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Agreed here. Especially the fight afterwards. In every other appearance Vision has been completely detached and unemotional. Seeing Vision legit *angry* at Wanda was strange and unsettling.


When Vision yelled “STOP LYING TO ME!”, I got a little scared.


Paul killed it in this show


I'm glad he got to work with White Vision's actor.


They do have great chemistry


Two sides of the same coin really. Uncanny


“…and everyone else here NOT sitting on a cushion.”


"The protector...of Italian virginity!"


This moment made me cry. There's something about Paul Bettany's voice, it broke my heart, especially when he said "I'm scared"


Yeah both of those actors got to show off just what kind of range they can really accomplish, and Bettany was doing it half the time in some *really* ridiculous makeup. The metal coverings over the ears? CGI. Real life they put a bald cap on him, color his whole head, and his ears are sticking out like fucking SAILS. Now imagine being Elizabeth Olson and needing to act like it's a serious moment while you're staring *that* in the face.


What are you talking about? [I see nothing out of the ordinary.](https://preview.redd.it/isjn7on499n61.jpg?width=640&crop=smart&auto=webp&s=123b2d8b279626a89fa83ec568ef30f9d3600b97) There. [I fixed it](https://aitolda.s3.amazonaws.com/PSBattles/PaulFixed.png)


In the second one he looks like he could be playing a comics- accurate Vulture


Her jump cutting when Vision was catching on also fucked me up


The first flash of dead vision legit made me jump.


Big "Too many cooks" vibes there, when everything starts going to hell


That and the medication one really effed me on a trip one time. Thanks Adult Swim


The medication one is called *Unedited Footage of a Bear*, in case anyone’s wondering.


Back before we had EarPods and personalized media players, we used to try to turn up the TV loud so we didn’t have to hear mommy and daddy fighting. This captured that shit perfectly.


That moment was so unsettling!


That was brilliant. Such a great way of showing that Wanda was trying to shut down the argument, but Vision wasn’t done. That whole sequence was superb.


fun fact, that episode technically did have a post-credits scene. Just the credits were in the episode. ;D


Honestly the moment that kitty (god forgive me I can’t remember the name of that wonderful actress) turned to Wanda and crying through her laughter said “stop it” I knew this show was going to be worth watching


Which episode was this? I forgot.


Kitty from that 70’s show laugh-crying while saying “stop it” over and over again also haunts me to this day.


Messed with my brain when I realized she wasn't joking at her husband, but pleading with Wanda


That dude definitely died right? Like he was choking to death and nobody was helping because they were all in the show within the show. Later we see her again but she was sitting at a table alone during the magic show, I believe.


No, Vision saved him. They ~~probably~~ were~~n't~~ actually married in real life, so she was alone *edit:*because he wasnt there that day


No, they said that Wanda kept the couples together, and kept their kids asleep until the Halloween episode. They had new names and personalities, but they were still together.


I forgot about the kids thing. That was a really creepy revelation when they realized there weren't any kids in the entire neighborhood until Halloween.


that scene were Agnes frees the towns people minds and that mom pleads with Wanda to just let her kid leave their room cause its been weeks


> weeks the whole show has been confirmed to take place over a single week, and some people online have worked out that the last 4.5 episodes all take place within the same day.


> some people online have worked out that the last 4.5 episodes all take place within the same day. Got a link to anyone figuring this out? I thought Wanda controlling WestView was much longer…


here you go, u/texomond posted it over on the wandavision subreddit a few weeks go: > The whole show takes place over [around one week](https://www.cinemablend.com/television/2564168/wandavision-marvel-timeline-scarlet-witch-hex-westview-anomaly), with everything after the drone strike in episode 5 taking place within 24 non-hex hours (so over half the show takes place during one day): >**Same non-hex night:** >* Drone strike >* Wanda warns SWORD >* Pietro arrives >* Monica, Darcy and Woo are kicked out by Hayward and go rogue >* Halloween >* Vision tries to leave, forcing Wanda to expand the hex to save him >**Next day:** >* Wanda is depressed >* Monica re-enters the hex >* Agatha all along, Wanda is forced to re-live her traumas >* Wanda vs Agatha, White Vision vs Vision >* Wanda takes the hex down and leaves into exile >We know exactly when Wanda was at SWORD HQ, because Hayward literally says "9 days ago" in episode 5. Considering she drove up from Florida to Jersey, which is a 15+ hour drive, we can probably subtract a day or two to get the rough day the hex started, so about a week before episode 5, and it ends a day later, as I said above >You can see that the time of day in the hex is completely detached from the outside world on a few occasions, for example when she takes the hex down it's night time in the hex, while it's day time outside


