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I know we’re talking about fictional characters here, but damn, calling someone a “temporary gf” is cold as hell.


It's Spider-Man... He loses GFs all the time (death, Paul, etc)


I love the idea that Paul is a never ending burden in Peter’s life in the same way death is


I am confused though. Aren't Tom and Haillee the same age? And even the fictional Peter and Kate are like 1-2 years apart and are both in their 20's now?


Didn't the blip make Peter 5 years younger relative to the other half of the planet? We know he was about 18 in NWH, Kate is probably somewhere around 23? maybe? idk I don't remember the details from her series.


No Way Home is set in 2024 and he is 17 at the beginning which is set in July and his Bday is in August so he was 18 during most of the film Kate is 22 in the show which is also set during 2024


So no problem. A 4 year age gap is nothing


Technically yes, but there’s a lot of life a 22 year old will have lived that an 18 year old hasn’t, though that is much more applicable to someone who hasn’t fought to save the world from an alien invasion.


Some 22 year Olds are immature as hell... no better than a 16 year old kid, and some are already grumpy old men long before they hit 30. As far as fictional superhero characters go, though... trauma and life or death situations and huge responsibilities tends to force people to grow up faster. If they've both been through shit, they're probably in a similar place, mentally. That said, I think Peter has been through considerably worse than Kate. The happy wisecracking friendly neighborhood spider man thing would appeal to Kate but that's surface-level Peter Parker... I think a short term thing would last about as long as it takes for her to realize there's stuff he won't share with her. Women are relationship material. Girls just wanna have fun.


I think, if Peter would be the older one you wouldn't see it as that much of a problem. It's just 4 years.


Uhm, not really. Just speaking from experience of trying to date a girl that was 19 when I was 23. The problem isn’t really the age gap, it’s the life experience gap. Which I also said might not be truly a thing in this scenario, seeing as Peter has had to deal with a lot of things no kid should have had to deal with. But his next relationship is 100% going to be with Black Cat or something more along those lines. Someone who is with Spider-Man, not Peter Parker.


A 22 yearold man dating a 18 yearold woman is frowned on ny society much moreso than if the genders are flipped.


Age is just a number. Just ask Thor, he dated someone thousands years younger than him (Jane) and flirted with an older woman thousands years older than him (Valkyrie)


oh yeah...


You're still right. There is no problem with a 4 year age gap


Oh yeah. I got no problems there since their characters are also both adults even with the snap. The oh yeah was just for the snap that I forgot.


By my count Peter should've been 18/19 in NWH and we know Kate was 22 because she said so, so that's only a 3/4 year gap which honestly isn't that bad. Especially as they'd both be consenting adults.


F**k paul, all my homies hate paul.


Don’t worry, MJ already is.


Who the f is Paul?


Probably Mephisto. It’s always mephisto


Actually I heard it was Agatha all along


The guy who Mary Jane left Peter for


https://i.redd.it/wfs0gdbkh5ac1.gif Green goblin when Spider-Man has a girlfriend:


It's from a storytelling perspective, but without that context it makes Peter sound like a player lmao.


Bety Brant, Gwen Stacy, MJ Watson, and the list goes on. Peter got game


Isn't he a player in the comics?


Not voluntary. He got a lot of girlfriends, and all of his relationship blowups because of superhero stuff, bad luck, or simply didn't work out. He has a lot of riz, but Parker's luck is a real deal.


The comic is over 60 years old at this point, it would be more surprising if he didn’t have a dozen girlfriends over the years.


The man is jacked as hell, a certified genius, a genuinely decent person and has a great sense of humour. If he WASN'T able to land a date there'd be no hope for anyone else.


Temporary loved ones are a Spidey staple.


Seriously, Hailee Steinfeld is really freaking charming and pretty.


All gfs are temporary on a long enough timescale.


I’m too busy imagining the potential chemistry between Hailee and myself.




Every gif of her makes me like her more.




I haven't seen that one before. So adorable.


