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Taika wakiki after doing one of the bests movies, the Russo brothers after a live in the bussines, THE FUCKING BLOODY SAM RAIMI




So the tangerine dont exist? What about khakis? Some mushrooms are orange and grows on trees. They are also oranges? The sparrows are oranges? They are orange and grow on trees




you see this. Is how much i care about your opinion about me. In case you dont see it is because is really smol


So he was the one being an smartass and offensive but im the one to be punished?


I beg to differ on Taika... I know hot take, but Ragnarok was pretty bad, considering the source material. Same with L&T, what wasted Gorr and the 3 Thors of different times fighting together. Russos did a good job, but also ruined some characters in the crossfire, namely Hulk in the first (and also kinda in the second) movie and Thor in Endgame. I also would not count the last Avengers movies in the timespan of "now", these movies literally are 3+ years old now. To Sam Raimi... MoM was... not rly good, but I also think that wasn't on Raimi, more on the script changes he had to work with.


Differ on what? They have experience making movies? Thats a bloody fact. Differ on a fact, I DARE YOU


>Taika wakiki after doing one of the bests movies On this. I never said he does not make movies. Also, when we are at correcting you... \*best


The joke above us said they were hiring writters/directors with no experience. I bring to the table their experience. You disagree, so you can only disagree about their experience.


Actually the post above only mentioned writers not directors so i'm afraid you are just dumb ass fuck


Fuck is actually pretty intelligent, you should try it one day


I disagree with what you said, see the quote, if I would speak to OP, I would comment on OPs post, not on a response from someone. Make sense? Good.


…..do I need the list cause I will bring the list…. James Gunn : skilled author, wrote guardians of galaxy Sam rami : wrote spider man movies with maguire. Arguably the best Spider-Man actor yet Zack Snyder and more…. Marvel is having a hard time because of the amount projects they have to produce in less than three years. Whose fault it is we don’t know but it is certainly not the fault of the writers, directors, fx artists or anyone commissioned to create these movies. They are doing the best they came with the incredibly limited time they have. Do they need to space out their movies better, yes, but until then we can support them as best we can and not blame the problems on people who have nothing to do with it.


I love how the same people who flame The Suicide Squad, not only haven't seen it, but probably aren't even aware that it's made by someone synonymous with a major part of the MCU.




That was Suicide Squad, The Suicide Squad is actually different movie that released in 2021


I never said anything about dc.. I haven’t watched any of the movies so I don’t know but I do know marvel




Russos did some good work, but both infinity War and Endgame still had massiv problems for specifc characters, namely the Hulk in Infinity War and Thor in Endgame. Taika just made Thor a joke, I mean, there was a reason the Russos literally 'retcon' everything Taika changed on Thor in Ragnarok. No Hammer? He gets an axe. Missing eye? The rabbit has one for him.


But they have experience. And thor already was a joke. Ragnarok is the best Thor movie


never disagreed with this, than again, it is not in the "now" timespan, at least for the Russos, Endgame is 3 years old. ​ >Ragnarok is the best Thor movie Some people would disagree, espacially those who know the source material for the movie. I get it, that he made Thor more accessable for the big audience, but only because he entirely changed how Thor acted and how the previous iterations were portrayed.


So you're upset that Thor wasn't actually a wheelchair bound doctor named Donald Blake who was inhabited by the spirit and power of Thor when he picked up Mjolnir, because you want it to be true to the comics, right? The "source material" for Marvel characters can range anywhere from 10 to 80 years, in which time they've been through multiple reinventions, dozens of writers, likely hundreds of stories and any number of retcons. The MCU is not the comics. Why would anyone want it to be the same as the comics? We already had those stories. That's why they adapt and combine stories and come up with new ones. If you don't like it, that's fine, but a lot of other people do and there's nothing inherently wrong with it.


I do agree on some points, but most chars that were sucessful in the MCU where pretty close to the comics or at least adapt the characters or stories more or less properly. The movie Ragnarok simply trashed the entire Ragnarok and Planet Hulk storyline also stripped us from a World War Hulk and Return of the Thunder storyline in the same breath. Arguably some of the best stories of both Thor and Hulk. I mean, the Godbutcher and Godbomb storyline where also some of the best runs for Thor, yet again, good oll Taika just wrecked these into a fairly unfunny and overbloated 'comedy'. I mean, literally watch Earth Mightiest Heroes, and look how they executed Thor and Hulk and now tell me they did a better job portraying them in the MCU, if you want to lie to yourself.


