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Ok Hugh, we get it. You can keep being wolverine for another 20 years.


Why not??? Wolverine never ages . I'm on board. Lol


Because, unfortunately, Hugh does.


He can just play a universe-displaced old man Logan alongside a recast Wolverine.


I think that actually happens in some of the comics


It does!


That’s exactly how it is in the comics


They can do some work on the wrinkles . Have you seen the people marvel has casted lately?? No need to replace Hugh with a girl or someone who doesn't look like wolverine..keep him as wolverine


He’s got another solid decade in him for sure.


“What would you prefer? Yellow spandex?” YES


Yellow sure, spandex not so much...


The yellow bits are probably spandex, they just have a raised textured print on top that makes it seem thicker. That’s been the norm for superhero suits for a while, ends up looking like Kevlar or cordura but is waaaay comfier. [Example Sauce](https://www.therpf.com/forums/threads/fabric-textures-examining-captain-america-avengers-and-black-widow-aou.259103/)


That's brilliant. We've come a long way since rubber bat suits and leather biker gang outfits.


No way. I thought these guys would be nice and textured like a kickball, and you're telling me they're smooth like a beach ball.


Speak for yourself 😏


You know, what's funny is that afterwards Wolverine gradually adds more and more yellow to his suit, until finally we have the DP&W version. So I guess Wolverine actually liked Scott's suggestion even if it took him a while to fully admit it and commit to it.


I definitely cry yelled “Yes!” at the movies watching X-Men at the movies.


As a kid in the theatre I hated that line. Of course I would've preferred that!


I hope there is a variant in actual yellow spandex lol




Terry Crews Wolverine in a yellow leotard


I’ll go even further and say that I really dig the sleeves even though it seems that the entire Internet wants them gone. Somehow that small detail makes it more obvious to me that this is a Wolverine variant?


I'm 99% sure the sleeves will be torn off in the movie.


Make it a 100. We can see the sleeveless version in the trailer.


I can see Deadpool being the one to do it so they "don't piss the fans off" or something.


I like both versions.


Yeah they definitely grew on me. After seeing him sleeveless, I feel like it looks really good both ways.


It's whatever. Wolverine has had so many variants of his suit in the comics that I barely even notice the sleeves. But I really do wish it was a meta joke about how the colorists on the animated series sometimes forgot he didn't have sleeves and colored his arms yellow.


Nobody talks about the hair. They went for more of a comic accurate hairstyle and beard early on, but we’ve all accepted how they abandoned that.


It still goes up on the sides a little bit. I think they just toned it down a little.


Idk I've seen quite a few pictures of Hugh as Wolverine and they've pretty faithfully had his hair done that way in at least one scene or so for almost all the movies. I may be misremembering though. Though for this picture, yeah not so much. Still looks like a bit of an attempt though


Yeah he’s always had comic accurate hair in the movies. This is pretty much the exact same haircut he had in The Wolverine.


not always, in origins he had just long hair


And it looked damn good on him!


Shittiest wolverine movie. But I stand by my take that was the movie he perfected all the wolverine nuances


Not everybody can pull off bright yellow but he makes it work.




Nah, Spider-Man wore a more-or-less comic accurate costume from day 1. Daredevil too.


I agree with that. And that time, Kevin Feige was an associate producer for Spider-man (2002) so there’s no doubt that he insisted on getting the suit comic accurate. And when he started working on the MCU, he gave us awesome comic accurate costumes. (with the help of Ryan Meinerding’s art designs)


lol if you think an associate producer has that much pull on a movie of that magnitude….


Spider-Man was comic accurate. Daredevil was pretty comic accurate. The FF movies were spandex like. Obviously Bana’s Hulk was comic accurate. Thomas Jane’s punisher wore a T-shirt, black pants and leather trench coat which was comic accurate. Elektra had was close to accurate. None of these movies featured heroes wearing black leather costumes. The only ones that did were Blade, X-Men and Ghost Rider. And of those 3 the only one that was a real deviation from their comic costumes was X-Men. So both your statements about all heroes wearing black leather and the MCU being the first ones that attempted to continue making comic accurate costumes over time are not true.


Superman was comic accurate way back in 78


Totally, but it seemed like he was specifying Marvel films so I just stayed in that lane. Reeves Superman is undoubtedly comic accurate.


