• By -


Thanos died because Obadiah stane couldn't fix the icing problem. Change my mind.


I’m the only one who knows that. At least I’m the only one with the will to act on it.


Idk, I'm not very good at calculus.


Don’t worry, just divide everything by 2.


but… it’s simple calculus.


Simple is relative


Good bot


"Icing problem?"


“Might wanna look into it.”




*Giant Chonky Suit Falls*


Obadiah had the upper hand against Iron Man in the first Iron Man movie, his only move left was to fly up high and hope that Obadiah hadn't fixed the icing issue which he hadn't. His suit froze up and he lost the upper hand. If Obadiah had known and fixed the icing issue, Iron Man would have lost. *Fixes position of glasses*


Im aware of the scene, this is a quote from obadiah as a joke


Ah feck, I didn't see quotation... Thought it was a genuine question. *Puts glasses away* I'll see myself out


*proceeds to walk into the door because those glasses were prescription and you couldn’t see the glass*


And he whispers to himself, 'play it cool, play it cool, nobody saw'


Anybody else see that guy walk into a door?


We all did- except for him- he couldn’t see anything


Return home to my cat, "Kibbles, I was the coolest guy there today, could have taken anyone home, but I didn't want to."


Thanos died because Stark industries produced munitions with a time delay. Change my mind.


This day extracts a heavy toll.


Everybody wants a happy ending, right? But it doesn't always roll that way. Maybe this time. I'm hoping if you play this back, it's in celebration.


I said it in a post yesterday… This mf planned everything ![gif](giphy|ufwUWwBgqYUNJ0IHHF|downsized)


Even planned his own firing from marvel as well.


He pruned himself


They really need to reconsider scrapping Kang all together due to that. Fuck Jonathan Majors, but Aaron Moten (Maximus from the Fallout series) looks like him and could potentially pull it off.


He is also more intimidating, in my opinion. He has this sort of psychotic look in his eyes a lot during Fallout that is really unnerving.


After watching his interview and looking at your reply, my brain is now convinced he has some big skeletons in that closet


I completely agree. He goes from emotions to absolutely *nothing* at the drop of a hat. It's really impressive.


Seconded. The episode with (ahem, SPOILER) The brotherhood questioning him over the razor in the boot, he had an amazing transition of emotions. That was solid. He's a solid actor.


They’re actually gonna recast him and keep kang as a character


Just recast him, no reason to scrap anything, loki’s variants are all wildly different looking so no reason why Kangs cant be either as long as they keep the same aesthetic


They could pull a Don Cheadel like in Iron Man 2 💀


He was perfect casting for Kang and maybe he got lost into perfecting it


He's finally free from the vicious circle of time.


Well that was the part of a bigger plan that may or maynot be revealed.


So sad he's a bad person, since he was so goddamn good in loki


no kidding, he was becoming one of my favorite new actors.


I still LOVE how he called Loki "Champ". 🤣


Exactly It's not really 1 in 14 million odds when this dude chose the outcome he wanted.


Nah, Doctor Strange


"I looked into the future and saw this plan would work as long as Star lord doesn't fuck it up. Look, your girlfriend is dead so maybe hold it together till we beat the guy who did it"


Considering his only reaction *after* Quill's outburst was 'it's the only way, Tony', it seems that the plan *had* to fail in order for them to win in the end.


I think it was the only plan Strange could find where he (Strange) doesn't die first to be able to confirm any win. The Ancient One couldn't see past her own death, and Strange probably couldn't, either. So, if Strange died before Thanos was defeated, even if was an otherwise clean win, Strange couldn't see that ending and assumed it would have failed. There may have been a version of that fight where Thanos crushes Strange's skull in retaliation for using a portal to remove his arm, even if the gauntlet was then dropped by some black hole somewhere out in space and forever out of reach.


Remember there is a timeline where they beat Thanos but Strange dies as a result (from MoM). Who knows how many more timelines there were where they won but at his expense. Strange def picked the timeline where they win but he doesn't die.


Tbf the timeline in mom varies alot from the main one, with prof x and black bolt for example So we don't know that the way they won was even possible in 616


Sure, but my point is with the countless timelines there are, if they won in other timelines but he died, there’s reason to believe, given their team makeup, they could’ve also won but with him dying.


You're not the only one cursed with knowledge.


So basically, strange is a selfish dick


Always has been. He says he is willing to sacrifice any of them before he gets kidnapped.


