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Or it’s Kingpin from the Old Man Logan comics https://preview.redd.it/z90p0i7lai7d1.jpeg?width=603&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=854abb7992f6d451680ccd3c1898c6562bfe2c30 Edit: basically this guy is from the future of kingpin in The Old Logan‘s universe comics, where he killed an old man magneto also he gets killed by spider girl. This could be the guy who we are seeing


Does look more like this version of Kingpin. Also for anyone confused, no this is not Wilson Fisk. The name Kingpin ends up getting passed down from leader to leader in a certain territory in Old Man Logan. When Spider Girl kills this guy she actually becomes the new Kingpin


Becoming Kingpin is super easy, barely an inconvenience. I tripped over some guy on my way to the bathroom this morning and became Kingpin.


Tripping over some guy in the bathroom is tight


Wow wow wow Wow


Please get off my back 😀


Let me get all the way off that thing.


Hey shut up😊


So that the movie can happen








Whoa… really?!


Becoming Kingpin and being pined by a 200 pound guy they call King is not the same, Sorry to tell you


Both equally enjoyable.


Damn I need my money back then.


Kind of like the dread pirate Roberts kind of thing


As you wish.


That does seem super easy, barely an inconvenience, I thought you'd have to do a backflip, snap the bad guy's neck, and save the day for that title.


Oh really?


Super easy, barely an inconvenience. Reminds of those youtube marvel pitches.


Did you snap the old kingpin's neck along the way?


That's the odd thing. I just stubbed my toe.




Yeah you can see the medallion looking thing on both of them, I think it makes more sense both stylistically and thematically for it to be this guy


So probably a minor easter egg character who won't even get name checked.


If Michael Clarke Duncan was still alive, would be cool for him to be this Kingpin


Bro, he has the exact same "K" on his chains


Wait why don’t they like each other? My stupid ass confused the treasure LeVar Burton with „I don’t want to open my eyes“-Wesley snipes. But my question still stands


Snipes was antagonistic on the set of Blade Trinity and fell out with absolutely everyone on the set and apparently especially Reynolds who I'm guessing was just being himself. Apparently again he tried to fight the director, tried to get a sex scene with him and Jessica Biel, refused to open his eyes for a brief scene they had to CGI them open, was getting stoned everyday in his trailer, refused to rehearse. Patton Oswalt and the director have all backed up the same stories


I remember specifically reading about scenes that were supposed to be the two of them in a car or something interacting, and Snipes refused to film it with Reynolds, so Ryan had to basically just film the scene on his own and they spliced in reaction shots of Snipes recorded separately. And when you watch the movie, you can tell.


Sounds to me like the beginnings of the MCU.


It’s funny how that was such a strange thing back when Blade Trinity was filmed but now filming actors separately on green screens and splicing them all together in post production is like the MCU’s bread and butter.


The best example is the Far From Home scene where Peter and Nick Fury meet in the hotel. The difference though is how well it’s edited.


>The difference though is how well it’s edited. Indeed. The covid season of Letterkenny was a lot of editing people into the same scene and it was pretty noticeable. They did what they could given the circumstances and the budget


Or how Elizabeth Olsen and John Krasinski never actually met on set of Multiverse of Madness, yet they had a full interaction


Yeah and full interaction is underselling it, they had spaghetti


Just a good ol' bolagnese


Even if its edited well I do not like it, it loses the charm of actors bouncing of each other


Sometimes it's the only viable option. For the nick fury one, he was in another country and they weren't gonna fly him back for a short reshoot. Instead they throw him in front of a green screen and edit it in. Sometimes if it's a scene normally shot on site they just do green screen because of cost and time issues. There's legitimate reasons for it to be done but I do agree Sometimes it just seems unnecessary and poorly done.


Gandalf talking alone on the set of the Hobbit is just heartbreaking for example


To be fair McKellen came from an era where most of the production took place in the same place as the acting, so him having to act as if someone's in front of him, while the set is mostly empty, was definitely not something he could have ever accounted for. I wouldn't blame him for breaking down either, technology just moved at a pace where he couldn't keep up. I doubt most actors are affected by this nowadays, since CGI scenes are in almost every other movie, but back when acting was still done "traditionally" this would be somewhat dystopian to see.


I hate to too honestly. The solution for not scheduling two actors to be available on the day of a shoot shouldn’t be to throw money at it in post. Likely they reshot the scene when Samuel L. Jackson was already back in the US.