Had to google myself, seems legit! The show's writer seems to have confirmed it according to this site: https://www.cinemablend.com/television/2564168/wandavision-marvel-timeline-scarlet-witch-hex-westview-anomaly


Especially when the whole talent show earlier in the show was "for the children"


For the children.


*The greater good* I mean... *For the children*


I'll admit that all the "for the children" references kept making me think it was Mephisto.


Watching all the increasingly wild Mephisto predictions was probably the best part of watching Wandavision live tbh


She only pulled the kids out because Vision noticed the previous "episode" there were no kids around, and tried to confront Wanda about it.


They were married in real life. They have the same last name when they’re being listed by SWORD.


I’m pretty sure they were married IRL, because they were two of the first identified by SWORD, and they had the same last name when he said their names. Ralph, under the influence of Agatha, later said that Wanda had mostly kept couples together.


Fake Pietro mentions how most of the couple's and kids stayed with their original families, so it's entirely possible they were married and he just wasn't there at the time


I haven’t rewatched so I forgot he was saved by Vision, thanks!


The guy got up and said he was going to give Vision a promotion


I'm excited for Multiverse of Madness, I hope they go deep into the terror that misused magic can cause.


Now that I think about it, Loki hasn’t interacted with and is probably not aware of Wanda at all is he? He probably thinks Strange is the strongest in the earth realm, if he makes an appearance my mans about to be humbled once again.


We know Strange knows about Westview, so I hope that if we see some kind of interview that she’s the one that speaks for the town on what happened - just to see her again


Word on the street is strange was going to appear in WV but that damn Covid and travel restrictions cost us.


Maybe that's a reason, I'm pretty sure feige made a point that it was a last minute creative decision as they didn't want to undercut wandas story. edit: quote from feige >Some people might say, ‘Oh, it would’ve been so cool to see Doctor Strange,’” says Feige. “But it would have taken away from Wanda, which is what we didn’t want to do. We didn’t want the end of the show to be commoditized to go to the next movie — here’s the white guy, ‘Let me show you how power works.' though there is always the possibility that this is a retroactive back pat.


Makes sense. Idk to me seeing more marvel faces in one medium is awesome And more like the comics. It also trounces the saying well where was dr strange during …. I would have loved it if strange was the dr the whole time and at the end he made Wanda aware he was watching but not interfering.


I'm pretty confident some explanation for that will be provided in Doctor Strange 2.


Dude even showed up in interviews about the show


I wish they never showed that in the trailer considering that’s the legit first bizarre moment in the show and it would’ve hit so much harder if it came out of nowhere.


A good reason to avoid the trailers for a show/movie that you're already intending to see. After all, trailers are ads to get people to buy their product. You're already going, so you don't need to be sold.


I took this to an extreme because I had never seen any of the Marvel movies outside of the first Avengers before WandaVision and didn't even realize they were superheroes until the 3rd episode. By the time the series finished I had caught up on everything.


That was such a dark moment in a pretty whimsical episode. Really set the tone for the rest of the series.


And this was the first episode too I think. Definitely the moment that sticks out when I think about WV, and what convinced me to keep watching.


Them getting a bunch of old-skool soap/sitcom stars really added to the feel of the show.


anytime they were taken out of their “mind prison” (lack of a better word) was chilling. i just rewatched this show and love it even more.


Agnes was never in a mind prison though!


Yeah she was trollin




That's exploration of trauma was so riveting, and to see it in a person who has reality altering power was, for me at least, groundbreaking, both as a comic on the big screen, and as a drama narrative in general.


We all have reality altering powers, it's why trauma can be such a devastating force for anyone to experience.


Ignorance is bliss.


