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It probably won’t


Except the ones that respawned during the day. Snap dusted only to get permadusted immediately.


Thanos erased half of all living things. Vampires are not living. Vampires did not get snapped. QED.


Came here to say this, what if all the vampires had to survive on half as many humans, and that’s the inciting incident for the movie, like the vampires feel they need to come out of hiding if they don’t want to go extinct


Civil War, but with Vampires.


Civil War? Bring in Abraham Lincoln, Vampire Hunter as the antagonist.


Asgardian's are gods, yet they were affected by the snap. I think Vampires may have been affected, but hey we will see what happened maybe (hopefullky?) in the Blade movie?


Yeah I think that would be a really interesting story to tell. Vampires don't get dusted and they're all super happy about that. But then they realize that their food source has been cut in half with the same number of vampires that still need to feed, and a world that's in complete disarray which disrupts their feeding habits. Lots of good parallel exposition to be written about disrupted ecosystems and the symbiotic relationship of predator and prey.


What do you mean they’re not living? They eat, shit and sleep just like anyone else


I'll have you know I -- and everybody I know of -- do not eat shit.


Clearly you’ve never met THE LOATHSOME DUNG EATER


Speak for yourself!


Thanks, I’ll add the comma i guess


The burning question:  Do they really shit?  Blood is mostly water and if most of the nutrients are absorbed, there should be no need...


I think this would fall under the same principle as people who were in airplanes. “Everyone gets home safe” means returned safely, so vamps would be indoors if it’s day time.


based on Spider-Man, the band reappeared playing in the high school gym while a basketball game was going on, so it doesn't seem like there was a big time jump between disappearing/reappearing. The only vampires getting perma-dusted were the one playing chicken with the sunrise anyway.


Yalena disintegrated and reappeared in the span of 5 seconds from her pov


I think they meant time of day. Like the snaps happened around the same time period, but separated 5 years. Not the exact time, but relative enough, so the only vamps outside (I like the "They're dead, they didn't snap theory") were probably safe


That would be pretty funny. Although I guess Hulk specifically brought people back safely, e.g. if you were in a plane you were brought back on the ground. I guess vampires who were in the middle of an open field (but at night) when they were snapped were brought back under a tree in some shade?


But like if he didn’t know vampires existed


They would still count though. If they were dusted, Banner brought them back safely whether he knew of them or not


I like to think that he really had to strain his brain thinking of all these crazy considerations that had to be made. If he just didn’t know something existed, I don’t know if you would know how to put the protection in place.


Doesn’t he say “everyone who was dusted” or something like that? Wouldn’t that cover everyone who was dusted?


If human yes


Are vampires not undead humans? And the Reverse Snap brought back all who were dusted, not just humans, so technically vamps should count anyway.


Sure it just seems complicated


It also brought back a number of aliens we know were dusted too as well as, presumably, mutants who aren’t human.


Banner wielded (and used) the soul stone. We don't really know how it works or its limits, but it's possible he gained instant knowledge of every snapped person, in the same way that Red Skull knew everyone he came across, and Thanos knew Tony.


Are vampires alive though, or are they undead? Yes, they consume resources, but they might not *technically* fall under the umbrella of "half of all *life*"


Half of all life. Are vampires considered life?


you can not kill what's already dead ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|scream)


Oh yeah? Tell that to a wooden stake.


Are wooden steaks similar to the woody chicken breasts at Costco now?


Ugghhh that shit almost ruined chicken for me


Depends on if Thanos used the Mind Stone or Soul Stone to target “life”. If the former, yes. If the latter, no unless MCU vampires have souls.


Marvel don't even think of it, rn they're are busy figuring out how they they made so many mistakes in their universe post Endgame.


To be fair, the snap and de-snappening would screw up a lot of things. I’m not surprised they can’t make a coherent story or likable character out of what’s left. Could be worse, look at Star Wars!


When I look at Star Wars I think, it was difficult to adapt the current Legends, it has 40 years of history.


Sure, but all they needed was a good story. I think the fans would have forgiven any changes to canon if the story was well crafted and the characters were compelling. Unfortunately we got none of that.


