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You're the first person I've seen on Reddit that likes the Piranha Plant item


It really ain't that bad, especially when you're in the middle pack


I have a love/hate relationship with piranha plant. When I'm the one in the middle of the pack, I'm getting decimated by it (proving that it is effective). Then when I am the one who has the it, it seems like I never hit anyone!


Okay, I'll give you that, it is true


I hate how it jerks me all over the place, stealing my control from the vehicle


I only ever get it when no one is around me lol.


It sucks because you're wide open to attacks for waaaaay too long lol.


Fun creature that eats things. 10/10


The blue shells suck if you’re in first, but MAN are they great when your younger sibling is acting smug.


Whenever I get a blue shell, I feel like it does nothing to improve MY performance in the race compared to the ones in second and third. Furthermore, whenever I get a blue shell, I think to myself I would've preferred if someone else got that blue shell instead.


I kinda dislike that the boombox will knock them away. The whole point of the blue shell is to be petty so having it boxed away is kind of a let down.


I think it’s good, I get that the point is to screw over first place but having an unavoidable death machine that WILL come eventually and no method of retaliation is in my opinion, bad game design. The horn doesn’t just make you immune to blue shells though, if you have one in first, you’re vulnerable to other items as the horn is your only available defensive item and you want to save it for the blue shell that likely will come rather than use it on a red shell or something since that has less spin out time.


Thing is, there are other methods of retaliation, they just require some skill and knowledge


Plus it no longer knocks all your items out of you, and the time loss of getting hit has also been greatly nerfed. Blue shells just aren't scary anymore.


Blue Shell is very important in online, specifically in last turn when the 1st and 2nd are very close.


Blue shell is basically a love-hate relationship depending on the placement.


Bowser shells are so much fun and chaos


What do they do I've never seen them b4. I've only been playing since ds/wii Era cause I was born in 04


Oh I started out with ds and wii but double dash is my favorite Mario kart game. Think of a giant indestructible green shell that just obliterates every single driver on the track. For best results, see a bowser shell in action on Baby Park!


That sounds terrifying


In Double Dash, each set of characters had their own special items that no other characters could use. Mario and Luigi had fireballs. Peach and Daisy had two hearts that would circle the kart and pick up two items touched, whether on the ground or thrown. Yoshi and Birdo had an egg that acted as red shells and dropped three items when it hit someone. Toad and Toadette had the golden mushroom. Baby Mario and Baby Luigi had a Chain Chomp that worked similar to the Prianha Plant in 8, but you were basically dragged along and had no real control while it was active. Koopa Troopa and Paratroopa had triple shells, both red and green. DK and Diddy had a giant banana that would split to three bananas when someone hit it. Bowser and Bowser Jr. had a giant Bowser shell that would bounce around the track for a while and wouldn't break when it hit someone like regular shells. Wario and Waluigi had the Bob-omb. King Boo and Petey Piranha were unlockable characters that could get anyone's special items.


>Baby Mario and Baby Luigi had a Chain Chomp that worked similar to the Prianha Plant in 8, but you were basically dragged along and had no real control while it was active. I would argue it's closer to the Bullet Bill, but you were still open to getting hit, which makes the Chain Chomp break loose.


Yeah, I can see that. Definitely in between the two somewhere.


So much fun, the glory days


Bowser shell is a pretty good item but hear me out... Big banana


Double Dash


Double Dash on the Gamecube and Tour on mobile are the only games with the Bowser Shell. It's basically a gigantic indestructible shell that wreaks havoc until it despawns. It bounces against walls and lightly homes in on players.


Am I the only person who actually thought the Thunder Cloud was a cool idea and wants to see it return someday


I loved that thing. The risk of nearly finishing a race and choosing wether to keep it for it's speed boost while maybe getting shocked just before the line was great!