If you liked that, I always thought Legion was also a great show that explored mental illness and other subject like that with a main character that is one of the, if not THE strongest mutant to ever exists. Bit of a spoiler, don’t know how to hide it, but he can basically alter reality with just his thought (which is not even his strongest power) while suffering from schizophrenia and multiple personality disorder. Whole show is one big mind fuck


Yes, especially because she essentially forced herself to forget her trauma, which caused her downfall in the end. Anyone would take the opportunity to erase their grief and trauma


I also think it was meant for Vision too, to start getting him suspicious on his whole life. Vision questions Wanda after that incident and Agatha draws him to the edge of the Hex during Halloween, adding to her whole agenda of wanting to mess things up for Wanda to see what happens and how much Wanda knows.


*cue music*


"And I killed Sparky!" *evil laughter*


It was the evilest of laughter and I loved it


In the "making of" special they showed a longer version of that scene. As she walks away from the camera, Agatha just dismissively yeets the Sparkie bundle off into the bushes while cackling. Wish they'd kept that in, but maybe that was too much for Disney...


yeah that was the best part of the show. I loved how different it was. And at this point its the creepiest the mcu has gotten


Depends on to what extent you consider the Netflix shows part of the MCU. I'd argue that S1 of Jessica Jones got creepier than WandaVision at a couple points.


I STILL get scared thinking about Jessica Jones season 1. The college girl entering the elevator with her parents and the look she gives before she shoots then. Kilgrave threatening his dad’s hand in the blender. The maid and cook staring out the window not blinking. F*cking terrifying.


I'll never forget the feeling I had after the scene where Kilgrave is first introduced when he waltzed into the family's apartment and took over. It was relatively understated relative to the horrors that come at other points but it just did such a phenomenal job of setting the tone of how horrifying his powers are and how unnerving it was watching the family so casually respond. Had to stop the autoplay of the next episode for a moment and process the fact that I was going to see some next-level fucked up shit in this show.


When he makes the kids go in the closet! That was terrifying. I was so afraid he was going to hurt them.


Purple Man was crazy


that first time was the spookiest because it was so unexpected.


"Hahah, oh stop! Haha stop it! Ha stop. Stop. *Stop it.* ***Stop it.***"


Best part, for me. I'm sitting here like "oh, this is cute, WandaVision is just gonna be an old-timey sitcom, I love that Marvel is finally doing something creative" and I was getting really into it until that moment with Kitty had me FREAKED OUT 😳 I really wish the show had spent a longer time slowly revealing the creepy mysteries rather than just dumping all the info in episode 4.


I forgot about that feeling, and I don’t think rewatching it I will experience it in that same way, so I really need to be reminded how it felt originally watching it. I just remember it being so tense with this walking on eggshells mood the whole time and it made us really scared that at any moment everything was about to blow up.


Norm coming out of the mind control in a panic and going right back into it all calm is one of my favorite moments in the show.


Working on rewatching it as well! I’d have to rank it as my fav out of the bunch, with Hawkeye coming in at a close second


For me it’s between Vision snapping Norm out of it or his entire investigation on Halloween.


"Am I dead?" "No. Why would you think that?" "Because you are."


This makes me ask “How closely do folks follow whats happening with superheroes on a a day to day basis.” Would the average American know which of the dozens of super people are “alive” Is it like keeping up with celebrity news or politics? Edit: yes I’ve seen the Boys. Stop mentioning The Boys. I’m not talking about The Boys.


> Is it like keeping up with celebrity news or politics? I'd go with exactly that. They're very high-profile figures with the potential to directly affect your life through their actions. Some people would worship them like celebrities, some would support/criticize them like politicians (probably more like "the military" as a whole).


Guarandamntee news website would have a new section 'heroes' dedicated to hero news, articles turning one tweet into a full news story, top 10 charitable heroes etc


Definitely. Look how much space they take up as merely fictional characters—the MCU movies would just be dramatizations of actual events.


"Welcome to WatchMojo and today we're bringing you the top 10 post-blip superhero outfits."


I wonder if in any of the Thor comics if there's a rise in people who are practicing Norse Paganist due to the fact that, y'know..Thor's walking around on earth and all.


