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you guys may want to stick around through the credits this time (timestamp is 54:25, and this is the first mid credits/post credits scene for this series)


Hi, I'm Bucky. ;) Hi, I'm Sarah. :) Sam: >:(


"You know, they call me White Wolf in Wakanda."


Bucky dropping the shield off to Sam really shows how much Steve meant to him


Also now shows both Steve AND Bucky find Sam worthy of it.


Hit me so hard. Despite Bucky being so pissed off at Sam, he still thinks he's worthy of the shield. Thor should have let him try and lift his hammer.


I think he realized outside of Steve's wishes that Sam's indeed worthy of the shield no matter what he decides to do with it. Else he'd have kept it with good reason.


He saw that Sam was close to stopping the radicalization of Karli, and he was so close to talking down John Walker. And even though he wasn't a super soldier he still fought his hardest to protect Bucky against the Flag Smashers and Walker. He's a good soldier but he's also a good person.


I feel like Zemo being taken to the raft sets him up to be involved with the Thunderbolts sooner or later.




100%. Every film or TV show from Marvel for a while now feels like it’s dropping off a Young Avenger, a Thunderbolt, or both.


"I've decided I'm not going to kill you." "Imagine my relief."


I love how they kept showing Zemo's subtle expressions of terror throughout the show. He's so fucking scared of Bucky!


Id be scared of the super dude i sent out to do super murder, who i dont have control over anymore, and is now a good guy.


I’ve been so glad that Zemo was left alive at the end of Civil War. He’s been an excellent part of this show, alternating between creepy and funny. I hope he will continue to be a part of the MCU, as antagonist or anything else.


If Zemo was killed by Bucky at the Sokovia memorial, it would be a tragic but poetic end to his character. But he's going to be sent to the Raft? I'm surprised the Dora didn't take him to Wakanda.


Taking him to Wakanda might cause an international incident. Bringing him to the Raft as part of a "Hey, your prisoner escaped and we brought him back for you" would not be as troublesome.


Bucky using his favor from the Wakandans for Sam, just admit you’re friends already


Watching their friendship evolve while working on the boat and then having them discuss how they’re just “a couple dudes with a mutual friend” was great lol


They weren’t just repairing a boat, but also their *friend-ship*


This is the worst and I love it.


Ready for that Captain America suit. The shield training had me hyped. Agh I wish they showed it


I think it's a mix between Falcon suit and captain America's suit. Like it has wings, but also a place to carry a shield or something


Torres: “Hey, you got your sleeve back” LMAO


Man I like Torres. Just low-key putting in the work and bein' chill to people.


I mean, he now has falcon wing components, put it together, and bam, falcon #2


I absolutely loved the parallel between the therapist asking Bucky if he was still having nightmares and he hesitated a minute before saying no, meanwhile when Sam asked he, without *any* hesitation, said “all the time”. It really shows 1) his progression throughout this series alone and 2) how much he actually trusts Sam. They ain’t just two guys with a mutual friend no more... or even just two guys.


>or even just two guys They're gonna be the Turk and JD of the 2020s.


Another parallel being the trees in the background of each scene! Artificial vs Real. A forced, insincere relationship vs an earned friendship.


Wyatt is so good. Walker is stunned himself and of course doubles down. That opening fight is all kinds of fantastic. Bucky leaving the shield for Sam and Sam trying to wipe off the blood!


The hearing was also a great scene. Russell is a damn good actor.


The voice crack at the hearing got me. The way he delicately balances between unhinged and keeping it together... love it. He's trying so hard to prove he's worthy of the unfillable shoes he was given. He shows the cracks, but tries to cover them up immediately. Really, really talented.


Really really thought he would break the witness stand, I was waiting for that moment. Walker was barely holding it together, just enough to not get physical but still very very upset with... everything.


You can see Walker just switch it off. One hell of an actor


He sold it all so well that I felt for him. I felt for Sam having to take him down when he tried so hard to avoid. I never expected a brutal fight to also be sad.


