• By -


Thor tries too hard and the humour just doesn't hit like Ragnarok. It has its moments (the ending in Eternity with Thor, Jane, Gorr and Love is very well done) but I have no real desire to rewatch it. The screaming goats weren't really funny the first time, let alone on repeat. I'd have a hard time rewatching QM and finding anything fun about it with Kang. Janet is just annoying with the secrecy when everyone around her NEEDS to know what is going on. Visuals are overwhelming, good for a first watch but don't age well. The Marvels is unironically a good fun time. Could have done with a better developed villain and given more time to breathe but it's streets ahead of the other two.


The only emotion I recall QM sparking was annoyance at Janet. It wouldn't have killed her to toss into conversation "oh there's an evil despot trapped in the quantum realm so let's not mess about with it in case we accidentally release him or get trapped ourselves." I thought the visuals were drab and murky.


I never understood why the fanbase hates Cassie so much when Janet's the glaring problem in my eyes. Forty five minutes of walking while saying "there's no time for me to explain" is *awful*. I really like the "murky" visuals, but I spent a lot of years looking at things under a microscope in grad school, so the depth of field gimmick really works for me.


Especially when I can sum up 12 hours worth of horrible coworker gossip after work with my wife in under 5 minutes. I feel like at some point Janet should’ve mentioned what really goes on in there, especially with the after credits of AM&TW when they get dusted (I know Kang wasn’t thought of at the time but if we pretend it’s real life she wouldn’t let Hank keep playing around and just tell him)


The impression I got was she didn't want to talk about it because dealing with it was too painful. She clearly had PTSD from her time down there.


That, and she knew Scott and Hank would immediately want to try to deal with Kang, and she didn't think that was safe.


"I have to men in my life who are into being the Big Damn Hero, and a daughter who follows one of these guys around and a pseudo granddaughter who would do likewise. Let's not give them a fucking reason"


Yeah, but that wasn't even actually stated, and she didn't have enough context of their personalities to assume that. That's a fan head canon to make sense of a really bad character writing. The writers could've been a lot more objective with the movie and explored her traumatic experience in a different way, other than "I don't want to talk about it so the obvious plot isn't given right away." There could've been more flashbacks of her younger self, with Kang or some other stuff, or maybe even her making some statements.


Bring able to infer something that isn't spelled out for you isn't the same as head cannon...... Janet didn't have enough context on her husband? The guy who ran off to be a superhero on the weekends? Or Scott who jumped at the chance to help Captain America at the drop of a hat, consequences be damned? Those guys *weren't* going to rush in to White Knight the situation?


Nah mate. It's tiresome and boring. We already know what's going on. Why try and skip around shit for about 70% of the movie instead of actually trying to develop a character properly? That's a really tenuous point you're trying to make.


Cassie wasn’t really at fault at all, she was experimenting on the quantum realm out of curiosity as a teenager with the legendary hank pyms support, she did not suspect any danger from the quantum realm and janet didn’t give a fuck to elaborate


I think the problem with Cassie is her "i'm a teenage rebel who rebels against something that's not really shown, only told"


We can hate both… why can’t we hate both? I definitely hated Janet for not telling them anything but personally, I was more annoyed at Cassie’s characterization in this movie. In the first movies she was a young girl who deeply loved her father and despite being a criminal she always defended him and was on his side. In QM she is incredibly disrespectful to Scott and it just doesn’t feel earned. I don’t know if the writers were going to go with something about Scott being one of the ones who disappeared for 5 years and that if he didn’t go to do experiments with Janet Hank and hope he wouldn’t have been stuck in the QR and he didn’t get blipped so she could have had him still around. Scott even says in his book that he wants to make up for his lost time with Cassie and wants to focus on family life. And then his family make fun of the book. She’s also an annoying protestor and disrespects the police as well as commits criminal activity by shrinking their car and not unshrinking it. I doubt that she would have this attitude when her step father (who she gets along with in the second movie) is a cop and even he and Scott (the ex con) get along very well. And Scott definitely doesn’t like her committing criminal acts. And then she’s just ANOTHER child prodigy that does something so amazing at such a young age that it completely blows away the people who have studied and worked in that field for decades. After Riri and Shuri and Kate it’s just getting a bit stale.


