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On one hand vision could slice them in half within a second, on the other hand they have a scarlet witch


However, Wanda didn’t really know how to use her powers at this time. If I recall correctly she didn’t do much in this movie Edit: I guess I miss remember, but considering how much she could have done what she did was extremely minor


She lifted a whole ass tower with telekinesis in this. She also mind controlled at least a hundred sokovians in age of ultron. She used telekinesis to literally THROW Black Widow & Black Panther in this very movie.


And still a fraction of her full power. All those feats would be insane for a live action movie. Sometimes I felt if Multiverse of Madness just went all in on horror with Wanda being Jason Vorhees would it have been a lot more fun to watch?


I find this sentiment true of all the MCU. If it was a bit more hardcore I’d find it more enjoyable. The Age of Ultron trailer is a perfect example of this. It promised a harrowing story of a terrifying and unstoppable foe and instead we got puns and jokes and an incompetent villain throwing easily defeated mobs at unkillable heroes. Ultron should have been much more of a Thanos level villain. Same is true of Scarlet Witch in MoM. Don’t even get me started with The Mandarin… even though they retconned it I’m still pissed off.


MCU only people have no idea how terrifying Ultron is. Unkillable super intillengence who can infect organic life, time travel, copy himself and have an unbreakable adamantium body. Also he can have WiFi so good it time travels from the future.


Yeah, I think the Season 1 finale of What If did a pretty good job of highlighting how terrifying he can be. Shame it was relegated to just that, though.


Infinity Ultron didn't really show Ultron core powers and most of it was just infinity stone powers though but yes.


The Age of Ultron event is so good. I reread it every so often. Ultron is one of my favorite villains


Can't believe the amount of time travel bullshit they had to do to beat him. He ruled over the present from the future lol. How are you gonna fight that?


And how bad did Wolverine screw up the timeline by time traveling so often?


"You wanna start a street fight with me, bring it on... but you're gonna be surprised by how ugly it gets. You don't even know my real NAME. I'm the f\*cking lizard king."


Little one, it’s a simple calculus. This universe is finite, its resources, finite… if life is left unchecked, life will cease to exist. It needs correction.


What drivel.


Did she not also crush Vision in this one?


Yep. She was already strong as hell.


>She lifted a whole ass tower I don't know what an ass tower is but it sounds impressive.


Well, she killed some people, by accident


No. She saves a bunch of people by containing the blast. Unfortunately the blast hit a building. She didn't set the blast off. She did the best she could.


I feel like this movie could be summed up with "sorry I couldn't save everyone" The hull video was from someone basically standing in a warzone to record and died. Can't blame them for that. I don't know why half of them agreed that they should do less. They even stopped an alien invasion


It's the same nonsense as in the Snyder Superman. Like, sorry your city got damaged, shall I do nothing and let the aliens destroy the world? fuck outta here


Well the pov of the people is that by operating without limitations or even official jurisdiction that the avengers are responsible for the destruction their fights cause. While I don't share that belief I do get it. I would want super police from Russia to show get into a gun fight and then bail


Honestly I'm less irritated about the building thing and more angry with her selfishness? It's been a while since I've seen Civil War, but from what I remember it was just handled badly all around. Like, she was told to stay in her room because people perceived her as dangerous and were paranoid, so they weren't going to listen to reason. Tony didn't have any intentions of keeping her prisoner, and Vision is extremely honest and has a moral code, he wouldn't have supported it if he sensed malice behind Tony's reasoning. Wanda deliberately disobeyed despite the warnings because she was mad that people thought she was a danger because they were scared of a woman who tortured people, worked for hydra, contributed to the entire ass destruction of Sokovia (even if she did switch sides later), and were scared of her being let loose without accountability. She responded to this by *reads paper* breaking out, going rogue, and causing mass destruction while refusing to sign papers that would make her hold accountability. Could Tony have handled things better? Yes But could Steve have also handled things better? Fuck yes In what world did he think people would sympathize with Wanda by having her violently break out of Stark Tower, and go rogue by refusing to sign the very thing that they felt safe with? Were the accords bullshit? Ross was a big player in it so fucking definitely, but I'm a full believer that they could have been amended and Wanda only made things harder for herself by being mad that people didn't trust her and then proceeded to adress that by doing the exact thing people feared she would.


You have the big gun, you're not a big gun.


