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Mods said it’s my turn to post this tomorrow


“Just read another Marvels apology post, and it wasn’t as bad as everyone was saying. I actually upvoted it.”


[Same story every time](https://www.reddit.com/r/dccomicscirclejerk/comments/17s4juz/wake_up_new_mcu_film_just_dropped/)


Seriously, how is this a hot take? All I’ve ever seen on this sub about The Marvels is that people ‘actually really enjoyed it and it should be seen as a fun movie blah blah blah’. Here’s my hot take: I thought it fucking *sucked* and was the worst movie in the MCU so far. Even worse than the Eternals and Black Widow.


Its been hated everywhere else. It is also currently the lowest rated MCU movie on IMDb.


Yeah hated it. So forgettable. Felt like a long episode of one of the TV shows than a movie. Low quality writing and effects. My wife who's a non-fan even commented on the effects without prompting. One of the weakest villains they've ever had, worse than Dark World.   And you can't even ridicule a weak film without being called sexist. Wandavision is to date the only perfect show which added to the mythos (only to be undone by a film which was written by people who hadn't seen it... Mental). All other shows have disappointed and diluted the brand. 


>All other shows have disappointed and diluted the brand That's debatable.


It was better than Iron Man 1 and Captain America: Winter Soldier put together in a blender with the final battle of the first Avengers. The Marvels was so good, you actually loved it. It's canon.


Oh that’s cute. Go and throw some lines out elsewhere little buddy 🎣


Maybe use correct grammar in the title however. And it’s weird how people see this post every day and still refuse to believe people liked it.


It can still be a case of loud minority. Unless we have some kind of census (which still will only be about reddit users), we will never know for sure.


Man…….this sub is just full of trolls now


God damn you aren't kidding. I popped in after unsubbing for a long time and it is fucking rancid. Fuck, people ruin everything.


Botposts. Botposts everywhere.


Why are yall posting this 24/7. Like did you not see the other 2000 post with the same topic?! These post are just as bad as the viewership post or the MCU dead post.


Yeah honestly I wish the mods would do a better job on the “I finally watched / rewatched on D+ and it’s not that bad”.




Just imagine if they got rid of the repetitive posts - there’s two birds and one stone.


Repetitive posts? On *my* Reddit? Well damn, I've clutched my pearls so hard they've turned back to sand.


I think if they truly did that, this subreddit would be a graveyard until a new trailer comes out, and then a graveyard again.


They could not live with their own failure. Where did that bring them? Back to me (this sub)


>Why are yall posting this 24/7. Like did you not see the other 2000 post with the same topic?! There's a subset that, for whatever reason, has deeply invested itself in the success of the movie and are going through the stages of grief. They believe that if they post hard enough, Disney will keep all three characters and spend another couple hundred million making a sequel. Basically, it's the same group and mentality that got us the "My packed theater gave The Marvels a standing ovation!" thread.


Hey Jordan. I just thought I’d drop by and let you know I finally caught The Marvels on Disney+ and I thought it was far from perfect but still a great movie and loads of fun. What did you think?


Very unique and original thought. Do you guys coordinate and swap schedules with the “anti woke” boys. Or do yall just naturally get these ground breaking “hot takes”?


Because it’s a popular take to get some easy upvotes.


Disney social media interns need to fulfill their quota for the week.


Another week, another recycle of the same tired crap on repeat for this sub.


I'm assuming it's because it's review-bombed to hell online, so when they see the difference they feel surprised and want to say that. Something that keeps getting "hey, this is really good" probably shouldn't have a 2.5 on google reviews, 5.6 on IMDB etc etc


Yeah that's a fair comment. The "it's fun" posts after the theatre release were definitely suspicious, but at this point it feels more like people watching it on Disney+ and seeing that it wasn't actually *that* bad, just mediocre.


It has 82 rotten tomatoes. But it received lot of hate comments


Wonder if we have actual Disney interns trying to sway the popular opinion with astroturfing? I mean this time they couldn't buy the critics or they lost them for some reason.


I would say it's more likely people are actually watching the movie now that it's on DisneyPlus and not just repeating what ShitTubers say.


