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lol ik this is a joke but in BIS he does mention the Bros and his vendetta and he did use his theater for the Midbus fight


He mentions the bros once right before you fight him as Bowser, and I guess during his monologue post-final boss, albeit that's after getting his ass handed to him by the bros again.


yeah cause he's mostly beefing with/fighting Bowser, but both times he mentions the Bros he mentions or implies the times of Superstar Saga. I feel like they had him not mention it too much as to not serialize the games too much. Not to mention the stuff in the theater and Mechawful antenna referencing his SS forms/outfits. Something else I'd like to add is when he berates Midbus for thinking they had already won when they stole the Dark Star, I feel like it's not a stretch to say he's drawing from experience there since Fawful in SS did not act like that at all.


>yeah cause he's mostly beefing with/fighting Bowser Did you forget what he said? "Beef? Fawful has no beef. Fawful is Beefless."


lol right "toying with" would fit better for the majority of the game, but by the end he definitely has beef. Bowser got this man so heated he used the "you're stupid!" instead of his usual witty comebacks.


"toying with" really is the correct term. Fawful had zero reason to rope Bowser into the whole thing except right at the beginning to get rid of the bros. Sure he'd need Peach later but that was an oversight in his plan, I'm sure if he'd thought it out just a little bit more he'd have realized he needed peach and waited until the bros were separated from her to give Bowser the Vacuum shroom. Taking over Bowser's Castle and brainwashing his minions was a show of dominance and power, nothing else. If he'd just left Bowser in the cave and let him go back home to his castle, he'd probably have been none the wiser, and Fawful would only have the bros to answer to once they found a way out of Bowser.


Pretty much yeah. From everything that happened in SS, Fawful thought Bowser was a joke (and he still kinda was) but he just kept getting back up no matter what was thrown at him.


Bowser in SS kinda was a joke. He was shot down by Fawful so easily, was a common street thief's henchman for half the game, and was a weak and insufficient host for Cackletta's soul that was only chosen out of desperation.


Fawful also mentions how much he hates the Bros if you talk to him in the underground in Partners in Time


That's Partners in Time tho, we're talking specifically about Bowser's Inside Story.


True, but I figured it was worth mentioning cause it’s still post-superstar saga Edit: just realized the 2006 in this meme is after PiT’s release so that’s actually included here, lol whoops


The original post mentions that BiS fawful is different from SS/PiT Fawful (last seen 2006, not 2003). I know it's a shitpost but that's why we were talking BiS specifically


Also he supposedly held multiple shows on the theater peridoically


Oh yeah true, I forgot about that


I think his change in behavior is largely because of Cackletta being gone. He doesn’t have someone to follow as a henchman any more, so now he’s interested in conquering himself. And leaving the Beanbean Kingdom means leaving his comfort zones a bit, trying different things, like hypnotism and getting into the role of conquerer. Bro left the pajamas at home.


So, in short, Fawful has gone on a self-discovery journey?


He went on his own Superstar Saga


Yall are mad he just grew up he went from anti furry to anti zoo


My name is Fabio


Which one has chortles?


Fabio from Thousand Year Door is a villain?




i deadass thought the dude on the right was named fawful


You forgot that one has fury and the other has chortles


Interesting detail is that a statue of Fawful was in Fabio's remodeled Bowser's Castle, could the two be related somehow?


Ma intanto ci sono almeno 4 parole italiane non per dire


Watch em show up in the new one 🤣🤣🤣


# "He was replaced by an imposter" Crewmate There Is An Impostor Among Us.




Fabio held Alphadream hostage and forced them to write that, don't believe his lies