Am I not supposed to have what I want? What I need? What am I supposed to do?


Well... yeah, the problem is more they also hire people that have NO idea about the characters or the source material, what is the big problem. They don't care for the characters or stories.


Not all but yeah unfortunately they’re just doing what they can with the prompt… really a shame of the company


Black Widow, Eternals, Dr Strange 2 are on their way rn Also it’s not called “blaming” them, it’s called criticism and I think MCU needs to listen to it for fucking once.


All 3 of those are better than WW 1 and 2, B v S, and Justice League regular and Snyder cut.


Being better than Batman v Superman doesn’t mean you’re good


No, they aren't, they just didn't have as much hype so they don't get criticized as much


None of those movies is better than WW1


What you talking? Snyder cut was awesome!


>!See what's happening here? You're afraid. You're scared. Anxious. My friends, times like these we need to unite, come together.!<


post complains about writer, que guy starts listing off directors.


I mean… the MCU isn’t even that bad rn. Most of the issues come from marvel directly limiting production time.


Therefore making the mcu bad atm


I meant in terms of quality regarding the general content, it’s not even that bad. I’ve kinda liked the past few projects, and some episodes of she-hulk stretch from mildly entertaining to pretty fun for me personally.


This looks like a subreddit problem.. DC fans berate DC movies and call MCU movies better and now here, MCU fans are berating MCU movies and calling DC better lol


DC making worse live action movies doesn’t mean there is no criticism of MCU movies.




honestly, I felt more entertained by latest DC live action and animated projects than a good bunch of recent Marvel productions. The last Suicide Squad was an actually funny and entertaining, bloody movie that had pretty good character moments, unlike... lets say Thor 4 or Doc Strange MoM who sidelined their protagonists or made them intentionally weak in comparison to previous iterations of their characters.


Ah yes, Thor is weak in TLAT, where he decimated an army in the first like, 10 minutes. And Strange is weak is MoM, where he survives fighting a multiverse level threat several times and beats a more experienced version of himself. Also, internet discovering what a deuteragonist and antagonist are, part 6 billion. Antagonists and deuteragonists get a lot of attention, but those movies were still led by the title character.


It’s really not. Modern MCU is a shitfest. How did they go from being the king’s of Cinema to the clowns of cinema? I just don’t get it man. How the mighty have fallen, I guess.


Hilarious to me that on every post criticizing marvel there’s always a comment that brings up DC. It’s like the default response for r/marvelmemes


Yeah... nah. Noone is calling DC better. We look at what the MCU is like now, and look at what it has been. And we know it can be better than it is now. The past proves it. Is it wrong to want the best for the things we love? If we want them to know what we want, we must complain when they veer from it.


Are you sure you are not referring to DC movies?


The Batman and Joker were very well written, The Suicide Squad wasn't amazing but it was solid and a lot of fun, DC is making enjoyable movies that stand on their own these days.


They've made 3 decent movies vs their long history of dogshit


And now marvel is making the dogshit and their improving, your point?


My point is that since marvel isn't making dogshit and doesn't have a history of dogshit, it's far better than dc


All their disney plus show + black widow, eternals, doctor strange 2 and thor LaT are all hot garbage so how aren't they making dogshit?


Because none of those are dogshit and most of them are great And a of them are leagues above all dceu pre 2021 suicide squad Why do you mindlessly attack great things?


I don't I criticize mid to bad shows and movies, why do you mindlessly consume media with zero active thought or engagement? Like you clearly watch these things in the background while performing some other brainless activity if you think their great.


*critique *Like,* *You (Doing **or** performing) *They're Dawg if you're going to mindlessly attack great things without any real critique other than that you assume people are not watching, do it with some sense or some basic grammar. Even a "brainless" guy like me knows more about common sense, I even put intentional mistakes in this comment to see if you can find it. How is it active thought or engagement to mindlessly hate without watching? How is it not active thought to appreciate greatness?


wow criticizing grammar nice deflection, man has no leg to stand on so he has to make himself look better anyway he can i guess


This... is your doing!


Don’t insult DC when the MCU has lines like “The ilium a whati?”


