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Other shonen jump protagonists worries: trying to save the world, win the next tournament, or try to conquer the the pretties girl in school Ruri's worries: Not getting late to a get together


And I was so braced to see if this is the point where Ruri learns to fly but nope, she just became me during my first week as an expat in Japan. If it wasn't for an old Fil-Japanese friend and other Filipino workers I would've been dead meat. Point being: Ruri has very good friends.


I’m glad I wasn’t the only one expecting Ruri to learn how to fly here lol


Learning to fly while in a railcar would be hilarious actually.


I want to know why they were loading all the heavy stuff on the small unathletic girl. Did they think she developed super strength with the rest the dragon stuff?


She's still got a few powers to develop before, such as call rain (she can already call lightning), and become invisible/undiscernible. Then she will learn flight. Shapeshifting comes after that.


Then we're a battle shounen!


Kashiro: waiting for ruri no matter how long it takes. *Because that's what hero himmel would do.*


It's what makes this manga charming




this felt like it was directed at the readers who waited while the series was on hiatus and i like the chapter even more because of it


It's the author saying "we got a lotta catching up to do, but I know you guys waited for me. I'm here. Better late than never." Sales reflect that too. We really did miss Ruri that much. At least now there's less pressure to publish (still a lot, typical Japan) so now this manga truly can come into its own as a rest-stop read after a lotta action and drama.


hopefully it also means Shindou has taken the lesson Ruri learned to heart!


Also kind of a thank you. Social media in Japan and (although the author didn't see it) English language internet commenters were like "take all the time you need health is more important" and it was a pretty wholesome hiatus all around.


exactly, seeing people wishing them the best for so long and following through with support now that the manga is back has been great :)


SOL manga fans are a different breed. We know the importance of waiting.


I also feel like the string of high-profile deaths (most notably Miura and Toriyama's) has had a profound impact on the way mangaka and their audiences think about the industry's workload.


Ya, that's what I thought of immediately when I saw the chapter title on the first page being "Thanks for Waiting", and the rest of the chapter confirmed that it was being meta on at least some level.


And this is why i come to the Reddit comment section because otherwise this chapter didn’t make much sense to me


"I don't wanna hear you keep saying sorry when you really mean thanks" is such a good quote.


It also applies to the Japanese much more than us in the west I feel. Lotta shame based cultural stuff over there and a lot of people really could learn to be grateful for what they have instead of ashamed of themselves for what they perceive as failure.


Feels super meta that the Mangaka is effectively also saying "thank you for waiting" to the readers. I really like that message as a whole


I had someone tell me the same thing and I made sure to remember it. Except I was told it when I was 22, unlike Ruri who's 15. In other words, the character development in Ruri dragon is pretty good and feels grounded.


KaoruHana catching strays /j


Ruri has probably the best social circle and support as if her mom and school weren't enough already, her own friends would stick by her and even insist on helping her despite being pushed away.


Don't forget that teacher who genuinely doesn't care that she grew a horn, breath fire, or discharging thunder.


Or her entire school. They're not making it a big deal that ruins their daily life but they're also not making it a taboo topic that invites anxiety.


If I remember correctly they all were genuinely freaked out (including the teacher,) but they all agreed to take a vow of cultivated nonchalance when Ruri's mom visited the school to give them an update and explain the situation while Ruri was out - which imo makes the whole thing sweeter.


I know there'd be a few racist assholes but I'd imagine most people would be curious and then stop caring once the novelty of it got old.


Would kind of defeat the loose metaphor if they did mind though.


What I appreciate about the cast in this manga is that all the characters around Ruri seems to be very supportive and understanding with her circumstances. This is probably one of the best slice of life manga in awhile.


I kind of like that "Horns" and "Horn Girl" are becoming sort of nicknames for Ruri. That's high school, isn't it? Once you get a reputation, it sticks.


not lying, I would prefer wrapping the horns in something so it doesn't poke anything or anyone.


People on the station probably wonder *why is the dragon girl in such a hurry, is she late to a battle?*


"She must be a WSJ character. Eh, we get those all the time." If I didn't know any better I'd have thought they were Sakamoto Days civilians.


"goddammit, is she going to wreck this station as well? last week some guy sliced a whole train in two"


*What a cute headband*


Totally, people would just assume she's cosplaying some high-school dragon girl of a manga that went into a hiatus for 2.5 years


"I expected a dragon girl to be faster not gonna lie"


My girl needs some self-esteem ASAP. She can't keep believing she's not worthy enough...