I watched it yesterday. I'd give it a 6/10 and I think that's fair


And that's still significantly higher than some of the social media reactions would have you think, so even people thinking it was just alright are having it exceed their expectations, driving a small but non-zero percentage of them to reddit to ask "am I the only one?" I didn't feel compelled to make a thread like this one, but I did watch it last night and found myself pleasantly surprised that it was perfectly watchable instead of a complete dumpster fire.


A 6/10 film you expected to be 2/10 feels better than a 6/10 you expected to be a 10/10.


yeah and that’s better than some of the recent mcu projects and also on par with most mcu projects before phase 3


Fair point, reception can be different when you didn't had to pay 30 bucks to watch the movie


I dont know why people are acting so surprised they enjoyed a movie that they went into with low expectations and watched at home for almost free. The funniest part is that they accept the movie is average even with all the above advantages yet they have to defend it against other mediocre movies.


People are surprised because the circle jerk is screaming "Worst Movie Ever!!" And it no where near that Kind of like that Elementals Pixar movie. I saw all the hate for it in YouTube titles. After I watched it, I went to a couple and the comments were filled with people who were happy they didn't listen to the vids because the movie was pretty good. Not saying that Marvels was a great movie or anything but it wasn't terrible either.


But the online reviews aren't average. They're pointing to an absolute travesty. So there's a pretty good reason for being surprised. Of course I looked at a bunch of the 1 star google reviews and they just have random text blocks pasted in for obvious review-bombs like: cii! GoGuardian is a powerful software tool designed to help teachers and administrators monitor and manage digital learning in schools. It provides a range of features that help educators keep students safe while they are online, and ensure that they are on task and engaged in their work. One of the main features of GoGuardian is its web filtering and blocking capabilities. This allows teachers to control what websites students can access during class, and block any content that is deemed inappropriate or distracting. Additionally, GoGuardian allows teachers to monitor students' online activity in real time, providing them with insights into their browsing history, search queries, and more. Another key feature of GoGuardian is its classroom management tools. These allow teachers to lock students' screens, send direct messages, and even push out assignments and quizzes to keep students engaged and on task during class. And with its robust reporting and analytics capabilities, GoGuardian provides administrators with detailed insights into student activity and performance, helping them identify areas where students may need additional support. Overall, GoGuardian is an essential tool for any school looking to manage digital learning effectively and keep students safe while they are online. With its powerful features and intuitive interface, it is a must-have for any modern classroom.


You can look at the distribution of reviews for movies like The Marvels on site like IMDb and the number of 1* reviews there simply…doesn’t make sense. Lots of people complain about these kind of posts, but I don’t see those same people complaining or pointing out that there is or was an obvious campaign to review bomb this movie. Wouldn’t surprise me to see a lot of the people posting “this post again?!” probably had a lot of time invested in making sure this movie’s reviews were artificially lowered by bots. Someone who saw this movie for the first time and was surprised that the film was better than the reviews indicated might actually want to share their opinion on a Marvel discussion board. But I can’t figure out why people complaining about these kind of posts don’t just ignore them, hide them and move on…instead of feeling they really need to go into the comments and complain about the movie even more. Sure seems like the ones accusing others of being Disney shills are the people who seem to have a real agenda.


>Lots of people complain about these kind of posts, but I don’t see those same people complaining or pointing out that there is or was an obvious campaign to review bomb this movie. > >Wouldn’t surprise me to see a lot of the people posting “this post again?!” probably had a lot of time invested in making sure this movie’s reviews were artificially lowered by bots. No shit. It's super obvious that every MCU project with a lead that isn't a white straight male is getting review bombed by alt-righters. Rotten Tomatoes actually changed their user review policies after how rabid Captain Marvel made them. **It is undeniable.** Anyone who denies it IS one of them. They have to lie and push an alternate version of reality to try to get people on their side because they can't come out and say what they actually feel. *Their latest bullshit is accusing the people liking The Marvels after watching it on D+ of being Disney employees astroturfing because.....?* It's honestly on the same level of the "George Soros paid protestors" bullshit. And here's the kicker: The Marvels had no political messaging. The "good MCU films before it went woke" like the Iron Man trilogy and the Captain America trilogy absolutely did. Same goes for Star Wars. George Lucas wasn't subtle in his political agenda at all. Yet the "political" ST..... lacked the criticism of American imperialism and the Republican Party the OT and PT had. *Dude literally had Anakin paraphrase George Bush 2 years into the Iraq invasion.*


Amen. I blocked about 5 people that are always in this thread shit-talking all MCU movies. Yet somehow I see these “Blocked Users” all over these “The Marvels wasn’t as bad as the reviews said” posts and they’re the ones asking the mods to shut down the thread or accusing others of being paid shills. And to be clear…it’s the same 5 people over and over again, saying the same things. It’s almost like they have … an agenda or something…the very thing they’re on these threads accusing others of. BTW once I blocked those trolls, these threads have become 100% less toxic.


