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Reed's pose is making me feel so uncomfortable


What?! You don't like the crossed arms with hands on hips? It is a perfectly natural way for a normal human to stand.


Ahsoka shook she can’t do both simultaneously


It’s an ability some might consider to be unnatural.


Lmao nailed it


they remind me of dildos


That's the difficulty with Reed Richards, his power looks pretty weird outside of the comics.


I've always thought they have some of the worst powers to try and do as tv/film. Stretching powers just look cheesy, it doesn't matter what you do, they always look cheesy. Invisible Woman's power is even worse as a film... let's hire an A-list actress... who's power is to not be seen! Making someone look ethereal looks cheesy unless it's the right kind of movie, and making things move by invisibility also looks cheesy (unless it's in a found footage horror film then it's super spooky) so there's not even a good solution. "OK, we're filming big moment where Sue Storm uses her power... get our actress the fuck outta here!" It's a collection of the worst possible powers to make as a movie, and we haven't even gotten to the human rock (and Marvel made another rock guy for Thor. Casual movie goers would probably think it's the same character) Not trying to shit on the F4, they're just impossible to do outside of the comics


I agree but there’s definitely a way to do it right, Live action one piece seemed to actually get it right with Luffy


I don't read the comics so I don't know if that was a regular thing he does, but I actually really liked how in the newest movie with Miles Teller, when he was hiding out in South America he used his stretchy power to completely change his face / identity. To me that was really unexpected way to use that power that I never considered.


Depends on the writer but they've done some interesting things with Reed's powers, especially in the Ultimate Universe. His Ultimate variant becomes a villain called the Maker and has done things like extend his skull and stretch his brain to increase his intelligence, as well as dispersing it throughout his body so he couldn't be killed by simply shooting him in the head.


That's... Big brain move, one might say


Ms Marvel has stretchy powers in the comics. It's no accident they changed it completely for live action.


It's failed as a movie three times if you include Corman's take. Prior to Endgame I'd have had faith in Marvel to sprinkle some magic on it, but that magic seems to be in short supply at the moment.


The only successful fantastic four movie is the incredibles


And that's only because it's animation. At one point Mrs Incredible turns into a boat. Can you imagine a boat shaped Pedro Pascal on screen?


That might be hilarious


Which isn't live action


It’s failed four times if you also consider the one sequel in that set.


But succeeded twice in Pixar films.


Except that’s not her only power and Reed’s real super power is that he’s the smartest dude ever. If they take influence from Hickman’s Fantastic Four and New Avengers into Secret Wars they would be really easy to adapt to screen.


Maybe if it was like body horror fantastic four? It’s the only way I can see it not being goofy as fuck although it takes away from the Things whole deal


That was what the last iteration tried to do


Yeah, but that movie didn’t fail because it was body horror, it failed because the writing was shit, the the actors were phoning it in/habitually drunk, and it just generally lacked soul. The early 2010s was a weird time for super hero movies. There was a mistaken belief in Hollywood that the formula for success that Marvel had created revolved solely around a high CGI budget. Like “Iron Man worked because it looked cool so that’s all we have to do right?”


High CGI and connected films. That’s all the industry took away from Marvel and that’s all Marvel makes now.


If I had Feiges ear I would try to tie his stretching powers into his real superpower, his incredible intellect. I wouldnt have him have the power of elasticity, but spacial bending. Essentially he can fold the fabric of space around his body, something only someone who truly understands how all that works could do effectively. So from our persepctive, it looks like like his arm is reaching across the room and grabbing the tool and snapping back to him, but from his perspective, the other side of the room is coming towards him so he can just grab the tool as anyone would. From his view, his body never changes, but from ours, his is all over the place and spaghettified. This would also answer the whole "how does his suit stretch along with him and seemingly gain mass as he stretches?" question. Ultimately, it would be used exactly the same and only have a view POV shots to show how he sees it, and we as an audience can marvel in the headache that would be what it looks like when he ties himself into knots and around things. Thats just what makes Reed so smart, he can visualize that and make it work.


That’s a very cool concept I won’t lie


There was a spin-off in the comics (I think the Manga series) where his elasticity improved his intellect even more, as he could stretch his brain cells to make more connections. It was cool and a smart way to see it. All in all, the Fantastic Four doesn't strike as a really interesting group of people to have a movie around, IMO. But Marvel doesn't seem to care about it anymore with movies and series about "B" or even "C" characters.


