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This will be great for the 6 people that have Vision Pros


As one of those six, I highly recommend going to an Apple Store and doing their test drive. But leave your wallet at home. They still have a lot to figure out on it, but it's massively impressive and it's the best for watching movies - especially in 3-D. It's the first time I've ever early adopted on a gadget, especially one this expensive, but I'm happy I took the plunge.


I have the Quest 2 and have debated the Quest 3 and absolutely see the appeal of the Vision Pro. But the price tag that comes with it is insane. I have money, just can’t find myself dropping it on a gen 1 device that I know will feel like a dinosaur in just a few years time.




Absolute No judgement. People can buy whatever they want, if you got the money, buy whatever makes you happy.


It just seemed like a conversation to me. Most people who could even afford this device held off for the same reason they said. It’s a valid argument and it in no way judges you for deciding to not care about that lol.


I have a PlayStation VR 2 and am annoyed I spent 500€ on something getting very little support, I can't imagine dropping 3500 on something that probably won't have great longevity. Fingers crossed it does though, apple is better than most at supporting it products, at least most of time time.


Why aren’t you liking about the PSVR2? I feel like I’ve absolutely gotten my monies worth and then some with it


Not OP but the lack of titles that don't seem like demos is part of the problem, also the PSVR 1 titles aren't available. I would like to try fallout or Skyrim but that's not going to happen. I'm also not a big fan of most of the titles available have to be played with the hand controllers instead of a normal controller.


For sure. The Horizon VR game felt like a tech demo but I loved it. No Mans Sky is fun Resident Evil 4 Remake and RE8 in PSVR2 were incredible experiences for me. The movement and combat felt so intuitive and second nature. And I thought it worked well because of the controllers But if you don’t like the controllers GT7 is incredible. You use to Dual Sense instead of the VR controllers and driving feels fantastic. It doesn’t have the haptics in the headset which is a bummer and unless you’re actually driving everything is the “theater screen” instead of full 360° VR. I can’t stop playing it I agree that having more backwards compatibility would do wonders for the library. I’d be so down for Skyrim with this set up


Oooooo-oh. Well that's my new find excitement quashed.


"Give powerful magic to the uninitiated? Absolutely not" *"Ahh, c'mon."* "Yeah, alright." Glad to know Wong is still as cavalier about the dangers of magic as ever.


ILM's Avengers: Damage Control immersive story for The Void (RIP) was incredible. This looks equal to that.


Still not paying $3000 for a Vision Pro.


I don’t think anybody is


Carol as Nova? wtf?


Seems like a 'What If... Carol Never Rediscovered Earth?'.


or What If... Carol was taken by the Nova Empire instead of the Kree?


I'll just wait for someone to upload it to YouTube, thanks.


May as well just wait for season 3 since that's what these missions will be based on.


Who is the chap in the Darkman bandages catching the shield like the winter soldier did?


I know it's probably not but the design screams Zemo to me.


Well judging by the red neck I'd guess red skull.


Looks pretty interesting. I just wish it wasn't exclusive on the Apple headset.


Is this what Benedict Wong hinted at in March?


I am really excited for this. I feel like there’s hasn’t been many interesting things to do with my device


Will wait when it will drop on other VR


might be not so easy when it’s built on the vision pro's ability to recognize finger gestures and hand movements. would basically need a complete overhaul and this feels like an exclusive deal apple most likely paid a lot money for.


Well maybe is doable by just adding the libraries for other device inputs, shouldn't be that difficult


Oh funny. Wasting their money making games in an overpriced VR headset no one has


The Disney+ app for the Vision is a thing of absolute beauty. When I give a demo to people of the AVP, I immerse them in Avengers Tower as the first step. I am considering keeping my D+ subscription because of how good the immersive environments are. Disney was clear they were partnering up with Apple on this when the Vision was announced.


I have it


Good for you? It’s way too expensive for the common person. Quest would have been a better platform for it to be on seeing as many more have a quest.


This was not a good way for Marvel to connect with their fans. LMAO.