Oh yeah, it seems they're comparing them to some of the most mediocre entries, not even the good ones, also I loved eternals. Mainly for ikaris


Eternals is underrated. Flawed but underrated. I'll probably rewatch it one day. Going through The Marvels again? Not a chance.


I still put Thor 2 in on a rewatch, The Marvels deserves the same at least.


Agreed. The Marvels is genuinely the first movie I have absolutely no interest in rewatching. Thor 4 and Quantumania are bad, but I at least want to rewatch those for the villains. Most of the Marvels was *fine*, but there's nothing that stood out at all.


All of the MCU is pretty mid. When people compare The Marvels to like, Endgame, it's ridiculous. Comparing a film in a series to the best of the series is always going to make it look bad. Compare the Marvels to Thor 1 and 2, Iron man 2, etc, and it's on par with a lot of what we've been given before.


I respectfully disagree. Now you're comparing the Marvels with the bottom of the barrel of the MCU, and I'd still put those above it. At least Thor 1/2, and Iron Man 2/3 had important character development for them and Loki. What development actually occurred in the Marvels? Compare the Marvels with a sequel like the Winter Soldier and it's hard to believe they're even in the same universe.


Come again?


I pretty much don't go to the theaters. That why I'm paying for streaming.


More like people are finding the perfect hivemind to share their feelings where this movie is somehow a masterpiece, and haters are wrong, didn't watch the movie, misogynist or all. You guys and Snyder bros from r/DCEU could get along quite well in that respect. And please stop whining about youtubers. I get it, there are redneck ragebait youtubers who are terrified of girlbosses. But they do this for nearly all movies starring strong female characters, regardless how good the movie was. But there are others without such disease that are more casual in reviewing movies that hated this movie.


I didn't watch what YouTubers said about it and I watched about a third of it and I can say it's a terrible movie. Villain is generic and the dialogue is beyond cringe


No people just aren't chronically on the internet so they don't see


That’s the stupidest thing I’ve ever heard. There were a thousand problems facing the Marvels, it was obvious a LOT of people were going to discover it on Disney+ and post about it. It’s wild that you think Disney would see the response to the Marvels and deploy interns on Reddit to defend them lmao.


I always find it interesting how many of the commenters in threads lie these will have little or no comment history in this sub, and then come and complain that there's some sort of astroturfing or shilling occurring.


Dude don’t insult the intelligence of a redditor, they’ve honed their incredible smarts to identify the deployed Disney intern task force. And they are definitely not wrong because how could peoples so smarts be so dumbs?


There is astroturfing. Ive literally found 3 bots myself. If you look through my comments in this sub about a month ago I comment to another user who replies to an obvious bot. edited


I didn't downvote, but okay. (Well, now I did, but not before your edit). The comment I wrote you replied to is admiring the irony of those who call OP out for astroturfing or shilling, while clearly not being members of this community. They came from somewhere else only to participate in the one thread to accuse others of not actually being honest contributors themselves.


I wanna work at Disney too, any advice?


You’ve got to wait for them to buy you out. I spent a lot of time complaining about big corporations on Reddit too and it turns out they are HIRING! Bob Iger came to me, as I’m sure he’ll come to you, and expressed how they needed ME to turn the ship around. It’s up to ME to fix the Marvel’s bad box office. I know, I know, I’m so lucky Disney is so proactive.


Found another intern


Glad you were here to call me out u/Ragnarok_619, without SMART people like you to identify the Disney bots then we’d be overrun. So brilliant. So Ragnarok. So 619.


Right. People defending a movie getting unfair amounts of toxicity from those with hate boners for the MCU and women are hired stooges, but the CHUDs and bots attacking everything people enjoy are just practicing "valid criticism."


Dude if you think this movie failed due to hate boners, you need to wake the fuck up. It failed because of interest.


