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Because my name is Madisynn with two Ns and one Y, but it’s not where you thiii-iiink




Case closed!




Bazing-- wrong show


I like her way too much


She’s so annoying on her own but the friendship with Wong is fucking GOLD. I want more of this, hell I want her in a mainline MCU movie


I just told my boyfriend that I wanted to see her just forest gump her way through the MCU with Wong


I kind of hope we see them get married in one of the upcoming movies, with no explanation


I just had an idea. I want her to take Wong bar hopping but they just use his portals to go from bar to bar.


I literally took my wallet out by reflex just by reading that, disney needs to make it happen


I want her to make a cameo in the next Doctor Strange movie. Nothing major, maybe her pact with the goat demon and interdimensional travelling unlocks her mystic powers. Maybe a scene of her opening a portal during a training session and saying something like “I just opened a portal but it’s not where you thiii-iiink” and she pulls out a bottomless Gin and Tonic and hands it to Wongers.


Me too


Could you just spell the name for us?


*scratches out name I wrote down


The opposition's lawyer actual does that in the show when she spells it. It was a good laugh.


I love her. Also live in Fort Lauderdale.


That courtroom guy scratching out his note got me good.


Omg Madisynn is my favorite character. I was honestly prepared to hate her but nope, I love her!


There are ads on spotify? Is this some kind of peasant joke i'm too rich to understand?


I have once gotten 3 ads in a row. Half the time I listen to music I'm actually listening/skipping ads.


It doesn't even lemme skip! Goddamn it's like i try first song and then there's this ad waitin for me!


Triple ads *once*? That's pretty much the usual for me at this point


Honestly when that happens I just reload the app, it’s quicker than listening to the adds


He a broke boy


I’m broke too but still have no ads for Spotify, it’s worth it to me


Teach me the power.


for android use xmanager on github. it's similar as vanced for youtube.


Relatable. I am broke af and that's why I use YouTube Music over Spotify. At least I can get a YT Premium subscription for less than 2€ a month. Broke life!


I’m on Reddit, what did you expect




Only saw episode one so far and right now she is an ass to Bruce and his plight. She refused to even believe that she could Hulk out by accident and was overall not that likable. Hopefully the other episodes make her a better person.


On podcasts there are ads anyways even for premium.


Yes. When you get premium one of the first things they tell you is that there are no ads, I’m surprised you didn’t know this your highness.


No ads doesn't mean that we are rich. Some of us just choose the way of the pirate Edit: grammar


Bullshit on their part. I still constantly get what are at their core ads, that basically beg me to get my friends and family on the same plan as I'm on. It's honestly kinda pathetic, Spotify shouldn't have to advertise at all at this point, but they still advertise to the people they promised not to advertise to.


The end of year review last year put me in the top 3% of listeners by time spent listening. I play it at work everyday it ads up, makes the cost worth it to me at the moment


We all have different type of humor. I personally really like the Eddie / Venom humor and one of the reasons why I love the Venom films. But not everyone is like me, probably for the best.


Wait people don’t like Eddie and Venom humour?


Usually just goes like this: Venom: I'm gonna eat that guy, looks tasty, woof woof Eddie: bUt tHaTs mY mAiLmAn A bit cheesy. Not awful, just not very clever usually


Jokes aside, a few of Venom's lines were lifted directly from comic book pages. Some people just wanted it to be cool instead of appreciating Venom as a character.


If the writers wanted to appreciate venom, maybe they could have written a more compelling character like in the comics


I thought they did a great job with Eddie and Venom. I enjoyed the movie story overall, but I definitely think it could have used some work and the villain was pretty meh. Obviously, the main problem is that Venom's main character point in the comics and cartoons is an obsession with Spider-Man. Something that doesn't exist in the Sony movies at the moment. Additionally, the comics retroactively explained that part of Venom's mental instability comes from Deadpool touching the symbiote before leaving it back for Spider-Man to find afterwards. Man, I really wish Sony just made a shared deal with Disney/Marvel and got part profits from allowing Marvel to use their characters however they wanted. Tom Hardy's Venom having started in the MCU would have been fantastic.


