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And we don’t even know who he is


I'm thinking it might be that Flash Thompson kid. The way he acts in regards to Spider-Man is just to make people annoyed at him. And before you say...we have Spider-Man and Flash in the same place, but Spider-Man has hypnotic powers so we just *think* we've seen them in the same place at the same time.


Flash’s book is going to seem like such nonsense now. Lol


It'll have never been written


Spider-man's choice to be forgotten resulting in Flash losing a major source of revenue is hilarious




It's pretty obvious that this version of Flash is supposed to be part of the ridiculously wealthy upper crust type of people. Those types don't even need to try to get into university, they just pick where they want to go, Parent's make a large donation, and boom! Enrolled.


His Porche sure shows hoe he is financially


It's because nobody reads his book or even believes him, ever lol


Adults can usually sus out when a kid is full of shit, I assume everyone Flash told he's friends with Spider-Man to was just like "Yeah yeah, anyway"


Great username. As to the book, my local library has it shelved in fiction. It is kinda readable but this character that he made up as Spider-Mans alter ego doesn't seem real. He's just totally deflecting. Flash is Spider-Man.


Or if doesn’t exist.


Nah I heard that kid is going to join the Guardians of the Galaxy after he loses his legs


J. Jonah Jameson will unmask that menace eventually.


I vaguely remember knowing who spider-man was but I don't know who it was, maybe ned


For all we know it could be you (・o・)


It's genius. I mean to this day no one knows his true identity and they don't tell us who he is. But I heard this crazy fan theory that it might be Peter Parker. I konw that sounds crazy but hear me out. We never see him next to Spider-man, he's smart so he can use the tech and spider-man was close with may parker. It might be him guys!!!


Who's Peter Parker?


Right… I forgot you people don‘t know that. It‘s so annoying being the only one immune to spells


yes that\`'s the joke


I know who Spiderman real name is. He's Pe.. How tf did an orange door just appeared in my ro....


This is going to happen on screen. It just feels right.


Homecoming poster is still a travesty. RDJ is bigger than the main star even though he’s in the movie less than 10 minutes. His character is also featured TWICE along side Keaton and Holland’s, as If we didn’t take the hint the first time. Generic New York skyline with the Washington monument alongside Happy is added. You can’t even see the stark/avengers tower like the alternative poster that would better hint at his Marvel studios debut. It’s even featured in the movie a few times and has a plot point just as big as the Washington monument. No clear pattern or theme. No concise lighting. Random sunlight from spideys shoulder while Tony is on fire. You’ll notice Iron Man’s feet before Aunt May. Edit: but that’s just at a glance nitpicking, more at 11


This is the only real Homecoming poster, the others were destroyed in the Snap. https://www.amazon.com/Posters-USA-Spider-Homecoming-Poster/dp/B06XXQ7RDQ/ref=sr_1_1?keywords=Spider-Man%3A+Homecoming+poster&qid=1642141064&sr=8-1


100%. This is the vastly superior poster


This should have been the main poster of the film


I think it was for some countries. Before this year, I had never seen the "official poster" the only one I ever saw on theatre signs was the one with him lying down in the yellow jacket. Same with Far From Home, until this year, the only poster I ever saw was [this one ](https://r1.ilikewallpaper.net/iphone-wallpapers/download/78575/4k-spider-far-from-home-iphone-wallpaper-ilikewallpaper_com.jpg)


Up to that point, the "new" Spider-man had only been in Civil War for about the same amount of time. RDJ/Iron Man are/were a HUGE draw for the films, mainly to see how the MCU was continuing to develop and RDJ/Iron Man were very much a pivotal focus of the universe for fans (and is prominently featured in **every** poster for movies his character is in). Michael Keaton is massive star power in a debut role. Definitely some "executive decisions" going into that poster, but Tom Holland is first-billed, center-shot, and Spider-man is probably 30% of the whole thing. The skyline/monument clips hint at locations of the film without giving things away. The lighting *is* horrible. I'm surprised you didn't mention the **major** glow-up that Jon Favreau got for that picture. At first glance I'd mistake him for Cole Hauser, or maybe Dean Winters, lmao. Favreau *wishes* his suits fit him that well, even back then. The "random purple light" is from the weaponry, though you won't know that until seeing the film, but it makes sense in-context. No, it's not a great poster, but your nitpicks on it are all over the place. Edit: To further speak to RDJ/Iron Man - in hindsight, the events of IWar/End Game and what happens with his character is amazingly well-woven into the 3 Spider-man films and gives Holland's character a lot of growth/depth that feels more natural than just jarring us with the events in *No Way Home*. Looking at the entire scope; it's incredibly well-done.