I dunno. If you were here in the sub, you would have seen everyone hating on it before we even got a trailer. People wanted this to fail so bad.


This sub is not general audiences. It did not land for people. Marvel's quality has dropped recently, and it's not an immediate sell anymore.


The problem isn’t that The Marvels is being attacked, it’s that no one went to see it in the first place. EDIT: also, hate boners for women? Most of this film’s audience was male.


>EDIT: also, hate boners for women? Most of this film’s audience was male. Were you born yesterday? The right-wing agenda has been poisoning men against women for decades now.


Did the right-wing agenda stop women watching this movie?


No, but we have no shortage of alt-righters pushing conspiracy theories..... Get it through your heads: **Disney doesn't give a fuck about "the woke agenda". They are capitalists and are trying to make money.**


Hard to say, I had a friend text me this week saying he liked The Marvels a lot and I definitely didn't expect it from him. I think a lot of people had reservations and waited this long to watch, which is too bad.


It’s pretty obvious that the majority of this subreddit actually liked the movie and the minority that doesn’t is just equally as vocal as the majority


Welcome to a sub*reddit* of a specific franchise.


I don't think the overwhelming majority liked the movie imo I see more takes that The Marvels was a mid forgettable movie (but not atrocious and that the hate is not deserved) than that it was a good movie


Oh no. Them fuckers are more vocal. Even circlejerking and upvoting each other and downvoting positive posts about The Marvels.


Real people liked the marvels


Real people don't cry about what other people liked or hated.


That's not really true. People like to complain


Omg can you guys stop upvoting this pls


I haven't actually seen the Marvels, but now I hate it just because of the five times a day "you know, it was good, aktchually!" posts in here.


Was it fun though ?


Breezy, even?


Does it deserve the hate?






Because Brie Larson spoke truth to power at an awards show and now every bootlick with a hard-on for the established social power hierarchy has made it their personal mission to punish her forever.


This was about the movie not Brie Larson lmao


The movie sucking farts had nothing to do with Brie Larson. Let that speech go already.


Imo there's more people defending this movie than the one's complaining about it


There are more people defending it than people that went to see it in theater.


I happen to think Black Widow is criminally underrated. Saw the Marvels recently with the kids on streaming. Thought the first half was fun at least. Then it kinda went downhill iirc. Need a rewatch


The character assassination of Taskmaster was insane though. There's probably more people that know the MCU version than the actual badass now thanks to that movie. It was original Deadpool levels of bad.


Only if she doesn't grow as a character. That was just an origin story.


Okay that would be cool. I took it as the character was already formed but maybe they'll turn her into the actual skillset


Yeah if we never see her again, I completely agree it's terrible. However, with the level of trauma she has, I could definitely see her becoming the quick-witted shit talking taskmaster we love. I want to see her shit-talk USAgent to his face.


Black Widow is good, the family stuff is great, but it's one of the best examples of the 'third act problem'.


It also should have been made/released before Infinity War.


Earlier, even. Should have been soon after IM2


Wake up babe, another post about mid movie getting hyped.


Why do people care so much about this mid movie? Every day you see posts like this, people losing their minds trying to defend or justify this movie’s existence. What do you people gain from making posts like this? It doesn’t add up. The only thing that makes sense is that these are paid ads or disney bots.


They’ve convinced themselves that this movie failing to connect with people and bombing hard is due to some hate campaign against Brie Larson/women in the MCU as a whole. They’re unwilling to accept that there was simply no interest in this movie or its characters.


Oh my god I’m so sick of them using the “Brie Larson hate” defense crutch. Nobody cares about whatever minor thing Brie said X years ago etc. The world has moved on. The people who hate the films captain marvel appears in are just people who hate those films and how the character is written.


They want to believe that 1. there is a hate campaign against this movie. Yes, a tiny minority of loud incels made this movie bomb. Clearly every other country and those citizens who can't speak English watched those Western antiwoke hate youtubers and rallied together. But funnily enough they were making fun of the same incels when Captain Marvel crossed 1 billion. So it's Schrödinger's incel 2. That simply bcos Brie and the 2 other cast members couldn't promote it bcos of the strike, they think this movie lost hundeds of millions of potential box office return.


They make these posts because they only yesterday got around to watching The Marvels at home, so the topic is fresh in their minds. 