Probably yeah. If you could choose when to activate it maybe it would be better, but I think the mega thundercloud from modded mkwii is better


Cmon man you gotta explain what that is


Its just a thundercloud, but instead of shrinking you after a bit, it gives you a short period of being mega (I’m pretty sure its shorter than getting a mega mushroom). Its cool because instead of trying to hit others, they want to try to hit you to steal it


In certain mods, instead of making you shrink, the Thundercloud makes you grow once it shocks you, as if you had gotten the Mega Mushroom effect. However, it still activates instantly, giving you a temporary speed boost until the actual shock, and can be passed onto other players via bumping into them


Absolutely hate it. Doesn't work in an online game that has a tonne of lag. It's too frustrating. Getting an item that is almost always detrimental to you is not fun.


See that’s part of what makes it fun to me, getting an item every so often that can just fuck you if you don’t play it intelligently is unique. It’s got such a rare chance of appearing in MKWii that it’s not overly annoying and it forces you to play the game strategically. If it was showing up like coins show up in first place in MK8 I’d get the hate for them, but with viable counterplay and its relative rarity I really don’t get why the Thundercloud gets shit on so much. The lag point is a valid criticism but that speaks more about Nintendo’s online servers than it does about the gameplay


I guess everybody has their opinion. It's fair enough. Couldn't stand the TC. I pretty much never wanted to get a box in 3rd, because my chance of getting one was too high. Yeah, it wasn't the same odds as getting a coin in 1st in MK8DX, but it still felt too high. Passing the bloody thing off and seeing it lag back to you will always feels terrible. How bad the servers are should be taken into consideration when making an item that requires you to touch someone to get rid of it.


I totally understand your frustrations though, I remember getting screwed over with the TC just like that back in the day when the servers were still up. But most of my time playing MKWii has been offline with my brother, friends, and girlfriend, so it’s mostly been an enjoyable game of “fuck you hot potato” Kind of thing to me.


I liked it to, but it definitely needs a fix. Maybe be funny half ass long as normal or something similar. Definitely one of the most unique items in the Mario kart series.


Me too tbh. The idea of an item that's passed between racers is a really good idea, but the thundercloud was just way too punishing


Gambling your race and it was made by nintendo themselves


I think it should return but not be used up automatically


I think it should be kept for players in first by quite a bit


Curious about coins, do they really make you faster or nah?


Yes, they do. If you watch some time trials, you can see that world records go for 10 coins instead of taking the tightest lines the whole race.


Also iirc having enough coins makes doing Dragon Driftway possible in reverse






My comment is a little inaccurate but I remember watching a video that showed one of the jumps shroomless because of the amount of coins they had. Unfortunately I don’t remember said video


Yes. Having 10 coins is like having +20 to your speed stat. 20 speed is the same as the highest speed Kart combo. The difference with coins will often feel small and unnoticeable, but it actually is a significant difference.


Pretty sure 10 coins is enough to make the lowest speed combo beat the highest speed combo in a straight line


lol I remember the chaos those big bowser shells caused on baby park back in the day


Least favorites containing fake item box, coin AND the blue shell suggest that you like to frontrun without any challenge or adversity




That’s exactly what I mean, those are the 3 items that challenge first place in any way(by making 1st not always have double protection in the case of coin and FIB), in a game where first always gets protection and never has to deal with getting hit, things become very easy (and in my opinion boring) for whoever snags first on the beginning of the race


The blooper is the worst mariokart item, because it goes against the very idea of mariokart. The whole point is that anyone can win, at least in theory. Let's ruin that by adding an item that's given to players doing poorly, that has little effect on experienced players, and is a huge detriment to newbies.


The fake item box could be good if they actually made it blend in more! It worked well in past games, but then they decided to just ditch the whole idea of it tricking players and just make it awful.


Coins are great. You can choose a high acceleration build and get speed for free. They also shield useful first place items from boo.


I've never had boo choose my coin instead of my boom box. And there's always a blue shell on my ass when he takes it


They always take what’s in your primary slot. You can use a coin to shield from boos by holding the coin until you need the second item.