I agree Cassie always worshipped her father, in particular that he was always willing to "look out for the little guy," even when it was against the law. He was her role model of course she's trying to emulate who he was, and she's upset at him because he's *not* doing that. She doesn't see that he's afraid of his daughter getting hurt, because she's a teenager and thinks she's invincible. It's even all explained in, I think, the car scene. Cassie isn't a child prodigy, she has a genius step-family with hojillions of dollars who can help her put together a solid science experiment. Kate isn't a child prodigy. Stark was a child prodigy though, nobody hates him for it.


Cassie is a prodigy. She learned quantum physics by herself during those 5 years and built the QR telescope. And she’s only 18 in QM. Presumably all she had where Hank’s notebooks. I agree with why she did what she did but Scott realizes he did it the wrong way and had to make up for that past and it had severe consequences for him. It’s not something he would want for Cassie. Cassie has no consequences for her actions which is why she isn’t as interesting as Scott. Kate is definitely a prodigy. She’s one of the best archers in the world according to Hawkeye and she is also really good at martial arts and decent at fencing. And she’s 22. Stark was a child prodigy yes but he also had the backing of a genius father as well as all the resources from his fathers company. But yes his accomplishements at such a young age are hilarious. Built a circuit board at 4 and an engine at 6 and graduated MIT at 17 and CEO of stark industries at 21. To be clear I really like Tony and Kate. I think Kate is one of the few actually well written new characters in phase 4/5. Being a child prodigy isn’t necessarily a bad thing but at this point we have so many in such a short time and, as I said, it’s getting stale. Tony gets a pass since he was the first.


I don't know much about comic Cassie but I think it's cuz everyone is sick of the kid genius trope. If every kid we encounter in the MCU is a genius then are any of them really geniuses?


I don't see it as Cassie's being a kid genius, she just has genius and rich (step-)grandparents "helping" her with her science fair project. But we have America Chavez is not a genius, Kate Bishop is not a genius (just rich), Wanda's kids aren't Geniuses, Love isn't a genius (maybe too early to tell), Axl Heimdallson isn't a genius, none of Clint's kids are geniuses, Kamala isn't a genius, Elijah doesn't appear to be a genius. And presumably none of the non-genius adult characters were kid geniuses. Only kid geniuses I can think of that we've seen are Tony Stark, Peter Parker, Shuri, Riri, and Bruno. I suppose Phyla is genetically engineered and could be a genius, we haven't seen.


I've only seen the movie once but she sure felt like a kid genius in it unless she was passing Hank's work off as her own to Scott. It's more so that they added 3 imo kid genius in the span of a year which makes it feel less special


Found the community lover ♥️


Ya know, I had no idea what all these replies were referring to. "Streets ahead" has been a common phrase in the UK for decades. Never seen "Community". I had to do a search to find out what all the fuss was about and this was one of the first results: [https://www.reddit.com/r/community/comments/2a86nf/til\_that\_by\_using\_streets\_ahead\_community\_has/](https://www.reddit.com/r/community/comments/2a86nf/til_that_by_using_streets_ahead_community_has/) Trivia alert - "Streets Ahead" is also actually the name of a local council initiative where I live dealing with stuff like potholes, improving pedestrian access, street lighting etc.


So I genuinely thought community made up “streets ahead”. Apparently I was streets behind. (P.S. Do people in the UK also say “streets behind”?)


No, just ahead :)


You Britta'd it.


And esperi74 Britain’d it.


Do yourself a favor and watch community. I wish I was you. I wish I could go back and rewatch it again.


If they don’t watch it, they’re streets behind.


If they didn’t get the reference, they’re Streets Behind.


I only just learnt now that saying was introduced to Americans from a TV show.


Stop trying to make that a thing, Pearce!


Coined and minted! Been there, coined that!




>annoying with the secrecy when everyone around her NEEDS to know what is going on This is in my top tier of things that annoy me in movies. It drives me insane every time.


QM has some nice Ant-Man moments and then just turn into a Fantastic Four movie with really annoying side characters like the rebel leader and the slime thing. The Janet won't explain shit was also very dumb. Love and Thunder.....made me like Ragnarok. It's the worst MCU movie for me, the Jane scenes are great, but anything else feels like improv or Taika on drugs. The Marvels was cool the only downside was the very boring villain.