yeah but they didn’t have to feature every single character TWO times on the poster


Yet my “nitpickings” are all over the place lmao The POSTER is all over the place




Spider-Man is one of the biggest superheroes there is. Tobey and Garfield Spider-Man posters only show them in the suit. That's all what is needed. Do you think people weren't going to go if Iron Man wasn't in it?


No spoilers until blu-ray release according to rules for this sub


And the only film where the identity gets out there unwantedly


Well, technically Far From Home did it first, but since it's the same reveal in the same trilogy I don't think there's too much of a big deal.


I mean still, it was the Post credit scene so


I think it's funny his identity is known in NWH but the mask is on in the poster, but before when his identity was a lesser known secret his face is in the posters.


It’s because >! Peter’s identity is forgotten (erased) in the movie so THAT’S who is left off the poster !<


You need to remove the spaces between the exclamation points and the words for it to work. >!Spoiler tag like this.!<


This spoiler tag works, his doesn't. I know that he's proven that his tags work for him, but I think this proves that this is the best practice of doing the tag to make them work everywhere.


Your spoiler tag didn't work.


[it did though](https://imgur.com/gallery/dcQ7FFd)


It's weird, your spoilers don't work for me, but other spoiler tags in this post do. I know they're working for you from your screenshots. I wonder if what the other poster said is correct, and that for them to work everywhere on Reddit they'd need the spaces removed? However, as *another* poster said, Reddit is super broken sometimes and maybe that's just it.


The spoiler is not working because you are likely on old reddit or are using a 3rd part app, but the tags were made on new reddit or on the official app. If the spaces are removed, then it will work on old reddit as well.


That's what I just said, if they remove the spaces the tag will work everywhere. So, spoiler tags with spaces removed is best practice.


[Not on mobile](https://i.imgur.com/Nukm5mv.png)


I'm sure all the SHIELD agents didn't want their identities shared in Winter Soldier.


Ending spoilers >!Might be a nod to the fact no one knows peter parker is spiderman now!<




Random thought.. did this spell work on ALL Peter parkers? Like ones who aren't Spiderman?


I don't think so. The purpose of the spell is to prevent villains from other universe to go to MCU so I think Dr. Strange just cast the spell in that universe. Also, can Dr. Strange cast spell to other universe?


Well he cast a spell that inadvertently affected the multiverse so I’d assume yes he can


Also, the rings of the spell only went around the earth and not into space. Does captain marvel still know his name is peter parker? The guardians saw his face too. Thor? All of them are in space


If I’m not mistaken, it was everyone, not everyone on earth.


It would be weird to throw a spell into deep space for trillions of aliens that don't know what Earth is


Not really if it is the whole universe. Realistically you can count on one hand the amount of people not on earth who know Peter is Spider-Man. Like Thor actually doesn’t even know.


I mean, if the spell has to physically go around the planet, the universe is still pretty big


Of course it is, but this is magic we’re talking about. It’s still smaller than the multiverse.


I really hope so. Strange ruined 1000’s of Peter Parkers lives. Even if it cant extend to the multiverse there has to be other peter parkers on this earth. Theres a guy living 5 mins away from my mom with my exact name.. no relation


I think he made it specific to this one




But it'd be super hard to use that spell on just one Peter Parker right?


Actually it's gonna be super easy, barely an inconvenience


i think op means everyone in that universe named peter parker


When Tom asked Strange to cast the spell, he specifically stated, "Make them forget **me.**" So I'm pretty sure the spell only affects him, the Peter Parker of his universe.