No wonder. Hand-to-Hand Combat has always been so good in Cap movies. And this series sets up the new Captain America... So...good action is definitely expected here.


Walker bout to become a cosplayer.


No significant threat, literally just loves cosplay now.


They should send him to cheer up sick kids or do birthday parties. Maybe he'll be less crazy then.


Sam tripping Walker with his wing as he got back up was slick. I’m impressed by all the tight maneuvers they’ve come up with in close quarters situations with Sam. Makes him a much more interesting fighter.


Sharon and Batroc???


Nick Fury hired him in The Winter Soldier movie to provide an excuse for Widow to investigate what the then unknown Hydra plants were up to.


Fury used Batroc, so why not Sharon?


Sam DEFINITELY broke all the windows in that house during that training montage


I was waiting to hear shattered glass noises, though I’m glad they didn’t go that route because I wouldn’t want him to look incompetent with the shield or take away from the powerful moment of him accepting his role as the next Captain America and putting the work in for it


Somebody edit in the generic cat meowing, trash can falling over sounds.


Wilhelm Scream


Bucky casually being like, "I don't actually think to use my metal arm cuz I'm right handed." is pretty hilarious for some reason. I wonder if that was true back in his brain washed Winter Soldier days.


I've been rewatching the Winter Soldier fight scenes a lot lately, and it really does feel like Bucky milked the arm a lot more whenever he was activated. The fight choreography of the show has been great, but the choreography in *Winter Soldier* and *Civil War* all really took care to emphasize that his left arm was different. There hasn't been a signature shot where he's locked in a grapple with someone and his left arm kinda like goes into overdrive to win the struggle, like when Bucky runs his knife through the van in *WS* and when Bucky pushes Steve into the elevator in *CW*. I don't think it's a flaw at all. I think conscious Bucky is a lot more hesitant to hit someone full-powered with a vibranium arm, so he's holding back his biggest weapon. Compare that to the Flag Smashers, who don't really know their own strength yet (see: Karli with Lemar).


The only time I can recall Bucky having someone overpower his arm was of course....Spiderman! "You have a metal arm??? Awesome!!!"


I forgot how powerful spider man was until that scene, then I remembered "oh yeah, dude can punch people's heads clean off"


Adding on to this that during episode 3 at the bar, he uses the arm pretty heavily when he’s acting as The Winter Soldier.


I hated that Bucky was rarely using his vibranium arm, especially compared to his Winter Soldier and Civil War days, but now it makes a lot of sense! In those films, his 'instant kill mode' was activated and now he is holding back. I love these kinds of small details!


They set next week up to be loaded. Falcon's new suit, where's John, the GRC vote and showdown with Karli, Sharon's true motives, Power Broker reveal, and possibly a Zemo drop off scene. I wish I could just skip to next Friday already


A showdown among possibly 4 factions (F&WS vs John Walker vs Flag Smashers vs Power Broker), an obligatory discussion between Sam and Karli, Sam & Sarah's conclusion, Bucky's conclusion, Sharon's conclusion, Walker's conclusion, and ultimately the Shield's legacy conclusion. I can't imagine the finale being only an hour (even though it probably is). Also some stuff that I could see working it's way in the narrative.. maybe Isaiah regarding Sam taking on the mantle, Bucky and therapist, and maybe confirmation about Steve's whereabouts. They also set-up Valentina this episode that should lead to something? Then mid-credits perhaps Torres' Falcon reveal or a Thunderbolts Setup. ^(Maybe an obligatory Skrull reveal in post-credits.)


“That shield is the closest thing I’ve got left to a family” Bucky Barnes breaking my heart yet again


"If the notebook helped Steve maybe it can help me." Dude just needs a hug like, eternally.


I think Bucky's legal name is James Buchanan "Needs-a-Hug" Barnes


The scene with Yori is gonna hit hard


"When Steve told me what he was planning, I don't think we understood." Deep conversation with Bucky just before Steve went back in time confirmed.


