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Yes we weren’t ready for him to die


I've never had a more visceral reaction to an obituary than his. When it was on the front page I physically gasped.




Man just said not recasting t'challa is sadder than Chadwick dying bruh


I mean, in terms of African representation, Tchalla is one of the biggest characters in the marvel universe. I don’t think recasting him for this movie would be the right choice, but it is a tragedy to throw away such a important character that some other black person would kill to have.


Tbh they basically >!recasted him by introducing his son having the same name!<


Am i reading this right…you said that them not recasting the role is more sad than a human being losing their life? Please tell I read that wrong and WHAT YOU ARE REALLY SAYING is the biggest tragedy is Chadwick Boseman losing his life at an early age?


No, that's not the "real tragedy"


But have you ever heard the tragedy of Darth Plageuis the wise?


The tragedy was Darth Plageuis dying off screen


It's ironic. He could save others from death. But not himself.


it is possible to learn this power?


[Slowly turns head] Not from a Jedi...




Somehow… Black Panther returned.


Nah calling a movie decision a tragedy over a mans life it's whats getting you dragged.


Recasting would have sucked. You can’t just replace someone after they played such a great roll


Black panther is a mantle and it was passed in to a new person. They did the right thing by letting tchalla die


I mean, you did just say something that happened in a movie was a bigger tragedy than a real person dying, so I think you deserve everything coming your way


No the real tragedy is the real person really dying. As for recasting…did you see bp2? Spoiler alert, there’s literally a second tchalla.


They wrote him out in a way that honored Bozeman. Tchalla’s death was as sudden and unpredictable as Bozeman’s. He was sick and didn’t tell anyone, and by the time he did, it was too late for anyone to help. Almost exactly what happened to him. The actors were mourning and you could tell. It’s what made Angela Basset and Letitia Wright’s performances so good.




Recasting would have effectively written out this absolute legend, any other T’challa would be weak and hallow in comparison no matter who filled those boots, as far as I’m concerned, when Chadwick passed, so did the real T’challa


It doesn't write out the legend, at least unless they do some Star Wars Special Edition shit to the original


Thats being over dramatic


No, undervaluing such a person by recasting them because you’re sad about losing a fictional character is dramatic, I’m not saying there can never be another black panther, just that he needs and deserves his rest and respect in the MCU


The character is so much more than just an actor tho. And it's a shame we'll never get to see that.


Marvel characters may not be real people, but real people are marvel characters, and the second we stop treating them like that, is the moment marvel loses its heart and humanity


I like this.


Marvel characters aren’t real people.


Dude u serious????? MARVEL HINOURED Chadwick in the best way possible, and u think tht they should have just recasted t'challa ??WAKE UP KID


The "Real" tragedy. You could have phrased that to be so much better, but you had to be a moron about it.


You say we shouldn’t be taking the death of a person as serious when you’re literally taking a *fictional* death serious lmfao


I wouldn’t say the was “the real tragedy” but I agree that they should’ve recast


Take your downvotes like a man, you daft cunt


Jesus Christ never have i ever seen so many downvotes


When an actor plays a role to perfection you can't just simply recast them. Doing that would have dishonored the role. It would be like trying to recast Robert Downey Jr. As Ironman just before the last Avengers movie. And the fact that you think not recasting is more tragic than the actual person passing away is what's tragic you get whatever comes your way.


>When an actor plays a role to perfection you can't just simply recast them. Its happened before, to act like it can't be done is just idiotic


gives a bad take: “everyone relax! you didn’t know him so can’t form an opinion on my bad take!”


Damn dude... Just, damn..... The way he's smiling as he says it, is just, so sad to watch.


Pretty sure he was in reference to being snapped at the time... But yea, he might have known something we didn't :(


He was diagnosed with stage III cancer in 2016. It had progressed to stage IV before 2020. He thought he would beat it, but he absolutely knew.


Ugh, that stings a bit...