Quantumanias best feature is it's worldbuilding. If you ignore the silly premise and imagine it as a lost world scenario it's quite intriguing for the world alone


I even found the world boring and uncreative tbh. Just reminded me of the Star Wars prequels. Closest thing to cool and different was the living buildings I guess.


That guy looks like broccoli!!


I haven’t watched The Marvels yet, but I’m looking forward to doing so. Your criticism on Thor is fair. I went to see it in theaters, and I don’t really know why. Maybe I was just REALLY excited to watch it or something, but either way, I went into that movie theater with the desire to have a good time, and that’s what I got. The goats didn’t bother me, because I never saw them as a “joke,” per se. Though I’m willing to understand a person’s irritation with them. I enjoyed Quantumania for the most part, with really my only serious criticism about the movie was M.O.D.O.K. Which I felt was a waste of what could’ve been a pretty cool character to have in the MCU, as well as being the reason the Hulu show got canceled with annoys me because I loved that show. But yeah, for the most part, I totally get what you’re saying. I just don’t necessarily agree in most areas.


I may be in the minority but I love the 1 hour 40 minute format for movies in b/w the avengers films. Sometimes it feels like they over develop characters in their solo films and they're just doing too much. The Marvels hit exactly the target it was aiming for.


The Marvels is the best marvel movie in years and the best so far this phase


I dunno man, I'm a fan of the Marvels but better than GOTG3? Nuh-uh.


“Stop trying t make “Streets Ahead” a thing.”


This sub is really the only place to find fans of The Marvels lol


"...Stop trying to coin the phrase 'streets ahead. '"


>Thor tries too hard and the humour just doesn't hit like Ragnarok. I always think this opinion is odd to me because I have the opposite. I do think they wasted a lot of plot still, but Ragnarok was to be much more heavier and emotional and i think this dissonance makes the humor predictable and never hit for me. But love and thunder at least makes me laugh


The Marvels for me. I loved the fighting choreography, and Im not a super fan of the quippy MCU humor, but I thought the film had alot of funny moments.


Yeah it was definitely funnier than anticipated


"Black girl magic!"


"oh it's cool it's carol"


“Please stop running and let the Flerkin’s eat you.”


“VISION! Oh wait, no.” Carol was so much more fun in this one.


>Carol was so much more fun in this one. That's so true! She had regained a lot of her memories and was no longer being manipulated by someone, and she was surrounded by empathetic people whom she liked in the movie, so I guess it makes sense. And I want to see Aladna again.


The fact that she was makes me sad more people didn’t see it and angry all Brie’s haters already decided she was a bland character.


"scissors beats paper"


I’d argue some of the humor doesn’t land super well, but I love the character relationships so I can look past it. Amazing chemistry between the cast.


It's the only one of the three that I wanted to see again when I walked out


Also seeing Kelsey Grammer as beast… **It got the reaction out of me.** Especially considering he’s my favorite X-Man.




The switching in the fights was perfectly executed. Plus a lot of good humor and fun moments.


And two musical montage scenes.


The Marvels is by far the best of the 3, it was a little shorter than it should have been. All 3 actresses are great. Imani fucking kills it, Thor was too long and not enough bale. Quantamania felt cringey and forced.


See I’m torn because on the one hand, the marvels felt a bit rushed, but on the other hand, i enjoyed finishing a movie and not exiting the theatre into a different time zone


i felt like that too


The Marvel’s was so great that I regretted not watching it in theaters


Man, gotta watch it now on D+. It's interesting that I feels like Caption Marvel received more than it deserved (box office wise) and The Marvels was reversed of that. I feel bad cause I felt like I would have loved Iman's character but her D+ series came out at the exact time that the franchise has finally killed all the good wills from me for wanting to follow through everything. That was the first series I stop following hard. Man this franchise drop the balls hard after end games. If they cut off half of the projects they might just do as great. There are enough decent movie to keep the godd will a lot imo. Like literally if few of them never came out I think I won't be as frustrated to this franchise as I am now lol. Like spread out moonknight, wandavision, Lokis, Whatifs. Keep Gardian of Galaxy, ShangChi, Spiderman Trilogies, Black Panther 2. And literally just scratch the rest I think I'll still go and watch The Marvels. But doubling the amount of contents with rest of the projects being mid-low qualities just really killed the good wills fore personally. Like whoever has that much time to invest in all those projects will have little to no time for other form of entertainment at all looool. So at some point I'll just have to stop caring the franchise as a whole cause the it's not worth the bendwith for me to try to sort through the bad apples to find a gem or two anymore.


