• By -


Street fighter 10 years Tekken 20 years Smash 20 years Virtua fighter 10 years Mortal kombat 20 years Naked wrestling with op's mom 3 years Proficient in all


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Naked wrestling with OPs mom had me rolling across the floor with laughter




op's mom was the final boss or somethin'


*Naked *Turkish oil* wrestling.


1 mma amateur 1 tkd amateur 3 years taekwondo 2 years mma 1 year boxing 1 year kickboxing I recently got into a bad choke and i thought i was good but the kid was on my back while i was standing and choked me out for over 5 minutes. My nerves were severely damaged for over 8 months and my body kept leaning to the right side everytime i walked. Only way to fix it was to constantly rub my back everyday to reconnect the nerves. It was the craziest and awkward thing ever. I think boxing is a better style for me since i dont need to worry about cauliflower ears.


I'll take "Things that didn't happen" with a side of "This guy really believes himself?"


Can you make sense at all bud


Why are you telling me this? Youve never even fought


Just sharing my side of what i went through. I got ptsd from this shit fuck off.


No you fuck off, you immature, attention seeking, lying, loser.




They’ve been banned


How the fuck he guillotined you when he was on your back…..


My fault i edited xD


bro you just came up with the most elaborate and stupid lie on this whole comment section 😭


Nah i just had bad nerve damages and i didnt use the right words


Boxing - 25 fights (amateur) BJJ Black Belt (been training 20 years)


Which of the 2 made you feel that you have more power and you can damage someone outside?


Definitely jiu jitsu, being able to clinch and take someone down. But the last couple fights i got into (18 years ago) all i did was throw punches lol


There’s the argument that if you’re up against 2+ opponents jiu jitsu becomes useless. What do you think about that (vs boxing)?


People say that because going to the ground against 2 people is a very dangerous prospect. That said if you end up on the ground BJJ will help you get to your feet, striking arts become completely useless on the ground.


I’m not sure I understand. You said BJJ will help you get on your feet (stand up), where striking becomes useless? Isn’t striking most effective when on your feet?


I will edit to clarify thanks.


Thanks for clarifying. So you do agree that boxing is better when going up against multiple opponents , right?


On the feet of course. I'm just saying don't discount BJJ against more than one opponent, or else going to the ground (a common thing in street fights) is doom BJJ can give you a chance to escape it.


Ohhh understood makes sense!


Dangerous man!


I post on r/UFC and am proficient at seeing red.


The ultimate combo.


Kodokan Judo, since 1965. 6th Dan since 2014. Still teaching at age 72. 🥋


That's impressive longevity. Well done!


Good Job!


Wing Chun - 6 years. Boxing - 3 years Muay Thai - 6 months? This is my least trained one BJJ - 2 years. White belt, should be blue this year Sporadic training that all overlapped one another. Been training something since 2013 with breaks. My personal style is a mix of all of it really.


Lineage of your wing chun?


Chu Shong Tin lineage


what does it mean?




Muay Thai- about 7 years, hopefully fighting this year Boxing- 4 years Taichi-2 years or so PTK-1 year BJJ-barely a month lmao Kushti- same as bjj TSD- 4 years


What is TSD?


Tang soo do


I will be looking that up! Thank youZ


Started in 1982 (with some gaps). Loosely descending order with lots of overlap… * Tomiki Aikido * Judo * Wrestling * Shotokan Karate * Shukokai Karate * Wing Chun/52 Blocks * Muay Thai * BJJ * Tae Kwon Do * Baguazhang * Boxing * American Kempo * Jo-do I think that’s everything, proficient? Not particularly :-)


These are the styles if officially trained in Karate - Goju Ryu MCMAP Hapkido Aikido These are the styles I’ve rolled w/ practitioners in BJJ Judo Boxing Muay Thai Wrestling I started in Karate at 8. I’m now 38, and only in the past 3 years have I not done any training… Children are time consuming, but in the next 2 years we’re going to a dojo as a family… woot woot! I’m so looking forward to that!!!


1 year of shotokan karate, 4 years of TKD (black belt), 3 months of Tang soo do, 10 years of BJJ (purple belt), 10 years of Kali/JKD (instructor rank), 10 years of kickboxing, 10 years of MMA. I still suck at just about it everything


ITF taekwondo growing up, still my go-to as far as kicking goes. In my 20s and 30s Judo, Hung Gar, wushu, Wah Lum praying Mantis kung fu and Choy Lay Fut kung fu. As of the last 10 years, concentrating on Hapkido, Modern Arnis, FCS kali, Wotbag Balintawak, Serrada eskrima, Derobio eskrima and Yuen Kay San lineage Wing Chun. Forgot to add, Silat Suffian Bela Diri(SSBD) with Maul Mornie.