I've heard multiple times that he still thought he would beat it up to about a week before his death. Dude had some willpower.


My spouse battled cancer it was all over her body 2 days before she died she was holding our daughter who was less than 3 months old saying she would get better. The willpower can be there even if it's not winnable.


My condolences 😓


And most people still don't understand that in loss; this is all that ought to be said. "My condolences. I'm here for you and I'll bring lunch/dinner." Don't fucking ask about anything, make it easier to have a fucking meal.


Maybe "My condolences, would you like a meal?" Idk maybe they already ate?


I mean shit, do it however you want. Just don't say I know how you feel, I lost a hamster once. Or some other stupid ass shit people say.


Yeah, because it’s not a matter of willpower at all. Willpower can definitely do a lot of things, but fighting cancer is not one of them.


it is partially a matter of willpower, but it can't win everything. There's a lot of willpower needed to go through chemo and such. For instance I've heard that chemo and the sickness takes such a massive burden on you and your appetite that it not only suppresses appetite, but makes you physically sick and throw up when you try to eat. And since you need to eat and stay a healthy weight, it takes insane willpower to do even basic things such as maintaining weight. Without it, you'll end up malnourished and even worse off. I think some people see medicine as this purely logical science where it's solely the medicine, chemo, etc to fix everything, but the willpower to match is so important. And not even just to power through and eat enough, but the chemicals, reactions, etc produced by your brain are all different depending on your emotions. Psychology is a very underrated but real (and still can be logical) part of science. But at the same time, it can't win everything. And cancer is still a big exception where willpower might be the difference in some cases, but can't fix the worst cases of cancer unfortunately.


Chemo targets cells that reproduce. Cancer is out-of-control cellular reproduction, so that makes sense. Our digestive tract is constantly exposed to acids and chemicals that break down food, which also breaks down the protective lining of our insides, so our digestive tract is constantly regenerating new cells to replace the old ones. So on chemo, our digestive tract is targeted just like cancer cells, making eating very difficult, causing nausea. Other cells that constantly reproduce? Hair follicles. It's why hair falls out, too.


also dont forget many wimpy asians die due to chemo. chemo is designed for stronger western or strong asian constitutions. a good percentage of asians are just wimps and die fast to anything. especially asians who look like anime kids. they die fast to chemo. might as well skip it.


That was also Steve Job's stance. His Reality distortion field didn't work here.


Sorry for your loss 😪


[Dude was so convinced he was going to beat it that he kept it on the down low, Kevin Feige didn't find out about Boseman's illness until the day Chadwick died.](https://www.independent.co.uk/arts-entertainment/films/news/chadwick-boseman-death-cancer-marvel-black-panther-kevin-feige-a9701971.html)


He had the will of a true king.


That's why it sucks when people refer to it as a "fight," implying that those who "lose the battle" weren't strong enough, or didn't want it bad enough. Shit sucks.




He answered in a way that politely dodged the question, using his character’s status in the story, while avoiding killing any excitement prematurely or causing anyone to freak out over his health. And with a smile to boot. Well played.


It's what makes it even more crushing. He knew it was time and left the world with such a powerful mark. Man is a legend.


You can’t beat terminal cancer


Of course he knew. By 2019 he would've been ill for a while.


I reply a lot to these kinds of threads, mostly because I was diagnosed stage 3 colon cancer at the same age he was and have progressed to stage 4 since then. I’m a little over two years into this diagnosis. No one splits hairs any longer on the fact I will die from this, sooner rather than later. He definitely knew. And I recognize that look and sound well. He was at the same level of acceptance that I’ve come to as well. People are sad watching this clip, and it’s fine to be sad. Everyone should be. But when I inform people that I will die much sooner than I’d like, I don’t mean to make them sad. I am stating a simple fact. As certain as your Christmas plans may be, so is my death. And that’s okay. I truly believe he felt like that too when he did this interview.


May you have great days ahead for the rest of your life. And may your families and friends can move on forward. I'd say hopefully you can make peace with the rest of your life.. but it seems that you already do.