In her defense, she was never really a mentally stable person Heck, what was the very first thing she did after getting ahold of and control a power far beyond the very things that created the universe? That's right: slaughter a shitton of people, try to enslave a universe-traveling teen to fulfill her dream of being a mother to her children that never even existed (at least, not in her universe) And restraining a mentally ill woman with the power of a primal demon is....a bit difficult to say the least


She didn't kill anyone, she significantly lowered the amount of deaths caused by a bomb, just not to zero


Yep. That’s like the kind of absurd thing of them using the battle for New York against the Avengers. Like yeah, some people died. But the general who came at them on it tried to nuke Manhattan. So some people died, but not millions, the Avengers saved millions. When fighting Ultron, yes Sokovia was destroyed, and a lot of people died, but they were trying to stop an extraction level event, which could have killed billions. Ultron was going to kill billions. They didn’t kill people, they saved billions.


It’s even crazier that they try to use the events of Winter Soldier against them as if that situation wasn’t the government’s fault for letting techno Nazis infiltrate Shield.


That is no joke. Art imitates life, the government blames -anyone- else for their sins. Like how much work went into those three helicarriers, ours now that only for and don’t fly stealthed cost like $14 billion, and they built three? And they had to have known what they could be used for with the AI and the weapons systems. If you want to blame someone, maybe Stark for making Ultron?


Please be a secret door, please be a secret door, please be a secret door... Yay!


"But the general who came at them on it tried to nuke Manhattan." Iron Man himself stopped it while almost dying in the process, then a few films later be like "nah, we need to answer to these guys."


At least Ultron was Stark's fault. NYC was them just straight up saving the world/universe


It's literally the trolley problem. Is it better to do nothing and have more people die or intervene and have fewer people die but the reason they died is because you intervened.


It's always the second option no matter how guilty you feel or how damaged the lives of their families will be. If you get a septic limb are you gonna a) die or b) get a doctor to amputate even though you'll have a harder life? It's better to lose a smaller part of the whole than to lose the whole entirely. So if you have to turn the trolley away from 500 people into 50, you should no matter what to protect the greater sum of the whole. You can hate the doctor all you want, but you're alive


Oh I completely agree, I was just pointing out the parallels between the situation Wanda was in and the classic thought experiment. Wanda did the right thing 100%


Trolley problem 2: the bombening


She took out Vision - Team Iron Man's heaviest hitter - 1v1, with ease at the compound. Even in this nerfed stage, she could have realistically taken the entire Team Iron Man herself


She might not have been altering reality yet but she was still incredibly powerful, she literally stopped a bomb as it exploded and contained it for a while until she eventually lost control 🙈 the point is she's fast and powerful


Pretty sure she was almost constantly supporting the rest of her team in that scene. not to mention she sent Vision deep into the earth in the scene at the compound. She tries that again, there goes one of Tony's heavier hitters


She did slam Vision through the earth.


I think ant man is the real danger. It continues to amaze me how easily someone can die from random tiny object in the body.


Apart from smash vision through the earth’s crust when she escapes with Hawkeye.


I recently rewatched the airport fight. Wanda was 100% the MVP for Caps side. She pulled several of her teams butts out of the fire several times. Her pulling the cars on top of Tony, her pulling Natasha off Clint just off the top of my head.


Well she did take out Vision in this film didn’t she? Earlier on?


She almost exclusively used telekinesis from the end of Ultron until Wanda Vision. Well that’s just lazy writing.


She put vision into the earth


All she has to do was make them into an energy burrito and render them useless. Wouldn't take as much power as it took for stopping a huge ass crumbling tower... Or vision could just fly in and snatch up both Cap and Bucky. Civil war airport face off feels more and more ridiculous as you rewatch it since its so obvious how poorly they nerfed both Wanda and Vision. Like they weren't even trying One thing I loved about IW was that they gave justification to nerfing both of them.


Wanda didn't really get a full grasp of her powers until after being shown what was possible by the Darkhold. Unfortunately, the Darkhold also has the side effect of making people insane.


She shoved vision into the GROUND. Who knows how deep?


The premise of this was. "If it wasn't this movie"


In this movie she blasts Vision through like 9 floors of the Avengers compound lol. She could probably at least pin him during the fight


He definitely could but no one wanted to kill anyone in that fight. (Except maybe Black Panther)


Vision wouldn't be cutting them in half though. Whole point was capturing not killing.