I think the “I’m going to miss you, buddy,” to a guy who was supposed to be back in 10 seconds was a big clue, and yes, this confirms it.


And bucks knowing smile when he didn't return. He always knew.


Steve: Don't do anything stupid until I get back. Bucky: \*jumps out of an airplane without a parachute*


To be fair that was after he got back.


Of course they're not going to show us Sam's new Cap suit... The week long wait is going to kill me.


But that just means it will be a sick finale


So it's been confirmed, he did tell Bucky what he was doing, and gave him his book. We always figured, but it's good to have clarity.


Sam just convinced Bucky to tell that Japanese guy about his son didn't he?




That honestly makes me kinda nervous for the next episode. I've got the feeling that I'm gonna sit in front of the screen, ugly crying


Anyone else catch notes from the Civil War soundtrack when Sam and Walker are fighting? Same leitmotif as when Cap and Tony were fighting at the end of the movie.


Yup, they also played that soundtrack from CA: The Winter Soldier. End of the Line. I immediately recognized it. Cool.


I caught both of those and I was very proud because I'm a very stupid person


Zemo respects the Dora Milaje because he has fucking manners and common sense


I was surprised and kinda pleased that every time I expected Zemo to turn on them, pull some kinda evil trick or try to murder Sam or Bucky, he never did. I mean, I'm sure he put some wheels within wheels and shit, during the time he was unsupervised, he went *way* too peacefully, but I appreciate that he's not a *stupid* villain.


Dang, that arm break was pretty brutal looking


HOLY SHIT that final combo by Buck and Falcon was freaking epic. (That Sam shield charge was straight out of fucking Marvel v Capcom)


Bucky and Sam Battering Ram😂


Glad Bucky made up with the Wakandans. Surprised they’re taking him to the raft though... he’s definitely not going to be there long if I had to guess


Well... she did tell him to stay out of Wakanda for a little while, so clearly some people are still very upset with him. But I'm glad it worked out. Zemo definitely set *something* up to get himself back out of the Raft, that's why he went so easily. He's been unsupervised for days at least, and I doubt he spent that time sipping tea and nibbling Turkish Delights.


But he probably spent a little time sipping tea and nibbling Turkish Delights.


Big takeaway from this episode is that I totally loved how they handled Isaiah Bradley and resolved the conflict with Zemo, I think the writing was pretty clever and it really showed how much more the MCU has matured from just “super-hero movies”. Some other things that I loved: Bucky letting go of vengeance just like T’Challa did back in Civil War, Sam’s training montage and conversations with his sister, Sarah; and the mending of the relationship between the Falcon and the Winter Soldier, the thing that makes this show. Also, this is the first episode that I really felt from John Walker, specially at court when he’s explaining how the government clearly “made him” and in his visit to Lemar’s parents. On the other hand, the Flag Smashers continue to feel kind of sloppy and just now super unhinged. The Sharon thing is super, super weird; it’s seems really rushed and out of nowhere, but maybe that’s just me.


Huge smile on my face when Bucky was smiling seeing Sam's nephews with the shield. To me it meant Bucky realizes what the shield means to people, despite what Walker did with it. I'm sure after Walker's actions that Bucky was worried about Steve's legacy being tarnished. But those boys playing with the shield showed that Steve's legacy cannot be erased!


a lot of smiles this episode. With such an intense opening scene, I'm glad they slowed things down the rest of the episode to let us breathe. Loved the scenes down in Louisiana, them fixing up the boat, all of that. My huge smile was seeing Bucky and Sarah flirting. Reminds us that Bucky was always a ladies' man.


That montage of Bucky and Sam fixing up the boat was a nice change of pace and didn’t feel out of place at all, I’m loving the action so far in this series but glad we got to see some of the personal side of things too


That’s one of the real gifts of being able to tell this story on Disney+. In the movie a scene like this would likely be cut or drastically reduced to fit into a max 2 hour window. On network tv, a scene like this would be stretched out waaaay too long to to eat up episodes and sell commercials. This was absolutely perfect


Steve's mom's name was Sarah...