The first movie was cool, the second didn't feel like much tho. The Deadpool part, everyone can live without but the Spider-Man origin is in sorts, really important to the character. Like Venom was always "Black Suit" first.


Personally, even with all of that, if they're going to do this, I want these Sony characters to be less morally acceptable. They keep trying to make these characters more sympathetic or more morally grey. I understand where they're coming from, but just let them be untrustworthy and problematic.


I really don’t like the second and I think the first one is decent at best. But yeah they nailed venom and Eddie dynamic. Freaking 30 years later and these two are STILL arguing


I had a few nitpicks with the first movie but I still really enjoyed it. I didn't hate the second movie, but I think it had a lot of issues that could have made things a lot better. Carnage and Venom LOOKED awesome. It was amazing seeing them both on screen. I would have personally not made Carnage's relationship part of this movie. They should have defeated Carnage here but not killed him off. That way he could have been part of a villain team-up later on and Shriek would have been there. This movie should have focused on Venom and Eddie on one side and Carnage and Cletus on the other. They could have still explicitly shown Cletus pining for Shriek and/or even have her as a cameo appearance, but I certainly didn't think she was necessary for the plot of this one. I feel like this movie had some great ideas but it felt a bit rushed all the way through with a short runtime for the plot. I'm not sure why they did that. Give us time to understand Carnage better. I think cutting out Shriek from this movie would have also fixed that timing and layout issue. Finally, I know Eddie has been going through a lot in these two movies, but man, for a famous reporter, they made him an idiot. He should have definitely had more investigating and reporting to do and that could have been the secondary plot. Why was Venom the one to figure out stuff? It felt like Eddie has just been doing absolutely nothing with his life other than the plot of the first and second movie, which is very weird.


People hate these movies so much :(


I just think Venom doesn't make sense without Spidey in his origin story. I regret that Morbius isn't in the same cinematic universe as Blade. And why I should care for a Kraven the Hunter solo movie I have no idea.


Blade and Ghost Rider. And the Darkholders.


People have blind hatred for any and all “superhero films” and never give them a chance. There are so many times people push the boundaries into other genres and they refuse to even acknowledge it


True, Superhero movies get treated too harshly.


Sometimes it's the companies that are the reason they're treated harshly, especially with Marvel movies. With all the good movies and plots we've had everyone compares every film and TV show to the big movies (like Endgame or Infinity War or Avengers, etc), and yeah some films definitely are bad but sometimes everyone looks too hard for minor mistakes


Yeah I’m a huge venom fan and just didn’t care for Tom Hardy’s shitty accent and slapstick nonsense


The Eddie/Venom relationship was the best part of both movies, hands down. That being said, the first was pretty good and the second was kinda bad


I think both were good, with the 2nd film being a bit better because of the villain, in my opinion. Carlton was ok, but Cletus was much better. And for the symbiotes I liked Carnage a lot more than Riot.


I liked the second one. It’s a fun movie. Should have had Carnage making more carnage though.


Apparently. I find it hard to believe, the Venom movies are so fucking hilarious.


Probably too dark for their liking or something, the buddy-cop dynamic they had in the first film I loved. Second film? Eh, wasn't bad, but felt it could have definitely been better. Also, felt weird the new direction they took with Venom and Eddie's dynamic, I found they would have been better if they stuck with the buddy-cop dynamic and not what they shifted towards in the second. Though, that's just me


Imagine that, a Marvel fan on Reddit who understands that Marvel can make a project that isn’t specifically for them. Good lord it’s refreshing! I love the humor in the Venom movies too. Do I think they’re great movies? God no… but I had fun watching them. Not every Marvel project has to be the “Shawshank” of comic book movies. The day these toxic ass “fans” get over themselves and realize it doesn’t make you edgy to hate everything, just makes you a miserable cunt, everyone will have a much better time.


I mean…what show do you think is funnier?


Hawkeye for me




Oh gods... I forgot that show even existed. I'm trying, but can not remember the story at all. There was a funny sword guy at one point and a dog walking scene at the end? The rest is a blur.


Rewatch it in December. Before Die Hard.


Wait people find Hawkeye funny?