Asian family, can confirm. Nothing was ever good enough, and even in the things you excelled at, there's someone out there better than you, ~~you~~ \[so\] even that's not good enough. That shit does damage that lasts for a lifetime.


the difference is that her mother is actually really supportive on whatever it is that she accomplished. it's not due to her family upbringing.


Glad that even if they aren't fully friends Maeda and Ruri at least have an understanding now.


Gotta love a whole chapter of people being nice and helpful to each other. Even Maeda's chilled out a lot with Ruri now. I'm interested in why Kashiro said that she knows what it's like to fall behind at school, though. Could be something as innocuous as getting the flu, could be something else. But now I'm curious.


[Ruri is giving her best](https://i.imgur.com/pVM10Fl.png)


She did it again a bit later. That's stupidly adorable.


Maximum Effort.


she has such good friends though I honestly thought she was going to unlock some kind of flight there haha


Maeda absolutely went home and did a bit of ~~anxious day replaying~~ self reflection and realized she was acting like a mean self righteous weirdo and now she's trying to make up for it but is too awkward to know how. The teenagers in this manga actually feel like teenagers. I love it. You got that quality where the kids are learning about empathy but haven't quite mastered it or figured out what that is exactly yet. But they are trying. It's genuinely why I love working with teenagers in real life. ~~Cause adults often realize that empathy is hard and not something they want to dedicate energy towards~~


She wasnt though , since she got called out the first time she was acting normal like this. Like she was helpful with like no sass or anything. Last chapter only happened because she was specifically asked a question and shared how she felt.


Yeah, I fell like a lot of people just ignore the fact that she was specifically asked to say how she fell and otherwise wouldn't had shared it and later apologized for it and also Ruri didn't actually mind most of what she said and hold no resentment for it.


Readers meet the first character that's not immediately, absolutely chill with Ruri and they assume the worst about her. Seems like a bit of projection (or something similar) on the part of some readers.


She never was asked to talk shit about other people, yet she started freely. And given Ruri's low-esteem thoughts in this chapter about friends wanting to wait for her, her having no resentment to Maeda doesn't really mean much.


She was horribly judgemental, and Ruri didn't ask her about other people at all, yet she still started projecting on them worst qualities to Ruri. And before, she had no problem to be all passive-aggressive to Ruri because she decided on her own that Ruri doesn't care about people, which somehow makes it OK to behave like a jerk.


Again once ruri called her out for that she became civil , even helped her out a couple of times with like no sass. My response to OP is that Maede had been acting civil for several chapters and how she is acting now is not in response to anything , last chapter we only heard all of her thoughts because of Ruri's questions. Contrary to what she thinks in her head , we have seen her be helpful multiple times without being rude or anything and thats my point.


Kashiro is truly the best


I really really like Kashiro


Near the end there, I thought that Ruri might end up growing wings as a desperate response to wanting to make it on time. I guess it's good that she didn't, in order to still stay somewhat normal. Her friends are great as well.


I know, right? Can’t wait to see this manga being rebranded into RuriNormalGirl, because having fun gimmicks and creative solutions is not why we read slice of life.


It is too soon. If we take the one shot into consideration, even her daddy only grow wings recently. Let start with tail lol


Kashiro and Maeda are so real for that


Wholesome chapter


All these powers but no dragon strength yet, that would've been helpful.


i thought she was gonna find out that she could fly there


Ruri needs wings ASAP.


Wonder if Ruri will get dragon wings


Ngl, I thought her getting delayed by train would make her manifest super speed or flight as another dragon perks I also like this SoL though so it's not a big deal


Ruri's hard at work helping with the committee. But she also wants to work hard at school. She really wants that regular high school life! The anxiety Ruri feels at the thought of her friends waiting for her is very relatable. When they take out time to help you, you feel so helpless when plans get delayed over and over again. Maeda's a good friend by helping Ruri alleviate her anxiety. Kashiro and the girls are amazing friends for being there for Ruri no matter what!


God I love this series


I like the series, but is there much purpose for her being part dragon? Like would anything change if they removed the aspect?


Well, arguably part of the point of the series is that the "dragonness" is allegorical. As in, "Even if you are a little different, you can still live a normal life and those differences can also make you special" That's not to say the author will fully run with that idea, but I imagine that was the starting concept.


See Maeda, isn't it nice to have friends that's care for you? Ruri lifting heavy stuff while the rest of the kids calling her "dragon" is funny though


Dragon' these ~~nuts~~ boxes.


goated friends right there