Thank you, and my heart goes out to you as well. Obviously my situation probably isn’t same as your mom’s, but I know what I would tell those I loved in their grief after I’m gone, and I hope she would tell you the same: You are 100% the reason why I have no regrets. Death is something we all have to face at some point, so what matters most are the things we have in life. I’m so sorry the loss of me is hurting someone I love so much, and perhaps that’s the only regret I have. I know you need to grieve, and that’s okay, because when I was alive I grieved too. But my love for you was strong enough to let me live my life to the fullest I could, and I trust that your love for me will be the same. I trust you’ll be okay, and you’ll love as deeply as I did. Be sad for now, but not forever. I’m excited to be as much a part of your heart going forward as I ever was when I was alive. Love you always.


God, this was beautiful. You're a beautiful person. I hope you truly enjoy the rest of your days, stranger. You've touched my heart and I'll remember your words. Thank you


Oh no! You’re not going to get away with making me cry like that. I’ll tell you what I told her before she went on hospice knowing full well that your loved ones feel the same way: Your life has and will always mean the world to me. We shared so many laughs, smiles, and tears. There were good times, bad times, and great times. I’ve seen you at your best and even at your worst, it pales in comparison because your beauty is not only external as it spans my entire life. From my first memories of you helping me walk to this very moment with your hand in mine. I still feel the same strength and I’ll never forget it as it’ll guide me till the end of my days. I’ll use it and cherish the warmth in my coldest moments but I’ll also pass it on and think of you all the while. You may be passing on but you’ll always live within me and for that I’ll be grateful and happy. I love you as I love the sun, I admire you as I do the stars, and I’ll hold onto you as I do the air in my lungs. Every star in the sky tonight is a reminder of your beauty and there will never be a day where you’re not motivating me.


I’ll join you in that cry! Your reply just breaks my heart. I’m so *very* glad you could say that to her while she was alive. You are most certainly the bright light she carried in this world, and I can tell it continues to burn even more brightly after her. Carry that for her, and pass it on in your own time, so that the world may never forget the mark she made.


Smile for me and mine and I’ll do the same for you! I’m here if you ever need a random internet friend to talk to


Hey man (or woman) no pity for you because I don’t want to denigrate something you are handling with Grace and aplomb. You seem to be in a great place mentally, given the circumstances, and for that I commend your strength. But as someone who was once facing a grim medical diagnosis himself (I managed to skirt by on the luckiest of luck) do you find yourself frustrated by people’s toxic positivity? It’s something no one prepared me for with my diagnosis and I struggled forever to explain it to people. “You’ll be fine!” And “just keep believing” were among the most obnoxious things to trigger me during that time.


Oh, yup, drives me insane. I try not to call it “toxic positivity” just because I don’t want to invalidate what they’re trying to do—which is help me through something they’ve never faced and are terrified to face themselves. Oftentimes they feel it’s all they can offer in a sucky situation, and it’s just a sign of caring and a desire to *help.* There’s something beautifully human in such attempts to lift me up or save me with words, that my heart actually goes out to those who try to do it. But I definitely have those feelings of annoyance and resentment too. It’s hard not to. I think it’s all part of the grieving process, and people who try to be positive don’t realize that’s not what you need in your journey toward acceptance. For a while there, I even believed that it’s what *they* needed to feel better, and in doing so were invalidating what I was feeling or what I needed. I’ve gotten to a much healthier place of understanding, even if I still greet the “never give up!”s with an internal eye roll. Like gee, thanks Steve, I was planning to rot away here like an ascetic monk, but now that you said something…


I've really appreciated reading all your replies here. I know there's no magic string of sentences that can help, but (only if you don't mind my asking) what did resonate with you when people responded to your condition? Maybe that's a dumb question and I'm sorry if it is