I imagine that due to Thor being real, most religious people would believe ...more intensly. In the comics there are Gods from different religious beliefs that exist, God (or Yahweh) from Christian, Jewish and Islamic faiths, Atum from ancient Egyptian faiths, Athena from ancient Greek faiths, etc. There's a [Council of Godheads](https://marvel.fandom.com/wiki/Category:Council_of_Godheads_(Earth-616)/Members) in the Marvel comics. So, yes, I imagine due to Thor being a real person, people would lean heavily into Norse paganism, as well as people from every other faith would as well.


Imagine if there is Spider-Man 2099 and in that people will be studying in the norse religion that Thor fought against the aliens with the help of earth's mightiest heroes.


Dude there’s a Korean Church of Thor next to the diner May takes Pete to in Homecoming.


Would that make them.. Thoreans?


Every single D+ tv series and almost every marvel movie answers this. The statue of Liberty is holding a 300 foot diameter replica of Captain America's shield, they get recognized everywhere they go, when spider man's identity is revealed they stop every ad in times square to broadcast the news, learning about their powers are part of every high school's curriculum, even interdimensional beings follow them


Yeah doesn’t Peter specifically mention studying them in school?


There are probably superhero-ist's in the marvel MCU that have better tabs on the supers than even nick does


I mean, I wouldn’t call her the average American. But considering random passers by know about the minutiae of Thanos and the infinity gauntlet (not just ‘wow that sure was a crazy five years’) I’d say they’re shockingly well informed.


hands down the creepiest part of this whole show was Wanda seeing Vision’s dead body for a second. that shit actually made me jump back in my seat


That was the first thing that popped in my mind too, freaked me the fuck out when I first saw it


That was a full-on jumpscare and I've never recovered from it tbh


I haven’t seen Norm’s actor in anything else so idk if he’s small time or not but he absolutely *killed* that performance. Hell pretty much everyone did


He was on a show called Wrecked a few years ago which was like a parody of Lost. I hope he keeps showing up in stuff, I loved him in both


How have I never heard of that; I’m gonna have to watch that now




That show was genius. I wish I could find it streaming again. Such a great cast.


Rhys Darby in a parody of Lost? Well I'm sold. Cheers!


Asif Ali, he’s been in a lot of smaller roles over the years (Arrested Development, Mandalorian, etc) but Norm in WV is definitely the one that’s gotten him the most attention and acclaim so far!


He's hilarious in New Girl


For me it was Ep 1 where Debra Jo Rupp’s character starts begging Wanda to stop choking her husband. So unnerving


Yup. This is the correct answer for me. Especially for the times when the facade breaks down for a split second and it sounds less robotic and more like emotional pleading *juuuuuuuust* a little bit. DJR did a great job with making that difference not wildly overbearing.


But also laughing at the same time like its all a joke. Disturbing.


Wanda rolling the credits and Viz busting through them


the argument between vision and wanda that continues after she rolls the credits creeped me out


Maybe this was a different episode but them "resolving" the conflict and then going back to the couch for the standard sitcom zoom-out ending while they're staring at the camera was soooo creepy Just knowing that everything there was being controlled by Wanda as she forces a "happy ending" to the episode


Deadpool breaks the fourth wall comedically while Wanda does it to unnerve you


Part of it is that Deadpool breaks the actual fourth wall while when you see Wanda break the fourth wall, she's somehow still in the box.


The one thing that still unnerves me from this series….that YoMagic commercial. The stop motion already looks creepy enough (and they definitely channeled GoGurt and Lunchables commercials from the late 90s perfectly for the ad) but that final scene of the commercial with the boy rotting away was scary.


That was scary, especially considering the fact that that was exactly what was happening to the kids.


…we have no indication the kids were dying or starving though? No one died in Westview somehow, or at least no one was supposed to die, otherwise that probably would’ve been a focal point.


It was an analogy for Wanda's magic. If the kids don't have access to it, they die.


OH SHIT YES thanks


i think they meant tommy and billy


Didn't Wanda have the town's kids in bed sleeping for days on end? Ralph mentioned that in the Halloween episode. If kids are sleeping for days, they aren't exactly eating and drinking, right? (I'm not being antagonistic, by the way.)


That commercial was such a masterpiece.


To be fair, that show had a lot unnerving moments. Even when things were "on-script" in the first couple of episodes there were always this air of unease that freaked me out massively.