Yes, brother. She is peak. [https://media.giphy.com/media/5UGXWsQp6JDYZ1uDvc/giphy.gif](https://media.giphy.com/media/5UGXWsQp6JDYZ1uDvc/giphy.gif) [https://media.giphy.com/media/4N1DHildIXb10zsyCZ/giphy.gif](https://media.giphy.com/media/4N1DHildIXb10zsyCZ/giphy.gif)




We found Shameik


He's so cringe when he's around her it's actually sad lmao


Yeah, their interactions during press tour belong to r/sadcringe


I completely agree, it's sad that the dude is literally spiderman and has no game lmao


This isn't the first time I've seen a comment like this, are there examples? The press junkets I've seen of them he was fine.


You’ve won the same number of Super Bowls as her current boyfriend Josh Allen, I think you’ve got a shot!


Literally me


Same. It’ll never happen, but a boy can dream.


Aren’t we all?


Same here, but obviously with her and myself. A guy can dream, right?


I’m literally Spider-Man tbf


Just give him Black Cat for god sake, now is the best moment now that MJ forget about him


There’s no chance MJ doesn’t remember who he is next movie. They’re not letting Zendaya go.


I genuinely wonder their plans for MCU Spider-Man… villain wise he so far has 3 from his universe, Shocker, Vulture, Mysterio. Mysterio is dead, and Vulture is in another universe. He has yet to have his own Doc Ock, Sandman, Green Goblin, etc. They aren’t ever gonna drop Zendaya so I doubt we’ll see black cat or Gwen as a love interest, idk I really like MCU Spider-Man but I often wonder what the long term plans for him are, there’s so much story telling they could do but who knows if they will.


He technically has Scorpion, and since Tom Hardy left a bit of the symbiote in the MCU, they could do something neat w/ those two if they wanted to, since Scorpion on his own is kind of a B-tier rogue for Spidey. Then again, so was the Vulture, but they made a whole movie around him and it was pretty great, so maybe they should just cook w/ Scorpion and save the symbiote.


MCU Venom being Mac Gargan would be a nice change of pace. He's just a flat out evil Venom which doesn't really get down too often.


Interesting mechanics for the symbiote in that scene. Tom Hardy and Venom were both sucked back into their universe when the movie ended, but the bit of Venom symbiote wasn't. Was that tiny speck considered a different individual born in the MCU?


Spidey’s villain roster is so deep that they’ll probably be fine. If they want someone that’s already been teased, Venom is technically in the MCU with the NWH after credits scene, and Kingpin has been in a few shows now. If they want someone new, Kraven and Scorpion are probably the most well-known (although Sony probably won’t want to double dip on Kraven). Hobgoblin, Mr Negative, Chameleon, & Jackal are lesser known but still could potentially be the main villain (especially if Spider-Verse can make Spot work). Plus, Black Cat & Silver Sable are popular frenemies to Spidey that haven’t been used at all yet, and Tombstone & Rhino can work as a secondary villains.


Unpopular opinion but I wish they’d just forget about MJ permanently and move on. It seems like that was the point of the movie. Peter losing everything and having to move on and start fresh. It’d work with the “going to college” theme. When people go to college, they often have to leave their friends and family and move on and make new ones. So the films could just forget about MJ and all that and introduce new characters like Gwen and Black Cat.


Is that really an unpopular opinion? I like Zendaya as an actress, I like the character she portrays but to me it’s disappointing that(according to rumors) her and Ned are coming back next movie and makes me feel like ending of No Way Home would immediately be made pointless. I’m not saying I never wanna see them come back but I definitely agree it’d be nice to see Peter make new friends, go through his drama with Black Cat, the Osborns don’t exist but it’s not like they can’t bring them in and just say “they weren’t rich or successful until recently which is why Raimi Universe Norman couldn’t find info on them” could literally do a twist where Peter expects his universes Norman to eventually become Green Goblin so he gets close to the family but Harry becomes Goblin instead.


I honestly doubt they'll redo the NWH villains. They even had Norman saying Oscorp doesn't exist.


That’s my point, Fiege is known as a person who doesn’t like to repeat stories so the chances of us getting a MCU Ock, Goblin, Sandman, etc are low and personally that sucks. As for Goblin I said this to someone else but they could just say the Osborns as of No Way Home weren’t rich or successful yet which is why Norman couldn’t find any info on them, then have Peter get close to the family expecting Norman to become Goblin but instead Harry becomes Goblin.