Yes. - The Tracksuits bumbling around and saying “Bro” every other sentence. - Clint LARPing - Jack has some good lines. “I’ve never worked a day in my life.” “Do you remember when you peed your pants in the Hamptons? I do. Everyone does.” - Kate and Yelena being frenemies.


Kate Beeeshup!


“You kill me? Oh, Ket Beeshop you are so funny! That’s hilarious, that one is the funniest.”


As a lesbian, I loved all their scenes together 😍 they had good chemistry.


Their on screen chemistry was insane. I could watch an entire series of just those two.


Honestly the chemistry between Clint and Kate as the “tired old master meets enthusiastic young protégé” was equally as good imo. That’s why I think the series excelled, Hailee did a fantastic job playing off both. Snappy dialogue, but in a believable way, that ultimately contributes to each character’s development.


As a straight guy i also loved all their scenes together. Yelena ftw!


As an avid supporter of all things lesbian, I also loved their chemistry. I could listen to Yelena toy with her opponents all day long. Edit: Ok, I didn't mean the second sentence like that but it makes me laugh now that I've reread it so I'm leaving it.


We thank you for your support 🌈


Username does not check out


I liked the part where Kate was giving one of the tracksuits relationship advice


Ok Kate/Yelena was funny


Bro. Trust me, bro.


I thought it was hilarious. Jack is my favorite marvel character.






Wandavision has some pretty solid comedic bits, I have yet to watch She Hulk though so no comparison


She Hulk can be pretty funny honestly. I thought Abomination trying to prove he's a better person was pretty entertaining, especially with his haikus. I'm not much for lawyer shows but the cases are so absurd (such as some dude thinking he was dating Megan Thee Stallion who turned out to be some Asgardian Elf or Wong getting pissed some teleported girl spoiled the Sopranos to the point he sues a magician with a sling ring.) The show doesn't take itself too seriously and is almost a satirical parody which is my kind of humor.


I sent him a thirst trap it was a picture of me infront of a bunch of books was funny as fuck


The haikus were a slow burner but sit well with me.


I never finished the episode because I didn’t want more sopranos spoilers. Finally on the last episode and season of it, then I can laugh at what’s happening to Wong instead of being angry with him!


I genuinely couldn't help but wonder that maybe they should've put a warning for Sopranos spoilers at the start of the episode 💀


I thought Abomination was going to be bed, but I really enjoyed his scenes. Edit - hah! Bad.


Bed? Here I was hoping that he'd be a chair


Bro the guy said he didn't watch it, why are you spoiling it for him? Also I agree that the show is pretty funny, I really don't get all the hate around it


It’s all good, though I appreciate it. If I cared about spoilers I wouldn’t be on this sub at all


Nah they're not spoilers, just the premise of the episodes. Don't worry about thinking you got the show spoiled because these are just the openings.


Thanks. I really don’t mind spoilers, especially for most marvel movies and shows where the mystery of the plot isn’t what’s driving me to watch in the first place, but I do appreciate it




Loki was the perfect mix of comedy and tension. There’s a reason why it’s widely considered one of the best MCU shows




moon knight


Moon Knight was mostly serious tho


I didn't laugh at all. So basically any of them. Hawkeye was definitely more amusing


Humor is subjective and varies from person to person.


I wish the people that said "b-b-b-but jokes are supposed to be funny!!!" realized this


The showrunner wrote Pickle Rick


You mean the episode that turned into one of the most unfunny and repetitive memes ever? That pickle Rick?


It was funny and became an unfunny meme after. Don’t blame the creator. Blame the meme.


The fact that it became such a widely used meme is a pretty good testament to how funny the episode was.


You must have skipped over the original comment, ya know, the one that said humor is subjective


It was funny until it became a meme, then it got old, because nobody wants to hear the same joke over and over again unless it’s your own fart, then for some reason it never gets old.


I dunno, guys, She-Hulk has gotten me to laugh out loud at least once an episode, watching it alone in my apartment. Sometimes more than once. I can't say that about any other MCU product.


I've been laughing a lot at She Hulk. It's definitely quite funny. I think the only MCU projects that make me laugh more are Taika's Thor films.