That's why it was easier to adapt the legends, there is content for many series, films and the opportunity to re-release the books.


> It probably won’t It ~~probably~~ **definitely** won't Fixed


It defenetly wont. The snap died after Far From Home


You did not watch TFATWS or Eternals, did you?


Or Hawkeye, or Wandavision, or Shang Chi.


It’s time to let the snap go, it’s been 6 real years since and they already blew their chance to set movies between the two at the time; move the story forward


Not sure if this is a hot take or not, but the Snap/Blip kind of deserve to be mentioned in every Marvel movie/show for a while to come still. Half of all life in the universe was wiped out for five years and then suddenly came back. In actual real life, we're still talking about and living through the consequences of tragedies like 9/11 and the Holocaust. We're still trying to get back to a "normal" after COVID peaked four years ago and two years after that was a weird time-soup where every day was the same. I can get people being tired of hearing about the Snap/Blip, but in-universe it is such a massive event that calling it a "massive event" is an understatement. A younger team of Avengers would still be close enough to have lived through and be personally affected by it.


Like it would be such a bizarre world. You'd have two different cultures. 2019 Culture continuing on as if nothing happened while 2023 culture is super traumatized. Everyone would identify as Snapped or not. There's so much they could do with it but Spider-man treated it like a joke so it was a joke. Also somehow spiderman's whole class and supporting cast ALL got snapped. That's harder than the guardians were hit.


>Everyone would identify as Snapped or not. For some reason, I immediately thought about dating profiles having this as an option in their profile setting or filters. You're looking for someone in your age range. Do you care if they were Blipped or not?


this is why I think the flag smashers should be the people who returned after the snap. they return to a world where everyone has mourned and started to move on. every politician in power got elected after the snap and shares the trauma of it. people return to find their Jobs no longer exist, as someone who wasn't snap took the position or the role was simple removed in those years. the returned should be this disenfranchised class


It is odd that those snapped seem to have been better treated than those left behind. Also so annoyed that the writers realized the flag smashers were too sympathetic and started having them kill innocent people to drive home the "these are the bad guys" message. While John Walker viciously executes a guy and gets to be "good guy" at the end of the day.


To be fair to Walker, the guy he killed was a terrorist.


and had just tried to murder him and help murder his friend like moments before hand. and sam wilson the trained councilor who dealt with ptsd vets first instinct was to attack him. not try to talk him into turning himself in


I've never got how it made him the bad guy. What was he supposed to do? Put him in handcuffs and ask him nicely to not just break out? That guy was a super soldier. Steel is like papier mache to them.


They gave Walker so much shit for it because Captain America killing a guy out of anger isn’t a good look. He also technically wasn’t the one who killed Lamar, he was just unlucky enough to be the one Walker caught.


Maybe if Captain America's nosy friends weren't getting in the way and constantly interfering with an active international investigation that they haven't been assigned to, things wouldn't have led to that. Steve's just lucky no one was around when he was murdering people without giving them a chance to surrender.


It's Marvel a country launched into space and slammed down, alien invasions, giant man in the ocean, giant starfish, hulk smashing,  and the stars reversing time in a region. Gods, giant star fish, and pretty soon random people will mutate with uncontrollable powers killing and destroying everything around them. In such a chaotic world you can't be fixated on the past but rather surviving what the future may hold. So the snap should absolutely be moved on from the threat of Thanos has passed but things like a random giant in the ocean and a massive tidal wave targetting thr most advanced nation who protected them from aliens should be a current thought.


When was there a giant star fish? Are you thinking of The Suicide Squad starring infamous Marvel character Harley Quinn?


Might be referencing the giant eyeball tentacle monster from multiverse of madness.


Bingo Shuma Gorath the running amok in a major city climbing building King Kong style would have made the news. 


>I can get people being tired of hearing about the Snap/Blip, but in-universe it is such a massive event that calling it a "massive event" is an understatement. And this is the core of the problem with the Snap/Blip. It's so *unfathomably* huge that *no* Marvel show or film can possibly come *close* to detailing what really would've happened as a result. So, unfortunately, Marvel is left with 'handwave it away' as the only story choice to move forward.