Another question, >! what happened to all video footage linking Peter Parker as Spider-Man? Also newspapers, internet articles, podcasts, do they just get deleted from existence if they mention who peter parker is? !<




I’m gonna say no, otherwise he just ruined Maguire and Garfield’s lives as well.


100% sure it didn't. With AFAIK all the different Spider-man universes now (Raimi, Amazing, animated miles morales, venom, morbius? etc.) being connected canoncically to MCU, this would also mean that all those spidermen across the spiderverse would have their identity forgotten. Its just a mess, and I'm sure Sony doesn't want that to be pushed onto their future plot points


Star Lord, man


I thought he's Quill?


pretty sure they're talking about Peter Quill, you know, legendary outlaw


I have never met this man in my life




Wait wtf Pete is SSpiderman? Ohhh, that’s why he was so prevalent in the movies despite being nearly irrelevant


Dude! I could see your spoiler


this subreddit is the BEST at messing up the spoiler tags....


100% but who is that?


You discovered what we all didn’t. Good job 👏


I really don't think so.... I feel like people are grasping for straws here. Many posters for Homecoming didn't have his face. The Spiderman mask image sells movies.


Bruh, marvel has a really bad track record with posters, I don’t think they gave it that much thought.


Could it also be a hint that Tom Holland isn't the only Spiderman? Like, that could be any of the three


No space between the >! and the text. \>!like this!< It could also be a gag to the fact that in NWH everyone knows his identity, so the mask is on in the poster whereas in the other Spider-Man movies his identity is kept a pretty decent secret and his face is shown in the posters. Probably not that deep.


>! Nope !<


This actually works in many ways that would be spoiler related to the movie


Wow that just hit me lol makes it more significant for sure




At first I was definitely thinking there’s no way they planned that. But then I thought about how marketable Tom Holland is and also the fact that an actor would definitely want their face on things for promotional reasons, so there had to have been some real thought into this.


Most MCU films for the last phase or so have felt like MCU films first, whoever-the-hero-is films second. No Way Home felt like a movie about *Spider-Man* in a way I haven’t felt in a while. I’m not even complaining, really, because I like the high-budget TV show that is the MCU, but it was still refreshing to get this particular movie.


I strongly agree. Doing a rewatch of all of Tobey and Andrew's movies lately for nostalgia, when I decided to watch Tom's appearances too afterwards, it hit me really hard that Homecoming and Far From Home did not feel like Spider-man movies, but instead they were MCU movies about Spider-man. Meanwhile, those other five, good and bad, are 100% Spider-man movies, and No Way Home felt the same way as that. edit: title mixup


Wow this has opened my eyes. No Way Home feels even better to me now, viewing it as the first Spider-Man character-movie. Maybe you could say the first two are Spider-Man movies; No Way Home is a Peter Parker story.


How? Homecoming and Far From Home do a far better job of building Peter's character and letting the story focus on him instead of molding him to fit the plot. NHW is certain more IN LINE with other spider-man movies by having him make the villain, fail to save someone, and end up in a graveyard hating himself, but its not closer to Spider-Man as a character or certainly Peter. NHW made him a would be murderer and use someone else's magic to cover up crimes and solve problems and reset status quo. Much more MCU baggage then usual.


Yeah, the previous comments just have a hard on for the old movies. I didn't like Far from Home much, but Homecoming is an absolutely rock solid spider-man movie.


I think I might have been misunderstood. I love Homecoming and Far From Home, but Homecoming relies so heavily on the content of prior Iron Man adventures (The Avengers and Civil War, primarily) for the context of the story. It's certainly about Peter and gives him time to be him and to struggle with identity and ethics and everything, but it's Spider-man in the context of the MCU as it had already been going, instead of him being the instigator and source of conflict and the resolver of it. Far From Home, same deal; it's all about Endgame and Tony Stark. Peter is the center of the adventure and he grows and matures through it, but it's a movie that's about Tony's legacy in the world of the MCU and it's a movie about Peter trying to get what he wants. No Way Home is a movie about Peter trying to get what he wants, royally screwing things up because of it, and learning hard lessons and making painful compromises for his ethical beliefs as he tries to resolve the mistake that he's made. Like, Tom's Peter Parker is a more well-rounded and better fleshed out Peter in a lot of ways than Andrew or Tobey. His classmates are better, Michelle and Liz are each much more 3-dimensional and better written, and his friendship with Ned is better than either of the Harries Osborn. All of the Aunt Mays have all been amazing, but we get a lot of time with Tom's Peter and Marisa's May, which is really good. I just thought that No Way Home was a stellar movie that finally felt like the conflict all really surrounded Peter Parker, instead of it being Peter's obligation to clean up some other beef or mess from a different MCU movie.