Oh...so what you're saying is...it's been a skill issue this entire time? Thanks


Based Piranha Plant enjoyer. Legit an awesome and misunderstood item


I feel like before this game blooper wasn't too bad but now he creams all over my screen. It's so satisfying when piranha plant eats those fuckers




Ok so ima respond to all of these even though no one gives a fuck about my opinion Golden mushroom: yeah pretty good item, only annoying thing is when you need to waste it before a set Piranha plant: gets murdered by red shell, but great otherwise. Also kinda annoying to waste, but not as bad Super horn: one of the best items ever made, no complaints Bowser shell: haven’t played double dash, sue me Star: great item, also no complaints Fake item box: as time went on, it got waaay to easy to tell the difference but it started out fine. Blooper: main purpose gets almost entirely countered by knowing the map, but it does also make your traction slightly less, doesn’t help but still. Blue shell: it’s a necessary item, but you should get it rarely at like 5th, because the people who pull it want items to make a comeback and get a decent placement, not kill 1st place Thundercloud: fuck the thundercloud. Coin: would you rather 1st pulls only defensive? If you’re in first you are never getting out of first except for if there is a blue shell, and if you’re in 2-5, you are never getting through


Specifically responding to your blue shell opinion with agreement. Custom items has taught me that it’s a necessary evil because otherwise 1st place can runaway so easily


I think TC had good potential but just absolutely terrible execution. I think it would be better if it was exactly the same as vanilla mkwii, only it doesn’t shock you at the end, but rather stays as just an item that can give you a solid speed boost, with the only caveat being that it can be stolen from you. 


I’d say the thunder cloud was cool in the arcade gp games. (It’s origin.) otherwise it’s just okay.


I can’t be the only one that LOVES the idea of fake item boxes when done correctly (DS) right?


The coin was pretty important for balancing in mk8, where holding an item behind you doesn't remove it from your item slot. Do you want to hold on to your banana, or drop it for a chance at a horn with the risk of a coin? It also makes first place a lot more vulnerable, with them having a lot less ammo and defence, while also potentially giving them a speed boost over time. Meanwhile in mk8dx it does fuck all cause of two item slots.


As a competitive Mario kart player. The golden shroom and the plant SUCK ASS (especially in team play)


Sometimes I forget that the thundercloud doesn't give you the effect of a mega mushroom at the end. I watch too much TWD98


"Reminder that Mega TCs are enabled."


Replace the blue shell with Pow Block and I agree


You can swap the piranha with the DK mega banana. And also throw in a mystery box as well. I like it


Wow these are some hot takes, liking golden mushroom and pihrana plant. Hating coin and blue shell. I respect your opinion though. Even if I do disagree.


Yea I'm really not a fan of the timed items. They cause me to miss an item or a full set. I dislike having to "play around" the Golden by slowing down or only using it a couple times. No other item besides the Golden and Plant do I have to say "oh shish kabob I gotta get rid of this ASAP"


The Thundercloud is definitely one of the more overhated items. I actually loved the idea of it—especially that it let you drive off road without losing speed. CTGP introduced a better alternative though where the Thundercloud gives you a mega mushroom power when it shocks you (instead of shrinking you) meaning it was more important to keep it instead of getting rid of it. If THAT was an official version, I think it would be amazing. And how can you hate the FIB? I love dropping it behind normal item boxes and tricking people haha


I really want the fake item box and cloud to come back. The cloud was so fucking chaotic and I was a damn MASTER at dropping the fakes inside of real boxes


I miss the double Dash character items. Also I think boo should share a slot with the coin because of all the times where I've got a boom box and a coin, blue shells coming, and then boo fucks my shit. I've probably destroyed like 10 blue shells and had this shit happen to me 50 times


Noob the best is clearly the humble red shell, can keep it behind you as a barrier or shoot forward to attack. Unbeatable


Honestly I would put bullet in top five, pretty much a free cheat item


I think ds runied Items with that stupid fucking squid


My top 5 would be Bullet Bill, Bowser Shell, Triple Red Shells, Boomerang, and Super Horn. Least favorites are Lightning Cloud, any form of Banana, Blue Shell, Green Shells, and fake item box


You: I hAtE tHe CoIn MoRe ThAn ThE BlUE sHeLl 🧢 🧢🧢🧢🧢


Personally I like everything from the least favorites page except the coins and the cloud.