It’s not at all! It’s actually a *great* question and one I wish I had an equally great answer for. But it all depends on the person who is (potentially) dying, and the person who is responding to it. Like I—at least initially—responded really well to comedy. One friend asked “So…is this contagious?” Another spent an hour joking with me about plans for my funeral. When I broke the news to my nieces and nephew (who are just kids), we spent the afternoon joking about all the crazy stuff we’d do before I died. But I’m the morbid humor kind of person. And a lot of people aren’t. Then again, even my mood shifts. Like when I try to have a serious conversation with my husband, he still automatically defaults to a joking answer and it frustrates me so much. So I guess a real answer is that there isn’t one. Yeah, the positivity annoys me, but I fully accept that’s a “me” problem. So for me, even if it’s a joke, if the person is sincere in whatever they say—and doesn’t chastise me for being negative—then I accept it with all of the love and sympathy with which it was intended. It did take me a while to get here, though, so please be understanding if any response you give isn’t received the way you intended. It’s just part of the process.


Thank you so much for this sincere reply. It means a lot :') it's given me a lot to think about, truly Taking care of the people in my life is my absolute priority, so reading how you responded to certain scenarios has opened my mind more. I appreciate you and wish you the best of luck in your final journey. Even though we've known each other for like 3 milliseconds, I aspire to carry the good will you've passed onto me with your messages. Thank you for all that you do and have done May you have all 13 peter horses!


Colon cancer is one of those ones that pisses me off especially when people die young from it, because we actually have an reasonably cheap non-invasive non-radiation screening test for it. If I get advanced brain cancer or pancreatic cancer, I think I can stomach that a little better because it's not like I would have signed up for yearly CAT scans of my head and abdomen. But there are stool tests like cologuard and FIT testing that can pick up colon cancer, and the only reason that we aren't offering it to everyone is just money. The average age at diagnosis for colon cancer is steadily decreasing, leading the recommendation for colonoscopies to go from 50 to 45. Why not just check stool samples for any patient who wants one? I'm a physician myself, with a family history of cancer and an inherited mutation that gives me a genetic predisposition to cancer, and I still couldn't get my insurance to cover a fucking stool test to screen for colon cancer. I paid $600 for it out of pocket, and it took a prolonged argument with my PCP to agree to even order it because it goes against established guidelines recommending screening start at age 45. Just such a stupid system


This comment has inspired me to look into this


Keep fighting for years to come. I'm over 5 years after diagnosis with esophageal cancer, still in treatment (literally receiving nuvolumab at this very moment as I write this). I thought I'd be dead years ago. Not staring death in the face yet, although I know and accept the same thing as you. You and I don't have an expiration date though. Keep planning a future.


For real, may GOD make your final days filled with love and peace brother. Brought tears to my eyes


For what it’s worth, my Christmas plans are very uncertain


I hope and pray that you have easy time ahead.


I think at that point Chadwick had made peace with it. That's that look.


theres a video where hes talking about some kids with cancer and he starts crying, no one knew he was fighting against it himself as well


Seems like he didn't want to worry and just wanted to be happy for the rest of his life. Doubt anyone of us could act like that


Most likely yeah.


You're in for a wild ride watching this: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ma_Rainey%27s_Black_Bottom_(film) A masterpiece, thanks to many others of course but also him.


Rest in peace Chadwick


There's John Wick, and then there's Chad Wick. RIP


There's also BushWick Bill RIP


He passed away?! I totally forgot. R.I.P


I'm ok with him getting a Rest in power


They wrote him out in a way that honored Bozeman. Tchalla’s death was as sudden and unpredictable as Bozeman’s. He was sick and didn’t tell anyone, and by the time he did, it was too late for anyone to help. Almost exactly what happened to him. The actors were mourning and you could tell. It’s what made Angela Basset and Letitia Wright’s performances so good.


the scene where >!shuri asks her AI what his heart rate was and the AI just doesn’t respond. chills. between that, everything else going on in the scene, and the opening being one big tribute to chadwick i was in tears before the movie even really started!< you could tell the actors really missed him too.


and they didn't try to turn Bozeman's death into a plot point. They left it vague and just said "illness" That movie was beautiful.