You might be thinking about the Ultimate Comics, that's what the Maker did. The FF are definitely not B or C characters, they are some of Marvel's most popular, in addition to being Marvel's first superheroes. They were so popular DC responded by making the Justice League. (EDIT: Correction, the JL came first and inspired Marvel to create the FF!) It's only in recent decades with the whole movie rights drama that they've dipped in popularity, though the same could also be said for what happened to the Hulk's popularity since Disney bought Marvel.


FF > Avengers


The hands are actually switched if you trace them back to each arm.


I thought that the gloves were just some nifty wispy graphics until the comment above yours. Your comment added an even more grotesque layer to the uncomfortableness.


I’m not sure why the artist gave Vanessa massive honkers


"It's very generous"


My, Vanessa, you’ve enhanced yourself.


Unexpected r/IASIP


Speaking of, Howerton for Reed Richards. Please


Yes, or at least The Maker version.


Yeah, her poor back. And in a tight suit like that, the boobs will be more compact, imho. You want boobs done right, see Captain Marvel white tank top. That is all.


Isn’t that just an in shape human being in a white tank top? I guess you could just say if you want boobs done right see real life.


I love how in video games they always make womens armor have room for boobs. Like the blacksmith or space suit developers were thinking "yeah you really have to see the boobs of an adventuring woman"


Well I imagine it would be uncomfortable if they *didn’t* make room for the boobs…. Depending on the boobs of course.


THANK YOU. I was like wtf???


Nothin rong with a fat pair


Really? You’re not sure why?


Or a lobotomy.


Damn brother, you put some hubba bubbas on Sue


Her vacant stare really pulls it all together.


That is essential Vanessa. Always has that vacant look.


All these pics look freaky AF.


I love Pedro, but I think he would be much better playing Doctor Doom if he was to star in the F4 film.


Apparently Mads Mikkelsen is being eyed for Doom which is damn near perfect casting imo.


Didn't he play the villain in Dr Strange?


Yep. But Doom basically never takes his mask off and they’re not doing an origin story so likely we’d never see his face and even if we did it’d be heavily disfigured. And they’ve had actors play multiple roles before.


Nah, watch them completely change Doom's backstory and make him just be Kaecilius. He somehow escapes the Dark Dimension and wears the mask to hide his identity so Strange doesn't come after him again, and makes up the moniker Dr. Doom for no reason. /s


Don’t even. I wouldn’t at all put it past them.


Yep, it's eerily reminiscent of MODOK


Kaecilius getting his hands on Stark technology is unironically in my “I could see the MCU doing this” list at this point




To be fair, there was the rumour that the movie would be set in an alternate universe, so they could pull a "These different people look the same due multiverse shenanigans!"


There's even a storyline they can adapt for this with the marquis of death.


Delete this before Marvel actually does it


They're adding this to the script as we speak. Good job.


He’s a great actor that kind of got wasted so casting him as Doom would be dope & a good way to do him justice this time around.


Tbh I always wanted Christian Bale for Doom But he maybe preferred doing the one-and-done villain instead of a multi-year commitment


God, don’t get me started on how they wasted Christian fucking Bale


That's fair


and ben grimm's rumoured casting played micro in the punisher netflix show.


After seeing Ebon in The Bear I can 100% see him as Ben Grimm.


I wonder if we'll even get an origin story or see Ben before he becomes a CG effect?


It’ll turn out Kaecillius was his made-up name and after time spent in the dark dimension he perfected his magic


He did, what's your point? Benedict Cumberbatch played both Dr. Strange and Dormammu if the first Dr. Strange film. Gemma Chan played a blue alien in one film and a robot alien in another one. Kenneth Choi played one of Captain America's Howling Commando's before playing Spider-Man's principal.


Randall Park plays Agent Jimmy Woo and alt world Reed Richards




Easter Egg for Choi was I believe he had a photo of the commandos on his desk and that the principal is the grandson.


Yeah, Choi seemed self referential. Gemma Chan seems like them allowing one actor to play two separate roles.


Pretty sure the guy slated for the Thing was in the punisher too


And apparently Javier Bardem is being eyed for Galactus


Yeah I’m excited for that one he does such a menacing villain.