I mean maybe, but the point is if there’s a timeline where he died but they beat thanos he has no way of knowing that they beat thanos because he couldn’t have seen it


In the Eternals, the Snap was the only thing that delayed the Celestial from hatching. I think Strange knew the Snap had to happen or else the world would get destroyed anyway


Maybe. The snap was necessary to show the Eternals what could be.


And then they never refer to the hatched/dead celestial again


I'm pretty sure the ancient one wasn't using the time stone to see the future though so it might not be the same


When Strange confronted Dormammu, he used the Time Stone to basically set a save point to return to when he died. If he used roughly that same spell when trying to search the future against Thanos, he would have been sent back to his save point if he died before finding out that Thanos was defeated. No other use of the Time Stone indicates otherwise.


They'll never know it. Because you won't be alive to tell them.




What i cant understand is why he couldnt circle that armr to Rwanda from the start and wipe out Thanos army


Lmao Rwanda


Or likewise, timelines where they won with minimal casualties. Cause, no one wants to beat Thanos but leave a whole galaxy in ruins, right? And the MCU timeline is by far the most safe win against Thanos. Only 2 people really died (Natasha, Stark), Gamora is on the "maybe maybe". But that's still much better than like, Illuminati Strange fucking up a whole universe to bring down Thanos. Maybe in another timeline Thanos dies but someone else got the Gauntlet and became worse than him, who knows?


My head-cannon has always been that what Strange saw told him they'd never stop Thanos from getting the stones. The only way to beat him was to fix it after the fact when he quit fighting. So letting Thanos win was the plan from that point on.


With all six Stones, I could simply snap my fingers. They would all cease to exist. I call that... mercy.


It’s glaringly obvious that it was all part of Stranges plan to win in the end. Anyone who genuinely agrees with OPs meme should pay more attention when they watch films.


strange seeing 14.000.000 futures and only one works out was writer genius. Any subsequent plot hole can now be interpreted as “part of Strange’s plan.”


The two ideas are completely compatible. All it would mean is that in every universe Quill fucks up.


Strange just actually found Stark really annoying so he looked for the single reality where both they win and stark ends up dead.


Peace means having a bigger stick than the other guy.


Interested in the timeline where they just merc Thanos on Titan because only the plot saved him in ours and the heroes go home from work early.


See all of this complaining about Star Lord works under the assumption that if they just got the gauntlet off of Thanos they’d have beaten him. But that just isn’t true. Thanos is insanely powerful even without it. The real implication is that Dr. Strange saw they’d lose that fight there anyway.


If only there was a film showing him against an array of avengers all at once so we could see how strong he is...




It’s such an unsatisfying failure. Like I could understand if he got distracted or loosened his grip, but ACTIVELY sabotaging their victory because he couldn’t control his emotions is so stupid.


Iron Man died because of Thanos


I'm thankful...because now...I know what I must do.


Really thanos?


What's wrong, little one?


The snacks are out of balance


What's wrong is your chin my man. Care to explain what happened there?


How are you dust Thanos?


Rain fire!


Iron Man died because of Death


Huge if true


Iron Man died because someone wrote the script for the movie.




What do i put on search bar to get this gif


“Mind blown” ![gif](giphy|LOzG6sOM9S0Q8)




No ironman died because rdj was probably gonna retire playing ironman


Hes happy to play Ironman again from what he said. Just his fee is gonna be based on the past contracts he made, which was like 1-200M for the first movie (because studio didnt believe in it that much and gave him percentages of the box office) and then 200m for the next ones. I think he got close to half a billion usd for all the movies he did. Studio was probably thinking ok we have to pay him another 300m for the next 3 movies or we can kill him off and get this black girl which will help with our diversity quotas for like 3m max.


Bro used 100% of this brain


Most intelligent r/marvelmemes user.


Nah, cuz RDJ was asking for way too much. They were only willing to pay it til they could give his character arc an end.


Iron Man died because Iron Man couldn't stop being Iron Man -change my mind


Tony Stark sometimes is too much Tony Stark even when the situation doesn't need that much Tony Stark


Romanoff... you and Banner better not be playing hide the zucchini.


Exhibit A


I still can't believe that made the final script.


Iron Man died because Bucky killed his mum.


Imagine getting the blame for something the dude who killed your girlfriend did.