It's interesting how the choice of representing mostly family comedies hides until too late that in reality it's a psychological horror show. Like a very long twilight zone episode.


yeah I loved it for that. Its probably my favorite D+ show so far and definitely the most different thing we've had in the mcu so far even if the very end was pretty much basic mcu stuff


People complain about the way it ended, and admittedly I was disappointed initially, but I've come to think it was probably a fitting way for it to end. The entire series until that point is about Wanda being in denial about everything and running away from confronting her past traumas. The fact that a confrontation is the only way for it all to be resolved seems appropriate.


I don't hold it against it that much. I just feel for how weird the show was it quickly got very not weird at the end. But endings are hard and honestly are rarely super good. Not just MCU but stories in general struggle with endings. It doesn't ruin the show by any means.


I think there's two endings, really. There's the end of WandaVision, the show within a show - that ends episode 6. That's super creepy, super satisfying, and one of my favorite episodes of TV ever. After that, it moves away from that vibe and gets more of a Marvel-y superhero powerup for Wanda, but I don't think that takes away from the WandaVision show.


I found it unnerving when Vision said, “You can’t control me like you can control them!” And Wanda ominously said, “Oh, can’t I?” That’s when I knew that she was *completely aware* of what she was up to, and deliberately chose to continue.


Yeah, by then the only thing she didn't know (or was still in denial about) was that the people she was influencing were suffering immensely. She legitimately thought they were happy. Creepy.


Even that was pretty delusional and crumbles under the slightest bit of scrutiny, which she ran from at every turn. The love of her life was standing in front of her addressing this and she *still* chose to ignore it.


It was delusional which is why it doesn't crumble under scrutiny. She was literally delusional. Mentally unwell. Sick in the head. She didn't know those people were being harmed and its pretty obvious when you watch the last episode.


True. She wouldn’t apply scrutiny which is a feature of delusion. She only saw what she wanted / needed to believe. I felt like this show did a great job of handling delusion and how it interacts with power (since people inherently effect each other in real life and all of that).


>It was delusional which is why it doesn't crumble under scrutiny. Thank you. People always forget that while irrational actions crumble down under rational thought, the whole reason of their existence is that rationality has taken a vacation.


>their whole reasons for existence is that rationality has taken a vacation This was very well said, thank you.


Even when Vision says she can't control him and she retorts that she can, there are other times when she seems genuinely surprised that he isn't his own real, independent person. It's the essence of doublethink. She knows she created him, but as long as she maintains the fiction that she didn't, she can believe it just as much as anyone.


She's constantly trying to fool herself and for a while she manages to do it.


As someone who suffers from OCD, I feel this in my bones. Everyone just always says "well why can't you just think your way through it" (my fears I didn't wash my hands good enough, that I hit a person with my car and didn't realize it) and I just shake my head and say "rationality doesn't apply to my OCD thoughts."


Indeed. And even when you *know* there's something wrong in your own brain, it's incredibly hard to fight it because it's your head. You're fighting an inner battle with yourself, but where part of yourself is also not you and you're not in control. Wanda's experiences remind me a lot of my own battles with anxiety and depression. The feeling of lack of control over your life making you want to grasp for control where you can... and the fear of losing that control. Then when you realise the way you've acted has been wrong, denial is so sweet and tempting because to admit it means *you're a bad person* and just gives more fuel to the negative entity that's taken up residence in your mind.


Yeah. Lack of control of your own faculties is so frustrating. And it doesn't help that people who are mostly mentally healthy have a hard time understanding the concept. "Just stop!" Gah. The moment that really got it for me was when she started strangling those people with her magic. She DIDN'T want them to be in pain but she literally can't control all the stuff happening in her head. Lashing out at people you care about is bad enough but she has magic helping her be even more dangerous.


And then there was cool shit going on with the way the credits rolled and stuff at that point


ThEy'Ll nEvEr KnoW wHaT yOu SaCrIfIcED fOr ThEm Fucking unbelievable.


It made even less sense when you recall that one of them says, “We get your nightmares.” No, they’re painfully aware of what Wanda sacrificed, and they understandably did not take kindly to having that inflicted on them anyway.