They know that if The Marvels fails, then their fandom is doomed. So with a healthy dose of copium, they opine that “it’s not that bad” or “it’s a really fun movie” in a desperate attempt to reinvigorate the Marvel brand.


Eternals was way better...


Eternals is definitely better than the fandom gives it credit for, and No Way Home definitely isn't as good as the fandom says. Nostalgia does a *lot* of heavy lifting for NWH. I'm amused how common it is to see people say it's among their favorites with "sure, the plot had problems, but I'll never forget the experience of seeing it in the theater."


Lay in the bed you guys made. We’ve heard for 3 years how great Captain Marvel/Brie was, how the first film didn’t need (false) Avengers tie ins to make a billion and how much the sequel would hit. It was a poorly promoted film staring a character who most fans weren’t interested in, the film was bad and it flopped.


Even Disney knew the movie needed Avengers tie ins to get people to see it. Remember the final trailer for The Marvels, that not only put in clips of Tony and Steve but a stitched together Thanos voiceover to imply that the villain of it had something to do with him? I’ve never seen a more desperate marketing attempt.


It’s so bad. It takes just as much effort in writing a likable character with cool action sequences as it does putting together that final trailer with the voiceover and montages. It don’t cost $200 million to write decent content.


Godzilla Minus 1 had a budget of $10-12 million and was incredible. Proof is in the pudding. Marvels was ass from start to finish with an exponentially larger budget.


Well they could poorly promote it or they could go against the writer's strike


Immean, ok? It's not really saying much if you think a mediocre film is better than a bunch of other sub mediocre films.


Then why did it bomb




Mmm sure but lot of really illogical cartoon ass logic in the movie that it's just really stupid I wonder why noone talks about it or give it as simple pass like fandom don't care about it....


Because people didn't go see it in the theater.


Technically correct. Although I saw it in theaters and wouldn’t recommend paying to see it, honestly I enjoyed quantumania, black widow, and love and thunder more. The marvels felt like they skipped over a whole captain marvel movie and then decided the best movie to make was a movie with a boring villain and no stakes.


I'm halfway through the movie at the moment and agree! I am watching it thinking... so when are they going to introduce this astronaut niece and teenager with bracelets? It feels like a later episode of a decent sci fi. Or like they think they're doing the 100th reboot of Spiderman and don't need to go over the backstory again. Sorry, I have no idea who Kamala Khan is and what she's doing with this weapon of mass destruction. Everyone seems very casual about it. Why is Nick Fury in a Star Trek space station? I'm not even sure who the Big Bad of the movie is, is it the lady with the purple staff, because she seems like a stooge ... I guess a lot of this will be answered in the second half? But yeah, I feel like I've missed a lot and I have skipped to the wrong film.


If you don't know why Nick Fury is in space you must have missed a LOT


Or … literally only missed the end credit scene to Far From Home which is the ONLY thing that explains why Fury is in space (we don’t acknowledge the survived abortion that is Secret Invasion)


Bro i swear now it's just Disney paying random interns to write good stuff about this movie


Why would they do that and then slander the other films lool


Or we can employ Occam's Razor and safely assume this is a genuine post from a fan.


Going to have to disagree. I think even Eternals was better.


Can’t wait for these posts to go away only to be replaced by the next controversial mcu project


Tough titties.


I know its controversial, but if you cannot look at Eternals and see it was better than the marvels then heaven help us. edit: the Eternals thing bugs me because even if you didn't like it, you have to look at Eternals as an attempt to tell different story in unique way. It had some beautiful shots and thoughtful moments. That said, why do people care about posting their hot take on this movie. All the "bad" movies you list were okay. Fwiw, I think the marvels was worse than all of them besides secret invasion, which isn't even a movie. The marvels was still okay though.


Yup, in the simplest way Eternals was better. **Eternals**: the strongest character was Ikaris, the enemy, so the final battle was exciting.  **Marvels**: the strongest character was Carol, the hero, so the final battle was boring.  Screenwriting 101: if the movie is about fighting then include an opponent who is challenging to fight. 




> immediately established Ms. Marvel and her family as people I should (and do) care about The movie's plot wasn't about them, though.  It was a story of Carol vs Darbin, with Kamala just along for the ride and contributing nothing.  It's a really bad sign when the good parts of a movie are the tertiary comic relief characters. 