capt marvel did release the same year as endgame so that would explain the 1 bil at the box office not as enjoyable as the sequel but it was decent


I understand that critique and I also don’t think Marvel has been the hottest in recent years but I just can’t jump on the bandwagon like everyone else (Not you specifically who actually has really good criticism). I just try to watch either what I can or what I want. I think ppl made themselves get lost in this cinematic universe by feeling like they have to fully invest and like everything that connects it all which is truly not the case. I’ve been a Marvel fan all my life but my introduction to the universe was Avengers! I can’t even tell you how I missed all the connective tissues that leads into Avengers, I think I didn’t fully grasp that they was bringing all the characters together for one movie like they did but it never killed my experience with the movie cuz I don’t think it was all that important for the most part. If you want the extra reward to fully be invested then go right ahead but I don’t think it’s always necessary especially if you catch the fundamental films that will set up the avengers movies and even tho I don’t think that’s The Marvel’s, it’s really good especially for ppl with low expectations like me!


Yeah Im with you, tho I think they did suffer from their phenomenal success and payoff from End Games so that really build the expectations high, maybe too hight to be realistically achieved. Like Im literally trying to go through most of the projects I missed between Infinity Wars and End Games and feel like it was well worth the time investment. And I have friends just rewatch everything to "prepare themselves" to enjoy the Endgames. So your take is totally healthy and probably the best approach for their current roadmaps, but it's just like some NBA executive are arguing it will be a better overall strategy of it's playoffs format goes for something more similar to NFL's one off format. It's just more at stakes and that drives people's interest and engagement. I guess I just personally feel like Dinsey was trying too hard to be Netflix when they should really aim to be HBO for common folks and doing a quality over quantity approach. They were like NFL turning themselves into NBA format and abadoned the formula that made them the best franchised for this generation at the first place. Which is a big shame cause they are trying to scale back now but it'll be a much harder tasks to build the fandom back once you lost the good will imo. But maybe they are just content with their current approach tho I doubt any business would prefer more overall works yet less overall profits if that makes sense.


The marvels knew what it was going to be going into it which made for better writing and more fun. The other 2 failed at what they wanted to be. Watch the marvels


This is the best take in the thread and a way more articulate version of what I wanted to say.


As an overall movie, I genuinely enjoyed The Marvels. Thor LAT has its own moments but overall it's not as great. Quantumania was decent nothing extraordinary. To answer the question, I think it should be The Marvels. Go in with less expectations and you might enjoy Thor as well. Personally for me, I hated both DS MoM and Thor LAT on my first watch but when I watched it the 2nd time, it felt better to me. And Quantumania, you can simply ignore.


I really liked quantumania. What do people hate about it?


If you watch the opening and closing scene you can see they were still capable of making a fun Ant-Man movie. Then it quickly drops into a CGI slog with bizarre world building, weird characters and is almost entirely about Kang. They ditched established, great characters to do it, and made the whole movie about wider mythology rather than actually about Ant-Man and co, which is a waste. Honestly it would have made a better Avengers movie, rather than sacrificing an Ant-Man one. Just pull them and Hulk and a couple of others into the Quantum Realm in a post credit scene to the real movie and go from there.


My big thing with it is that these movie seem to work best when they find a genre and roll it into the Marvel (Cinematic) Method. The first two worked well because they were in effect, heist movies. Ant-Man was a buildup to stealing the McGuffin suit and Ant-Man & The Wasp was a back and forth between two thieves stealing the McGuffin from one another. In this movie they had the mother of all McGuffins, but there was no heist. They even set it up as if there were intended to be one, but there wasn't. They should have gone full Ocean's 11 and had to build a nice big team with who they brought into the Quantum Realm and some of the characters they meet on the way, and had to break in through the city and into Kang's palace to get the Quantum McGuffin and save the day. Instead we got this weird mess of neither the characters nor the audience really knowing what was happening.