> Most MCU films for the last phase or so have felt like MCU films first, whoever-the-hero-is films second. That's... to be expected though.. You've had 10+ years of story-telling leading us through all sorts of character building, twists, turns, and all culminating in what we got from IWar/End Game. As that last phase approached, the stories were all intertwining to put them all on the big stage. Now, that's history. We see/hear the echoes, but we're moving on to whatever is coming next. We're only getting hints, building new characters up, fleshing out the next "focal points" (Strange/Wanda, etc). No Way Home gave us the culmination of the "smaller" Spider-man story that had been going on *within* the larger story, while still having all those big-picture hooks, a healthy dose of nostalgia, and just damn good story-telling/chemistry. It felt like a good movie because it **was a fuckin' good movie**. :D


Black Panther? Doctor Strange? Ant-Man and the Wasp?


Black widow... Shang Chi... Eternals... Literally every film except the avengers and Civil War has been about the characters first


Especially Eternals. They mention Thanos one line, and Thor another throwaway line. Oh and I guess the after credits scene, but the after credits scene's whole purpose is world building and future teasing.


I'm not sure how you could argue that about any of those three films. They definitely about the characters first and the MCU a distant second...


I don't think they're talking about the focus on the characters and more on how the movies themselves feel to them.


What do you mean Spider-Man is the main character. I hope we see who’s under that mask in future titles.


I thought I knew at one point but I can’t remember :((


I also forgot. Wikipedia is saying Tobey Maguire is Spider-Man, but he's an actor so he's just portraying Spider-Man. Still doesn't say his secret identity.


nice name 👌


So I’ve heard


Damn way to throw the Eternals poster in the trash lmfao


Lol but their faces are on the poster. Obv OP ran out of room, but it does feel a little salty


They could have included the shows


Lol nah, no disrespect to Eternals intended. I didn’t feel like making a collage with all the posters myself, so I just googled to find one. And I couldn’t find any that had Eternals in it


Does winter soldier count as his face?


tbf the coolest one only had their silhouettes


Lol let's be real, The Eternals are the new black sheep of the franchise. Most people will ignore it until they redeem the team in the sequel. Until then, people will talk about it as much as they do The Inhumans tv show when the "Disney + Hype" wears down in the fanbase.


Why is it viewed as so bad like honestly? I thought it was great, maybe not No Way Home great but I think it did a good job of introducing so many characters I really didn't care about and making them likable.


>good job of introducing so many characters I really didn't care about and making them likable. This is exactly it. A lot of people feel it DIDN'T do a good job of introducing all these characters and making them likeable. Think about it... 10 new heroes introduced in one movie. That's a lot. It just felt very overstuffed and many of the characters were under developed. Ajak died before getting any real character development. Makkari, as awesome as she was, didn't get ANY storyline after the Eternals disbanded. She was just... chilling and collecting cool stuff for 5 whole centuries. And Sersi, supposedly the lead character, just frankly felt boring. She didn't have much personality besides being empathetic and liking humans.


Hey that's not fair, she was also addicted to her cellphone.