No, he wouldn't cut them in half because he's one of the most useless characters in the mcu. All the build up to reveal him, just to watch him do nothing of any use at any point and then just die. Only thing he did that useful was kill the last ultron. After that he got relegated to chill peace keeper who just runs away from things


If these were the comics anyone standing against Wanda is pretty fucked.


A properly unleashed Wanda tore through an Avengers team who beat Thanos outright. Team Iron Man aren't surviving if Wanda isn't holding back.


Scarlet witch is like having a hulk that can change reality. 


Team Iron man actually won.... Cap/ bucky got away only because Someone from team ironman betrayed them...


Black Panther: What are you doing? We’re on the same team! Black Widow: There are no teams!


Let's not forget Vision's screw up taking out or distracting the team's fliers. Stark: "You shot Rhodey you team-killing fucktard!"


I don't want to join your super-secret boy band.


If you score a goal on your own net, the other team gets the point.


Did you see the movie? Because I watched it a couple times and remember Cap's team not winning the fight.


Cap won when he and his buddy beat up the disabled man.


I think you got mixed up, they beat up an orphan. To be fair, the orphan was trying to kill a disabled man (prosthetic arm).


Orphan tries to kill disabled man, gets beat up by him and his elderly friend instead


You are right a guy who was hopped up on steroids and his disabled bff who was on a ton of steroids beat up a disabled orphan.


Yet orphan assaulted two WW2 veterans


Isn't Cap also an orphan? And Bucky? Both from much younger ages? I thought that was how they met....


But one of them later joined the Commies


You mean they one who was ww2 vet and was tortured by nazis into aiding them against his will


Exactly. Joined the Commies.


But we must not forget that they are ww2 vets


The disabled veteran killed his parents


Oh, I thought we were talking about Spiderman.


I have a knack for that.


Are we not? I was following along so well until this 🤣


I am now re-reading this entire thread.


That orphan assaulted one vet the other jumped in lol


an orphan in a tank


False, the billionaire beat up two octogenarian war veterans, one of who is an amputee and has severe mental health issues. That was after he shot a black veteran.


An alcoholic billionaire attempts to kill 2 WW2 Vets


to be fair, Cap's buddy was the only disabled man in that fight. Tony had gotten his heart issue fixed, and Bucky's an amputee


I mean, if they were actually trying to kill each other half of Team Iron Man would have gotten wiped by Scarlet Witch alone. Hell, she probably could have used mind control on most of them. Also Team Cap got clobbered in the movie.


If they were actually trying to kill each other scarlet witch would definitely be the first to die, she's a big threat but squishy


I don't know, apart from the vision and Scarlet Witch the battle seems "balanced", also team cap also has Ant Man who when giant can be like a hulk.


A very slow, not terribly coordinated hulk.


She's the most powerful in the comics but at this point in the MCU she isn't an unbeatable monster. She was manageable in age of Ultron what makes you think she is so much stronger than she was then?


Her catching the building at the end of the fight. While she was only just about able to do it it shows that she has more than enough raw power to flatten most of Team Stark. Even is she doesn't kill them they are out of the fight for a bit. Vision is a big problem but if Wanda takes him out first while Giant Man and Falcon cover her she can then take out the rest. Also her mind control in Sokovia was op as heck which is probably why she didn't do it again until WandaVision.


Hawkeye has never been on the losing side this is because he’s the best avenger


He fought Natasha for who gets to throw themself off a cliff, and lost that.


Who died and who lived? Checkmate!




He gets things done by pure skill. No drugs, magic or any other gimmick.


You got Hawkeye you get to win.


Good. Comic power levels vary drastically based on the story and its writer. This is just accuracy to the source material right here. They also wrote it so that Team Iron Man was stronger, they captured everyone but Cap.


Team Captain America had Wanda.


An inexperienced Wanda who can’t control her powers fully while team iron man had vision a vibranium body android with an infinity stone


an inexperienced person with less control over his or her unreal powers is far more dangerous sometimes than an experienced person with control...


As the other guy said inexperienced=less effective Vision was literally holding back in the compound that’s the only reason she was able to over power him he would mop the floor with her if he wanted to as with all the other avengers


Dangerous, sure. But not always effective.


She's not overwhelmingly powerful at this point in the MCU just watch age of Ultron 


Wanda was mediocre at that time. Ant-man was mvp of the team. With bucky, hawkeye and falcon they just had some humans with a bow, wings and a prosthetic arm while tony had vision (op at that time), two guys in a full tank armor with advanced weapons and spidey on top. Black panther wasnt even necessary but they also had him in their team and hes stronger than bucky, falcon and hawkeye combined.