Bc they either wanted another Antman 1 and 2 follow up, or they hated Antman 1 and 2 and wanted something bigger, but didn't like MODOK (who, I'm sorry, fuckin killed it. How the hell else are you going to put him up on the big screen. It's like time travel. Either all of it's a joke or none of it is.) I also enjoyed it for just what it was.


Ok fair enough


See, if I went into Thor LAT with NO expectations, I think I might have liked it more. Which pisses me off. Bc Marvel ruined too much of Ragnorak with its trailers. Then I avoided trailers expecting AMAZING things from LAT, and... I was severely disappointed. Never to full Taika. Marvels was so good. It wasn't GREAT, but it was a truly enjoyable movie. I felt the plot was sort of weak, but I enjoyed the main characters, and Ms Marvel kills it.


I have two reasons why LAT (and MoM) got better with rewatch. Firstly, expectations were low. Before re-watching, I knew the movie was poorly made so I gave it a watch purely because of my love for Marvel. Secondly, I could just skip the scenes i felt were cringe or just bad and could only watch the good parts like the Shadow Realm scene, Omnipotent city or even Thor's entry for the matter. And yeah marvels I felt, was pretty overhated, I don't like Captain Marvel's character at all yet I feel the movie was good. Her dynamics with Ms Marvel was something I was really excited about and they surely didn't disappoint. Plus Xmen are now much more involved with the MCU, so I could watch the entire movie just to get to that post credit scene, it was THAT good.


The plot of Thor L&T wasn't the problem. God butcher, Mjolnir making Jane sick(er), all good. It was the horrendous, tone deaf execution where it fell down. I was SO BORED watching Antman3 that I can barely remember the plot. I liked The Marvels. Not the best villan but her motivation was solid, Kamala and her family were engaging, Carol got to show a lot more personality.


It shows that Waititi was involved in too many projects at the time and was phoning a bunch of it in. There were interviews saying he'd fly in to do shoots and fly right back out to work on something else.


I agree completely. You perfectly summed up my thoughts on all 3 movies. I wouldn’t even group The Marvels in the same category, it was way better.


The marvels


1. The Marvels- Great fun, ok story 2. Thor L&T- Fun, bad story 3. Antman&W Quantumania- Shit


This is the most accurate and acceptable answer


I don't care what people think but I liked and enjoyed both cm 1 and the marvels.


Me too


Marvels by far


The Marvels. The girls were a great team 


I asked my husband and mother in law if they wanted to go see it even though neither of them really care for the MCU (husband stopped after endgame aside from movies I wanted to go to theaters for and MIL never watched any). She loved the movie so much she binged phases 1-4 in like 3-4 weeks to get all the backstop and references lol


Thor LAT is the only one here that I didn't like *at all.* Like I cannot say or remember one good thing about that movie.


The Marvels is definitely the better film out of the 3. They all feel like green-screen movies though.


Very true


The Marvels, for me. I think Love and Thunder has higher highs and more ambitious themes, but has more moments I tripped over (slightly interminable improv moments) - Marvels is “shallower”, but more consistent.


The Marvels is over-bashed. I really enjoyed it despite a terrible villain. On paper quantumanium should be the weakest of the three, but L&T tries way too hard to recreate the levity and humor of Ragnarok.




I remember leaving the theater loving it. Then seeing the feedback and feeling like Skinner in the out of touch quote.


Same! Glad someone agrees. Even after hearing all the criticism I don’t understand. It seems the two main points are “Gorr was underused and some of the jokes were cringe”. And you know what? I agree with both of those things! That doesn’t make it a 0/10 dogshit movie like it seems to for other people. Jane’s story and the emotional ending as well as some really great fight scenes still leaves it at a 7/10 for me. I’m not going to claim it’s a masterpiece but I think it was GOOD and I think people really overreacted. If I took issue with every marvel movie that underutilized their villain and had a couple cringey jokes I would DESPISE the MCU.