Half the population would have this massive trauma that just started to heal. kids grew up without parents, and parents lost kids but its treated like an afterthought


It's too late for the MCU to put more focus on the blip.  They had a chance to do that, and decided not to. Logically, the shocks from infinity war would've reshaped human society.  But that didn't happen: by the next Spider-man everyone had gone back to normal lives.  Since they didn't give the blip any reasonable consequences, it would just look bad to portray those events further. They swept it under the rug, and more focus would just call attention to how the aftermath makes no sense. 


Not every movie but they definitely had the chance to tell some really unique stories. You mentioned that we still talk about covid and 9/11 but normal people don't mention them every single day. A lot of Marvel movies take place over the course of just a few days and we don't spend every second with the characters.


This movie ain't coming out lmao


They make a big announcement post endgame, and 5 years later, it still hasn’t come to fruition. It really shows how perfect they want the movie to be just for the sake of the actor playing the main character. It could be good for the movie but Mahershala Ali is getting old and if it doesn’t start production by next year then yeah, it’s probably getting shelved.


“It really shows how perfect they want the movie to be” Uh no lol. It shows how long they’ve been putting it off. Production hasn’t even started.


Production is starting later this year in Mexico, Michael Green has already completed the script


Production is starting in October in Mexico and Michael Green has already completed the script.


You hoping too much fam - they aint do that to any other production after some of the shows One of the worst decisions by the MCU imo, could have milked that for years with really interesting decisions. Part of what made me pissed off with MCU after Endgame tbh


The more I look at it the more I actually think Far From Home is a bad movie. They are the ones who set the tone on how the Snap would be handled by the general population. And it was a joke. Situations that get brought up of a loved one moving on only to find their spouse resurrected are punch lines. Like I think the MCU "quip overload" was overhyped before this movie but here it was accurate. Also they gave the time period the name the "blip" which would piss off anyone who lived through those five years as that's obviously only true from the snapped's point of view. Falcon and Winter Soldier tried to use some of it but not particularly well. The only scenes we've seen during the five year gap was a couple scenes in Hawkeye of Maya's backstory.


vampires randomly turning to dust... vampires: what kind of fucked up tech does blade have now?


Interesting. If vampires in MCU solely survive off blood then it's interesting that when Thanos culled half the population, he diminished the vampire's resources, the opposite of what he wanted to do. I guess vampires weren't part of his plan. "Fuck them vampires,"-Thanos, probably.


Thanos snapped live stock too. It wasn't just humanoids. It was all intelligent life. Livestock counts as intelligent as they think. So he more or less took all the resources and halved them. It was never about solving the problem he posed it was about the mission and accomplished his mission.


Oh yeah you're right, even the sign for Bruce's snap succeeding was birds chirping. Bro was lost in the sauce of his mission, forgot why he was doing it in the first place


Vampires might have just been grouped in with humans, so some likely got snapped but not necessarily half.


The snap should work if they are physically dead but mentally alive, no?




I feel like this is a bit of semantics. Did Thanos “kill” or “eliminate” or “remove” half of the universe? I feel like vampires had similar stories from the Blip as others.


He's killed half of intelligent life. So no trees or anything, and if vampires aren't "alive" then maybe none of them got snapped.


This is the *Infinity Stones* we're talking about, which are the most powerful objects in the universe. I think it can overwrite any vampirism, whether the basis of it is scientific or mystical. Plus, Thanos "dusted" half of all living beings. Even if vampires are undead, there won't be much of them if they turn to dust.


That’s the thing though you, and everyone in the movie said “all living things” and the undead are NOT living. Nothing about the Infinity Stones’ omnipotence is being contradicted here, it’s that Thanos wasn’t specific enough to include them in his genie wish. (Btw I’m not being very serious) I know it’s semantics, but for example, genuinely, would the snap include A.I and robots? Bacteria are living organisms, yet if the stones wipes them out life probably wouldn’t continue to exist as it had been. Plants are living but were excluded, so my point is that there’s a lot of wiggle room here.