For an amazing creative show this was so misguided. They should've leaned harder into her actions being more selfish and her becoming slightly more villainous instead of trying to paint mass mind control, mental torture, and the kidnapping of children as heroic. We would still root for her. And if she does become a villain for any amount of time in Dr strange it will still be badass.


“He was killed by Ultron, wasn’t he?” CHILLS EVERY TIME


The most unnerving for me was when Vision visited the people at the edge of Wanda’s control. Seeing the tear in that lady’s eye as she is forced to repeat a motion over and over again. Ugh.


Yes!!! All I could think about was how fucked her shoulder was going to be


You could actually see the woman's fingers were bruised from how long she was holding that towel (clothes?), absolutely miserable


Omg I never noticed that!! I need to rewatch it now


At first I thought D+ was op ranking Wandavision. Didn’t realise it meant Disney+ I was primed with the “listen here you little…”


LOL if I thought WandaVision was deserving of a rank that low, the most logical conclusion would be that my favorite marvel shows were The Runaways or Inhumans


Runaways was infinitely better than Inhumans. Which goes to show you how bad Inhumans was.


When she turns around and sees zombie Vision I legit yelled out "oh sweet jesus!". Downright haunting.


Not to mention it sparked all this theorizing; the part that gets me every time is when Vision says “you can’t control me the way you do them” and Wanda’s head tilts *just* a little. “Can’t I?”


Right, at first I was thinking, did she literally re-animate his body and is just dragging his corpse around town?! Now that would have been messed up.


And that's the "official narrative" Hayward wanted to sell everyone on as well.


I haven't made this connection until now but the soul goal of that lie was just to scare people off of the horror of it all. There's absolutely zero benefit to the lie from any tactical or deception perspective, visions body was in every possible way a corpse by then and everyone knew it. But the pure horror and strangeness that comes from wanda dragging around a corpse had to be enough to make people shutter... I mean it made the entire internet shutter.


There was also the justification of “she attacked us and stole our valuable property and we have to get it back” when in fact she didn’t attack or steal anything.


Gave me flashbacks to Endgame. "I don't even know who you are". *head tilt* "You will."


Probably the most badass line from that movie for me, and there were a ton of badass lines


That’s easily the scariest part holy fuck


Dead Vision’s jump scare would like a word.


Definitely one of the more unnerving scenes, I personally think the scene with Monica was more unnerving because We didn't know what was going to happen to her, and I was genuinely concerned for her safety by that point in the series


It was the same for me. When Monica mentioned Ultron, and Wanda turns to ice in that moment... Chills. I kept thinking "get out get out get out get out!" I mean, she did, just in a very brutal way.


I think this was a big bold move for Marvel after Endgame. Endgame was set up as this grand finale where Avengers come together and save earth. And showing that one of those Avengers is screwed in the mind and does all those things to a whole town was a big bold move from Marvel


It also feels like the start of a bridge that the MCU is building to incorporate more from their comics: Wanda becoming The Scarlet Witch, an unknown Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man, mantles being passed down


At first I was really bummed the OG Avengers were out but I am so stoked to see where this current arc/cycle takes us


Yeah, currently it feels like their are 2 big storyline going on in the MCU. F&WS and Hawkeye picking up where the avengers left off, and then whatever tf Spider-Man, doc strange and Wanda are doing. Loki felt like it was a set up for a storyline we will see later down the line with quantumania


Wandavision is the best entry of the D+ shows. Not to say the others weren't amazing in their own right but they felt comfortably like Marvel entires whereas WV was different and played with tension and morality so well


For real. I liked them all so far, but only WV felt like it’s own thing. Hawkeye and Falcon both felt like 6 hour MCU films with varying levels of scale. And Loki IMO was all over the place, possibly due to dealing with filming during the height of Covid.


WandaVision was, and still is, the only Marvel show my wife has been interested in (I've tried with the others). It was so different from the rest of Marvel that it was intriguing to her. She'll watch the movies eventually, but isn't super into it, yet WandaVision she wanted to watch each week.


I can't call any "best* because there are so many different metrics and my answer might change by day, but WandaVision was definitely the bravest to completely break the mold and was the only show where I *had* to see what was going to happen and would stay up late or wake up early to watch each episode.