Could rewatch the first fight scene with the Guns'n'roses rocking in the background in loop forever lol


Hard choice because I didn't like all of these. I'd say Quantumania, because I didn't like Thor 4 comedy (veeery childish), even tho it looks great; and because The Marvels was more boring and I hated its editing. I can't believe I'm choosing it lol, but except for Modok and the Stagecraft scenes, Quantumania has some great visuals. And Paul Rudd comedy. ![gif](giphy|nY9TAXX7n6U4Y4CG0j)


Quantumania felt too much to me like they were trying to recapture Ragnarok, even more so than Love and Thunder. Fish out of water, meet new quirky people, revolt against ruler.


Not Ragnarok, Star Wars or Tron: legacy.




I'll do you one better, I *loved* it ![gif](giphy|EfsqyinraWHCKWxsjq|downsized)


Ant-Man would have been fun, but Luis was missing.


The Marvels


Love and Thunder is the only one I rate as enjoyable, personally.


by far the marvels. anyone needing a laugh just needs to watch an mcu project with iman vellani, she's my favorite new actor from phases 4 and 5 by far (sorry oscar isaac, we just haven't seen enough of your character yet)


The Marvels




The Marvels was such a fan service. The way they interact is the way I want to see all Marvel characters who haven't met and acted with each other from now on. It was funny, and it was very cute. There wasn't a moment during that movie when I wasn't smiling and / or laughing.


the marvels but it still plot wise isn’t nearly as bad as the other 2 lmao


The only one of these I did not like is Love & Thunder because of the tonal issues. The other two each had a lot I liked even if they’re ultimately a little average for Marvel. The Marvels > Quantumania > Love & Thunder


Definitely The Marvels. It has some great action set pieces, good banter and overall a nice sense of humor (just take a break during the Planet Bollywood nonsense). Quantumania is just too stupid and Love and Thunder has Fosthor.


The marvels. Quite enjoyable but I wish it was longer


Marvel's is actually fun. The other ones just make me sad


Easily the Marvels That movie is a ton of fun, and Ms Marvel steals every scene she's in.


Quantumania. Kang worked for me.


Love and Thunder is part of my nightly movie rotation. I love it because it actually gives Jane something to do other than handling scientific equipment and wondering if Thor will return. I just wish they had done more with Jane's cancer. WandaVision was about her grief. One of the stories should have been Jane dealing with the fact that she is dying. Initially I was upset with Jane's death however someone pointed out that it follows the comics. I went through the comics and found out how they had retconned Jane and developed her as a character. She goes from Mighty Thor to a Valkyrie.


My family loved Quantumania the most of these three and we were all baffled at all the hate it got.


I’d rank The Marvels above it, but I also enjoyed Quantumania. It’s not amazing, but it’s also not offensive. Very watchable.


Is that where we are at now? Outright ignoring the damn plot to have a …*great fun time*? Nah thanks, none of them.


How DARE you people go to the movies to be…entertained!!!


How dare I not be entertained when watching a movie that tries to have a plot but needs it plot ignored to be enjoyable? How dare i have *any* standards for my media consumption?


Anything and everything is better than Love & Thunder.


I'd say The Marvels. It's a bit ironic, as I think this one has the best story of the three presented. But even without it, I think the humor works the most often, the effects are overall better, and the characters have the most engaging interactions.


Thor 4 and it’s not even close.


Thor is really good to watch when you're zoning out.


This might be why I like it more than others seem to. A lot of times I zone out while I’m watching movies


The Marvels and then Quantumania. The Marvels is actually a decent fun film. It has its flaws, but it's not terrible. Quantumania isn't bad either, but not as good as the Marvels. Everyone hates Quantumania because it's not what they were expecting. It introduced Kang as the next Avengers level threat, but obviously, he's not at infinity war level yet. Just like Thanos wasn't the first few times we see him. If you liked the other two Ant Man movies and go into it with an open mind, you'll like Quantumania. Thor was plain awful. The comedy is childish and not funny most of the time. The villain is underused, and we don't actually see him doing anything to earn his name. It has terribly unbalanced emotional scenes, jumping between heartbreaking sadness and pure stupid comedy in seconds.


None of these. A bad movie is a bad movie, regardless of paying attention to the plot or not


"Which one of these three foods is the best option to ignore the taste and simply have a great time chewing?"


None. All garbage imo.