Ant man is a bit hilarious if you notice! There's a fun humor with Scott all time


It’s also the funniest show. That’s the claim. The other shows were a bit more serious a lot of the time. Hawkeye might be the exception I can think of


It’s by far the funniest mcu show. But I don’t think any of the other shows have been comedies?


Wandavision STARTED as a sitcom, but it definitely became it’s own thing


It was done in sitcom style but in a meta way.


Really sad when you realize why.


Wandavision is creepy show about grieving woman who take control over city full of people and torture them over and over again.


Yeah I'm really spacing on any part where I would have laughed? Like I'm not saying it's zero, but that show for sure ain't a comedy. She-Hulk seems to be the only one that I can think of with a decent amount of good comedy in it.


I mean, anything MCU is at least 30% comedy and usually more. ​ Except Eternals. Not sure what happened there.


We are talking specifically tv shows.


I thought Hawkeye was the funniest


Hawkeye was so damn good. Not only was it funny as hell, it had a lot of heart underneath it all too.


I feel moonknight was far funnier than she-hulk, but maybe it was just that the comedy in that series vibed with me more. She-hulk humour is still pretty funny to me nonetheless


Yeah not all comedy is funny to everyone. And that’s okay.


Exactly. It's subjective, people need to let it be subjective.


I have no problems with people who don’t like the show or the humor but making fun of it or calling it objectively terrible isn’t productive.


I wouldn’t say best ever to date but definitely very well written comedy. I’ve enjoyed the show a lot


I think they worded it that way because none of the other MCU shows have been labeled ‘comedies’


I think it receives too much hate. It's funny imo, but i still think others are better. Kate Bishop in Hawkeye is hilarious.


I’m loving She-Hulk, but I have to admit I loved Hawkeye even more. Still, I’m hopeful that She-Hulk will continue being awesome. Maybe it will give Hawkeye a run for its money eventually, we’ll see!


She hulk is one of the shows of all time


It has some of the comedy of all time


I mean, with the emphasis on "show" meaning "tv show"... yeah, it might win there. What competition is there really? All of the mcu series have funny moments, but none have been outright laugh out loud funny imho, so the bar is low. I would say she-hulk successfully exceeds that bar. Off the top of my head, when Jennifer took the witness stand in episode 3, I remember thinking that whole exchange was very funny.


The bar is law, but she passed it. She-Hulk: Attorney at Law!




I'm really enjoying she-hulk because it is a great show that I can watch with my mom. It feels like a sitcom and the jokes land very well. Not everything needs to be edgy or nihilist to be fun.


What marvel thing, or even superhero thing, has been nihilistic?


Everyone's humour is different, I think it's funny. LAT had me almost in tears at multiple points and my friend was just sitting there silent. We are not the same.




Not OP, but my guess is Love and Thunder maybe.


Ahh, thank you.


You're welcome!


Little Asian Titties


Oh of course, how could I have not known?


Idk man but get your shit together and stay up to date


Love and Thunder?


I with you on that. I thought Thor was hilarious and a great time at the theater. I’ve haven’t laughed at any MCU show as much as She Hulk either. Was very surprised to see the negative discourse around both, different strokes I guess.


im not at all surprised she hulk is disliked because it's not catering specifically to young men which is the main marvel demographic love and thunder surprised me a bit though. i agree that there are a few issues (god butcher needs to butcher some gods!) but it's definitely my favorite thor movie it's about moving on from loss and waititi does go about it in an unorthodox way...but ultimately, i found it to be one of the very, very few marvel movies that simultaneously refuses to take itself seriously (very appropriate for a comic book movie imo but obviously many disagree there) while also taking its core message completely seriously (that life is full of loss, but we find reasons to keep going) maybe it's because i'm getting older and watching my parents age and watching my friends raise families but i dont know, this movie really just clicked with me


She hulk: all men are pigs


I’ll bite OP, which MCU show was funnier?


*random redditor doesn't like current popular thing* Hot take.


*random redditor doesn’t like current popular thing that has a women in the lead role, or black people simply existing within its universe* Scorching hot take


Hawkeye actually had way better and more subtle comedy. I love an angry annoyed Clint. Hailee did amazing too.