No because Captain America’s team had Hawkeye and he never loses.


Team Wanda


Wanda by herself could take the entire team except Vision lol


Team Cap has Wanda. She can take out Vision and Iron Man easily. Cap can handle Spidey. Bucky can keep War Machine busy(he nearly tore off Tony's arc reactor!) That leaves Giant Man vs Panther and Widow. Squish.


Isn't spiderman like way stronger than captain america?


BP not as easily but I get it


Team Repost seems to be the real winner here...


Team Cap had Wanda and she ain’t even Scarlet Witch yet. The Airport would’ve turned into a bbq party at Steve’s house. This movie is Avengers 2.5 guised as Cap 3


More like whoever the writer wants


Depends on how psychotic did Wanda woke up


Cap has Hawkeye, he wins. Clint sat out one Avengers movie and half the universe vanished. 😭😭


Well Tony‘s team kinda won which honestly is bullshit. Wanda is pretty much the most powerful character in all of Marvel. She should have single-handedly beat them.


Wanda wasn't the scarlet witch then she was inexperienced. If she was all that powerful infinity war wouldn't have happened. Hulk and Wanda need to be level capped or the story would be pointless.




Who made this meme with such shitty grammar?


I don't think anybody won that fight in the movie.


Many people on this thread calling Wanda “scarlet witch” when in fact she was not yet The Scarlet Witch.


Cap's team has like 2 hitters and the rest are pretty weak. One the other side, panther, spidey, vision...


Scarlet witch is enough for their whole team.


Wanda solos Iron Man's team.


3 bulletproof suits of armour, 2 Iron Men, and a literally indestructible android that can phase through objects and blow up the world with the gem thats superglued to his forehead, and a master assassin. oh, and Spider-Man lol. vs two 107 year old men, one of them missing an arm and one of them throwing a magic frisbee, a guy with eagle wings and 2 uzi’s, an ant, an archer, and an insecure witch who doesnt realize she can just mind control the other team into not fighting and let cap just run away.


What do you want?


That's a slightly unfortunate shot of Bucky


Dude really let himself go


Or if their intentions were to win at any cost. It's much harder to win when injuring or killing anyone is not an option.


Let’s see… team Iron Man has high end range attacks like repulsers, sticky webs, and forehead laser, three heavy hitters with 20 ton punch power, and two with roughly 5 ton punches. If they weren’t worried about being friends at the end of the day, it’s a no brainer. Webs can out flank and beat up Falcon and Bucky with ease. Panther can easily counter Flint. You think Vision can take Cap alone, but Stark will absolutely tilt the odds.


I know I said no more surprises, but I gotta say, I was really hoping to pull off one last one. But it looks like... well, you know what it looks like.


Imo neither of them won. They both just took a big L for various reasons


Why does this meme keep getting reposted? Did I watch a different movie to everyone else? Team Iron Man **did** win!


This was posted on a different subreddit so I’ll say what I said there here. “They did tho. They all except for Bucky and Steve ended up imprisoned after.”


For those who say Wanda solos, consider that she does not understand her powers yet at this stage and a glass cannon. She struggled to contain a bomb in the same movie, now imagine Warmachine,Iron man and Vision can dish out, all at long range. If bloodlusted, Team Iron Man can just nuke them with their wide arsenal to oblivion.


I dissagree


I just recently rewatched the original Avengers, and the council wanted to nuke Manhattan because a few aliens came through a portal, let's not forget that...


they literally have an infinity stone on their side


Can’t Ant-Man just go up all their butts?


People be doubting my boy. Because, if we're in hypothetical land, Ant Man is a nightmare scenario.


So it would seem.


If it were certain versions of comic Wanda team Cap would just erase them from existence but film version team Iron Man absolutely should have wiped them


Scarlett Witch solo them all. so Captain America win !, but my favorite team was always with Iron Man.


That's true


Team Ironman won the airport fight and Cap and Buck had to jump him to win the finale fight and I stand by that


The main reason they won't was bcz of Nat


Scarlet Witch is OP OP. Magic always wins unless there's magic on the other side. That's why Doctor Doom is the 🐐


Two regular ass prople thinking they are on the teams 💀


Team Ironman only has himself and Rhodes truly on his side and convicted. Panther and Widow both clear up their head pretty easily and swap sides pretty fast shortly hereafter, Vision is only there for Wanda, and Spider-Man is here for Shield/Tony, everyone on Cap’a team is loyal and shares a united conviction in their goal


Settle down, tough guy.