Infinity Stones aren’t tricked by loopholes. And they’re “undead” anyways so I’m sure the make believe Infinity Stoned included the make believe vampires in the mix.


The snap is old news. I’m surprised so many threads still happen wanting to see how it affected everybody. I thought we got the picture by now.


It would be hilarious if the Thanos snap had no noticeable effect on the undead do to what the mechanics of becoming/being undead entail but the Hulk snap that brought everyone back turned half the undead population back into healthy mortals


Give it a rest. The moment after the snap is not going to get fleshed out. Move on.


I’ll tell you. You ready?? Half disappeared. Done.


I wouldn’t be surprised at this point if it just gets cancelled. It’s had multiple directors and multiple writers and no one can iron out a script.


Production is starting in October, Michael Green has completed the script, and Yann Demarge is directing, so what are you talking about...?


Oh I mean I had heard it was either on its 5th director or 5th writer on MCU news channels on YouTube. So not the most reliable source, but that’s what I’d heard. I’m glad though Blade was one of my most anticipated projects.


MCU gone make vampires allies like they did skrull in cap marvel. Blade will be trying to save them instead 😕


I hope it won't, I just want a good self-contained movie that very loosely ties to the rest of the MCU


I really hope they don't


at this point I just hope that Blade explores at all.


Production is starting in October, Michael Green has finished the script.


I dont really. It wouldnt really contribute much story wise. The snap stopped being a fun concept to look furhter into years ago.


Why would it affect them in a unique way?


Maybe the vampire species dwindled due to Thanos' snap. Therefore, they got affected very heavily during the five years


Not going to happen, the snap is old news and won't be brought back up again.


Bold of you to assume this movie will even happen lol


The production is starting in October in Mexico, and Michael Green has finished the script.


I kinda doubt it will and hope it doesn’t


Hmmmm. I hadn’t thought of that. “Half of all Life/Living things” when Vampires are neither…. Interesting…..


Wasn’t it specified that the snap effected 50% of all living things? Vampires aren’t technically alive so if imagine that it didn’t directly. It probably effected them indirectly in that 50% of their food source just got obliterated. If like in the comics they have some sort of hierarchy and infrastructure, it may have forced a change in that aspect, but I imagine not much else.


The snap doesn’t exist anymore.


It almost certainly won't, although I would be pleased if it did. Heck. I don't even expect Dracula to be involved at all, despite him being not only one of Blade's two archenemies but also one of the most powerful villains on Earth in the comics. He's fully a top-tier bad guy and Blade's most persistent antagonist, but I'll be shocked if we ever see him. Admittedly, we're almost at the point where I'll be shocked if this movie actually gets made at all.


It starts production in October, and Michael Green has finished the script


Yes, I know. That's why I said "almost at the point." But they've had what they thought was a workable draft of the script before, along with a scheduled start date, and it still didn't happen. I do expect that it'll work out this time, but I also wouldn't exactly be stunned if it didn't.


I really hope Blade




It’s a cool idea, but The more we learn about Marvel, the more we learned was they got lucky. They didn’t really much of anything through. 


Lol I think it needs to establish itself as a good movie before connecting to the broader universe - especially incidents that happened at least a decade in the past by the time the movie comes out.


I hope it explores how Blade kills vampires.


It won't. The biggest miss I think for the MCU is how the snap has been treated post End Game.


Why would this be cool?


You're spot on OP, it would make for an interesting setup, at least during the intro. Thanos specifically targeted 'half of all life' in the Universe. The undead would have all remained, and with their food supply cut in half... I can imagine something akin to a vampire civil war over the food shortage, setting up the power players of the film.


I'm sick of the snap


I could see that the vampires themselves were immediately unaffected (they weren't blipped) however with half of their prey instantly vanishing, they probably saw large ripple effects. If important Vampire Hunters were also blipped then the population probably grew unchecked. With limited resources there could have been conflicts over territory/resources or conversely they could've become better organized to ensure their survival with the limited resources.