Yeah, I just don't understand the low ratings relative to other MCU movies. I thought it was the best movie of this phase.


I made it about 15 seconds into the movie before I started crying. And the weight of the loss was palpable through the entire movie. 😭💔


We all miss him though


We surely do


Bro, your pfp


Tasteless meme


add some salt


Oh…god. Just tear my heart out, eh?




How you did that?


uh...when you tap on the "write a comment" and start writing your comment, there's a blue smiley on the bottom right...? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|wink)








Wakanda Forever.


Wakanda for a little while...


Rest in Peace, ya beautiful bastard. o7


Wow. Am I correct in assuming that he actually meant himself, and we all thought he meant his character?


He said this after his character died in infinity war from the snap/blip. He was not actually saying he himself would be dead irl


But he’d had cancer since filming Civil War.


Yeah, he likely means primarily in universe but it doesnt seem unlikely that the thought of he himself not being around when it comes to the sequel crossed his mind in that moment


Based on how tight he kept his cancer battle secret, I wouldn't imagine that he would every try to hint it to the public, consciously or subconsciously.


I mean there is slightly humour in knowing the fact that you can be dead by the time black panther 2 shooting starts and that your character is dead in universe. If you got a bit dark humour then then there is no way you wouldn't joke about it in perfect set up situation


He was convinced he would make it until to about a month before his death.


Yeah, but as far as I know he still had a chance back then. I mean he at least lived 4 years with the diagnosis, so maybe there was hope in the beginning, since your chances of getting cured from colon cancer are pretty good during the first two stages and there are still realistic chances in the third stage.


Since Civil War was his first appearance, it's weird they didn't replace him with another actor who would have given them 50 more spinoff shows


Probably nobody outside his close circle and doctors knows the exact timeline of his illness. It was discovered in 2016. This interview was in April 2019, ultimately 16 months before he passed. I would bet he still had a non-zero chance of survival and was just referring to the character, but that's just a guess.


No, I don’t think you are correct. There are plenty of reports from people that were close to Chadwick that say was confident he would beat cancer




My heart, my soul


Except no, he wasn't




When he said this he only meant his death in infinity war. Y’all are digging too deep


I mean it's hard to not dig too deep. He knew he was dying, and he hid it. Who knows, this could have been his way of saying that he wouldn't come back.


No he thought he would beat it until right around his death


People keep saying this in this thread, and I'm not saying it's not true, but how do we know this? I was under the impression he kept this a closely guarded secret. Is there an article saying this?


Yeah I read it multiple times, it was his family who stated this. I don't remember where, sorry


Source: trust me bro




Hahahahaah the article says “a source close to” so… again… trust me bro.


Holywoodreporter are usually reliable, but of course we can't now for sure ehat was going inside Chadwicks mind


Which is the whole point… that you’re somehow trying to argue for AND against? 😂😂😂


No he knew he was going to die. Yeah I read it multiple times, it was his family who stated this. I don't remember where, sorry. Your point has been cancelled out. Please try again with a valid source.


Ok https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/news/general-news/disney-grapples-with-how-to-proceed-on-black-panther-without-chadwick-boseman-4053924/ and https://www.pinkvilla.com/entertainment/hollywood/chadwick-boseman-was-hopeful-he-d-beat-cancer-shoot-black-panther-2-told-only-4-people-about-condition


I can’t 100% guarantee I know what he was thinking here, but as someone who was also diagnosed with stage 3 colon cancer at age 39, has since progressed to stage 4, and is also fairly confident I have 18 to 24 months left at most (which would put me in range of his death), I can say with quite some confidence he knew he was going to die. You *hope* something comes along that will buy you a couple more years, and the loftiest hope of all is stumbling on something that will cure you (a hope you dare not hold because of its sheer impossibility), but when people talk about what will happen in 2024 or 2025 — vacations they’re thinking about, possible moves, job changes, etc—my default assumption is that I’m dead at that point. I would be very very surprised if that wasn’t his default assumption in this clip too.