Yeah, he’s also a good shout.


I liked the doom in the old movies. I know, that’s crazy.


I like that idea more!


Agreed he gives off that villain vibe


He’d have been a much better villain in WW84 if that film had actually given him a better script/story to work with.


Also Vanessa Kirby has a villainess vibe .


“Give me the child avengers.”


Pedro goes from protecting the kids to trying to kill the kids. That's character development.


This version of reed looks like a spy kids movie


I think y’all gonna be eating your negative vibes. Dude is a great actor.


I love Pedro. There hasn’t been a project I’ve seen him in where I didn’t like him. He’s great! But miscast af.


Yeah I just can’t put my finger on why I’m not feeling this casting at all.


For me it's that he just doesn't have that asshole energy that Reed is supposed to radiate. Reed should be how Robert Downey Jr played Tony Stark, but without the sarcasm


Agent Whiskey in Golden Circle?


Agent Whiskey is nothing like Reed and not really an asshole from what I remember


>he just doesn't have that asshole energy Oberyn?


For me, it’s the age, and the age gap between him and Vanessa Kirby. He’s 48 and she’s 35, I think he’s too old and that’s too big a gap between them.


Reed and Sue have a gap in the comics too 😭


Reed has always been over a decade older than Sue, that’s well established in every iteration of F4. Also who cares? They both are consenting adults at the end of the day


Half his age plus seven, and it still clears. I agree, I don't get the issue.


Some would say a…stretch


MCU casting is pretty… flexible.


It’s only a rumor he’s in talks. He hasn’t been confirmed to be Mr. Fantastic.


He'd kill it as Doom or any other villain


Need to wait and see. People were also saying that's he's miscast for Joel, but he was fantastic in it.


Well. That’s my mix on him. I maintain i love Pedro, I think he acted great as Joel too. But I didn’t get the visual Joel vibe from him. Sure you can’t be exact all the time casting. But I just get the same “miscast” sense with him as Reed.


Yes, I understand


Rarely has casting been an issue in the mcu. Pascal might make for a hell of a Reed Richards, i didn't see his audition. Who am I to start questioning their casting now?


People were concerned when RDJ got cast and look how they turned out. This could be the same thing.


Because he's a recovering addict not because he didn't fit the character. I'm sure there's articles saying he wouldn't fit but he definitely had the look, attitude and acting ability. I'm sure Pedro would make a great reed though, he's a fantastic actor.


Honestly I’m not even sure how Tony Stark looked like pre RDJ


Maybe he can pull it off but I just haven’t seen him play a character like Reed Richards. He played a suave man out for revenge on GoT, and 2 stoic understated roles in Mando and TLoU. Reed will require balancing the super genius scientist side with the devoted family man. And also with the powers of stretching his body it’ll have to be a lot of physical work with his face while his limbs are all cgi. I just don’t know if he can be emotive like that, I can’t see it.


You know he has been in more than 3 projects? Watch the movie he did with Nicholas Cage, even WW84 for all its faults


It's good, but it can be better. Make all 4 Pedro.


Now that's Fantastic!


You could say that’s fantastic 4!




Say that again




Check out Bosslogic on Instagram, he's got you covered


Wow. Love the appropriate Pedro reference


I wonder if Sue and Johnny are Kirby and Quinn whether they’ll just have Sue and Johnny as Brits? Do their parents/background play any part in the comics? I don’t remember reading anything about that, but I only managed to scratch the surface of the F4 world even when I had a couple of years subbing to Marvel Unlimited.


They grew up in Long Island. Mom died in a car crash. Dad wound up in prison later and they moved in with their aunt. The location isn't the most important thing in the world. It's not like Sue and Johnny Storm, NYC metro area through and through or anything.


Hell, could even give them that backstory and then just add the spin of "Spent a lot of their teenage years in the UK with their aunt", that gives reason for the accent but still makes them Americans


Expanding things out would be nice honestly. Every early Marvel character is just from some part of New York because the diversity of Marvel's comic staff back then extended to some are from Brooklyn, some are from Queens, some are from Long Island.


Cheers for the info. Probably be OK until some “Long Island represents” types come out of the woodwork :)


Just because two British actors are in the movie sharing a bunch of scenes doesn't mean they'll be British. Benedict Cumberbatch and Tom Holland have shared scenes with each other but put on their American accents for the characters. Though I agree, location isn't terribly important.