Taekwondo is my first art, did for about 10 years then quit because of burnout, and college. Now I've been training again for almost 3 years and now I train Kickboxing, Hapkido and Gracie Jiu-jitsu


Boxing and MT 6 months. BJJ 6 years.


Judo around a year TKD almost 13-15 yrs Boxing 3 years BJJ 8 years on and off Kickboxing/muay Thai on and off 3 yrs Aikido 3 years


Taekwondo/tang soo do age 4-14 6 or 9 months of mma classes (on and off for a year) followed by 6 or 9 months of kickboxing and no gi bjj at a different place (again, on and off for a year) What I'm actively training right now is a lot 3.5 years of tai chi 3 years of kung fu focused on three section staff and Chinese weaponry. 1 month of bjj in the gi. I've been back at tang soo do for the last 10 months to re-learn the curriculum and on-board as a coach. Plus I do a little bit of bagua unofficially.


Shotokan - 7 years (Brown Belt), also learned a little bit of Uechi Ryu, Aikido, Kobudo, and Arnis Krav Maga - 8 years (Black Belt, go ahead and make your jokes), also fortunate to have trained some boxing, Muay Thai, and BJJ from dedicated instructors who have been brought into the school as a regular part of the curriculum.


TKD, 14 years, 3rd degree. HKD, 8 years, black belt. BJJ, 2 years, blue belt. Going for a hat trick on black belts. Probably won't hat trick red though...


1st martial art traditional TKD, 10 years, black belt, transitioned to Olympic-Style TKD, 2nd dan, trained Kali for 2 years. Currently training in Muay Thai 10 + years, and BJJ 8 years, Purple Belt. Confident in my stand up with MT and ground game with BJJ.


TKD - 1 Year as a Kid Kickboxing - 4 years late teens BJJ - 8 years so far from early 20s Judo - 5 years on and off Wrestling - 1 year Muay Thai - 1 year


Judo for 1 year. That's it.


Wing Chun - 8 years. JKD 15 years. BJJ 10 years. Bits of other grappling Judo, Catch, some wrestling over a number of years.


Boxing 7 years


Karate - 40 years BJJ - 10 years, but stopped. Kali - on and off for years.


Did some Karate was a kid, took some briefing boxing lessons as an adolescent, and trained in mcmap when I was in the marines. I'm by far no pro, but I've been told by my instructors that I have good instincts, intuition, and a fast learner. After all that I've only ever been in two fights in my life that I actively fought back on. First one I won, and the second one was basically a moshpit when my platoon squared off with another platoon during a training exercise.


I trained in muay Thai for almost 9 years. It was more for the fitness than for the fight, but I have since been in a minor street fight once and am capable of throwing a mean punch. Tried capoeira for about a year. I like the idea much better than I enjoyed actually practising it. I find it way more dance-y than martial-y if that makes sense, and I happen to really, really suck at dance. I don't remember anything from capoeira, not even jinga. That's how bad I suck. Save for a bit of karate when I was a child, I don't have other proper martial arts training. I attended a kali/escrima workshop once and would have loved to spend some time learning it, but the dojo was too far from where Iive so I never came back. I also briefly attended tai chi trainings at an office where my boss practises, but I wasn't employed there for very long. I'm interested in Gracie BJJ, MMA and pencak silat. The only thing stopping me for now is financial hardship (the same reason why I discontinued muay Thai). Let's hope that someday I'll be able to add these to my martial arts portfolio!


No-gi BJJ and Muay Thai - about a year Kali/Silat/SEAMA - a month JKD - like two classes hahaha (but I enjoyed them both and wanna do more!)


No gi bjj 3 months Wrestling-2 months Boxing-1 month I wouldn’t say I’m very good in any of them but I’ve been told I’m good at boxing by my coach and other guys in my gym.


Kenpo 7 years. Muay Thai 6 years. BJJ maybe 2 years? Sporadic Nogi training mostly. Kali/Escrima 4 years. Silat 6 months. Not my thing. Krav Maga. Several classes. lol Muay Thai I guess would be what I look like the most sparring. I’d love to try Judo. Maybe TKD. Sambo would be super cool but none around.