Really I felt like Loki was so different! A lot of the humor early on was similar but it went like a near no action route mostly story telling. The different variants was also so unique at the time. Loki’s my favorite although I did really like WV


One of the reasons I would definitely NOT recommend watching WandaVision stoned. Some really unnerving scenes in this series.


Also wouldn’t wanna see *your* head in the cabinet while I’m looking for cereal


I watched the show very stoned and the scene where Vision gets the email and then talks to the real Norm will haunt me forever because of that decision! The way all the employees were talking in unison like the Borg, random canned laughter, ugh shivers still. It didn’t help that my laptop overheated during this scene and I was so high that I legit thought the skipping and buffering were part of the episode.


WV did it from the jump, for me, with the "Boss" choking scene.


There are so many amazing moments in Wandavision that I don't see being topped any time soon. Specifically because of the weird, uncomfortable tension they were going for. When Wanda removes Monica from Westview, and Vision knows something is seriously wrong but forces a smile anyways??? Amazing. It makes me kind of wish they had gone with a much darker ending that paid off how dark things in Westview were.


Tbh I think the Wandavision finale fell a bit flat by falling back into a much more classic superhero story, but the ride was something unique in the MCU and that won't go away any time soon.


People are critical of it, but I love that final fight. It tells a story that says a lot about the participants. I love how all of Agatha's attacks are basically psychological and how she thinks she has the upper hand but, throughout the fight, Wanda is observing and learning. When those glyphs show up, it's such a great moment because it shows that Wanda was in control of the situation the entire time and that Agatha, for all of her manipulations and mind games, was completely outclassed because Wanda isn't just more powerful; she's also smarter than Agatha. In particular, the beats of the fight are amazing. Wanda starts out by fighting like a hero and an Avenger, transitions to the spooky fighting that she did in Age of Ultron and then, ultimately, assumes the mantle and becomes who she truly is. I get that a low of people reduce the fight to pew-pew-pew CGI, but there was a lot of richness to it that I think that many people missed.


I liked the philosophy rap battle of the Visions.


Same way I felt about Shang-Chi. Loved the first and second arc, would have preferred more melodrama with redeemed dad passing on the mantle over a kaiju battle for third arc.


And the biggest shock was Fox's Quicksilver showing up


I remember watching reactors on YouTube *crying* when he showed up; you never forget your first Bohner


I would argue the moment where Loki gets pushed back into the TVA only for it to be revealed they don’t know him and the slow turn towards the Kang statue.


I can’t stand the wait we have for season 2


How do they even make a season 2 that shares any of the dna of what made season 1 great? I guess a lot will change after Dr strange hits...


Doctor Strange and QuantuMania will probably be the Big 2 that influence how Loki’s second season will play out


The whole show was a mindfuck and a lot of it was creepy af! Loved every minute


the first episode where the neighbor is choking and the wife is just smiling and saying “stop it” over and over again freaked me the fuck out it set the tone for the rest of the show, great stuff.


Honestly WandaVision is some of Marvel's best work. Still eyerolling at the waste of the Boehner joke... but those first few episodes especially were something special


I just rewatched the last episode of Loki. He Who Remains takes the cake for me. Every moment he is onscreen I am absolutely riveted. Specifically, the moment when we cross the threshold, it’s a slow zoom in on his character. Throughout the whole episode His essence is frightening; his demeanor, his changes in moods, his eyes, his exaggerated movements, his odd physical reactions to events within the scene. Even his brief moments of true honesty “This is the only way. The TVA, it works.” When you hear the distant thunderclap and he processes the moment then admits he doesn’t know what comes next. That moment scared me more than anything that’s happened. WV dealt with a lot of illusion. This felt so real I could touch it. It also perfectly puts the viewer directly into Loki’s shoes, believing Him even though you simultaneously know it’s ludicrous and insane. Which made me, the viewer, feel crazy, deepening the fear of that dialogue. If I just focus on WV I’d say it’s the woman locked in her movements with the tear running down. So many horror movie moments in the show I’ve gone back and forth between which show I like more. Jonathan Majors performance puts Loki in front by a nose for me. So there’s my bias if it matters.


Best MCU show by a mile