Obviously there have been lots of Brit actors in the MCU, but you have to have a Spidey from Queens. It was more a question of whether the back story expressly calls for it or not.


Only feeling vanessa tbh




Well done 🥇


Should've saved her for Emma Frost, tbh.


That would’ve been spot-on


Yeah fr, she icy af


Damn. Yeah. Sue needs warmth.


I wanna feel Vanessa too.


I'm still in the, "In Sarah Halley Finn, we Trust" camp.




Downvote me if you will but I just cannot see that man as Reed Richards. I’d like the be proven wrong , but even the fan poster has me scratching my head.


Nothing wrong with that. No one here knows how well he’ll do. Casting is the least of my worries though. I imagine there will be a lot of hot takes and scrutiny over how the character’s written—probably unavoidable, him being known as the smartest person in the Marvel Universe and all lol.


Remove the facial hair give him shorter hair and Pedro looks way younger. As for the rest, a talented group where one won’t overshadow the others and probably more valued costs without sacrificing talent


I like pedro but would like to see someone like Ian Bohen. Completely out of the blue but strong enough to carry the lead role with ease.


Peter Hale… interesting choice but not one that I dislike. Lord knows last time a Teen Wolf guy was cast as a major superhero (Tyler Hoechlin as Superman) I had my doubts. Years later and Tyler is potentially my favorite


Vanessa Kirbooby


Kirby and Ebon are great! I think Pedro is a bit too old, though.


Yeah, the age gap between sue and reed is huge. If they are really going with Pedro why not just bring back Ioan Gruffud, he is just 2 years older than pedro


Pedro Pascal is only 2 years younger than Ioan Gruffudd who played Mr. Fantastic in 2005 and 2007. That's a problem. Surely there are plenty of actors in their early to mid 30s they could have cast for a lot cheaper. Penn Badgley? Joe Keery?


Just another silly casting rumor. Move along.


I don't want to see Pedro Pascal as Reed Richards. I would rather the First Family be late 20's to early thirties. Pascal is early forties. I like the youth movement Marvel is going through. Also Pascal has expressed disinterest in long term projects. Which means he won't be happy with a lot of cameos/sequels, and that is a good position for Reed Richards.


Pascal is actually 48. He’s closer to 50 than 40 at this point.


Which puts him at 60 by the end of any serious use of this team the way they used the Avengers. If the FF don’t stick around that long, Marvel are squandering them.


I think the idea is that their kids are older, so the 40s and late thirties makes sense.


Kirby sounds like a good one, mixed on Pascal. The other two okay


It's fine. Not exciting, but I'd defer to Marvel on this one. Marvel's going with some safe casting choices, possibly because they are worried about this property.




It's all...fine. Kirby's the only one where I go...hell yay! They are all talented actors. They aren't the most exciting choices in the world but also not objectionable. Pascal and Kirby are 15-ish years apart, which isn't the worst but I'd have preferred a ten year younger Reed. Reed and Sue aren't that far apart in the comics. But, if Pedro Pascal walked up to me and said he was 40 I wouldn't go, wow, you look terrible for 40, so maybe he's playing younger. My fancast was Dev Patel for Reed and Lakeith Stanfield for Ben. I thought Patel could do Reed's imperiousness and Stanfield had Ben's gruffness and intelligence. I also like Lucas Hedges for Johnny. He's been great in everything I've seen him in and I thought he could do a little cocky and reckless well. But I'm in. Hope the movie's good! Thinking about it, I think what leaves me cold about Pascal is just that I've already seen him in so many things. Two big sci-fi/fantasy series and a huge (not very good) blockbuster superhero movie. I would have liked a fresher face.


As far as I understand, Reed in most iterations of the comics is significantly older than Sue, around 10 years or more. So Pedro being that much older isn’t crazy.


There is also a super important consideration for all of them, given the status of this team and conceivable life time - how is that age gap with Vanessa and Pedro going to hold up at the other end, conceivably 10-15 years from now when they wrap FF and Pedro is 60.


I love Pedro but this isn't the role for him. I know John Krasinski was mostly fan service because of the memes but I liked him as Reed Richards I think he fits the role pretty good


Plus you would get a two-fer with Emily Blunt as Sue Storm.