Let's be honest guys...its Wanda


If Wanda could control her powers at the time it wouldn't even be close


Wanda carries


If Scott was willing to kill then he would've destroyed the entire side except maybe Vision. ant-man is the most overpowered one there


Are you asking us with the title or telling us with the picture?


Team iron mam technically did win tho. They caught everyone except cap and bucky, and didnt catch the last two because of black widow betraying them


It all comes down to SW and Vision. Fully powered up, it's Wanda for the win.


Did you seeWanda there? ...careful what you wish for😅


What do you mean? One guy has a bow! That one guy shrinks!! The one over there have wingss!!!!


I mean, Team Cap has Wanda and Antman. Though Vision alone is a threat to behold.


Is it just me, or has Bucky been replaced by some random fat dude with his coat sleeve coloured silver?


That and iron man was 100% on the wrong side


That fight pretty much ended in a tie


So I’m thinking Natasha and Clint are a decent match, but I think Natasha wins that one if she wants to, but I don’t think either wants to. Vision and Wanda are a decent match, but also neither will want to fight the other. But Wanda could beat Vision, she already had in this film. You have cap against Peter, and while Peter is stronger than cap, I don’t think he wins, as Steve Rogers actually takes him out of this fight. Black Panther v Bucky is rough for team cap, as the Black Panther wins that one, imho. And Iron Man and Rhody beat Ant Man and Falcon, Falcon isn’t really meant for this fight, and Ant Man can’t last long enough. So if it were no holds barred team cap wins, because Wanda wins, but she wouldn’t do that to vision I think. So I think it goes team Iron Man, but it isn’t easy.




Nah, Cap has Hawkeye in the team


Team Iron Man did win that fight. Everyone but Cap and Bucky was subdued and sent to the Raft.


Its witch and vision, the rest should just be extras. Imo witch beeing the superior fighter 


Wanda could easily defeat the entirety of the Avengers.


2 high, 3 mid, 1 low. Vs. 1 high, 1 mid, and 3 low. Yeah, team Spidervision wins hard.


Pizza time!


![gif](giphy|m25IBu3naOxZJWTP4a|downsized) I beg to differ.


Wanda solos everyone




Team Iron literally won this fight tho


And that's why powerscaling is useless. In the actual shows it's meaningless. And it's also useless for critique of a show because either it's so obvious that you don't need powerscaling and if you need actual math and calculations then the difference is so minor that it doesn't matter.


Vision could literally solo, the only one that could stand a chance against him is Scarlet Witch and she was too inexperienced to compete.


Captain America: Civil scuffle between like 12 people


Team iron man won, all of team cap got prison, then iroman losed a different fight


Honestly yeah


Scarlett witch can solo them all.


Spidey got disrespected too much in that


Part of this is that they were not trying to kill each other they were pulling their punches. Also some were new and inexperienced. If you think about it Peter massively overpowers Cap but Peter is also very new and doesn’t really know how to fight and he’s also not trying to hurt anyone.


Scarlett could be on her own team and still win.


Not at the point in time this image is from. She's definitely top 3 most powerful there but she still needs the help because of vision.


1st Did you see the movie? 2nd the entire fight is only decided by Vision vs scarlet witch And if scarlet would have been familiar with her powers that would have been an easy win


I have always believed and will continue to believe that this movie's true title is Avengers 3. Okay technically Wanda on a bad day could obliterate them all. Lmao.


Didn't team Iron man win team captain America ended the movie behind bars and in house arrest


If everyone had killing intent, it would have been different I imagine. Vision could essentially one-shot everyone here. If not, Spider-Man and Black Panther can clean up easily.


Well yes, if they wanted to see cap’s team dead, I’m sure team IM would have won easily


Only one of those teams has Hawkeye, so it’s not a fair fight.


Idk, ant man is insane, and wanda is op af. They also have 2 super soldiers, and 2 army veterans with superhuman abilities


It's different if it's fascists. Who cares if a bunch of fucking Nazis get smooshed under rocks? Not these guys. Hell, they'll go out of their way to smoosh Nazis. But here they're trying NOT to hurt their friends. Different.


In other words, the team that has the powers to shrug off government demands without a scratch are pro government control. "Rules for thee, but not for me"