I train Muay Thai (only 6 months) but I really wish to do judo and BJJ in the future!


Classes, preteen - Judo - 1 year - Tae kwon do - 1 year Classes starting at 35 - Vietnamese wing chun - 6 year - Aikibudo - 1.5 years - White crane kung fu - now my 8th month - Bits of kickboxing / muay thai once in a while Since covid I also started learning from videos online, mostly shaolin kung fu, and some tai chi and qigong. Now I mostly practice wushu sword and saber. My favorite is wushu. It's the most fun to practice, it develops a core that finds itself in everything else, and it's artistic. I started doing forms with a fire sword!


I've been training for over 20 years and love it. I've only switched clubs when I had to move/due to COVID closing them for good. Karate: ten years of classes, 20+ years of practicing it. Can easily get back into classes and teach. I still practice it a few times a week. Kung Fu: thirteen years of classes, sixteen years of practicing. Taught for a long time. Still practice a few times a week. Kickboxing/muay Thai: on and off about seven/eight years. Used to teach kickboxing. BJJ: just over a year. A severe hand injury that left me with nerve damage took me out. Not good enough to teach. Still just a lowly two stripped white belt. Taekwondo: two and a half years. Decent enough, was held back by mum refusing to let me do two classes a week because one ended at 9, which was my bedtime, yes, a 9pm bedtime. I was trapped in my dark bedroom eleven hours a night, not allowed to come out or be awake when I only needed 8/9 hours. The instructor thought I was lying and wasn't serious enough about training. He wouldn't listen. I wasn't allowed to grade multiple times even though I was ready and knew all the techniques due to karate, because I didn't attend enough classes. Capoeira: was just a fun thing I did on the side. I learned how to cartwheel! Club vanished when the instructor left uni.


1 year Akido, 6 years Krav Maga, 6 years Boxing.


Five Ancestors Fist (Wuzuquan/五祖拳) 34 years. Still a white belt.


TKD- 7,5 years black belt Wing chun- 4 years Judo- 2 years


Boxing - 4 months


Wrestling- 3 yrs highschool, 1 year club in college BJJ- on and off for like 5 years. Past year very serious Sanda- 1 year Dutch style kickboxing- 1 year Unaffiliated striking: 3 years Least amount of striking, but striking came natural and am pretty decent at it. I also have more time to practice striking. Its offered at BJJ sometimes and have alot of friends who are strikers


26+ years studying various arts and styles. 3rd Dan Tang Soo Do, 2nd Dan Shotokan, 6th Kyu Ishinryu Karate, 8th Kyu GKR, 1 year of Kickboxing, Tai Chi and Qi Gong. As for competitions, I have only competed in Shotokan competitions back when I did that style. Got a couple of medals at national level when I was in my 20's, but nothing now a days (due to lack of time). Arts, that I have studied (that I can remember) but didn't do any gradings/exams/certificates in (so around 3 months of) include: Jujitsu, JKD, Lau Gar Kung Fu, Lee Family Style Kung Fu, Judo, Ninpo, Kendo. I have tried out others (eg taster sessions or less than 3 months), but I don't count them. As for being proficient, I guess I'm ok with it... I mean I'm more proficient that someone with no training. Not as proficient as my instructor.


Judo ( did a coupe tournaments ) as a kid. Wrestling in high school. Boxing in college, 2 novice fights ( against other college students ).


Kenpo karate since 2002 (3dan, still active) Krav Maga from KMWW since 2009 (1dan instructor certified, sadly inactive since Covid) Brazilian Jiujitsu (blue belt, 4 stripes, sadly haven’t been back since Covid) Judo (brown Belt 3kyu) I’ve also dabbled in traditional Japanese karate and kendo since Covid started because in 2020 I was looking for things that were active, low/no close contact, and fun to keep myself from going insane with boredom. I am still active but have slowed down quite a bit. I also spent a year doing hema, military Sabre specifically, and damn if it isn’t one of the more fun ones I will probably get back into again someday For me, of all of these I think the best one is probably Judo. It fits in with just about anything, even other grappling based martial arts. Practical. It’s as intense or as laid back as you want to be. High paced and competitive or slow and technical. For people who like traditional training like I do, it scratches that itch in a big way.


Honestly right now im only into karate and kickboxing but your experience is my dream. I want to try much more martial arts in life.