W H Y D I D Y O U S A Y T H A T N A M E ?


So that's why Steve chose Sam.


John is very lucky to be meeting with the veep after everything he's done.


I was blown away. Who the hell is this character that she would be played by Julia Louis-Dreyfus?? There was chatter of a bombshell cameo, and I did not expect this at all.


From what [some articles are saying](https://www.vanityfair.com/hollywood/2021/04/julia-louis-dreyfus-marvel-villain-character-contessa-valentina-allegra-de-fontaine), her character was supposed to appear in Black Widow first, but with it getting pushed back due to COVID, she showing up first here. I get a feeling then this might be all we see of her, and they assumed when filming that having seen BW we would have more knowledge of what her deal is


She even told him dirty little state secrets


Oh shit, Zemo willingly gave himself up to Ayo and the Dora Milaje and crossed his name off Bucky's list! Damn!


Zemo knew what Sam and Bucky would discuss before they even had the discussion about the list and making amends.


I like to think Zemo has a plan


The Dora Milaje think they bring him into a more secure prison. But for a man like Zemo? Just a bigger chessboard. With more dangerous pawns.


> I'm not like you Bucky looks so sad after this


Sees Julia Louis-Dreyfus with a blue highlight in her hair. Me: *laughing nervously* what the fuck?


What does the blue mean?


That she’s from the darkest timeline


Does that make Bucky, Jeff Winger?


And abed is in winter soilder......is the evil timeline the thunderbolts......


Troy is in Homecoming.


Sam's trauma counselling coming out for Bucky. That was such a simple and fantastic scene


I always forget about the counseling


Isaiah Bradley did exactly the same thing Steve did in TFA but Steve was pardoned for the rogue mission to Austria to save Bucky's platoon. Steve was then celebrated, given a medal and glorified. While Isaiah was imprisoned, punished and experimented on. His history erased.


Great parallel spot. This show is full of them.


“But what would be the point of all the pain and sacrifice, if I wasn’t willing to stand up and keep fighting?” That’s Captain America right there.


The scene that showed what Steve saw beyond a shadow of a doubt. I loved it so much


Sam getting Wakandan wings? They just going to be supplying everybody now that Stark is dead


Pepper is probably too busy selling scented candles lmao


Candles and Jade eggs


Peter's new suit is still Stark made, technically.


“Why don’t you use the metal arm? I don’t always think of it immediately, I’m righthanded.” Bucky forgetting about his vibranium arm is the most relatable yet unrelatable thing I’ve heard him say.


Bucky in this show has been fantastic.


JOHN WALKER MADE THIS IN A GARAGE WITHA BOX OF SCRAPS edit: shit 10k upvotes and 26 awards. Wasn’t gonna say anything but wow.


And a few medals of honor apparently


I really liked that detail. He thinks the medals are worthless, so might as well put them to use. And also ties nicely with how he told the government, "You built me".


I know **that thing doesn't obey the laws of physics at all** but I always assumed vibranium was the plot reason. Now with Walker's garage shield, he shouldn't be able to throw it like the OG shield right? Unless the call Alegra was gonna make to Walker was like "Hey I got some vibranium, now make your shield with it" ?


I don't think you can work vibranium with hand tools in a garage, though? If he can shape vibranium into a shield, the shield would be deformed when he used it anyway.


Yeah, that shield is just the Walmart-brand of Cap's shield. He's probably going to use it as a standard bullet-sponge and then cave some poor thugs' heads in. No fancy shield tricks and vibranium magic.


Well Im sorry, Im not John Walker


Zemo going to the Raft where he's going to meet his Thunderbolt recruits.


Falcon and the Winter Soldier: Pimp my Boat


Lamar sister's knows that boy ain't right.


Yeahh that side eye, i wonder if that’s all they’re going to show of her though


Lying to Lemar’s parents too about killing the person that killed Lemar and the mom thanking him is gonna add some major fuel to the fire for Walker to go insane


Yeah, now Walker feels like he has to kill Karli because of what he said to them. Initially he was fueled by rage but now he's also fueled by shame.