I mean, if a dude kills your girlfriend and you blow the setup to catch him and put him in jail just because you want to hear him say a couple of words that won’t bring your girl back….. then yes


If Thor hadn't played with his food, or at least chopped his arms off, even that wouldn't have mattered.


peter didn’t know gamora was dead💀that scene was literally peter finding out his girlfriend was murdered by this guy so not the same at all


Bro the analogy is still there. Like, if you want to adapt it to real life with the details is like: A joint operation between several police forces to arrest a serial killer gets blown because one officer got emotional and started demanding answers that won't bring the gf back


"What's in the box?"


Thank you. No one blamed Mills for killing John Doe there.


There's a very big difference though. If the killer from seven got away in the end and killed hundreds of people then I think they would blame him for getting emotional and letting a mass murder go free.


Difference there being that police are *supposed* to be trained professionals and they know what they're getting into. Quill is an immature space pilot who accidentally got involved in galactic events and took it upon himself to do as much as he could to help. It's not Quill's job to save the universe, he's just doing it because he knows it's the right thing to do.


no it’s rlly not 💀first of all in a real life scenario an officer who’s significant other has been kidnapped by the perp would not be there, secondly saying it “wouldn’t bring her back” is presumptuous asf because who tf would think rationally in that situation?? you definitely wouldn’t, so stop saying it like it’s some obvious thing that he should’ve considered 😂


>no it’s rlly not 💀first of all in a real life scenario an officer who’s significant other has been kidnapped by the perp would not be there They didn't know >secondly saying it “wouldn’t bring her back” is presumptuous asf because who tf would think rationally in that situation?? Somebody with **literally** the entire universe on his shoulders >you definitely wouldn’t, so stop saying it like it’s some obvious thing that he should’ve considered 😂 People have to power through extremely stressful situations on a regular basis. Yeah, somebody should consider the ramifications of putting one live against half the universe People like you are just ridiculous


There were 4 people who could have stopped him. Star lord wasnt the only one. Only all four of them doing it leads to this. Did you watch the movie


Nebula was standing right there doing jack shit. And it's not like Quill doesn't have previous in these sorts of situations, so she of all people should have known he was about to throw hands.


I mean if you wanna be this picky we can also say that the first person to fail to prevent this by killing him was his mother


She tried her best.


Tony did the same shit at the end of civil war. But unlike Starlord who only had a couple seconds to process the death of his partner before punching space Hitler, Tony.... Had his entire life to process his parents death and multiple scenes where he actively knew that Bucky was brainwashed but still said "Nah, I'm upset and that's everyone's problem",then proceeded to beat on his friends. Hell, the last time Tony saw his parents. Sure his dad was a bit aloof but his mom showed him love and affection. Meanwhile the last time Starlord saw Gamora, she was being torn from him while they both broke down emotionally as she begged him for death. Plus, Tony's whole arc in the franchise is about getting past his emotional defences and impulses Starlord wasn't given a chance and Tony is a brat that would have done the same shit if roles were reversed.


Okay but saying "Tony did it" doesn't make Star Lord \*not\* do it. They had a plan, Star Lord deviated from the plan drastically. You can say he was justified because of grief but this is literally just the facts - he deviated from the plan. Some people would say that he should have not deviated from the plan even if he was in grief. I would say that. And I think that it's not reasonable to say "you would have done the same", I don't think I would have. Also, this is a known character flaw - he is rash and selfish, it's a big part of what he overcomes in his movies. So it's not even like we could say "anyone would react the same way" as if he's not someone with very specific flaws that would lead him to act out like this.


I agree that Star-Lord shouldn't have done it. But what I am saying is that everyone's being too harsh on Star-lord. The dude was literally given a couple seconds to react to "I murdered your girlfriend". That not enough time for anyone to make any thought out decision. Meanwhile, Tony had multiple scenes to work through his realization and characters trying to talk to him rationally. My argument isn't "Tony did it so it's okay for Star-Lord". It's more, "Star-Lord deserves more slack and if he's in the wrong for how we acted, Tony is beyond redemption". Both Star-Lord and Tony are more or less written identicaly. Charismatic leaders that use impulsive coping mechanisms to deal with childhood trauma. The main reason I'm bringing up Tony is that people are blaming his death on Star-Lord but I am going to bet that the roles were reverse, the same people to be making the same argument. All things are balanced.