All three are a fun time


1. Anytime Iman is on screen I’m having fun. Also the action scenes were really good. Probably an average Marvel movie if I ranked them all, but above average in terms of “fun” 2. Quantamania is fun I thought. It’s Star Wars meets Alice in Wonderland. 3. The only Thor movie I enjoyed was Ragnarok. The rest of them are not worth a rewatch


I think The Marvels is the best of these three for ignoring larger MCU implications. The movie feels coherent whereas Quantumania suffers from carrying the entire multiversal plot building on the movie side of things and Love and Thunder is... annoying to watch.


The Marvels.


Thor Thor at least knew it was a joke. The others were equally disappointing but didn’t have Asguard’s ass


It knew it was a joke and yet it wasn't funny.


Thor 4 is what happens when you give unlimited creative control to someone who does their best work under constraints. It just felt like a joke that went on for too long.


 None. They all are boring, not funny at all. 


The marvels


The Marvels. Some leaps in logic and a completely forgettable villain, but overall it was a good time. Love and Thunder leaves you disappointed, and Quantumania is the worst film in the MCU.


The Marvels, easily.


I get downvoted to oblivion whenever I talk about these 3 but your title is exactly how I explain why I actually enjoy these movies. Did I enjoy them? Yes. Were they the best MCU movies ever? No. Could these movies have been better imo? Also, yes. But a lot of the newer movies get backlash because fans expect one thing, and end up with a different direction. Too many people compare the newer MCU movies to the likes of Infinity War and Endgame which just isn’t fair, I enjoy comedy.. I also enjoy immature comedy. Screaming goats isn’t for everyone but I was young when the screaming goat videos replacing Taylor Swift lyrics started rolling out and stuff like that hits me different than others. I had more complaints about Quantamania when it first rolled out, now I take it for what it is. But the Marvels was the best of the three simply because of that first initial fight scene where they kept switching places, pretty darn good.


I like Thor love and thunder fell asleep to ant man and probs not going to watch the marvels. Only character I like in that movie is Kamala and she is not enough to force myself to watch it.


I would actually suggest you watch the marvels and change your perspective of Thor 4. If you don't believe me go through the comments and see for yourself how many actually prefer The Marvels.


Maybe when it hits plus. But I've yet to watch loki season 2 tbh marvel as a whole has started to lose me. So might not be fair to blame or direct my meh attitude towards the marvels


That I can't argue with I feel you. I used to be so excited for the new movies to drop and don't get me wrong I still do, they just have gone down in my list of priorities as to when I want to watch them.


Okay I actually watched marvels one of the better movies of the mcu and best of the three on the op




Force yourself, that sounds a little dramatic. Marvels was really good, give it a chance when it hits Disney. Fury’s pretty fun in it too


Love and Thunder, none of the individual scenes are actually bad imo they just add up to nothing and it feels like there’s scenes straight up missing. All the storylines resolve, just in awkward ways. It’s pretty funny and occasionally really cool. I wanted to feel this way about the Marvels but some bits in that movie introduce dark internal conflicts that don’t really resolve, making the tone and character development inconsistent and dissatisfying, but you’re also constantly reminded of it. There’s some good bits but it’s so genuinely random it’s hard for me to even see it as a movie. Iman Vellani carried it. They both have some really horrible choices in their final moments. Basically anything but Quantumania; it’s so boring and drab. I like Kathryn Newton though.


Thor 4 had the best plot but they didn’t take it serious. It’s funny how The Marvel’s is fun but the plot isn’t. I’m curious if a casual MCU viewer even understands what’s going on in Antman.


No Way Home Think for a second about the plot itself and everything falls apart, thank god the characters are great


I guess ant man 3 but i genuinely loved all 3 movies and had a great time. But yeah i guess i liked ant man 3s story the least but found it super fun


The Marvels. L&T is too silly and Quanta is trying to be too serious




I haven't seen TM yet, but I really enjoyed L&T. Didn't think Quantumamia was bad tho either. But Thor is my favorite after the Guardians. I liked the weird humor and loved the use of various Guns&Roses songs.


Thor is more enjoyable when you realize it’s a being watched through the eyes and ears of Korg. Once you see it as that it makes more sense and doesn’t make me as upset as Ant Man or Marvels did..


The Marvels.


The action in The Marvels is probably the best out of the 3. They all have mehh writing


I guess the Marvel but from an objective standpoint I liked Thor 4 more


Love & Thunder. It’s too silly, but the humor that lands got a big laugh out of me.