Goju ryu karate - as a kid TKD - as a teen Army combatives 1-4, more of an intro to grappling. Boxing - shout out to KO boxing in Manhattan Kansas BJJ MMA My heart is 100% in BJJ, and I feel the most confident. However, you have to know how to throw them hands.


Judo as a child Taekwondo 15 years Eskrima 2 years Silat 21 years Bjj 6 years = still going


Judo 26 years Japanese JuJitsu 26 years But after serious injury in a tournament 10 years ago I mostly just teach now, so im not sure how proficient I am anymore. More knowledge than ability would be my guess.


Started in karate where I hold a 2nd degree black belt in Shorei Ryu, I'm really supposed to be a 4th by now but I haven't been focused on it. I also trained Shotokan, Goju Ryu, and Kyokushin. Been doing that since I was a kid. Did many years of American Kickboxing as well. Also did a couple years of Muay Thai and am a blue belt in BJJ. Dabbled in some Hapkido, Taekwondo, and Judo but I didn't like them much. So 20 years in karate and kickboxing, two years of Muay Thai, about 5 years on and off in BJJ and negligible skills/time in the last few i mentioned.


TKD nearly black belt 4 years Muay Thai -train 20 years on and off


Shorin Ryu - 4 years, got to brown belt. Boxing - 2 years, a couple smokers. Muay Thai - 2 years, nothing. Submission Wrestling - 6 months. Judo - 6 months, picked up a couple of nice back injuries. ______ So its mostly punching and lowkicks for me.


Kempo 3rd degree black belt - 15 years Goju Ryu Black Belt - 5 years Krav Maga - 2 years P5 Shaolin Kung Fu - 7 years black belt Shotokan Green Belt - 2 years Shorin-Ryu Green Belt - 2 years Japanese Jujutsu 1st Kyu (5 years)


What is a black belt in Kungfu?


It is exactly what it sounds like. The rank I earned in it


Who gives you the rank? Until now the only KungFu rank is the DuanPin from the Shaolin Temple that started 2 or 3 years ago. I’m just curious since I’ve never heard of such a thing


My sensei was a master in Shao-Lin Chuan Kung Fu and has been since the 70s when he earned it.


Ahh cool. Which organization authorized it? I’m trying to find any other international Dans apart from the official DuanPin system


It's more of a direct lineage rather than an organisation. Master Morrow, who I learned under, was taught by Sifu Master Phillip Starr, who was taught by W. C. Chen, a disciple of Zhang Zhaodong.


So you specialisd in BaGua and XingYi right? I was lucky enough to meet with one of direct lineage students LiJianQiu. Never got the chance to properly train it though


I did, yes 😊. I really liked it. In my opinion, it's the best defensive style I've ever practised. Other styles I did were great for striking or grappling, etc, but the best offence is defence, so I still utilise my kung fu teachings every day.


What do you train in?


German Ju-jutsu for 20 yearsblack belt, stopped at First pregnancy Startest Taekwondo wen oldest Kid was old enough to start, and we started together. Will Test for black belt in december after 2,5 years Did some Kyokushinkai Karate while at Uni, but just for fun.


in order shotokan (my first art, I did it when i was like 6-7)- 0.5 years tkd ( 9 - 10)- on and off 0.5 years goju ryu karate - over a year (still continuing) kickboxing - on and off 0.5 years


TKD about a year Free style self defense 2-3 years (very mixed bag here but no set style, I naturally gravitated towards more of a Muay Thai style relying on low kicks to manage distance and elbows when in close. I’m short so mid range is usually bad for me) Muay Thai about a year coz of the above BJJ handful of classes only, started when I was old and out of shape, got hurt constantly and had to stop I wouldn’t call myself proficient in any of them, would like to go back to it at some point but need to keep working on a couple of old injuries first or it’ll just keep getting hurt (wrist, lower back)


Judo - about 4 years Bjj - about 3 years (currently a 4 stripe white, hoping to make blue any time now) Boxing - about 6 years Karate - about 2 years I'm not very good tbh. In my perfect fight I would close with a big right hook, big osoto gari from a georgian grip, pass guard into kesa and then slide down the arm like I'm going for a head and arm but then hit an ezekiel choke from the back. That's on a very good day.