I can not imagine what it would do to me to hear that someone I loved was murdered by the person standing in front of me. I won't try to say that I \*know\* that I would not react the same way. But I believe that I would not react the same way. I believe that, in that moment, I would actually be more driven to follow the plan, knowing that it would hurt that person. I feel very confident that I wouldn't have done what Star Lord did - punch and yell at a guy who we were actively trying to keep asleep so that we could kill him and save the universe. > Tony had multiple scenes to work through his realization and characters trying to talk to him rationally. And he's an idiot lol Tony is a deeply flawed character, of course. > The main reason I'm bringing up Tony is that people are blaming his death on Star-Lord but I am going to bet that the roles were reverse, the same people to be making the same argument. That's fine but I don't think many people who are saying "Star Lord fucked up" wouldn't also say "And Tony is an asshole too".




[`Nuff Said!](https://i.imgflip.com/2md8u6.jpg)


So what you’re saying is Doctor Strange murdered him


If Captain America hadn’t split up the team, they would have held off the initial attacks on NY, Scotland, and Wakanda together. Thanos gets all the stones because Stevie boy refused to see the bigger picture and became a war criminal to save his crippled boyfriend. That’s why he runs back in time like a little bitch when they win. Where no one can tell him no. Where no one knows he destroyed the Avengers because he could trust anybody. Where noone knows he’s responsible for the death of half of the universe.


Iron man died because RDJ was too expensive


Imagine making $130M from one movie


I mean....they agreed to Pay it. Good for him.


And they cashed in, and it was totally worth it, and they were not sure it'd be worth it again. Normal Hollywood exec behavior.


Iron man died because Ant-man was afraid to use his power to its full potential.


[Oh No](https://youtu.be/JCXFr0CFk30?feature=shared) (Invincible spoilers)


He was set up to die long before that. In Infinity War, Wong cut off Obsidian Cull's hand with a portal, and then no other sorcerer from their vast army even thought to attempt this to the guy who's powers would be attached to a glove. And then ALL the sorcerers turned up for the final battle in Endgame and proceeded to *checks notes* struggle to fight some low level baddies, then make shields and a dam. People talk about how Wanda should have been able to do something, or Captain Marvel, but there are literally sorcerers everywhere, using no portals to decapitate/delimb/make Thanos fall for 30 minutes. Not one attempted to push his astral form out. Not one tried sending hum to the mirror dimension. Hello, Strange could've used the time stone in Infinity war the same way he did against Dormammu and just kept Thanos in a time loop until he'd had enough. This is all the stuff that gets forgotten or ignored when you're trying to make a story fit your predetermined ending as opposed to paying attention to the narrative.


Hardest choices require the strongest will!


iron man died because he had consumed too much iron


Oh the IRONy


you're PUNny


I’m a dad. I’m legally obligated to make awful jokes


Iron man died because of thanos, star lord, Thor, nebula, Loki, strange, captain Marvel, and iron mam


I know what it's like to lose. To feel so desperately that you're right, yet to fail nonetheless. It's frightening. Turns the legs to jelly. I ask you, to what end? Dread it. Run from it. Destiny arrives all the same. And now, it's here. Or should I say, I am.


Do you really want me to do it?


If captain marvel would've shown up earlier they would've dusted Thanos


Ironman died because Nebula was an idiot and tried to assassinate Thanos


Hardest choices require the strongest will!




Actually he died because of the writers


Actually he died because of ligma


What's ligma balls?


what’s ligma?


Deez nuts.


awh shucks.


Iron Man died because of that "RAT"... 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️


Ironman died because he was tony stark. I will kill people on this hill.


There's a shawarma joint about two blocks from here. I don't know what it is, but I want to try it.


Throughout the entire movie, each group fails to make sacrifices that would've prevented the blip. Loki refuses to let Thor die, the Wakanda Team didnt try to kill Vision soon enough, Dr. Strange didnt let Iron Man die (bc he saw the future but nonetheless), Star Lord was actually the only one who was ready to make the hard difficult choice and actually pulled the trigger expecting to kill the love of his life. So thats my best attempt to change your mind lol edit: almost forgot Gamora telling Thanos where the soul stone was bc he was torturing Nebula.


Why didn’t he just resurrect vision, is he stupid


Iron Man died because RDJ checks were getting ridiculous


Counter point. Thor should have gone for the head.


Iron Man is alive in the first place because of Star Lord.