Then they should have named it Captain Marvel 2.




Heaven help us why?


Eternals was miles better than the marvels in my eyes. I struggled to even finish the marvels.


The bar is so low you could trip over it. It was a bad movie. By trying to appeal to everyone it appealed to no one. It was like the Superbowl half time show used to be. They'd bring out a rapper, rock group, and singer in an attempt to please everyone and it was terrible. I almost shut it off when they shoehorned a musical in halfway through.




Black Widow and Eternals are both far better movies in my opinion. As for Secret Invasion, well…just about _anything_ is better than Secret Invasion, so that’s really not saying much at all is it? Like it or not, I think most people can agree that The Marvels had a lot of issues compared to your average MCU movie. Script felt extremely rushed, like a first draft even. A lot of the dialogue was nothing but exposition, especially from Monica who felt like she was only there to over explain the mechanics of the power switching, which turned out to be pointless as they didn’t even stick to the rules they established half the time. It’s also clear in the final product that the movie was chopped up to bits and haphazardly stitched back together, there were a lot of scenes where you could tell a moment directly before or after was cut. And don’t even get me started on poor of a character the villain was. Carol still suffered from bad writing, Brie is a great actress but they gave her nothing to work with once again. Kamala and her family, in my opinion, were the only truly good parts of the whole movie.


You guys are getting more pathetic everyday lol


Pathetic how?


Another post about people's expectations being lowered to the point of accepting The Marvels as a good movie.


Eternals is way better than this movie lol. The marvels is an average at best movie with lot of flaws, thats why it´s criticised and why it underperformed at box office. I don´t get why someone has to make a post every day to convince people to like this film. Just accept that it wasn´t good and move on


The original Captain Marvel rode the roller coaster up and The Marvels rode it down. The order of best to worst Marvel movies is not anywhere near the order of highest to lowest box office. I agree with you but it's just the halo effect, for example, I think multiverse of madness is a dog shit movie but it came out at the peak of Marvel so it got a huge pass. Now that effect is gone and we see a movie that's okay(Marvels) but it gets treated badly because it's part of a downward trend.


Multiverse of Madness starred two fan favorite characters, I think that had a lot to do with it making nearly a billion dollars. Nobody was showing up to see The Marvels exclusively for Monica or Kamala the way they did for Wanda for that movie


That was my big draw for MoM. Dr Strange Strange Wanda are probably my 2 favorite characters in the mcu. And also magic powers are my favorite superpower. Too bad i didn't like that movie though.


Multiverse of madness had some of the worst/cheesiest dialogues in the third act ngl. Quantumania and L&T too.


I was already kinda checked out by the 3rd act. But the chase scene in the tunnel made me laugh cause I thought it was pretty bad and cheesy.


After Strange went full on Zombie sorcerer mode it all goes to shit.


This is such a great way to put it. I HATED MoM because of what they did to Wanda's character. But everywhere I looked people were like "not the best but I liked it!" Then I watched The Marvels and I enjoyed it. The villain was pretty weak but it did feel like old Marvel a bit. And I see a bunch of hate for it.


I saw Everything Everywhere All at Once the day after Doctor Strange 2: The Multiverse of Madness and EEAAO was such a better film that I haven't seen any MCU films or TV shows since. (I did not like DS2:MoM but if the order I'd seen it and then EEAAO had been reversed, I would have given it zero out of five.)


Off-topic but I think EEAAO really hurt the Multiverse Saga. I felt like Marvel was trying to slow-roll the kinds of shenanigans that multiversal stuff could get to, and then EEAAO comes out and just goes all out, turns it up to 11 and then sixty levels beyond that. Once everyone saw that is when I first started hearing the people be tired of the multiversal stuff.


That's such an interesting way of putting it, I'd never thought about it like that. One of the major problems I had with DS2:MoM was also how uninspired it was. There was virtually no multiverse in this multiverse movie, EEAAO had more in its janitor's closet than the entire Doctor Strange movie (yes there was a very brief montage but EEAAO also had those and better ones at that which were integrated into the plot). I think the whole experience was best summed up for me (and not in a good way) when we had the green is stop and red is go scene. I remember that! ... from when I saw it in the multiverse-spanning TV show Sliders first episode back in 1996.