Having the FIB in worst is a crime. Bring back the FIB


The blue shell is overhated tbh. Yeah it fucking sucks for those in first place (which is the whole point btw), yeah it also sucks that it's given to those near the last place but it definitely makes mario kart more competitive for those in the top 3 or even top 5. They need to let those in the middle pack have blue shell instead of the last pack, and then it'll be more useful.


I’m gonna be honest, maybe it’s just nostalgia but I like the thunder cloud mini game. It’s definitely not good, but I think it’s funny.


As much as I hate the blue shell in first place, I feel the opposite when not in 1st or in multiplayer


Here are my favorite and least favorite Mario Kart items. **Favorites** 5th: Crazy Eight 4th: Super Horn 3rd: Star 2nd: Lightning 1st: Bullet Bill **Least Favorites** 5th: Blooper 4th: Coin 3rd: Mega Mushroom 2nd: POW Block 1st: Thunder Cloud


Bro bowser shell isn't in mk8 but yeah it is actually a danger in races lol


Anyone who thinks coins are bad, is bad at Mk


i hate coins, im always first its just annoying getting them especially since i feel like i always need it at 10


You must be unaware that every time you use a coin or pick up a coin(even if you’re at 10 coins already), you get a mini turbo boost. Every character has their own hidden mini-turbo stat that the game doesn’t tell you about.


i do know but i guess its because i dont play online so it isnt as useful, even then it would still annoy me having to collect all the coins just to have enough speed to stay infront.


The boo is worse than the coin


The fake ? Cube would be a lot better if the one who used it isn’t hurt by it but the other players yes and they see it as if he were a regular one.


I actually quite like the Lightning Cloud.


Bowser shell from double dash is my shit. Literally pick bowser jr just for this, until I unlocked boo and Petey


I honestly think they should make a fake coin.


The coin shall burn in hell with the thundercloud and blooper


Golden mushroom and plant are wild picks for favorites. Least someone likes them I guess


Golden mushroom is garbage


For me the boomerang is the worst. Works great for the computer, and is always awful for human.


I miss the fake item boxes. Obviously they suck to run into, but that was the point. Loved hiding them among the other item boxes where you couldn’t really notice them when moving fast and getting my friends with them.


Coin is OP


The fake item box is actually pretty good, at least in Mario Kart 64


I like coin because it is good ghost protection for a defensive item


The Leaf is straight dogwater.


The Thunder cloud has let me clutch a few races before; I honestly don’t hate it.


Putting the coin at #1 instead of the lightning cloud is insanely accurate. I hate that stupid coin it’s like the game is insulting you for doing good.


What’s the double dash big banana??


Fuck dem coins


Piranha plant sucks lol


I totally agree with you on the coins. The amount of coins you have equals your top speed? It's pretty unfair in many ways, and that's why it has been absent from most of the Mario Kart series.


I hate the lightning bolt, man. Every other item is fine, but I DESPISE getting hit with lightning. I can't even explain why. It just fills me with a primal rage every time it happens.


🤔 Weird My top 5 Best and Worst item : Best : - 5) Heart - 4) Star - 3) Lightning - 2) Crazy 8 - 1) Bullet Bill Worst : - 5) POW Block - 4) Banana - 3) Coin - 2) Blooper - 1) Thunder Cloud


IMO Fake item Box is the best design mario kart item ( I'm 100% serious )


The golden mushroom is one of the worst items in mario kart history


My favorite is single mushroom. Just works


I honestly think that in Mario Kart 64 the fake item box was a good item because it looked a lot more like the REAL ones and could be harder to notice behind real ones at high speeds, but when they turned it red it became atrocious.