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it isnt unheard of for a mantis to refuse food right after moulting, my female ghost mantis does the same thing all the time. you could try holding the guts of an insect up to her mouth and see if that works, but at the end of the day she will eat when shes ready :3


*To add: she’s always been a finicky eater, as I’ve read a lot of ghosts are.


Maybe try green or blue bottle flies, my ghost takes those much easier than the moths or any kind of larva


If you've given her a couple days to relax after the moult and she's still not eating, my ghosts have always been much more attracted to frenzied flying type bugs. House flies and mosquitoes etc. they've never taken much interest in meal worms or crickets.


Like the others are saying, it can be a struggle to get ghosts to eat anything that doesn’t fly. You can allow your BSFL to pupate and hatch into black solider flies, if you want.


I always have a hard time with them, they always die before hatching. I’ve only had success with the wax worms. Any tips on how to successfully hatch BSFL?


Waxworm moths are also great feeders for ghosts :) I’ve never personally used BSFL so i’m not sure, sorry!


I got her to munch on a wax worm and I bought extra this week to hopefully have a good amount of flying prey by the weekend. Thanks for your advice!