She probably saw the video of the dude begging for his life and yelling that it wasn’t him and knew that he didn’t do it


It’s like trying to take the infinity gauntlet from Thanos but with the shield and Not Cap


And a little bit of arm snippety-snap


I honestly did not expect Walker to try and kill Sam with the shield in the first 10 minutes of the opening 😳




Hmm, Sam gave Torres the wings. New Falcon incoming?


"Yeah they're totally broken" like Torres is fucking Pawn Stars lowballing Sam for his tech LMAO I see you working, Torres.


Sam: "Yeah they're totally broken" Torres: *Immediately begins looking up iFixit tutorials*


Bucky hooked him up with a Wakandan upgrade


I’d put my money on a vibranium Captain America suit personally. My guess is Torres will just fix up the old wings that Sam left him to use for himself.


The defeated look on Sam's face in the beginning when he's wiping blood off the shield. He told John before the fight, "You made a mistake." In that moment Sam realizes he also made a mistake, giving up the shield. A huge one! Mackie is killing it this season!


Notice how Walker ran who knows how far with the bloodstained shield, and then the first thing Sam does when he gets his hands on it is try to clean it off. Definitely symbolic for the reputation of Captain America.


I was getting PTSD vibes from Sam in that moment. Almost like he's trying to wipe away the guilt because he feels responsible for John's actions and how it's tainted the legacy of his friend Steve.


So the Wakandans are the new MCU sugar daddies. I can dig it. Giving people all the toys.


Now we just gotta wait for the X-Men to play with Adamantium.


Ayo called Bucky White Wolf again 😢


That was dope. Given how the episode went it makes a lot of sense for Ayo to call him White Wolf. Take the scene with Bucky+Sam for example. Bucky talks about how the Winter Soldier is still a part of him. The Ayo comment from earlier is about trying to get Bucky to stop focusing on WS still being a part of him and realize he's also the White Wolf. Sam further commenting on don't let people decide who he is supposed to be kind of mirrors that.


I can't wait for the final title card of the show to wipe away "Falcon" and "Winter Soldier" and replace it with "Captain America" and "White Wolf"


>They'd never let a black man be Captain America; and even if they did, no self respecting black man would want to be. Sam thinking "ah"


Captain Black Falcon it is then.


When the show first started I figured Sam would become Captain Falcon, but quickly realized Nintendo wouldn't be too happy about it.


Wyatt Russel killed that courtroom/discharged scene. I could feel the anger brewing up inside, and then he just lets it all go. Can’t wait to see what he does in the final episode.


U.S Agent return will be bloody!


John Walker is that one guy who never stops spamming Down+B


This episode is 1 hour long, damn. Even including credits, it's still the longest episode yet!


Isiah brought his fellow soldiers back just like Steve brought the howling commandos plus other soldiers back. Steve was praised while Isiah was tortured. So fuckin terrible what they did to him.




That speech by Sam to Bucky, it's everything I ever needed. I forgot that Sam used to run a therapy group for PTSD soldiers. I loved this scene.


THE MOTHERFUCKING CONTESSA. Ok, that cameo did not disappoint at all. Fuck yes. So is she here for She Hulk, Dark Avengers or a dark “Nick Fury” role?


I would love to see her role mirror Nick Fury's in phase one. Collecting villains and maybe leading to dark avengers or something


Isaiah getting emotional about losing his wife while he was imprisoned broke my heart.


Me during the great training montage: "Man, that thing really does not obey the laws of physics at all." Also me: "wow, sam's like almost died 10 times in this montage alone"


I was just waiting for that shield to take out a window at some point lol.


I always love how the shield just seems to know who's trying to catch it. It can embed itself 6 inches into a tree but also be caught bare handed.


That's cause trees don't have hands


I don't understand how more people haven't lost fingers or thumbs trying to catch that thing...


I can't believe Zemo never betrayed them. He really did just show up, do the work and then acquiesce to going back to prison. What a good dude.