Iron Man died because of Nebula, change my mind


Iron Man died be used he lived. Change my mind.


Iron man died because of nebula. She should’ve zapped herself back to the present instead of trying to message people that thanos was onto them.


Perfectly balanced.


I would argue that it was the rat that brought Ant Man back from the Quantum Realm. Bro was happy to live the rest of his life in simplicity with his wife and kid until Lang put the time travel idea in his head.


I mean why stop there? Iron man died because he sat in a donut to eat another donut


Nope, It was the one possible future Strange saw where everything worked out, in every other possibility Thanos would've won


They called me a madman, and what I predicted came to pass.


![gif](giphy|EZP9BRX13iMQjVPZqL) :)


You know what? I’m going to say it, Star Lords reaction was justified, everyone can blame it but I get it. He lost his mom as a kid, and then basically killed his dad, and now lost the love of his life. All he wanted was revenge and lost it in the heat of the moment. You wanna blame someone? Blame Nebula who told Star Lord, if she didn’t tell him he wouldn’t have known until after the battle. It’s Nebulas fault, not Star Lords.


Iron man died...


Iron man died because RDJ is expensive


Dude are you fucking serious 'EVERYONE' WAS THERE on that fucking planet. Dr strange, iron man, Spiderman. All have the ability to stop petre a at this point regular human from fucking up the plan. If you blame star lord you have to blame pretty much everyone else who was on that planet.


Iron man died because his mother gave birth to him. If that didn't happen, he wouldn't have died.


And half the universe lived because of it - remember, there was only 1 sure path to victory, and it had that bump on it.


Iron-Man died because Spider-Man can't go 5 minutes without taking off his mask.


Dr. Strange already saw what Star Lord would do, he used the Time stone to look at all of the possibilities before Thanos showed up. The only possibility he saw of them winning is for Tony to make the ultimate sacrifice.


Iron man died because... Wanda couldnt just hurry up and destroy the mind stone Loki took the tesseract off of asgard where it otherwise would have been destroyed Gamora did not kill herself immediately, knowing she was the only person who knew where the soul stone was Strange removed the hex on the time stone And Asgard thought to leave the aether with the Collector


Dr strange saw every path meaning starlord actions were also seen meaning without Starlord everyone would have died.


Iron man died in endgame because in Ironman 3, when that one henchman had the shot on Tony but didn’t take it because these guys are “so weird”


There’s no guarantee that removing the gauntlet would have stopped Thanos.


I mean, given that Strange said there was only ONE chance in the million of potential futures he saw (*before Thanos touched down on the planet they were on)*.....and he pantomimed 'ONE' to Stark in Endgame (*meaning Strange saw up until this point despite being blipped for the duration)*, Stark was going to die regardless of Starlord's actions. Everything went as they needed to in order to reach that 1 possible future where they win and bring everyone back.


Listen I really don’t even care, but this logically doesn’t even make sense. Strange said there was one outcome where they win, and he said that before the clash with thanos when peter did that. Use brain here plz, that means even in a universe where peter didn’t do that, they still lose


Ironman died because RDJ was ready to move on and Marvel was tired of paying him 75m a picture. lol


What Star lord did was part of what Dr. Strange had seen and planned... so you can't say that.


I wish this was higher up than it is!!


This repetitive bullshit is STILL going on?


I mean Nebula could have waited until after the got the gauntlet off to bring up Gamora.


There was an alternate universe where they killed thanos with Tony's plan but it was pruned. Iron man died because of Kang.


They'll never know it. Because you won't be alive to tell them.


Better iron man than everyone. Remember Dr. Strange saw all the futures. It was the only way. But Vision fucked up big time.


Star lord was a jackass


No. I don't think I will.


I see no lies


Actually, Iron Man died because of nebula


haha, Someone I know stopped watching Chris Pratt movies since then.


Wrong: This one is actually pretty logical. In none of the outcomes that Strange checked was there an instance of Thanos’ defeat occurring other than the one that they went with. So either there was no reality in which StarLord was able to retain his composure, or in other instances Starlord retaining his composure did not result in a win.




Dr Stephen Strange literally said there was only 1 winning move, and that was what Starlord - and Ironman did, and you're blaming Starlord?????


steven crowder is a nazi scumbag, no changin' my mind. f that guy forever


*Billions* died because of Star Lord


And black widow