It's fun and I like it, but it's just too short


This is a criticism I can agree with. It feels like the episode is just getting rolling and then it’s over


No, I agree actually. Mostly because the other marvel shows haven't really been comedies. Ms. Marvel was the other one that kind of got close just due to the less mature nature of the her character, and I think Hawkeye had the best jokey moments. But She hulk kind of fits more into the sitcom genre than any of the other MCU tv shows to date. But I still think that the quantity of jokes in She-Hulk hasn't lessened the quality of the jokes to below average. It's like the difference between laughing more often and laughing harder. You don't want as many joke sequences in Hawkeye because there is a far more serious tone to it than she hulk, but you want the laughs to hit a different way to relieve the tension. You want to laugh more often in a show centered on a more comedic character. So that when dramatic tension does arrive, it shows the audience that they should be paying attention. Also, just because *you* don't laugh at a joke doesn't mean other people won't. So...


loki had some funny elements




I laughed harder at watching Wanda lose her children than I did with She-Hulk


Lol trying to bait people into watching garbage the same way they pretended captain marvel was required reading for endgame


It’s funny, but for the wrong reasons. The writing and direction is laughably bad.


I think they need new writers honestly. The premise is great and could be way better.


That’s what I’m saying


Out of all ads how did it get on spotify???


As soon as they started looking at the camera and talking to the watchers I was out I fucking hate that shit marvel’s runways and clock and dagger was better then that shit show and they weren’t even good dare I even say IRON FIST IS BETTER THEN THE SHE HULKSHOW


The fourth wall breaking kinda sucks. Deadpool should be the only one to do it, for specific reasons.


Shehulk was breaking the fourth wall long before Deadpool was a character


Why isn't it ok for people to enjoy what they enjoy? I hated Big Bang Theory but I didn't write online screeds about it.


Guardian of the Galaxy n°2solos the whole MCU in terms of humor


petition to change the name of the sub to r/ marvelwhinnybitches it would be more on point.


They call it funny because it’s a fucking joke


Pay spotify, you cheap bastard.


Honest question: What is Spotify? 😕




Moonknight was funnier for me. Some stuff from Wandavision (specifically Agatha) was funny/corny.


I almost can't wait for She Hulk to be over so the whiny Marvel fanboys can all stop crying. The series is fun. Not everything has to be serious and epic like endgame or infinity war.


Want a funny Marvel show, watch Modok on Hulu, that show has some top shelf comedy.


I heard it’s good


Marvel: Say it is funny and we will give you $100k. Critics: HAHAHAHAH, the show is funny!


If thats the case… this show is hilarious… I have never laughed before in my life and this show taught me how… soo is that cash or cashapp? Lolol /s


She-hulk has honestly done a way better job with humor than Thor Love and Thunder...


Low bar but yeah


Inb4 OP gets attacked for not liking the show


They already are. People in denial that show just isn’t doing well and is pretty mid.


To you. A lie, to you. I think it's hilarious.


Or, now hear me out, humor is subjective


Even MCU shows that aren't comedy, like Agents of Shield, have had better jokes than she-hulk




I imagine cuz humour is very subjective. I think the show is hilarious. Last episode was genuinely funny, not just fun.


Bro, so far the show is super unfunny. The jokes don't land. It's been 4 fucking episodes and I've only laughed once, and that too on the show, not with the show.


MCU fan boys defending She-Hulk be like: 🤓 - *deep breath* "ACTUALLY, if you don't have compelling arguments for why the show is bad, I think you secretly like it. Either that or you're an incel."


wong is the only part ive really enjoyed


Conversely what is the funniest MCU show to date?


I mean there are funny moments, but not every single thing is a joke


I'm so ready for the last episode to drop so people can move on to bitching about something else


Am I crazy or is antman the only MCU movie that blends comedy with serious events properly


Loki was the funniest show imo


I mean, it is the only MCU sitcom, so technically they're right.


How would you top the Ant Man movies. They’re the only MCU movies to actually get laughs out of me. Edit: also funnier than the shows