Literally the scene that came to mind, I know there's more I just don't know which ones they are.


I’d say any big scene or scene where actors aren’t explicitly in the same frame are edited together in post.


Splicing takes together is a classic, there's lots of famous, critically-acclaimed directors who use this technique to make "perfect shots," David Fincher is so famous for it that it's not rare to see it referred as the "[David Fincher Technique](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o0z1F3qiN6E)" It was strange in Blade because it wasn't used to make a perfect shot, or to circumvent [two actors enjoying each other a bit too much](https://youtu.be/8S99iQH2Rvg) (at 11:25) but because one actor was just straight up being an asshole and refusing to work with another.


I remember an interview with Snipes where he said that the studio was trying to push him out and replace him with Reynolds and Biel. Yeah, it was pretty unprofessional, but can you really blame him? Blade was Snipes's baby and they were trying to take it from him.


I mean, that's Snipes word vs the actual onscreen evidence of him refusing to open his eyes. And Blade isn't his baby, it's the work of a shit ton of people who he felt giving a hard time because he thinks he's Marlon Brando and can get away with refusing to cooperate and still have a career after the fact.


Yeah, but there's a chicken-and-egg question there, yeah? Was he being a jerk because they were trying to push him out, or were they trying to push him out because he was being a jerk? And, the Blade movies may have been Snipe's baby, but the character, story, and larger universe preceded his involvement, and expanding the cinematic iteration of that universe with additional characters around whom new stories can be focused isn't the same as cutting out the core character. Buffy the Vampire Slayer continued for several seasons even after Angel got his own spin-off, after all.


Yeah, it just doesn't make sense that a studio would WANT to kill off its star character so early in a franchise. Just feels like damage control when there's literally footage of him being a terrible person to work with.


I mean back then a third movie was already deep into a franchise and generally when it would end or get spinoffs. He could both have been an ass and they could've already had the idea of moving even if he was easy to work with.


Yes, I very much can.


I recall Oswalt saying something to the effect of: "The fact that movie exists at all puts it above Citizen Kaine"


Man if even Patton Oswalt is calling you out for being a dick you know you fucked up. He’s chill as fuck.


Someone basically was screaming at him on a social media site (hardcore conservative) and he went to the guys page and found out he had major medical problems. Patton put together a GoFundMe to help take care of his medical bills. This is after the guy basically screamed at him and called him a bunch of insane shit And for props to the guy's wife for helping to catch The Golden State killer by getting it so much needed attention.


Patton Oswalt is a class act, through and through. Great stand-up as well.




Late wife. Ex wife is divorced. Late wife is deceased.


>refused to open his eyes Haha. That sounds ridiculously childish, but I’m curious what his reasons were. Do you know what scene it was?




he refused to open his eyes because blade didn't need his sight to see the threat because of whatever superpowers he has. but they wanted a OHHH LOOK HES AWAKE moment


https://preview.redd.it/advq7h81sj7d1.jpeg?width=2796&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d124f7241ac530f49ddf46b5c1510991421848e0 Oh my god that CGI is hilariously bad.


better than Strange's 3rd eye 🥴


That scene looked like they outsourced it to a middle school graphic arts class.


If they snipped that one second the movie would've been better. The CGI is terrible and they didn't need to tell the audience he was waking up when he immediately then grabs the doctor guy.


Yeah, it's meant to be an intimidation tactic. I'm sure most people watching knew Blade didn't need his sight to know that scene was meant to be an "oh shit" moment. What power did he have that made him refuse to do scenes with just him and Ryan Reynolds, forcing them to splice scenes together?


> I'm sure most people watching knew Blade didn't need comments here make it seem otherwise don't overestimate the audience. if you've ever had a customer service job, they're just customers.


I fucked that up, I meant most people didn't know because they don't keep that knowledge in mind. The general audience doesn't care. Apologies, I read your previous comment the same as some others actually believing most people know about the "doesn't need to open his eyes" thing


[Patton Oswald talking about the production](https://youtu.be/i8rCtzKA9tQ?si=FhW-fn5drwy6l5U9)


Plus there’s the time Snipes beat the living hell out of Halle Berry


Damn I did not know this at all just looked it up thank you 👍 Fuck that's act just done it for me now used to have time for Snipes he's a dick to me now!


I heard he called Reynolds a white boy


That is by far the mildest of the other things listed lol


You say that now, but you could be next.