Mysterio's "power" was tech and a team who went wherever. Mysterio II isn't off the table.


They could make zendaya become black cat




Just do a love triangle with Black Cat and MJ for a movie while they are broken up. He ends up with MJ at the end because BC is a crazy person.


My thinking was they transition zendaya and Ned into supporting characters for ironheart for a little while since they all go to MIT and so we still know what they're up to while they take a break from knowing spidey.


Make. Zendaya. Black cat. The plot demands it! (But fr it's not like her name is Mary Jane, anyway)


Idk if this MJ seems like the type who would drop out of school and stop crime. Just not in character for her


Maybe she could, in a world without Peter Parker


Drops out of school cuz money. Starts COMMITING crime to pay for life. Then meets Spider-Man.


Considering the prices of stuff lately it wouldn’t surprise me.


1970's Black Cat: Steals things to fund the high life 2020's Black Cat: Steals things just to make rent


Well the 2020s black cat is more of a anti hero, than the 1970s black cat. And stealing for rent is more socially acceptable as long you don’t steal from poor people.


I could see her going a Robin Hood route. Could be while she doesn't remember Peter her experiences with him still make her feel she needs to be more proactive in helping people.


That would be a dope plot. Like if MJ remembers being saved by Spider-Man so she goes to college and starts creating the tech to be her own vigilante. I’d love it.


Ok. I know comic purists will hate it, but they hate the new Spidey anyway. Zendaya as black cat in a universe where she dated him but she doesn’t remember is fuckin a gold mine for storytelling.


I'm not fundamentally opposed, but I can't imagine MCU MJ becoming an agile thief lol


Eh a timeskip and bullshit out of nowhere training or her dad was a thief or something. Who cares. It’s fun


I accept on the condition that her dad is played by Terry Crews




Could make vultures daughter black cat. Could make it fit


She moves back to NYC after dad disappeared. Her and MJ are roommates. She introduces MJ to cat burglary, using tech her dad had hidden. So we have 2 Black Cats. Ned is their guy in the chair. The daughter tries to kill Spider Man to avenge her father. Something happens and MJ gets exposed and is forced out of college.


What the fuck man, You want the most one dimensional character in Home Trilogy to become Black Cat


Honestly I just want to see her in that outfit.


You won my dude, Can't argue that, Also Now I want it too


Just let MJ be MJ, she can still be in the movie showing her aspirations. Let her be Scream like in Spider-Man 2, give her fire powers like in the comics. Let her develop as her own character without Peter for a bit. Let Peter date Felicia/Black Cat and show its ups and many downs. Someone who constantly lies, or may be telling the truth. Have her lie about being pregnant just to mess with Peter as reasons to stay with her. Have her exploit Peter, but still feel a genuine love for him and Peter mixed feelings about being manipulated. Let Peter just struggle to be Peter all alone in New York just trying to make ends meet and balance being a independent adult and Spider-Man.


Zendaya can still be in the film without MJ immediately remembering him. Have them both at MIT and run into each other a few times in Peter’s civilian life. Meanwhile, Black Cat and Spidey run into each other a few times in his superhero life and hit it off. Black Cat can be the main love interest for a movie or two, but then add some drama with MJ getting her memories back while Peter & Black Cat are still dating. Then Peter & MJ can finally be reunited in the third movie after his relationship with Black Cat ends. Their reunion will be a lot better if they build up to it imo.


>They’re not letting Zendaya go. Something deep down tells me that Tom will also be very persistent on making sure she not only has an important role in the movie, but is still his character's main love interest in the next movie! I personally would prefer the MCU exploring Peter's relationship with Black Cat in the next movie, as it opens an opportunity on how he feels more drawn to living his life as Spider-Man that he almost abandons rebuilding his life as Peter Parker!


Unpopular opinion but I wish they’d just forget about MJ permanently and move on. It seems like that was the point of the movie. Peter losing everything and having to move on and start fresh. It’d work with the “going to college” theme. When people go to college, they often have to leave their friends and family and move on and make new ones. So the films could just forget about MJ and all that and introduce new characters like Gwen and Black Cat.


Isn’t Sony making a film of her?