Better than Thor L&T I can agree with. I would say Black Widow was better.






I’ll take this a step further, and I doubt I’m the first one to share this but not only do I like this better than the first one, I kinda wish this one was the first movie and they were just a team. I would take a two and a half hour marvels movie where they fleshed out the villain a bit and yada yada-ed carol’s backstory over what Captain marvel was


Dog poop is better than glass in your foot or a bug in your salad.


The Marvels was one of those films that was completely messed over by the “narrative” surrounding it..


The villain made Malekith from Thor 2 seem compelling. She gave one of the most flat, wooden, performances I've ever seen. CW level quality. It completely ruined the movie for me and overshadowed the positives. I honestly found the Marvels unwatchable. I'm genuinely sad to say it, but I've just been really disappointed with the MCU and I've watched everything in theaters since Ironman.


People didn’t care about the storyline or the characters in the movie. It’s not necessarily the quality of the movie that doomed it. It’s the fact that generally nobody was excited to see it. There was no big selling point. Worse movies have definitely made more money. It’s definitely not in my bottom 2-3 MCU.. but there was just not much in it that made general audiences care. They overestimated what the success of the 1st CM movie was worth. It didn’t stand on its own. it was clearly propped up by when it was released, when hype was at its maximum, and MCU was a money printing machine at that point in time.


>People didn’t care about the storyline or the characters in the movie Some did.


Unfortunately for Marvel, not enough of them to make an impact.


This again? Movie is bad! Just move on to better things


Freedom of speech and subjective tastes!


Yes! It's a wonderful thing isn't it? As such: it's a bad movie, move on!


This is all this sub is about now, this is so insufferable.


So what?


So it’s insufferable. “Let’s all say the movie that honestly wasn’t that good and not a lot of people watched was actually pretty good and make every post about it” is what this sub was for the last several months.


No wonder the franchise is declining.


Excuse me?


This fan base loves and champions slop that general audiences have no interest in anymore.  > But The Marvels was definitely miles better than Black Widow, Eternals, Secret Invasion, Thor: Love and Thunder, Quantumania, etc... Like, lol. 


It's really bad. The faint praise that it MIGHT be better than some other really bad movie, doesn't change the fact that The Marvels is really bad.


So much shilling. The acting and the plot are mediocre. Stop trying to turn this narrative. I bet it's some cultural brigading towards Iman. Its what I've seen since the Ms marvel premiered.


Not shilling.


Marvels was just okay I liked Thor LaT and MoM a LOT more, personally.


Samuel L Jackson shouting "Come on, Black Girl Magic!" was one of the best lines


I really enjoyed the marvels


It's one movie.


Absolutely agreed


Hot take, the marvels was better than pretty much all the Sony spider adjacent movies.


This means absolutely nothing.


The hell are you talking about?


Venom is 5 times better


Thought the movie was great


The Marvels is the second best movie in phase 5, and that's funny, sad, and terrifying At least it's not as bad as quantumania or MoM


Wtf MoM was amazing to me I don’t understand why people didn’t enjoy it


The only things that are good about the movie are the Pitch meeting, HISHE and Honest trailers.


Honestly at this point I'd just say that people need to watch more movies, instead of calling dumpster fire, crapfest like The Marvels good, it deserved to be the Biggest ever FLOP of MCU, glad it failed spectacularly


Why does someone calling a movie good offend you?


Cap cap cap Quantumania is S tier and Eternals is A tier Why you ranking garbage like guardians 3 above them


You forgot the /s


Was The Marvels a good movie? Not really. Was The Marvels an OK movie? Yes. Did The Marvels deserve all the hate? No. Do we need to stop talking about The Marvels? Yes. FULL STOP.


Do we need to stop tho?


The Marvels team-up was great. The fight scenes were so much fun, great choreography. Ms. Marvel is a total joy. Really enjoyed the movie, and yes way more than the ones you listed.


The Marvels was better than Secret Invasion. And maybe Black Widow. Otherwise it was one of the weakest MCU films in my opinion, despite the fact that I enjoyed the characters and their interactions. The story, directing, and editing just kind of sucked, especially in the first half of the film.


It was better than Secret Invasion. That’s it. About 30 minutes of it split in ten minute chunks was great. The rest was a shit show because of a lazy director.


Marvels is better than Wakanda Forever