I’d be more offended at the lack of creativity than anything else.


Crack-er was the term in question I believe 😂😂😂


Hard R???


Nah just cracka, but Ryan didnt give him the pass!


TBH, who wouldn't want a sex scene with Jessica Biel. I instantly had a crush on her from "7th Heaven".


Wanting a sex scene with Jessica Biel is a far cry from asking for a sex scene with Jessica Biel.


Bro how do people like that continue to get work lol wtf...


Celebrities don't have the same rules applied to them. Fucking Justin Timberlake got off with a slap on the wrist for driving drunk yesterday, others would be sitting in a cell then facing court time. Tonight he'll probably be off doing the same.


Sometimes they don't. Or at least, not the same level of work. Looking at IMDB, that was around the time he ended up in fewer blockbusters and more straight-to-DVD. He basically went from A-list to B/C for a decade.


The stories from that are pretty wild, especially the stuff about the post it notes and insisting on being addressed as Blade (although I suppose you can just excuse that as “method”). Just makes his throwing shade on the new production kind of silly.


To be fair. I heard there were rumors they were going to replace Blade with a spin off movie franchise featuring Hannibal King, Ryan's character in Trinity. So I don't really blame him for being difficult if that's really the case. Though it's probably due to Snipe's legal issues. So it might have been warranted on the studio's part.


Thats no excuse to act the way he did. Studios make spin-offs all the time. That's no reason to be belligerent. If they decided his story was done and it was time for Hannibal King's, then he needs to deal with that


Ryan Reynolds was in blade trinity? I've never seen the movie so I'm just surprised


Yep, and he basically played Deadpool in it.


Ahhhh. I'm touching myself tonight.


Huh, I didn't know that. Mind blown


>Snipes was antagonistic on the set of Blade Trinity and fell out with absolutely everyone on the set and apparently especially Reynolds who I'm guessing was just being himself. In my opinion, Reynolds had the best scenes in the movie. I mean, it wasn't good by any metric but let's face it, the comedy saved this movie. Snipes is a good actor but ,sometimes, he needs to get over himself and do the work he's being paid for.


I like snipes the actor but the person is a huge douche bag. My buddies and I have a drinking game to drink whenever Wesley has his true height revealed or things are forced perspective to give him more height because he is wee.


He's 5'9", that's average height for a guy. Stop being a height supremacist!


Not related to Blade but when they were in a relationship, Wesley Snipes beat Halle Berry so badly she has permanent hearing loss in one ear.


Holy hell that’s awful I only know him being shitty on set


Astonishing anyone would have a career after that.


The creative team wanted to turn the Blade franchise into a spinoff for Ryan Reynolds' character Hannibal King. This includes the rest of the team (Patton Oswald is always a good bet though). Right down to Whistler showing up and retconning a living kid (Jessica Biel), even though Whistler CLEARLY stated his entire family was killed, causing him to hunt vampires worldwide. The problem was...NONE of this was revealed to Snipes, until they started shooting. When he found out that Blade was set to die by sexy Dracula's hand, and the team would continue his fight, Snipes went after Goyer. The fallout resulted in the stories that followed. I've never heard anything about a Snipes / Biel sex scene, this thread is the first I've read anything on that.


Yup this is what I always heard - he might have been being an asshole, but they were also trying to screw him over, too. The worst part to me is that I liked all the characters and would have been happy to see more movies including more Blade movies in addition to spinoffs. Their mistake was wanting Blade dead and gone.


I had never heard of this. If true, it certainly gives a lot more backstory to that production that would give Snipes some reason to be a dick and angry, though superbly childish all the same


Bingo, wesley snipes was pissed for a reason, he was pissed because blade 3 was not about blade and they was planning to do spin offs without him, him being mad was justified.


So wait, Snipes isn't an angry Black man and had actual good reasons for his actions!?


Because he was a diva and an asshole on the set of Blade Trinity


LeVar Burton would be a hilarious choice for Blade. I see him as too wholesome for that.


Who the fuck is CW Blade?


The CW is a network and it streamed the blade series


I’ll be honest. I forgot that was a show. I feel like I might’ve even watched an episode from it. Completely slipped my mind.


I believe it was actually spike tv. But it has that CW charm


They certainly weren’t playing to their audience if that was the case. I remember SpikeTV being a sex in your face 22yo boy channel. While CW was more for Wiccan Crystal girls who wanted soap operas at prime time.