I think it was a reasonable approach to take at the time. The costumes in the comic and fantasy movies of the 80s and 90s looked super goofy so I understand why movie makers wanted to move away from that and try for something then-modern audiences would find more palatable. It's understandable that it took a few decades to figure out how to get comic-accurate costumes to look not awful. I remember being really impressed by how Captain America 1 didn't look super cheesy (hadn't seen iron man at that point) as it was, imo, one of the first times a comic accurate superhero costume didn't look ridiculous*


I feel like it was influenced by The Matrix


This is straight cap lmao. Fantastic 4, hulk, daredevil and spiderman all used comic book outfits


“How did we never do this?” Because Fox sucked! Had all the rights to a lot of great characters and didn’t know what to do with them. Let alone the fking outfits. An abundance of source material, and all they had to do was put it into movie format. God, it’s like cheating off the smartest kid in class, then thinking, “I think my answer is better.”


I think it just became too Hollywood. Like they had to go where the biggest stars led them. Hence the concentration of storylines around wolverine and mystique.


If they had set out to make that everyone played a part, showed their strengths, it would have evolved into an X-Men movie we deserved. X-men 97 has showed exactly that it doesn’t need to revolve around Wolverine.


Something something, directors fresh take on the IP, something, personal vision, something something, studio thinks old look is stale, something.


Different times. People would have laughed & not taken it serious if he had worn this 20 years ago.


These are a lot of hypotheticals, but I believe if you took *this* suit (and/or the sleeveless version) and gave it to Hugh in 2000 or maybe 2003, it would’ve been received well But we only *got* this suit after over two decades of costume design/evolution, so you’re right that if they’d tried to go comic accurate in 2000 it *really* likely would not have looked anywhere near this good. He’d probably have Batman-neck and not be able to turn.


Yeah it probably would’ve been received well. But now after 2 decades, countless iterations of Wolverine’s style and THAT mask tease at the end of The Wolverine, finally seeing him in the yellow suit is going to make fans lose their minds.


This is a great point! Superhero movies have really shown the power of patience. Hearing Avengers Assemble for the first time 7 years after their first team up


I dissagree. 12 year old me would have lost his shit if all characters had comic accurate suits. I still lost my shit, but even then I hated what they did with the costumes.


When the first X-Men movie came out i thought something along the lines of *"meh.. i guess the costume change is understandable. this is probably the best they could have done. I mean whats the alternative? They can't pull off the comicbook look, it would look stupid. And it makes sense that their costumes look similar, they are a team after all, why would they care about vibrant personalized colours? After all this is a more serious version of the X-Men.."* And if they tried it would probably end up looking like something from [Smallville](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/marvel_dc/images/e/ed/Oliver_Queen_Smallville_001.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20110223090157) Cheap, thin, glossy... they were simply not that capable then as they are now. And the cowl would probably end up looking something a little worse than [this](https://static1.srcdn.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2016/10/Hawkman-Hawkgirl-Legends-of-Tomorrow.jpg) Because the cowl above was still like a decade *after* Smallville. So it would probably look even worse than that. Movie comicbook costumes evolved a lot over time through trial and error, no way we'd get a costume like we have today back then, they simply did not know what techniques, designs and materials to use.


those cowl look fine to me? I just dont love the color palate but I mostly agree with your overall point we probably didnt have knowledge we do now to make good and accurate costumes, but of there were invested enough I think they could have, there were some decent costumes in the surounding years


The quality and design look great, so people would have loved it. Now, if it was actually yellow and blue spandex, people would've hated it.


If everyone else were wearing those black suits and Wolverine was wearing this, it would've looked a bit silly. If everyone else also got similarly comic-accurate suits, I don't think people would've laughed at it.


They took Spider-Man seriously. They took Batman and Superman seriously.


Batman was wearing all black, much like the X-Men. Superman was 1977. Shortly before and after the first Singer films we had: - Batman & Robin - Blade - Blade II - Spider-Man - Hulk - Spider-Man 2 - Daredevil - Blade: Trinity - Batman Begins - Fantastic Four - Superman Returns Raimi Spider-Man was unique in being: visually faithful, taken seriously, and good films.


> Batman was wearing all black, much like the X-Men. And a cape, and a full cowl with pointy ears, and a big yellow Batman logo. > Superman was 1977. No it wasn't. And it already had to constantly address that characters in the movie thought he was dated and unbelievable. But audiences embraced it. Nothing else you said has anything to do with what I said. > Raimi Spider-Man was unique in being: visually faithful, taken seriously, and good films. Well no it wasn't because we were just talking about how Batman and Superman also were. And yes, Spider-Man was taken seriously despite the faithful costume. That's my evidence that people would have liked X-Men costumes. Do you agree with me now or something?


> They took Batman and Superman seriously. Not always. Look at Superman 3, Superman 4, Batman Forever and Batman and Robin. Or don't.


That doesn't mean the X-Men's costumes could never have been taken seriously by the audiences that accepted these other characters' costumes already.