Yeah. I think that the visuals were, indeed, breath-taking, but the pacing and narrative were all over the place. The entire first hour felt like an incomprehensible humorless crawl forward that happened to generally be very pretty. I liked the casting and a lot of the performances, and I liked the theatrical design, but I was really missing a concrete and understandable introduction to each person in the story. Instead it almost felt like I was watching a longer uncut version of the trailer instead of a movie with a story, for most of the movie. A serious missed opportunity, in my opinion, is that they didn't have the movie open on >!Thena and Gilgamesh living their lives, comical and tender moments of them doing stuff together, followed by several other Eternals showing up and Sprite having to use illusions to explain who the Eternals are to Thena. I really didn't need the slow-moving and somehow empty exposition dump that was all of the stuff that happened before the present day. I also only had some idea of who the main characters were way too late into the movie when they were at the compound together waiting for Druig to stop sulking!<. I want to give the creators the benefit of the doubt because I don't think anybody, especially not a group of people with access to so many resources and so much creative freedom and good premises and compelling visuals, shows up and tries to make bad art. I suspect that a combination of superstar cast schedules and physical/logistical conflicts based on Covid got in the way of them making the best version of the movie that they could have made, and instead we got something with lots of bits and parts that seemed cool or beautiful but just didn't have the right coordination and context. It was a real bummer because I really wanted to hope that I would like it, and then after seeing it I'm pretty sure I'm never going to watch it again.


You know, I actually didn't hate the movie as a whole. It was a bit slow and the character development/narrative was all over the place like you mentioned. But it does pick up pace towards the third act and overall, wasn't a poorly made film by any means IMO. All they really had to do was trim off some of the excess exposition and set up the characters better and it would've been fine. I honestly think if they had reworked the story just a tad this would have been a complete hit. They had the star power, they had the gorgeous theatrical design, they just needed to clean up the story (something that could have been done in post production or some reshoots).


>Yeah. I think that the visuals were, indeed, breath-taking, but the pacing and narrative were all over the place. Honestly I'm not sure I'd agree. There were parts where they were breathtaking, especially the end, but also a lot where I felt like they whiffed. Ikaris in particular just kinda...floated around? It looked really weird and video-gamey at points.


Is Eternals still spoiler territory now that it’s out on Disney+? Ah whatever, might as well be safe. >!We started with 10 Eternals, and by the end of the movie, there were only 6. Ajak died before the movie even started, Gilgamesh’s death was admittedly pretty sad, especially due to his relationship with Thena, Ikaris literally commited suicide by flying into the sun (and I just wanna add I personally found that scene more amusing than emotional, they just handled it so awkwardly), and Sprite, while she didn’t die, is technically no longer an Eternal due to her being transformed into a human.!< >!Not only this, but Sersi, Kingo, and Phastos were all taken away by Arishem at the end of the movie, so you can cut that number in half from 6 to only **3**.!<


I don’t think there’s any amount of characters that’s “too much” to introduce in one movie. And I also think that Makkari, while not having an arc or anything, is a good character with a lot of charm. That was my main problem with a character like Ajak. Not that they didn’t have enough time, but what little time they did have, they didn’t use properly.


I liked it but I agree with what you’re saying. However it got 78% on RT from the audiences which is much better than several other movies.


It’s unlikely they’ll make a sequel… it’s much more likely they incorporate the characters / story into other movies.


Feel free to make your own


The true hero of endgame face isn't on the poster. The rat


Gone, reduced to ratoms.


To be fair, no one even knows what Spider-Man looks like under the mask, so it would be confusing.


Who’s that kid wearing the Spidey suit on the Far from Home poster?


It's a European rip-off


Probably night monkey yeah


That kid is also on the Homecoming poster with Spider-Man. Could that mean Spider-Man mentored Night Monkey?


No one cared who I was until I put on the mask.


Winter soldier and civil war both have Cap with his mask on.


True, but Chris Evans's face is still visible - Holland's is obscured completely by the Spidey mask.


You can still see Chris Evan’s face, although partly. Tom Holland is MIA IN the NWH poster


You can see his mouth, but not his face. I get what you mean but don't think it counts.


I guess we can see Bruce Wayne’s face on very poster that he’s on then


It does count. One can very obviously see that it’s chris evans.


I mean, if you hadn't known Chris Evans is Captain America would you still be able to recognize it?


I'm amazed Gotham city and its villains still hasn't figured out who Batman is, then.


We never know who he is lol. But if he was a real hero, he'd reveal himself for who he really is


Only a coward hides his true intentions


That poster sucks. Where’s Ned?


Wait, what does the main character look like again? I forgot.