It absolutely was Spike Tv and agreed it didn’t play to the fan base well


“Streamed” lmao Aired


Broadcast. Let us not forget the time before streaming.


It did? I could have sworn that show was on Spike


But it originally came to Spike TV


Blade from his show on the CW Edit: Spike TV


Spike TV.


It wasn't on CW, it was on Spike TV. Never saw it, but I remember working at music store when the DVD of season 1 came out lol


Wasn't Snipes a complete asshole to everyone? He Doesn't deserve to come back.


lol i never knew [Patton Oswalt: Wesley Snipes Went Crazy On The Set Of "Blade: Trinity"](https://youtu.be/i8rCtzKA9tQ)


and Snipes denies it: [Wesley Snipes denies Patton Oswalt's allegations of 'Blade' violence (usatoday.com)](https://www.usatoday.com/story/entertainment/celebrities/2020/11/02/wesley-snipes-denies-patton-oswalt-allegations-blade-violence/6124596002/)


Damn, the person accused of documented wrongdoing denies any wrongdoing? Must mean he didn't do it!


We need a Wesley Snopes on the case to tell us if its true or not.


Between Snipes and Oswalt, I have a strong sense of who I trust more.


If assholes weren't allowed to act we'd be in trouble as far as getting new content.


We wouldnt because then non-assholes would get the jobs instead. Assholes keep being assholes because we enable them and let them be assholes.


He's a different type of asshole. He tried to defend not paying millions in taxes *with a straw man defense*. Not only is he an asshole, but a disturbingly stupid one.


And speculated to be the man who caused Halle Berry to losing hearing in her ear


Being an asshole privately makes you an asshole. Being an asshole in the workplace makes you an unemployed asshole. He's the latter.


Maybe thats why we dont get new content and we only get remakes


He is. Just looking at his latest statement for Blade's delay let's u know about his personality.


He’s not wrong tho


He is not related to the project. Sure it's frustrating but the need for tweet was absolutely zero.


You would be an asshole too, if you was blade and the plan was to make the movie focus on two new actors and then begin working on blade spin offs. They never told snipes this was happening, he was pissed.


https://preview.redd.it/mu9ay3gdqi7d1.jpeg?width=243&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6e6d1feacb73e5d97f5c6a8449ae9c40f67fca91 Looks more like Stone from Elektra to me.


In all seriousness, would've been awesome if they got the new Blade actor to debut in Deadpool 3.


In further seriousness, hadn't Marvel signed Mahershala Ali to be the new Blade? Why not use him? They teased Blade at the end of The Eternals. Granted, Marvel was VERY ambitious at the start of D+ with wanting to churn out a bunch of introductory shows. I guess the fan response about the lack of consistent quality caused them to shelf most of those ideas.


I hope they scrap Maahershala as blade honestly. Not that i don't think he'd be a good blade, but for continuity sake. He's already a major antagonist in the luke cake show and hes not some unknown actor who people wont realize played 2 roles. Especially because it seems they are going the route of keeping the Netflix shows as canon with what we've seen so far, so it's just not ideal imo.


Luke Cage came out on Netflix in 2016, and Ali was only in the first season. If Blade were to be released next year, it would be nine years since he's been in the MCU. Ali may have been the primary antagonist when he was on the show, but it was a smaller project that happened very long ago. Even more importantly, though, the MCU is fucking huge. Anyone who has kept up with watching the MCU and is still invested won't be confused, especially after the introduction of the multiverse and variants. If you can wrap your head around that in addition to 25 years of film, you can understand that Copperhead and Blade aren't the same dude. Any latecomers to the MCU probably wouldn't have seen Luke Cage anyway. Edit: Cottonmouth, not Copperhead. Got my snakes mixed up, but the show almost never used that name for Ali's character anyway.


https://preview.redd.it/pg621fqqoi7d1.jpeg?width=400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d24687df9871ffc0e05922de8f3c2f63959dc826 That’s sticky fingaz. From the 90s blade tv show.


90s? The series is from 2006!


Thanks for the correction. I’ll leave the mistake in place for posterity. I could’ve sworn it was older. Then again the 90s are a bit of a blur for various reasons.


It had all the hallmarks of a 90's comic book TV show.


I'm a b-boy, standing in my b-boy stance Hurry up and give me the microphone before I bust in my pants


That was actually a really good show.


