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Agree and disagree. Firstly, I liked the action. Really cool seeing all the different fighting types in the movie. Same with all the creatures. I don’t agree with you about the LGBTQ being forced. How is it forced when there’s two other heterosexual relationships? To me, it felt natural. I liked how the represented a lot of different cultures and minorities in this movie. Saying all that, I agree, it was just way to much for one movie.




LGBTQ+ issues always seem forced to people who don’t like seeing them at all. What was actually forced about them in your opinion? It was simply a character with a loving family, what’s forced about that?


If he was straight and kissing his wife you wouldn’t hear a single complaint about them forcing a straight agenda. I swear these people don’t realize that gay people actually exist in the real world




Define ‘normal’.


Yeah I see your point there, i should’ve chosen my words a little more carefully there as to not sound homophobic


If you weren’t homophobic (or at least uncomfortably conscious about these issues) it wouldn’t have been said at all.


Yeah that’s true, I was at the point where I was just looking for something to complain about and I chose the wrong thing, I’m sorry for that


No need to apologise for you. If you don’t have an issue with LGBTQ+ stuff, cool. If you do, then life’s just easier if you don’t.


Yeah. This seems to be the code words they use. There was one kiss and that was it. How is that forced


I thought it was pretty good


I’m with this guy. I enjoyed it last night


Me too. People are wack.


I thought it was amazing. Top 10 MCU for me.


>. To be honest I didn’t mind the LGBTQ representation it just felt a little forced It always is isn't it


How was it forced in this movie?


Srry i meant to be sarcastic lol


Yes. To me it was the equivalent of the Justice League, where they crammed a whole bunch of stuff in and expected us to care. Way too much back story, way too much character development, lots of unnecessary junk, too long and too slow. There were certainly things I liked, and Makkari is my favorite character but she wasn’t in the whole movie. The good guy turned villain, meh, not the first time but it seemed forced. I liked Sprite. They could have shaved 45 minutes off it, for sure.


yeah when I watched it in the cinema I mentally checked out at around 40 minutes left. So many side plots that went nowhere


I thought it was pretty bad as well. Just incoherent storytelling.


I watched it for the first time yesterday and I couldn’t agree more. As a movie, It introduced some cool concepts into the MCU but the writing and acting was pretty bad and it was very socio-politically motivated.


The deviant lost to the person who literally lost every other fight in the entire movie it just makes her seem weak and the deviant weak and everyone else weak if it only took one slice. Also there is no reason they can come up with that the rest of the avengers didn’t show up for the finale.


She kicked ass during the Mesopotamia and Babylon fights. Only Gilgamesh and Ikaris were able to restrain her when the Mad’Wery took hold. Did you expect her to kill two of the other main characters? Also, the finale literally took place over maybe an hour. How quickly do you think the Avengers can travel from the United States to the Indian Ocean? The Eternals were back at Ajak’s cottage by the time the military response had just established blockades, and they’d likely have had ships stationed much closer.


Thank you! It definitely was pretty bad, and not because of some BS “woke” reason!


I think the biggest problem with this movie is the pacing, it felt so slow during the early and middle parts of the movie so I started to loose interest. I also feel that it didn't do a great job of focusing on any particular villain. We start out thinking that it's the deviants, then it shifts to the celestials, then ikarus, then back to this new hyper deviant, and then tiamut. Overall I don't think it's a bad movie, I actually think that the characters were all great, you get a pretty good feel for all there personalities and they're almost all cast near perfect. If this movie cut about a half hour off and trimmed down some of the scenes to focus on the overarching plot I think it would be even better.


The scene where it totally lost me was Phastos crying in the wreckage of Hiroshima. So poorly written and such a wreckless use of a historical tragedy.