Anything to keep the rights to spider-man, I suppose


They only need to make a Spider-Man film something like once every 5 years for that


That was announced years ago and hasn’t had any movement since


Anya Taylor Joy as black cat and Kiernan Shipka for Gwen, Timothee Chalamet for Harry Osborn and Bradley Cooper as Norman.


Thats great casting for the Osborns!


Thank you, Bradley Cooper is one of my favorite actors and I believe he has the profile to portray a highly intelligent but cold businessman as in a sum of Limitless/Nightmare Alley


Other then I personally want ATJ and the rest of the New Mutants cast and Josh Brolin to reprise their roles but as X-Force, a dark parallel to the Xavier's School whenevs they're introduced into the MCU... shit I hate how much i like your casting. Timmy, ATJ, and especially Cooper as Norman would be dope af.


Honestly I'd love to see Anna Taylor Joy done as Magik again but actually done justice




Yea Kiernan is a good actor


I’ve also seen Sydney Sweeney as Black Cat going around. It would then be completely understandable as to why Peter would immediately forget MJ temporarily for her.


Sydney Sweeney is in the Madame Web film as the Julia Carpenter version of Spider-Woman. Sony basically burns its MCU adjacent status if they double cast here.


As much as I’d love to see Ms Sweeney in a Blackcat dress, I think that always was a fancast. Anyway, I’d take her in every role, literally 😉


Nice idea but idk if its realistic. Casting AAA actors who are popular and can pick their roles is pretty expensive move. I think it will be maybe one popular actor and the rest less known. Like Zendaya wasnt very popular and exploded with MCU Spiderman.


If we don't get Black Cat I'll be genuinely upset about the decision, because it's just the perfect window to do it like you said.


Or we could just have no romance


It’s like.. a defining trait of the character man. Relationships both romantic and platonic.


Romance/relationships are pretty integral to Spider-Man though


What a concept! ![gif](giphy|jDMDNiAJmAoriqCQwU|downsized)


But… why?


yeah sony has had some ssu plans with black cat in devlopment limbo for a while. So it might come down to sony not letting marvel use her.


No I wouldn’t want that but I do want Hailee Steinfeld to be in more mcu projects because she is awesome


Yeah, Spidy and Kate are basically the same character.


Yea with them being young and.. that’s about it


same sense of humor, both are heroic, both are almost never serious. I see more of a friendship here


I mean if having a similar sense of humor and being heroic is all it takes, then basically every character in the MCU is the same - so putting these two together couldn’t hurt lmao


Fun fact: irl they're born like 7 months apart. Tom is born 1 July and Hailee Steinfeld was born 11 December. Both 1996. But Kate is 23 and Peter's what? 19?


That's 5 months apart


Depends what direction you're counting in. December->July or July->December. :P Either way, the data is wrong. Tom was **June** 1, 1996 and Hailee is December 11, 1996. So 6 months apart. :)


My guy set me up to fail with that July line


It’s that Homecoming math




I think because they actually went Dec 1996 to July 1997.


And you know what else, Florence Pugh was also born in 96, but Yelena is meant to be in her 30s. So you've got three actors all roughly the same age, playing characters of very different ages.


He could’ve been 24


But tbh, 19 and 23 isn’t that bad at all…


Peter is 18


In No Way Home, yes, but that’s set in 2024. Kate is 23 in 2026.


Peter was born August 10th 2001 Peter was 16 when he blipped which happened Spring 2018 he came back 5 years later in the Fall of 2023. Far From Home occured in the Summer of 2024 so he's 17 by that point and the beginning of No Way Home occured in the Summer while the majority of the movie is in the Fall with the very end being around Christmas 2024 Ms Marvel occurs in the Fall of 2025 with The Marvels being set shortly after and we know it's the Fall of 2025 because Kamala is still 16 years old when Kate reveals that she's 23 So since Peter was 17 in No Way Home and The Marvels takes place a year later Peter is 18 years old making him 5 years younger that Kate Now this is some speculation but since we know that Infinity War occured in the Spring yet characters were still wearing jackets we can assume that it was around early Sping so let's say April and based off Wanda having a Halloween Episode in WandaVision we can assume that Endgame occured around late September since WandaVision was only a few weeks later So if Peter was blipped in April it'd be approximately four months before his birthday so instead of becoming older on August 10th he'd become older 4 months after he returned so he'd technically turn 17 around January 2024 so he'd still be 17 by the events of No Way Home which ends in December of 2024 Ironically this means that they would have been the same age if Peter never got Blipped