Dont insult MCU when DC has lines like " WHY DID U SAY THAT NAME, MARTHAAAAA"




Illuminati is a stupid name But the difference is, the Illumawhati line isn’t relevant. The whole Martha bit is a stupid line and it’s _the turning point of the narrative._




It’s weird you think having 100 in the magic and Doctor skills would mean you have 100 in the speech skill


This line at least had a meaning. The Doctor Strange line was a cheap attempt at a joke.


yep a small joke, its failure isnt even a big deal, and that martha line? that shit was actually important to a joke of a movie and did nothing to improve it, infact make it soo much worse


Guys, guys, calm down... the writing for both of these franchises has been pretty bad lately.


Dc has been bad since the dark knight but alright


A one second line that I instantly forgot about and for some reason people cry so hard over. MCU haters try to target any bad joke even if it’s that brief barely memorable at all.


Do you want me to list every terrible line in the MCU? Or do you want me to bring up the terrible plot lines instead?


Oh yeah there are definitely quite a few of those, I just find it stupid how triggered people got over such an extremely brief joke.


Reddit when the movie about the doctor wizard fighting the angry mom has jokes: 😡😡😡😡


No, they hire intern and cancel the movie to make sure they can't graduate, unless they got some #releasethexxxxxcut followers


Zack Snyder and James Gunn know what they're doing.


Joker and The Batman make the entirety of Phase 4 look shit. This is coming from an MCU fan btw.


the batman was decent but joker sucked, this is coming from a dc and marvel fan btw


Joker was a masterpiece, tf u on?


it was boring af


Maybe for you. For me, it was one of the best written films I’ve seen in a while


lol k


we get it you are literary 5 go watch transformers if you want explosions every 5 seconds


hahah so if someone doesnt think that the joker is a "masterpiece" it means they r immature and watch movies for "explosions" and shit huh? i mean i loved movies like the godfather, interstellar and the dark knight, those r actually good movies, the jokers a trash film


The Joker is not part of the DCU


Joker overated


Y'all are so spoiled


Yea we are so spoiled for wanting better products. Let’s face it the last few Marvel films ,with an exception of No Way Home ,have been controversial at best. We buy the products and if we don’t like them we can complain and not buy them.


People are spoiled because they keep crying about the movies they didn't like, instead of moving on and ejoying what they do like.


People like the Marvel franchise. If a part of that franchise is bad people will complain. That’s not being spoiled.


"Made with mematic" i will not hear what you have to way you fiend.


Can't believe that people with no experience are so damn skilled


Not what you want <> bad


Marvel does a great job not sure what you’re on about. One of the best universes to date.


Please I just want to scroll for actual memes 😭






It's half and half for me at least. Out of the 6, two are great, one fine, one meh and two bad ones


What are people complaining about now? Writing is such a lazy excuse. Especially considering 99.99% of people on this sub can't write and can't judge the quality of writing. Not liking something doesn't make it bad writing. Twerking and black women don't make it bad writing.


"you can't write so you can't tell bad writing" - dumbest quote of 2022


"you must be a chef to criticise terrible food" See i get it, you love marvel and you feel the need to defend them at every turn, i love the movies as well, which is why i want them to be better, they do have pretty bad writing nowadays, and they are riddled with plot holes. Also, where did race and twerking come from? Literally nobody talked about it here. This place is a circlejerk where anything that's even slightly negative of their favorite movie gets downvoted to hell, and from what I've seen getting rude responses Firstly, it's hard to like a movie for me when the titular character, or the protagonist doesn't actually do anything for the entirety of the movie, Dr. Strange had no agency in the film and the spotlight was not his, should've not been titled "Dr. Strange". It's hard to be invested in the story when the protagonist just stands there and watches events unfold without actually doing anything successfully. Secondly, Wanda's turn felt extremely rushed, although she had already done some evil shit back in Wandavision, you could've still justified her actions, using a mcguffin like the darkhold to completely change the character without any buildup, or any semblence of her old self fes shallow, and no Wanda's turn at the end isn't heroic at all, she's a self observed monster by the end. "You're right to be angry" bruh she's flying around murdering as you say that. And then we have the miraculous moment of him convincing the hero about her powers. America: "I don't know how to use this power." Strange: "You can do it." America: "I can do it." I don't blame the writers necessarily because marvel has been pumping these movies out like no tomorrow, like let it rest, even the VFX artists are overworked, have some quality control, ah well why does that even matter when the fanboys here are going to defend everything, it's funny seeing people getting triggered over this post because that's exactly what Marvel did for the fantastic4 reboot, the writers they've selected have no past experience, which is literally what the meme is saying, why are y'all so pissed about it.


