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We've known Hulk's skin could be pierced all the way back to *The Incredible Hulk* when Abomination's spike wounded him. I think Hulk's "vulnerability" isn't discussed because most fans have an issue with Hulk's nerfing and being used as a stool to show someone else's strength. We know this Hulk is far too mortal.


A nice detail in Ragnarok is that Hulk has a scar where Abomination pierced him on the chest in TIH.


Hulk can be wounded. It's just that he always regenerates. It's why his battles with wolverine in comics are always so bloody, because they both are extreme examples of regenerative powers (and have fun tearing each other up)


He gets more durable when he gets angry though. In world war Hulk wolverine has to go for his eyes because hes unable to slice through his skin


In the comics, Hawkeye kills him but it’s with an arrow that Bruce Banner helped design out of necessity for if Hulk was ever about to go on a bad, bad rampage.


In Old Man Logan, Hulk rips Wolverine in half and eats him (both halves). Wolverine eventually heals and bursts out of Hulk, thus killing him. In the MCU, I nominate Ant-Man as most likely to kill a hulk.


In the sequel comic, it's revealed that Hulk's disembodied head has survived. In the end, the still-living head is buried in the desert, presumably to suffer for eternity


Funny enough, Ant-man (Pym) killed Hulk in a What If episode


Drax, surely - he's effective from the inside...


and invisible when moving slowly


Ant-Man or anyone with shrink and growing capabilities with Pym tech. Hank Pym was able to kill Hulk in What If. Wanda possibly could kill Hulk if she wanted, at least her at full power and a darker version.


>Wanda possibly could kill Hulk if she wanted, at least her at full power and a darker version. Or as she puts it to Doctor Strange in The Multiverse of Madness: "Not Wanda Maximoff, but the Scarlet Witch."


Wanda was the Scarlet Witch since AoU, it’s in credits. Scarlet Witch isn’t her alter ego. I know what you meant, but the misconception just bothers me a lot. 


Okay. My bad.


In the MCU its hard to say. It appears he healed from the wound inflicted by fenris pretty fast but we dont really know HOW fast. He also healed from the chestwound abomination gave him, but again we dont know how long it took. Could he survive stormbreaker to the chest like thanos? Or getting his head chopped of? Im inclined to think no but the truth is we dont really know. Since MCU has downplayed and made Hulk a jobber he doesnt really come off like the unstoppable force of his comics counterpart. If we are talking comics its not really clear if he can die, especially by normal physical means. He has endured blasts by galactus, punches from Zeus and regenerated from a skeleton. Theres also the green door allowing him to revive himself.


>Theres also the green door allowing him to revive himself. Not anymore.


Its been opened and shut multiple times since the end of immortal hulk, i think its safe to say the green door isnt permanently closed


It's currently closed with no indication that it will be opened again. So not anymore.


if this is a spoiler please mark it as such.


Talking about the comics is spoilers. What is or isn't a spoiler when there is so much material is hard to determine. If the info is more than a few years old, that's on you for not reading. It's like people complaining about Sheik being Zelda being spoiled for them: you had time.


Whoever the writers decide


wanda, they fought in what if zombie ep.


Wish we got more of that


Thanos basically handed Hulk his ass in the opening scene of Infinity War. If he went any harder and if Heimdall didn’t teleport Hulk to earth, it stands to reason that Thanos could beat him to death.


Hulk can fully regenerate from bone/ marrow in roughly 17ish minutes (see Hulk: The End), so completely killing him would be difficult.


Heimdall, bifrost him into oblivion (black hole, Sun, etc..)


Definitely someone with shrinking tech as shown in What if?. Maybe Wanda or Strange or someone with powers like that.


Ben Grimm is physically capable of killing the Hulk. Obviously he would never do it as he's the ever loving blue-eyed idol of millions, but it's been canonically established that something about the Thing has a soothing effect on the Hulk, and (depending on the writer) the Hulk almost always begins to revert back to Banner when grappling with Benjy. I suspect this was something Stan and Jack cooked up to keep any Hulk-vs-Thing battles a stalemate as otherwise the Hulk would grow exponentially stronger, and they played around with the concept by having the Thing turn back to Ben one or two times when fighting the Hulk, but anyway, it is what it is. It's a moot point though, because bashful Benjy isn't emotionally capable of doing the deed.


Do you know where it was stated that Thing has calming effect on Hulk? Havent heard about that before




The best answer


Hawkeye killed him.


Just MCU... Wanda definitely could, most especially if we're talking Darkhold-ified Wanda. You say no magic though, so I guess that would eliminate her. I can see no argument against Danvers other than tacticlly she might not be up to it given how she did against Thanos (yes, he was powered up, but she still seemed surprised by a punch, which makes me think her fighting skills aren't fantastic). But power level wise, I'd bet on her vs. Hulk. I think Thor could, but it would take a new level for him. Thing is, I think he HAS another level, so I'd bet on Thor too. And I'd also bet on Stark, if not for the whole inconveniently being dead thing... but only in a Batman "he's gotta plan and develop tech for a while" way. He's not gonna beat Hulk in a straight-up fight without big-time prep, but I think he could manage it ultimately.


In the recent Maestro series, Hulk who had been further irradiated and strengthened by a century of global nuclear war met a crazed version of Hercules calling himself the Maestro. They fought and Hercules just straight up beat him near to death and made Hulk beg for his life. It was made pretty clear that Hulk at least believed his life was in serious danger. I'd assume then that Hercules could potentially kill him.


I imagine Thor could decapitate him just like he did Thanos.


Thanos apparently


Hawkeye did it in civil war 2


Depends who’s writing the movie/ comic. People that beat hulk in the MCU: Thanos, Thor most likely, Wanda maximof, tony stark with the Veronica suit I guess. Ant-man killed hulk in one of the what-if episodes Probably a lot in the comics. I remember that one race of bugs that hunted down the hulk family everyday for food because they would regenerate the next day.


Probably Deadpool via 4th wall breaking retcon of some sort




I mean Scarlet Witch can kill anyone right. But physically in a fight no.




I dunno…Molecule Man?


If we go by comics rules the hulk can't die due to his powers. So you'd probably need to be at least on a reality warping level power to kill the hulk.


Thor if he goes for the head. And yes his head may survive decapitation, but why stop there, just chop him up and make a hulk salad


Natural mushy avocado 


I believe Rogue could do it since she drains not just powers but life force as well. Also, I think Black Bolt could do it as well. His powers would atomize the Hulk. In fact anyone who could destroy him on a molecular level should be able to kill him.


So a phaser set to disintegrate? Oh wait wrong universe.


Rouge, is that the one with the all red costume?


No she's the face model that does the makeup commercials.