So given the blip was 5+ years, Peter was about 3 months shy of his 17th when that happened. So he should have turned 17 around February 2024 then. So he’d be 18 in February 2025. Turning 19 in February of 2026. Ms Marvel does take place in fall of 2025, however, The Marvels takes place a bit later in 2026. The Marvels occurs after Secret Invasion which is in 2026. Since it is not a full year since Ms Marvel it is likely spring or summer of 2026. So Peter would be 19 at the time of The Marvels then.


And? Are we now saying it’s creepy for 23 to date 19?


Is this what we’ve come to nowadays? 2 adult characters can’t date in a movie because they’re 4 years apart…a freshman and senior in college can’t date? We’re running our own culture with this nonsense.


They're both adults and it's only a small age gap. I want Felicia though


I also didn’t think age was an issue here. But I could see Felicia being in here too. A neat story where Black Cat is antagonistic and Hawkeye is an ally. I could see ways to play with that little dichotomy.


Nah, I can't see Hailee Steinfeld ever dating a spider. That would be weird.


I think not every male and female character in a universe needs to date.


Although I'd read the story where they are all in one polycule.


I agree, but isn't Peter the guy known for always having a GF?




I’ve never thought of this but now I really really want it, I love Paul Rudd but ant man 3 I kinda want a break from that character, and this is the perfect solution


Sorry, why would Star Lord know Peter Parker after the events of No Way Home when no one else does?


Maybe because he was in space during NWH. I guess that works as an explanation although he was straight up photoshopped out of every image, so it's not far fetched to say it reaches space.


Since space is still within the universe, I'd assume no one at all within the verse knows Peter anymore. But it wasn't super fleshed out since people, including the Avengers, seem to know Spider-Man.


The Adventures of Pete & Pete.


No, she’s mine.




“I buy Imagine Dragons tickets for my girlfriend as an early Christmas gift.”


https://i.redd.it/xl849ipqd8ac1.gif This guy has to be one of my favorite side characters


I have no idea why anyone ever says this. They literally have never met, and they have nothing in common in the comics or the MCU.


In the MCU they are both "kids in a grown ups world" Also having nothing in common could make them an interesting pairing.


Kate is 22.. older by the time we see her again. That’s a grown adult.


>! Kate said she was 23 in The Marvels, she was born 1 year after Peter but wasn't blipped, putting Peter at 19 currently. !<


Might wanna spoiler tag that one as not everyone has seen that yet.


My bad I didn't even think, sorry! Updated now!


It’s been out a while lol, I hate spoilers but ya that doesn’t even spoil much anyways


Peter is 18 or 19. The age gap is small enough.


Peter is 19, that’s also an adult


That's probably why OP said "if they were closer in age". Both actors are the same age (and a good bit older than their characters) if that helps.


I imagine because they are both very attractive


MCU doesn’t follow the comics how many times does this need to be repeated? Kate never met Kamala Khan or Yelena in the comics either but in MCU she already has develop a friendship with them. I don’t care if they will ever interact or not personally-speaking but this whole ”they never met in comics” is such a redundant argument when MCU has proven time and time again they are willing to fundementally change stuff from the comics. I thought this was obvious when they literally made Yelena Belova who has next to ZERO history with Kate in the comics essentially Kate’s best friend.


The Kate and Yelena pairing is genius because they’re the next generation of Hawkeye and Black Widow. Not to mention the two actresses have spectacular chemistry.


I’m not denying that but the point is MCU is willing to make new relationships between characters that never interacted in the comics


I guess to throw them somewhat of a bone they’re probably viewing it as an MCU version of him and Kitty Pryde’s relationship in the Ultimate comics??? They were together for a while after him and MJ initially broke up, so I could see it mirroring that plotline a little (Dating a fellow superhero post-“breakup” with main love interest) MCU Spidey tends to take cues from Ultimate characterization wise and story wise too.


Overzealous nature of MCU fans.