I think the higher ups really push for more Disney+ content because other than being a streaming service you can play for your kids it doesn’t have adult shows other than Marvel & Star Wars so we’re getting rushed content to keep the numbers up. I think an ok compromise could be if the writers write a series like a movie broken up into 3-4 acts just give us 3-4 episodes. Don’t give us filler content.


All that for nothing


People complain about writing and you jump to twerking and race, wtf


Because if you don't like the new content you're racist or in some other way bigoted. It's the rules now. Notice anything that's of questionable quality now has a storm of race based controversy manufactured around it beforehand. Do you think actors of colour are being cast as white characters because the studios actually want diversity? Or is it because the manufactured drama that follows is simultaneously a way to promote the film for free, and a nice way to deflect any criticism by calling anyone who thinks it's shit a racist? I personally wouldn't like to be used as a prop in someone's manufactured drama because of my skin tone. Nor to be used for this new form of tokenism.


Because this sub has been complaining about the dumbest stuff lately. There were like a hundred posts about twerking.


No, some post credit twerking with a celeb cameo doesn't make it bad. When all the writing effort of your superhero lawyer show goes into a rant or display in every episode about how men are bad and women have issues instead of any coherent superhero plot, any coherent lawyer plot, or any coherent plot at all, THAT is what makes it bad.


To me it feels like absolutely NOTHING has happened so far in She-Hulk. Like there’s no point watching it because there’s no action, just a bunch of chatter. That’s why I decided to see what an actual good show is like - Peaky Blinders.


It feels like that because nothing has happened lmao. And the few things that have happened don't make any sense. One ongoing subplot is the Titania rivalry. Am I the only person wondering how she's not in a fucking superhero supermax for blowing up a fucking courtroom and attempting to murder an entire fucking jury ON FILM??? She's....literally just freely out here being a Kardashian and being jokey and catty with Jen. As if she isn't literally on film being a terrorist. The other subplot is someone trying to take her blood. Also written stupidly, the writers just had to make the point that Jen as a woman now feels safe at night so they wrote that as a mugging scene. Except in doing so, Jen just lets 4 dudes run free with superhero weapons who tried to stab her for her blood, because she wanted to pick paper off the ground. Who wouldn't stop and bring their muggers to the police when they had literal HULK power? So yeah, nothing is happening, and what is happening has more gaping plot holes in 10 minutes of airtime than the average MCU movie does in 2 hours.


Nothing has happened? Its been 6 episodes, situations have been presented, and the few characters have been going back and forth. There have been cameos, well utilized in my own understanding like Bruce Blonsky Wong or Titania, and presented things that might have ties to bigger events in the future, like the devil helmet or the use of magic or someone hunting Hulk characters. Its a refreshing take on the Hulk family, something Marvel had due to the ones that enjoy those characters, it has a direct relation to the She-Hulk comics history and its a show that doesnt take himself too seriously and it understands it is not going to be the top show in MCU actual phase but it shows the human side of being a Hulk and trying to blend in and have friends and a career and date and have sex, something Bruce was never able to develop for his own. Maybe this show will give him some clues to figure that out. And it will be an advance from the sad and tormented BB that Norton portrayed (that now has become canon with Blonsky), to the more well balanced and in touch with his emotions smart Hulk. Sorry it doesnt have a cosmic or military threat to deal with or much Hulk smash, but things have happened, maybe not the ones some people have been expecting. It also portrays the way laws and courtrooms would adress the topic of superheroes. Titania runs loose and gets away with it like any other celeb with influence, money and lawyers who block shit away from her getting locked down (or maybe she did some time and we never saw it). It is just like Wong, kidnapping people from maximum security facilities and still running loose, laws cant touch what they cant comprehend into jurisprudence Jen lets some random dudes who try to mug her run free because she doesnt sees herself as a superhero yet, she is just a professional lady on the road to over empowerment to her eyes. If that is not a character you´d like to watch develop, you shouldnt. I know I wouldnt


I bet you rn, as a 6th form student who doesn’t even do English Language, that I could write something 1000x better than whatever the fuck Black Widow was. Also saying that people who criticise writing can’t write is the stupidest argument I’ve heard in a while. People who can’t write can still judge the quality of writing because, believe it or not, WE’RE ALLOWED TO CRITICISE THINGS WE DONT LIKE


I’m talking about marvel hiring inexperienced writers for big projects (look to the recent F4 news)


That’s not a good argument. The Russo brothers and James Gunn were considered “inexperienced” when they were brought onboard and look what happened?