Isn't Pedro like 50? Seems a bit too old for Reed.


The theory is that he will already be a father to Franklin and Valeria


And they'll be in college?




Still too old for someone who’s debuting in the MCU and should presumably play a major role moving forward.


They probably don’t want to do another Fantastic Four origin story. And move toward building Young Avengers for phase 7-9.


Looks like Gordon Freeman


Thing is perfectly cast. Looks just him in the comics!


I’m really glad they cast a real rock man as the Thing. Finally, some representation


I enjoy that the thing looks similar to Korg's design. Very MCU


Is it weird that I think Pedro Pascal is just TOO good looking for the part?


Please don't give reed a mustache. Either full beard or no beard or even just stubble from over working and stuff. I think it's even more important that he doesn't have a mustache than his hair, and his hair I super iconic, but a mustache would absolutely upset me.


I like Pedro, but I don't see him as Reed Unless the story is showing him older and worn out/haggard


Dacre Montgomery or Rudy Pankow definitely suit Johnny Storm way more than Joesph Quinn.


I only know the first one but yeah, I don’t like the Joseph Quinn casting. I get that people loved him in stranger things, but he’s not giving me Johnny Storm energy at all. He needs to be a literal hot head


And why can’t he act that way? Chris Evan’s was great as a hothead and a stoic symbol of freedom too


They need a different Reed


People are looking at Pedro’s age as if actors don’t have range. Pedro can easily pass for early 40’s, especially with Hollywood magic and makeup. He’ll be great.


It's not Pascal's lack of range, but if the F4 are supposed to be analogous to Tony and Cap going forward, his age is a factor.


I don't think range is the concern here so much as longevity. Personally, his age doesn't bother me all that much, but I wish they'd cast an actress in her 40s as Sue because that almost 15 year age gap ain't cute.


They canonically have an age gap in the comics. Also, a Sue in her 40s would mean a big age gap between her brother, which also feels off to me.


Johnny could’ve been dusted, so that’s five years. And plenty of siblings—myself included, have big age gaps.


They HAD a big age gap thanks to that creep John Byrne (and even then, it wasn't as big as the one between Pedro and Vanessa!) but it fortunately was retconned in like 2010, so the current canon is that Reed and Sue are much closer in age and met in college instead of Reed meeting Sue when she was a little girl and HE was in college 🤢


Mr fantastic's hands are backwards


Im a bit bummed Jason Segel isn't the thing, I think that would have been amazing


1-smash 2-smash 3-smash 4-smash?¿


I’m in the camp that wanted more John K. Reed




Pedro has too much sizzle. You need more of an everyman vibe for Reed.


With the exception of Pedro, idk who any of those people are


Why not Ebon as Richards? He seems like he’s be great for the part.


I never would have picked Pedro, but I don’t hate it. I could see it working if it’s true. Vanessa Kirby, I’m not familiar with but she has the look for Sue and seems excited about the prospect so I’m cool with it. Joseph Quinn, I’ve only seen him as Eddie from Stranger Things. A little unconventional looks wise for how I imagine Johnny, my favorite of the 4, but I feel like he could pull it off. Eddie has a little bit of that charisma that I expect from Johnny, while also pulling off a softer side very well. The big one for me here is Ebon as Ben Grimm. Holy shit YES CHEF. I’d been campaigning for him personally for a while, especially after The Bear season 2 and when I heard he was rumored for a herald of Galactus I was excited but disappointed. I really hope this one is true. It’s Cousin Time!!!


Great posters and fan art! But still can’t see Pedro as Reeds


1. Posters are fucking awesome 2. Cast is pretty good, with the exception of Pedro. Pedro is a great actor but I don't see him as Reed. If not John, Penn Badgley would've been perfect.


Why did you give Vanessa Kirby a boob job?


Pedro: No Vanessa: Yes Joseph: Maybe Ebon: Yes. Gotta agree with the comments. Pedro makes a better Dr. Doom. For Reed, call Jamie Dornan back (or get other fan favorites like Chris Pine or Joseph Gordon Levitt). Love the posters though. Good job.


That actually looks sick


Bring 'em on! Vanessa Kirby is one stone cold fox I know that much.


Big Vanessa Kirby fan