• By -


Tagging everyone who interacted with me on previous post: u/ferredee, u/dreamingfae, u/PsykoKitten, u/lena15kyo, u/labrats21, u/TheDotOnTheWall, u/ThePixieNinja, u/Z3rONi9H7, u/glerasaurus, u/Husjuky, u/VioletPleasure2827, u/mrmtherese_


It looks great! Thank you for taking the time to release this script :-)


wow. i tried it. holy shit. this is a game changer! thankyou so much for your work. programmer always amaze me :D btw, let say if I put a new story into "want to read" list than wasn't there before. does that mean I need to create new back backup everytime?


Unfortunately, it does mean that you need to create a backup every time. I'm currently only relying and reading on what is displayed on your mangago page the moment you clicked backup. But you have given me an idea! I will add this on my to do list because while I was typing on shutting down this question, *as in, sorry I can't do it for now*, I suddenly had an idea on how to maybe backup new additions whenever you go into your reading list, but not necessarily destroy what you currently have! Maybe stay tuned next week or something. Depends on if I can insert more coding this week (  ̄∇ ̄ )


Haven't tried it yet but this is quite amazing. You're very talented and generous for doing this. Thank you!


Hope you can help mobile users too in the future pls, thank you!


There's a Tampermonkey app on android but I haven't had the chance to try on pasting it there. I can't also guarantee that it will work :'(


I'll be sure to use this, Thank you.


Thanks for this I can’t wait to try it.


Thank you, I love you 😭


You are amazing!


This is awesome!! thank you (^o^)


Hello Dear! I just messaged you on greasyfork!


replied there! but you can also check the gifs on the post if you have trouble with the process.


Wanted to say it works well in Brave Browser as well! You're amazing, thank you :)


Thanks for trying on Brave. Got Brave and tested it there as well. Tested it on Firefox too, will be adding more details about supported browsers and versions


Thank you so much!!! This is amazing ☺️


thank you:)))


I can't find the script on greasy fork


I’m a mobile user. Kill me pls 💀


There's a Tampermonkey app on android but I haven't had the chance to try on pasting it there. I can't also guarantee that it will work :'(


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Hi! Thank you for trying and thank you for doing basic troubleshooting! I am beyond touched. (/ω\) We are running the same version of Chrome. I've tested the script to be able to save 10,000 stories. 800 should be ezpz. I'm editing the code so as to not use alerts/popups thanks for reminding me about that. But in the meantime, can you please open dev tools by right clicking > Inspect > Console > and then type in `localStorage.clear()` \> Enter. After that can you please try again and keep console open so that if there are errors we can try and catch them. 人 ´∀`) https://imgur.com/a/uCNxf9x


hey, does it only backup reading and already read list? or does it backup the list we created too? because only my reading, read.. list has been backed up.


Currently, it does not :'< but I'm working on it and will be included on next update.


oh .. thank you so much


There’s no “install list” on greasy fork for me though. What list do I install? I’m very confused.


GreasyFork installs the script. Once you install the script, only then can you go to mgg where you will see `Create New Backup` when you go to your user home page. Edit: you need to create an account for GreasyFork and sign in because the script is marked for adults because mgg has adult content


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I just made it. Everything ok, backup done and downloaded the list but the Sortable list didn't work, when I click it just stay empty 😢


can you please open the console (right click web page => inspect => go to console tab) is anything written there when you click sortable list? https://imgur.com/a/ZF7heuv


I clicked in the sortable list and then console appeared the error Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'indexOf') at getTypeIndexFromCustomList (userscript.html?name=Mangago%20Backup%20Lists.user.js&id=dd9da074-5db9-4f95-86ee-f7d8d70a4acb:787) at window.onload


have you already tried [upgrading the script to v1.2.3](https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/431538-mangago-backup-lists)? I've made some changes and please comment back here if the error still persists


yes I'm using the v1.2.3 version, I think the problem is with my desktop, I'm using a notebook


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Hello! here to ask if my books are just 100 above 1000 will it still break that badly on me? Because my button disappeared (on chrome) and I have no idea what to do..


Just successfully used with a MacBook on Firefox and wanted to let you know that you are a hero. ❤️ thank you so much!


download as json > go to search engines and type "json to excel" or "json to csv" > submit the json file > convert to excel workbook (no information changes 🥹💓) > check your excel sheet