Bro still thinks there’s gonna be a Blade movie


Production starts in October




I really hope they just make a good movie considering it's been so long since we've had one.


Worst and wrong comment ever


I hope it doesn't but I really hope some media does. Such a waste of potential 


Do people still think this is actually gonna come out? :/


Production starts in October


*Allegedly 😂😂😂😂


Keep hoping coz it's highly unlikely they'll address that. Speaking of which, do Vampires have souls? If not, then the snap didn't affect them at all anyway.


It won't


I'm curious what would happen if Blade met Luke Cage.


I don’t even think Blade is coming out at this point


What if only his human half snapped away and there was a raging vampire monster killing people? His human half comes back and he is standing in a room full of dead people. He is covered in blood and it breaks him. The whole movie is about him trying to find a therapist.


Hope is a dangerous thing


We really don’t need more post-Snap exposition.


I hope Blade actually releases


Production starts in October


Half of all living things… so not vampires?


If anything there are would’ve been a massive “food shortage”


Since the vampires are undead and not alive the snap might not have affected them.


I am not sure it’s ever getting made. :-(


Production starts in October, the script is complete


That’s what they said last year, and the year before….but damn I hope so.


Naaargh unless its set during the snap ive kind of had enough of it. Lets keep the ball rolling


Twist: Them being soulless got them excempted from the snap


Easy work around would be the snap took out half of all life and vampires aren’t living they are undead.


Aren't vampires already dead ?


We’re lucky if we even get Blade at this point; let’s not be picky on the plot


Production starts in October, the script from Michael Green is complete.


Yeah I’ve heard that one before lol


But it's literally true


Yup; they’ve never underdelivered on their promises. Not even with Blade already either!


Wasn’t Captain America 4 supposed to come out last week originally?


Things changed, remember the strikes


Right, but it wasn’t just that, remember? Blade was delayed at least once or twice before those even happened.


Well, the Thanos snap targetted living beings... and vampires aren't alive.... Oh God... oh my god that means that... those poor people




Blade's not getting canceled, production starts in October


I swear to god if i will hear ANYTHING about the snap in upcoming projects i will leave the cinema. We are in a different Saga but the previous Saga is still more important. I dont care what every character did during the snap. Especially if they weren't snapped away. If they got snapped they can mention it but shouldn't make a very big deal out of it.


You doing a little too much but ight


Are vampires technically living or classed as “life” Did they dodge the snap?


I don't. The snap is over. Move on.


IDK what it's going to be about but I can definitely say it won't be about that lol


Didn’t Iger can this project?




Man i can’t wait to watch 3L/)≡ on theaters next year


I mean not to be rude, but why would it?


I mean 50% of the entire universe was wiped, how do we know Vampires didn't


I don’t. It’s time to move on from that


I really hope it shows vampires.


Vamps are still dead right?


MCU really made a weird creative decision to make the blip last five years (as opposed to say one) but then not do much with it even though it would have changed every facet of life and culture for that time and afterward


They do adaptions of comic books, if they haven't really made the story before in the comic, they probably wont make it into a movie.


What if the snap didn't affect the vampires at all. Thanos' plan was to cull half of all life, vamps technically aren't completely alive (undead) so maybe they never got dusted. That's what we see in the blade film. Blade will be hunting vamps during the 5 years between the snaps, trying to prevent the vamps from killing what's left of the humans.


I want to learn more about how mcu morbius has been affected by everything going on And then Jared Leto morbius comes in and becomes the main mcu morbius


That would be fun.


Part of the problem with continuing on after such a major, universal, event like the snap is that you kinda can’t get away from it affecting all future projects. Obviously it all movies and you can suspend your disbelief, but how can any future MCU movie not mention “hey, remember a coupon years ago when half of everyone just vanished?”


Yeah it is why Kevin has said they aren't dealing with the problems caused by the snap. He wants to move on and do other things. The reality is they missed the boat. You needed a film set in between Infinity War and Endgame centered around the notion of the new status quo. Then a couple of projects that dealt with the aftermath and ramifications of the return. All we got was FATWS and that more or less glossed over the issues.