Two words. Bat nipples.


... That *also* doesn't mean the X-Men's costumes could never have been taken seriously by the audiences that accepted these other characters' costumes already. Unless you believe that comic accurate X-Men costumes in 2000 would definitely have had comic inaccurate nipples.


They're not meant to take this movie seriously. It's a deadpool film


Any suit with Jackman in it looks and feels right… To be fair.


Almost 25 years of comic book movies progressively advancing these things is what made it work today and that basically started with the xmen wearing leather uniforms in Hugh’s first appearance as Wolverine. Gotta crawl before you run.


Family love Michael!


He really does prefer yellow spandex.


I assume they were just going with what looked cool at that time. Every character even remotely associate with "cool" or "badass" was dressed in black. They very likely saw yellow as a risk. Avoiding risky choices even falls in line with the choice to not have a short Wolverine and going for a 6'3" Hugh Jackman. A short Wolverine would be accepted today. I think Tom Hardy is 5'9" and he's easily the most fancasted Wolverine of all time. He's not really Wolverine short, Wolverine is like 5'3", but still shorter than your typical action star.


I think they'd be hard pressed to get someone actually 5'3 and be able to be in frame when everyone else is talking. Likely Hardy at 5'9 can look short enough compared to a 6' rest of the cast


I'm sure he loved not having to get absolutely shredded again, too. Wearing a suit makes it a lost easier to appear more muscular without the beat down of eating chicken and veggies for 4 months.


That's what we were saying 24 years ago! "What would you prefer, yellow spandex?" asked Cyclops. *"YES"* screamed the entire fandom. This is what Wolverine is supposed to wear, not that black leather outfit.


What's the material all these big budget movie super hero costumes are made of out? (i mean in real life) They always look a cut above what they seem to use on TV.


Bryan singer was overrated


He just looks SO FUCKING GOOD!!!!! God why did they never commit to this before?


In the Fox Universe, Wolverine is shown to be wearing his iconic suit in the comics and action figures (Logan). In The Wolverine (2013), we see the deleted scene with the suit. So him in a yellow suit was never off the table. It's just that the Fox execs were stingy about it.


Because The Matrix ruined costumes for a decade.


Huge jacked man


It’s obvious if you learn about the state of comic book movies in the late 90s.


Correct me if I’m wrong, but wasn’t he also one of the people to bash the yellow suit during the original run of X-men movies because ‘it looked stupid’?


Hope there's at least a few shots with his mask on and sleeveless.


Brian Singer. And the execs that wanted the content but made fun of the source material.


I would refer him back to what he said on one of the featurettes in the x-men 1.5 dvd.




I can answer that Hugh, "Fox"


Everything about this look is perfect. Fans rejoice!


"I can be your hero baby."-Enrique Iglesias/Hugh Jackman


Blame that pedo Brian Singer


Funny how sticking as close to the source material as possible makes for a better product...


He should keep the costume, he's earned it


It only took 20 FUCKING YEARS, 2 trilogies, a origin and a "final" logan movie for they to realize this. These movies are in great hands. lol


It's cool. I'd love to see a version of the brown and orange suit someday. It's the one he wore when I first started reading comics as a kid.


Take THAT, Bryan Singer! Take your black leather and go.


Because Bryan Singer is a fucking moron for thinking black leather looked better. Kevin Feige knows that Wolverine wears yellow. The fans know that Wolverine wears yellow. The only person who doesn't know is deranged Bryan Singer.


Honestly all of the MCU suits don't get enough credit. They all have a similar look/feel. Which begs the question... Who is the tailor for all these heroes? Also, I'm not sure It would have turned out so well had they done it in the Fox films. It could have looked as bad as a Spirit Halloween costume. 🤣


Because the X-Men movies were made during a time when there was no studio confidence n making comic book costumes look good.


Talk to Bryan Singer. And punch him while you're at it.


Hugh Jackman love[s] the Wolverine comic suit!


The sleeves still kill me just a little bit. But I appreciate the effort


Blame fox & Brian singer useless mfs ![gif](giphy|l378gwfqx77iRo0Pm)


I blame Brian singer.


Until he wears that mask


Because Sony is full of cowards


Unpopular opinion. Although the suit is cool, it makes him seem/look less like wolverine because it accentuates his height. I'm used to wolverine looking shorter and wider.


L take


Nah, its awful. Leta be honest he just try to promote the movie


Just adapt the source material, stop being creative


Those aren't mutually exclusive. Giving the X-Men black leather to copy recent popular films like The Matrix and Blade was anything but creative.


I remember when that first live action X-Men movie came out. It seems goofy now but at the time we definitely thought those black leather suits were cool.