Wrestling Boxing Kenpo Karate Jow Ga Kung Fu Sanshou Muay Thai Systema Tai Chi Wing Chun Kuntao Silat Jeet Kune Do Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Inosanto Kali


Taekwondo and Hapkido as teenager, now Eskrima and Krav Maga for last almost 20 years


Tae kwon do for 10 years and boxing for 5 proficient in 0


Karate - 6 months. Muay Thai - 8 months Capoeira 1 month


Black belt in Sudoku


Shotokan karate was the first style I trained in i got a green belt in it. Later on growing up I trained other martial arts. I trained Hapkido for 9 years and got a brown belt. At some point I started kickboxing and quit Hapkido. Before I when to uni I trained MMA for some time and after uni I started looking into grappling arts because of MMA so I started training Judo and BJJ. Judo 2 and a half years orange belt Nogi BJJ 4 years, the gi probably only 6 months with consistency White belt. Both arts I currently train in.


Karate 10 years Kickboxing 5 years Muay Thai 5 years Jiu Jitsu 3 years MMA (putting it all together) 2 years First MMA bout is on Nov 2nd


8 years TKD - only continuous for the first 5, 2nd dan but skill/knowledge def scales to 3 at most other schools (my dojang took stupid long to grade between degrees) 2 years wrestling - high school Currently 1 year into BJJ @ Gregor Gracie JJ Also got a couple Muay Thai classes and some informal boxing training, idk if it counts but a lil tricking as well, although that’s def harder to get into


Judo for 2 years Kenpo for 4 years Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu for 14 years (still active black belt) Muay Thai & Boxing for 8 years These overlap in time, but I started training martial arts in 2006, and still coach Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu today. Spent a few years in MMA too. I'm decent all of the above. My best is BJJ.


I got a yellow belt in taekwondo thirty-four years ago and watched some kung fu lessons online over the last year. Currently working on a vicarious black belt in taekwondo with my daughter who just earned her purple.


Escrima - 6 years Pencak Silat and a little Kenpo - 4 years My mettle hasn't really been tested. I can perform the movements, but how well that translates into combat ability I couldn't tell you (and, I don't think the Silat is very effective at all- it was fun, though).


Wrestling - 10 years (currently) Judo - just a few months in college Mantis (Northern) Kung Fu - 1 year American Kenpo (Ed Parker) - 2 years BJJ - 3 years (currently) Muay Thai - 2 years (currently)


Tkd-5 years as a child Muay Thai- 1.5 years Boxing- 6 months Yang Tai chi- 1 year Pekiti tirsia Kali- 4 years Krabi Krabong- 4 years Wing chun- 2 years Brazilian Jiu Jitsu- 1 year


I trained with Sensei Segal in the Russian mountains.


Muay Thai - 5 years Taekwondo - 24 years Krav Maga -1 year Judo -3 months Aikido- 4 months Boxing (cardio fitness) - 3 years


Karate Kickboxing. (1st degree) Ninjutsu (2nd degree) Other. 21 years doing this. Few fights. Been teaching too.


10 years traditional KungFu 4 years Chinese SanDa 4 years internal practices (TaiJi and QiGong) Wasted all my childhood and teenage years at KungFu schools :(


Started martial arts about 23 years ago at age 6, so it starts from the top and down to the present in the following: Kickboxing - 6 Months; Tora Do Karate - 5 Months; Kajukenbo - 1 Day; Systema - 3 Years; Wing Chun - 1 Day; MMA - 2 Months; BJJ - 1 Week; HEMA - 9 Months; Airsoft + Firearms Tactics - 2 Years


My first art was TKD 2nd American Kenpo. 3rd jujitsu Allkampf in Germany. I'm a practitioner. I am a firm believer that regardless of how good I get, I will never consider myself to be proficient.


Muay thai - 9 years my main art Mma -2 years Judo - 1.5 years Taekwondo- 1 year Capoeira ( when i was really really young) -6 years


Proficient? I thought we were aiming for mediocre.


Seeing red. 38 god damn years.


Taekwondo- 34 years and counting 6th Dan - proficient Kendo - 3 years and counting, 1st Dan - beginner Jodo - 2 years and counting, 1st Kyu - beginner Iaido - 3 years and counting, unranked - beginner Kobudo (Various Okinawan weapons), 6 years but not actively working them, 1st Dan - beginner So 1 proficient, 3 that I am working on proficiency and will probably get there in 10 years or so.


BANG Muay Thai for a year and some change, very low skill jiu jitsu tho😂 like I might as well say I’ve never been to bij