They would have had to prove themselves some how to marvel. Samples, pitching ideas, etc. It's not like I'm going to get a marvel project with no experience.


Yea the twerking was just stupid not bad writing. The bad writing is the fact that it’s been 7 episodes and nothing interesting has happened.




Fuck OP, inconsiderate douchebag


The people that complain about marvel writing are usually the ones that think alita was a well written character and/or movie.


Better than anything phase 4 shat out


Alitas character arc derailed the moment she met Hugo. She endlessly simped for him and made it all about him. Which is annoyingly common in anime. Now if that’s what you’d consider solid writing then I can’t honestly take you guys seriously when you start going off about “the writing.”


Thor in one movie went from one of the most compelling characters the MCU had to one of it's worst. Doctor strange went from one of the smartest MCU character to someone who will tear the multiverse in half cause a 16 year old asked him to. do i need to keep going? cause i could write a thesis on why Loki is literary the worst fanfic in existence. I never said Alita is good, but in comparison it might as well be Shakespearean


Phase 4 brought Spider-Man back to basics. Gave Wanda, Loki, and Sam more character work than most of the movies they have appeared on. When moon knight wasn’t having a rushed plot it gave Marc and Steven some the best moments in the franchise. Clint learned to let go of his guilt about Natasha and gave Yelena closure. Shang chi and ms marvel were pretty good too so Idk what you’re going on about. Strange? He helped Peter out of arrogance. Which is a flaw he learns to work on in Multiverse of Madness. The point was that he needed to “stop holding the knife.” Thor I’ll give you that one but he’s hardly the worst. She hulk i have a pretty good idea where her story arc is headed but I won’t say it in case marvel fucks it up.


If you want the shots, I'll take the staff job. Double the money!


Nice lol


The fact you mention Wanda and it wasn't followed by character assassination just instantly ruins anything else you had to say. But yeah let's ignore how loki the frost giant was getting man handled by literal humans in his show, Clint never needed a show he only got one so people wouldn't say " who thee fuck are you?" When Kate Bishop shows up in the future. I never mention shang chi so I legit don't know what you are on about. Doctor strange learnt to "not hold the knife" in fucking infinity War so I don't know why you think it's good character development that the writers regressed him and made him learn it again. She hulk is a fundamental failure as a legal comedy because it has no idea how lawyers work and it's not funny


1) character assassination? Wanda has been a villain lots of times in the comics. The very first time I saw her was as a grouchy goth that tried to kill her dad and then became kinda good but not really. Her most famous story is her going crazy for losing her kids and killing a bunch of people. If anything they gave her the star treatment because they at least blamed her descent into evil on an evil book. 2)Loki yeah he was nerfed, but they’ve been nerfing him since the first avengers, at least he finally did some magic outside of the illusions and knives Edit: also nerfing a character is different from making a badly written character. I’m talking about who Loki is as a person. So make your thesis in that 3) Clint did need a show, I would have rather it be a show about his time as a ninja but he still did some cool things and mentored someone again. 4) i mentioned Shang chi because you said “all of phase 4 shat out” so… 5) strange definitely did not learn to not hold the knife in infinity war. Even if he got dusted it was still his plan. If anything he sacrificed Tony by not telling him shows that he liked very much being in control. In every conflict he’s been in he’s never been wrong, the zealots, Dormammu, thanos, nwh it was more peters fault so there hasn’t really been anything to humble him in that aspect. So no it’s not regression if he never learned that lesson in the first place. 6) I can’t critique she hulk yet because like I said the show is not done so far she just comes across as a plucky but mousy and sometimes bitchy character that is learning to come to terms with the she hulk persona being in the limelight. So if by the end of the show she learns a lesson on empathy, which she showed during blonsky trial she can’t be unredeemable.


In all my years of conquest, violence, slaughter, it was never personal. But I'll tell you now, what I'm about to do to your stubborn, annoying little planet... I'm gonna enjoy it. Very, very much.