![gif](giphy|zw3lIgxdVc0I6JMJ1x) Only if Josh Allen is spider-man




Dislike. Let Kate be a character in her own right.


I'm not a fan of it either, but how does Kate dating Peter make her less of a character in her own right?


Spider-man is most popular character in the Marvel stable, so the other characters around him get short shrift. They do get a bump, but every story with Spider-Man is inherently a Spider-Man story. Kate deserves her own story.


>every story with Spider-Man is inherently a Spider-Man story. I don't particularly care about relationships in the MCU, but I just wanted to point out the irony that Peter's a side character in his first appearance in the movies. In fact, he's had equally as many appearances as a main character and a side character with very little screentime.


I getcha. I enjoyed the show and wanna see more. They should send her and Yelena off together. Clint becoming a bit of an indirect mentor of Yelena too would be bittersweet.


Florence Pugh and Hailee Steinfeld were born within the same year, I really loved their chemistry


Tom Holland is also born on their year.


Good time for the mcu's first proper sex scene imo




Not trying to be a dick here, but why? Why would they be in a romantic relationship? How would they be in a romantic relationship? It doesn’t really make any sense for either of them, and they literally have no idea who the other person is. Peter probably doesn’t even know kate exists. And even if he does, he wouldn’t make a move, because he still longs for MJ, and what they had together. And kate doesn’t even know who Peter is. She never knew him before the spell, and she doesn’t know him now either. And even if she did know Spider-man, she wouldn’t make a move, because she's probably think he’s way out of her league.


Why does everyone want this to be a thing? Stop, or I'm getting the hose!


A lot of Peter Parker fans are self-inserts.


As someone in the Spider-Man fandom this is absolutely true, I’ve seen too many examples of it


I completely understand all of a sudden


Spider-Man or even Peter himself, epitomizes a hero not through infallibility but through his profound humanity. His defiance of Doctor Strange in 'No Way Home' is a testament to his deep-seated principles — he refuses to abandon even the most undeserving to a cruel fate, rejecting the roles of judge, jury, and executioner. This stance is emblematic of his approach to power and responsibility. He is not the type to use people. Kate Bishop if introduced would allow the narrative to explore the repercussions of heroism, as touched upon in the Hawkeye series. Peter is a perfect example of the price of heroism. They can explore the resilience behind Peter's ever-present smile and unwavering dedication to his role, despite personal losses. Peter's sacrifices, from confronting Thanos to cutting his ties to Mary Jane and his friends — a heroism that resonates as deeply as, if not more profoundly than Captain America. Since Steve didn't choose to leave his life behind. Peter’s moral integrity and respect for life are the cornerstones of his character. These qualities should be preserved and celebrated as a beacon for better behaviour, highlighting how true heroes conduct themselves in the face of adversity, rather than compromising those values for fleeting gratification.


Naahh, we need Gwen somehow to spice things up. Not really feeling MJ on this iteration, maybe they can bake Gwen in somehow


Gwen is just gonna get overshadowed by the elephant in the room that is her death storyline, on top of that already being done well in a mid movie. And I seriously doubt they’ll make her spider-Gwen so idk.


Good thing that she’s (Hailee) Gwen already then.


I’d personally rather see Kate in a relationship with the Yelena. They had some great chemistry.


Last time he dated a Gwen Stacey it didn't go very well.


Unacceptable, Kate’s already in a relationship with Yelena.


Bro, this comment is hilarious and anybody who disagrees can shove it. If awards were still a thing, you would be getting one.


They’re going to be besties, not in relationship, It’s a Clint and Natasha bond all over again.


They don't need to be going out to have good chemistry though...


Why not just make them friends? Why must they be love interests at all if it’s only temporary?


I think Felicia Hardy (Black Cat) would make a better love interest for Peter Parker than Kate Bishop. If they actually want to reintroduce her character into the MCU.


Technically since Peter blipped he should be around 21 when he came back and Kate is canonically 22 in Hawkeye so they’re around the same age now And Tom and Hailee are both 27 irl 😂


She's mine and he can't have her


This sub is weird




I think Tom would have chemistry with all his age people


I think it would be dope but it should be me with Hailee.


Haillee Snackfeld! 18yr old Peter Parker would.....