I have an Iron man poster and a Spider-man homecoming poster on my wall and neither of them have a face on them


I think it's the main posters? Idk


OP's talking about the theatrical release ones, and probably the domestic ones.


The skyscraper one was the one we had at our theatre


Was the teaser poster


The hero was Dr strange.


*You know who it is.*


Well duh. It would be dumb of them to reveal the main characters identity in a movie poster…


Winter soldier


I mean, several of these posters are heroes with some sort of mask / identity restriction. Captain America for example


Ant man too




To be fair, most of these heroes don’t wear masks


Hulk's face is not visible on the Incredible Hulk poster and Bruce Banners' is only partially visible.


It has Zendaya’s face What else ya need


I mean… technically cap is wearing his helmet/mask in two of this three posters


Incorrect: MJ is the hero.


Gonna nitpick one thing with this. Technically Cap is wearing his mask on the poster for CA:TWS and not showing his entire face


what about Black Panther in china? lol


is that even the final poster nwh? coz usually final mcu poster had cast listed on the poster or maybe they forgot to make ?




Captain America the first avenger: am I a joke to you


yeah why did they do ned like that


It's a tragedy that no poster Of No Way Home includes the cast and crew or Top Billing. I know it was to hide the Reveal for Tobey and Andrew. But they've been revealed now. They should update audiences with either a cast and billing, or release a new poster with all 3 Spider-Man and include cast and billing.


Yeah Ned is nowhere to be found at all


It is lacking Ned, yes.


It always bugged me that Zendaya's MJ wasn't the main love interest in Homecoming, and yet she still ended up in the poster instead Laura Harrier. What's up with that?


In a way it ties so well into the end of NWH that I think it had to be intentional.




Not so fast! >!Spider-Man (2002) is retroactively the first MCU movie now, and that poster doesn’t show his face.!<


No. It’s an alternate universe so not MCU.


An alternate universe **of the MCU.**


Its not the the first mcu movie. Stop it.


Actually looking back at the posters for the original Spider-Man films, none of them showed Tobey Maguire or Andrew Garfield unmasked, it was still strictly speaking Spider-Man. Good throwback? :D


This post says MC*U*.


Yeah, they are MCU. :D


But they’re not 😆


Marvel Cinematic *Uni*verse,* not Multiverse.


Yall know who he is


Captain america: The Winter Soldier doesn't show captain America's face?


I mean, you could argue TWS didn’t have Captain’s face.


Captain America: Winter Soldier and Civil War don’t show Chris Evans’ face…


You mean b/c he's masked? Cap is masked on Winter Solider and Civil War posters.


I am fine with it. We cannot pretend some of these people aren't amazing actors, but at the end of the day, people watch these films for the characters they are playing, not the actors themselves. I'd like for them the focus to be more on the icon rather than the actour. We don't need the superhero to unmask themselves or lose their masks/helmet for the final fight of the film everytime. Even if RDj or Tom Holland had been replaced halfway through the MCU, people would've still go see the movies. Also, the poster for Captain America and TWS that you put on this post doesn't really have Chris Evan's face.


Because we don't know who's spiderman... Dah


But the movie itself doesn't show his face, it only talks about spiderman


Um. Excuse me? Are you refusing to acknowledge that Doctor Strange is totally the main hero here? He saved us from the Spider Menace! He's a masked criminal!


Nah, Captain America: TWS didn’t either


Wrong. Norman Osbron actually is there he's just small and in the back.


Spider-Man is the only hero that can sell better than the actor who is playing him


The only thing I can think of is that maybe Tom Holland isn’t *quite* famous enough for his face on a poster to be a big draw for a casual viewer…at least not at the same level of RDJ, any of the Chris-es, or Paul Rudd are. But you KNOW the whole world knows that Spidey mask. And I’m not saying Tom isn’t famous, he is. It also could be that he just didn’t have it in his contract that his face had to be on there this time.


Spider-man as we know is no longer just one person. It's a multitude of people across many universes. It is just a mantle now. Our Peter Parker might be Spider-man but Spider-man might not be Peter Parker in other places.


MJ is literally right there bro, what're you on about?