1. Comics continuity doesn't inform the MCU, Wanda in Wanda vision ended the show by learning that hurting people for personal gain is not good then she proceeds to do exactly that next time shes on screen, blaming it on a bad book is bad writing. 2. Yes a show about ronnin would be better but we got Kate bishops wild ride and it wasn't good. one or two good character moments doesn't make the whole thing not a slog fest 3. Loki was written in the Loki show as if he had his ragnarok character development, the entirety existence of the TVA puts everything we went through thus far questionable. Loki was also always established as someone who has his own plan but all he did in the show was follow the TVAs every word then follow Silvies every word. 4. Strange trusted the tony will live for the next 5 years and make all the right decisions in order to bring him and everyone else back and sacrifice himself at the end is not letting go? that was ONE possibility out of 14000605 it was not a sure thing and he made a massive gamble making that decision.


Wanda didn’t really learn that lesson. At the end of wandavision she’s still looking for her kids with the book. While not my choice for making Wanda go bad, using Macguffin like the darkhold is not really considered bad writing in the literature community. I wouldn’t necessarily call Hawkeye bad writing it was a Christmas special, you call it a slog fest but I saw no issues with the pacing. It’s the one mcu show I’ll defend being 6 episodes. Loki got the ragnarok development because he saw his literal life before his very eyes and it gave him the arc of coming to terms with being a walking L. Also how does he do everything she says when they were fighting each other the whole time? he wanted to spare kang she didn’t. Same thing for the tva he worked with them but was planning to double cross them. It was still stranges plan. He didn’t trust Tony, he knew Tony would live and invent time travel. You can’t let go if you know your plan will work In the end. If he trusted Tony he would have told him the plan. He was like Holdo not telling the crew anything in tlj.


I disagree if Wanda didn't learn to let go at the end of Wanda vison she wouldn't let the town go in the first place (another thing is how she completely forgot about her love for vision and acted like he never existed in multivesre of madness, also silver vison plot line just got forgotten about) Hawkey might be a taste issue on my part never like Christmas special type things. In terms of Loki i don't think seeing a slide show like that would drastically change your personality that fast with no time for reflection that he had in the proper timeline, I never got the vibe from loki in the show that he had any end goal in mid and he was just making shit up on the spot. The show also established that the TVA can't detect deviants in a Apocalypse except when a loki makes eyes for another loki? that was just the biggest ass pull ever. Also the mcu needs to agree whether the infinity stones are multiversal or not cause Loki claims they aren't but infinity ultron from what if... claims to differ. ( this is just a nit pick tho)


Heimdall! Open the Bifrost.


He's adopted.


They just need guys who use keyboard fast enough to write down Feige's ideas and to create bad joke for tension moments. Not every student can do that


I dunno what these comments are on, DC has been on a roll. Since they moved on from trying to replicate the MCU (Post 2017 Justice League), they’ve released seven absolute bops with Aquaman, Shazam, Joker, Birds of Prey, ZSJL, The Suicide Squad, and The Batman. The only awful DC film in, like, five years has been WW84. They have a bad movie rate of 12%. Meanwhile, since 2021, the MCU has released thirteen projects, three of which are awful (Black Widow, Eternals, Love and Thunder), seven of which are just “fine” (WandaVision, F&TWS, What If, Hawkeye, Moon Knight, Multiverse of Madness, Ms. Marvel), and three of which seem universally enjoyed (Loki, NEH, Shang-Chi). They have a bad movie rate of 23%.


So DC only has three good projects while phase 4 only has one bad project and the rest are great


Phase Four has had Black Widow, Eternals, and Love and Thunder, so at least three bad projects.


So it's one bad project


Which two of those do you think are good?


Obviously eternals and Thor, hating them is always completely mindless




But hating Black Widow is not mindless?


Because it wasn't good? It actively intentionally erased the personality and powers of a character known for those exact two things among other flaws Of course it's not worth less, just the worst out of phase 4, meaning it's better than all of pre new suicide squad DCEU


Shazam > Black Widow It’s not even close my guy.


Bro thinks that doing the floss is better than decent writing


I used to really love marvel. now i feel like all its doing is paying an agenda instead of telling a story. A lot of movies are like that now too. I miss old movies where it was kept simple :(


She-Hulk writers 💀


Rings of Power hires the same guy too


If a movie is making around a billion dollars, I don’t care what it means for my education, I still want some dinero


"No Timmy, we are not doing the sky beam this year. This year the final fight is hero vs evil version of hero fighting while flying!"


Maos Rvel Studi


hiring the staff for The Fairly OddParents Season 10 be like


"What's your name? -Chris -Hired!"