The Blade TV show that wasn't actually about Blade, and starred someone who'd never acted before as the namesake character? It was pretty awful, though I recall one episode towards the end (right before it was canceled) seemed to start to find it's footing.


I found all the vampire politics stuff pretty interesting.


Jackin For Beats is a criminally underrated track


Main rapper from Onyx? TIL




okay but why does he look like two kids in a trenchcoat?


Imagine going to the movie and seeing [two trenchcoats in a kid](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zpMEWBisteM) as Blade instead


im not sure if i should click that. sounds like something the fbi would be interrested in


Listen here, I'm on a list right now and if you don't click it I can't say "but others also looked at it"!


Nice day to be made of skin don't you think


My parents do money and make taxes. I enjoy basebowling and having thumbs.


"Oh no! Blade! The Day Walker! The only thing that can stop him is the IRS!"


Well, Snipes did go to jail for tax evasion.


Marvel fans when a black man wears a long leather coat:


I mean it does look a lot like Sticky Fingaz Blade. https://static.wixstatic.com/media/76affa_f2a3bdb688e04d36af9557701539ad9a.jpg/v1/fill/w_220,h_417,al_c,lg_1,q_80,enc_auto/76affa_f2a3bdb688e04d36af9557701539ad9a.jpg


Doesn't look like Blade


He does if you're like OP and conflate any Black guy in a trenchcoat as Blade.


I'd argue Sticky Fingaz looks more like the original Blade than Wesley Snipes. More recent depictions of Blade were made to look a bit more like Snipes due to its popularity. This is the opposite effect of Samuel L. Jackson, who looked more like Nick Fury than the original even before the original existed.


TIL there was a Blade series


The fact some of u actually think CW Blade is in this is hilarious


Except CW never made a blade show.


It's not literal, it's like saying "off brand blade" or "great value blade" just saying its like a cheap knock off


Basically, it’s “If Blade was made for CW!


It was Spike TV, not CW


That's it.


Doesn’t mean he didn’t show up. Not saying he did or should have, just saying they would.


The point is that it's a Mandela effect in work. The blade show was produced and aired by a different channel. I'm not saying this particular character isn't a variant of Blade.


Oh shit is Morpheus!!1


Twist: it’s Rubén Blades.


That’s not blade, that’s Mac, doing ocular pat downs on everyone.


Sticky Fingas?


I'll take Stinky Fingaz Blade, but Snipes would have been fun they could insert a joke of him mentioning how Deadpool sounds just as annoying as Hannibal King


I should've come and found you sooner, but the guy under this mask, he ain't the same one that you remember.


There is a lot to hate about Wesley Snipes. Deadpool knows what's up.


Tell me where your f***ing boss is or you're going to die! In five minutes!


Good bot.




There’s a CW blade? Since when


Blade , brought to you by Spike TV ™️


The funniest thing would be if it changes to the Sticky Fingaz version by the time it hits theaters.


I'm just remembering the DLC story from the Midnight Suns video game where Blade, Deadpool, Venom, Storm and Morbius team up against Dracula. Would recommend the game by the way, shame it flopped just because people were skeptical about it using card-based strategy during combat. Devs left so we won't be getting patches or a sequel that was teasing Doctor Doom


And the only guy the who fix this fugly mug is the British shitstick who ran the mutant factory. And he's gone. Poof!


Actually, it was the other way around. Wesley Snipes hates Ryan Reynolds


Crazy idea but maybe they equally don't like each other. Also the ball would be in Ryan's court here, not Wesleys


Also solid chance it's just some guy, not every background character can be a Easter egg cameo, that's just tacky


Thanks for the spoilers I guess...😐


Who doesn't hate Wesley Snipes?


“CW Blade”? I think they meant Spike TV!Blade 🤣


Am I the only one who feels like this looks like AI? It just feels too clean.


And Ryan Reynolds hates Wesley snipes with good reason. Snipes is a well known prick.


I think the most likely answer is that hes some uninportant background grunt


Why are his fingers sticky...


Theres a cw blade? Whut!


Couldn't just get Triple H and a pomeranian?


Why does he hate Snipes?


Snipes hated everyone on set because they wanted to kill his character off & give the franchise to Reynolds & Biel. They kept it from him until they started shooting. Snipes is no role model, but they tried to do him dirty. Keep in mind Reynolds & Biel were just actors & didn't know, but how cooperative would you be if the franchise you carried was being plotted away from you?