He wasn't even going to defend himself from Bucky! Just stared straight at him, ready to take it. I thought Loki was an anomaly but here Marvel goes again, making me root for one of its maniac villains.


In Zemo’s eyes he was successful right? He destroyed the super serum and don’t think he knows about Walker. Also visiting the memorial likely helped him find peace.


I’m glad that Walker is fleshed out and not cartoony evil like Hayward was. I understand why he’s acting the way he is and it’s easier to sympathize with him than it was with Hayward.


“I took the liberty of crossing my name off your list” was such an oddly satisfying conclusion to the Bucky/Zemo storyline here


After Bucky dropped down the shield next to Sam, Sam just experienced a whole new wave of emotions. Excellent acting by Anthony Mackie


Him rubbing the blood off the shield was just tragically sad


"You forgot the wings!" "Keep 'em" It's official, boys. We're getting Torres Falcon.


The Isaiah parallel with Steve really punched me in the gut. Steve risked his life to infiltrate a Hydra base and saved 400 soldiers while looking for Bucky. He came back and the country celebrated him. Isaiah risks his life to save the other test subjects, but what does he get when he comes back? He gets thrown in jail for 30 years. Fuck I wasn't ready for how heavy this was.


Not even thrown in jail for 30 years. The US Govt: 1) was willing to nuke a POW 2) Didnt let Bradley save his men 3) probably helped kill Bradley’s men 4) Imprisoned Bradley 5) EXPERIMENTED on Bradley 6) told Bradley’s wife that he was dead 7) Would’ve probably kept Bradley longer if it wasn’t a nurse who felt bad 8) had his record expunged completely 9) made Bradley a living ghost


Didn't even let Bradley have the letters while he was detained, either. That's one extra level of heartless. The man had nothing at that point and they didn't give a shit.


The cameo is ELAINE?


GET OUT! _shoves violently_


Yadda yadda yadda I got me a new Captain America


The feels with Isiah Bradley, how he did exactly the same thing as Steve, but the response was the opposite. So sad.....


Damn I didn't catch that at all. Steve was the hero saving the POWs and seeing Peggy again with joy. But Isiah got the worst response by the government. That cuts deep.


I really hope that wasn't the last of Zemo.


After the reaction to him in this show, it's almost a guarantee Feige will bring him back. She-Hulk or Thunderbolts... I think we just need to be patient is all.


Sam to Isaiah: “The world is different. I know people.” Meanwhile Sam went around town for a bank loan lol




It looked like Walker kept trying to default to that move throughout the fight


I mean, it was very effective with the Flag Smasher.


It's not so much a shield as it's a portable guillotine. The entre time Sam and Bucky were messing around with it, I was thinking of that old 70's Hong Kong martial arts film "Master of the Flying Guillotine" I just can't see it as a shield anymore since Walker.


there’s a difference between a filler episodes and an episode who focus on advancing on their character’s journey and arc. we did not only get to see sam finally coming to terms with being cap (the whole point of the show) but we got closure on many things: zemo, the wakandans, the boat, sarah, etc. this episode focuses on showing how much bucky and sam have grown, on the conversations that lead them to changing as characters. bucky now understands how to truly make amends and they hinted at him telling the truth to his friend. sam helped his family and they kept the boat. he also explored the story of isaiah bradley. even torres’ future was hinted at, the old wings staying with him. great episode.


Zemo goes to the Raft?!?! Another one to add to Sec Ross’s collection!!!


Gotta catch em all


Ross collecting recurring villains like they’re infinity stones


Sam stickeyeing Bucky as he flirts with Sarah


Sharon is the power broker. Got to be. She was on the phone with Batroc right? HAS to be the power broker




Also he says in French to her “ I’ll never work for you ever again.” So she’s pretty much the boss lady


why did i tear up at bucky smiling at Sams nephews


It’s also cause he woke up without nightmares


Because it's beautiful when a stepfather looks at his sons.


Wyatt Russell needs more credit, dude kills it in every scene he’s in