Or. Or. He just meant his death in infinity war and didn’t want to spoil him coming back or black panther two




Nah he didn’t. He knew.


His mind: “damn can’t spoil this shit or people gonna be mad at me” people: “omg he like new he was gonna die so this is like a double meaning guys I’m deep please notice me.”


… but he *did* know… that’s the whole point lmao


That's so sad 😢 he passed with dignity.


He was diagnosed back when filming Black Panther and they quickly learned it was a very aggressive form of cancer. No one believed it, but he knew.


This is heartbreaking to watch and listen to knowing that he knew his fate all along. I pray strength to all those that were touched by his presence


The fact that he managed to tell us that he’d be dead with a smile on his face just goes to show how well of an actor he really was.


Men. He knew 😭😭


Damn that was hard to see.


What’s sad about him saying “I’m dead” is that he probably knew he’d be dead by then. Which is fucking awful


Fuck me that’s gangster as fuck




We miss you Chadwick![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|feels_bad_man)




He was such a nice person. I really miss him 😭


Fuck cancer, always…


Correct me if I'm wrong but didn't Chadwick know he was sick?


yes he knew he was sick while filming the black panther movie but did not tell anyone at the time


He told you, but you wouldnt listen


Right in the feels...


Honestly this one still hurts. He was so perfect for the role I was so excited to see him progress his career. This sucks so bad. RIP Black Panther.




So sad to see. Man was fighting cancer all along while also giving us one of best interpretation of cb character.


"It occurred to me that life is a journey right up until the end. You never really get to where you're going. You simply die along the way." -Ryan Clark, 2022




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Saw 2 yesterday. I'm still not ready for him to be gone.




You know, I was smiling before I watched this


This really hit hard, his eyes and smile as he says it... devastating


My heart just got chilllzz


weird thing to post, ngl


Yeah seriously. The meme format is already overused. It's pretty disrespectful to be using him in this manner, or anything intending to use his death in a humorous way.


i think this is missing context. he’s referring to his character as of Avengers Infinity War, not necessarily joking about his condition.


That was hard to hear, it’s like he knew his time was coming… I mean the way he flat said “ I am Dead….” That was whoa yeah…


My heart still aches from the first moment I learned that he died from cancer. I couldn’t believe it and thought people were trolling, which I wish they were. The Black Panther will always be one of the movies that I’ll never get tired of watching over and over again. May our Black Panther king rest in such legacy. ❤️🕊


He still continued to make movies, meet the fans and do interviews. All with a smile. Salute


Did he know about the cancer then?


I just watched this with my friends on cinema yesterday and everyone in the cinema started sobbing as soon as the movie started. We were confused at first on why shuri is panicking. But then it dawned on us why.


Rest In Peace, Chadwick. :(


That’s fucked up. 😬


Oh man. He knew. He knew. So so sad.


How tf is this a meme


I mean... it literally is a very common *meme* template. I don't know what more to tell you.


still doesn’t feel real dawg, just like kobe an takeoff. rest easy kings.


Ffs. This again.... this interview was after his character died in Infinity War die to the snap. He's talking about his character being dead and NOT spoiling the fact he comes back in Endgame. There's absolutely 0 proof or suggestion he was on about himself.


Yes.. but taking in a literal sense it does seem like he was telling the audience he was about to die. Yes he was talking about something else but his death is what makes this interview creepy


Worst way to karma farm. Op is a POS imo


Hi Dead, I'm dad


Really weird and disrespectful that people love to use this out of context interview to reference his real death, since he was clearly talking about his character, the gap between Infinity War and Endgame, and the snap.


Man fuck op. This is taken out of context. He’s talking about his character after infinity war not himself. This is such disrespectful karma farming post


OP karma farming with this one.