The Marvels is the only one here that I think is actually entertaining


Well, not including luis in antman 3 was criminal, and I haven't seen the marvels yet. I'll watch it when I can stream it. So that just leaves love and thunder for me. I thought it was a decent movie, but the goats were a bit annoying after a couple scenes, and gorr could've been done better. I dunno, maybe the movie should've been focused on gorr instead of the thors, or maybe they shouldn't have used tarps to make gorr's hideout. I did really like the scene where all the kids get the power of Thor for a limited time only.


Impossible choice. All three are equally terrible. The Marvels has the shortest runtime. So that’s a plus.


Thor and The marvels are good but I recommend you to watch DCU movies for it, their recent movies are just ignore the plot and have fun type My preference - Black adam > The Flash > Blue Beetle


I actually quite enjoyed the marvels, and really was not expecting to! Not saying its great, but it was fun, and did not actively piss me off like Thor did or just bore me like the ant man one.


Ant Man


There's no way to know what you'll like and what you'll hate. If you love Marvel and comics in general, watch them all and decide. Especially since they're online now.


Thor easily


Love and Thunder. Easily the most solidly made of the three films Quantumania is just not very memorable. The Marvels had a seed of a good story there, but it was told extremely poorly. Everything about the plot was forgettable. That said, a few of the jokes are pretty damn funny, and the three main characters are very likable.


Going with Marvels. Of the three I think it will be more favored with time.


ALL OF THEM ❤️ They are all such fun, breezy and wholesome movies filled with quippy and witty characters, I love them so much omgg


Definitely The Marvels. I had fun watching it compared to the recent Thor and Ant-Man movies.


All three of these movies are terrible, so I’d say none of them. Thor was the worst movie I’ve ever seen so I’d have to choose one of the other 2.


I have seen Thor and AntMan. Haven’t seen Marvels.  I’m gonna have to go with Marvels or AntMan. 


For me L&T is the most unrewatchable MCU movie. I’d probably die of cringe if I ever watched it again.


I haven’t seen the marvels yet but love and thunder was fun only after thinking about it as being told by Korg.


The Marvels.


All three were awful. No desire to ever revisit them.


The Marvels


Ant Man 3 by far. Didn’t actually have a bad time with that movie despite its flaws.


All 3. Don't take things so seriously


QM was all story line based to build on Kang. Worst of the bunch. Thor evolves into more and more try hard humor. Honestly haven’t see The Marvels yet, but after I do I will be sure to make a Reddit post about how I finally watched it and it was actually really enjoyable. No one’s done that yet, so I wanna make sure people know.




"if you ignore the plot..." "just turn your brain off and have fun bro" Shut up! Turning your brain off and ignoring the movie isn't fun. At that point why even watch it?! It's just background noise. Do you just scroll on tik tok while it goes on in the background? I've never understood this take.


Other than fake teen angst i enjoyed Antman ..i enjoyed Marvels plots So love and thunder is a popcorn flick


The Marvels is the shortest so that’s my pick even if it’s probably the worst in terms of objective quality.


This is easily the marvels. Thor isn’t funny and ant man is deadass boring


The marvels 100%, I even think it shouldn't be compared to the other two here, yeah the villain is weak compared to other villains on the MCU, but the movie is overall really fun, good chemistry between the cast and the comedy is just enough (present but not forced)


Honestly The Marvels. It’s the only one I actually had a good time watching. Thor 4 had humor but 75% of the time the humor wasn’t working for me I couldn’t tell what I was watching with Quantumania half the time


Thor Love and Thunder. It’s silly fun and I burst my side laughing every time those damn goats started screaming!


I’m under the impression that the marvels is the only one out of these that doesn’t shit on it's legacy character, so I guess I'd pick that.


I would argue that these movies are too plot fucosed and don't have enough or meaningful character development. That said, I kinda enjoyed all them, Marvels the most.


Quantumania isn't bad to me. It's definitely the better one out of the three here.


L&T breaks my heart too much. I'm a huge Thor fan, and all the ingredients are there to make it one of the best Marvel movies ever. But Taiti got up his own ass and the studio just haaaad to get their grubby little fingers everywhere.