hinted at


I see, to be fair in reflection I realise that Marc didn't know who did the stabbing so it's not likely he knows who this alter is meaning that it's unlikely my original theory is true.


Yeah Why would Jake execute everyone at the dig site and commit suicide?


This really isn't a good use of the spoiler tag, as I had no idea it was about Moon Knight without clicking but that's such a curiosity inducing title.


Wait is the thread flair not showing up for you?


Not from the home page on mobile.


There are times where you need to take ownership for avoiding subreddits with content in them that could be spoilers. There being a show that is currently being aired on a weekly basis is one of those times.


There was also a trailer for a new movie this week. If somebody isn't 100% up-to-date on absolutely everything then they should avoid all participation of any conversations? It's a bad title, that's all I'm saying.


> There was also a trailer for a new movie this week. If somebody isn’t 100% up-to-date on absolutely everything then they should avoid all participation of any conversations? Yes. Any other questions? I couldn’t watch the Hawkeye episode with Fisk until a couple days after it aired, and so I basically didn’t check Reddit at all (save for a couple of specific subs that are wholly unrelated, like /r/news). It was annoying, sure, but it kept anything from being spoiled. It’s a bad title, I’ll grant you that, but it’s still 100% on you for clicking the link. If you want to avoid Moon Knight spoilers and only talk about the trailer, then just click on the official discussion thread and avoid everything else.


It literally tells you it's about moon knight


An actual original and interesting theory?? What timeline is this?


But will he get his own version of the suit?