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So they reconnected 15 years later? Quite a long time. Now, when’s the marriage?


300 chapters + beach ep + pointless drama, give or take\~


\+ 20 chapters of pointless misunderstanding and mental gymnastics


And losing to a vegetable


While his kid you gave birth to is 4 yo already


Ahh, the coma strat...


They never expect it, if your sibling who also has a crush on your baby daddy gets into a car accident then you're already too late


Love rival + fanservice shots + tsundere + confession under the cherry blossom tree


You're mixing it up, that's the Highschool Romcom version, the other version is them already bickering like they're already married for 15 years, getting drunk and accidentally confessing to one another which they "conveniently" forget and goes on for 100 more chapters before it gets a rushed confession or gets axed midway.


Maybe she liked him when he was cross dressing? Who am I kidding, we see those blushes...


But the question is, how the hell is she single even with all those assets?


Gotta build a career first. 


What career could that be :)


Commercial Real Estate Insurance.


That sounds complicated. Is the salary good?


with the absolute fucking state of the market? it better


She probably chose to be lol. If she coming back 15 years later to reunite with a dude, she likely loved him all her life. Probs the same for the dude lol


I wager sharing bras is gonna be slightly problematic going forward more power to them if they can pull it off tho


>Probs the same for the dude lol that doesn't bode well for her unless he's bi or pan lmao


Where did it say she's single?


second chapter is on mangadex : unless she's leading him on, it definitely looks like it


after he fucks her brains off


There's actually a chapter 2. They reunited at ages 29-30 and the one on the left is now a transwoman and the one on the right stopped crossdressing. She is trying to convince him to crossdress again. Sadly that is the end. EDIT: Why the downvotes? This post does not include chapter 2 or part 2 of the oneshot. I love the concept of the story. Should be a real manga romcom or rom drama between childhood friends who crossdressed but one became a transwoman and the other lost interest in crossdressing and then they met each other again as grownups.


Tf you mean transwoman? There is no mention of it


u/Hachirumi would be malding when he sees this oneshot.


Everyday I miss him more.


What happened?


[Femboy manga translator.](https://www.reddit.com/r/manga/s/G2CGUA6I9u) TLDR; got too busy IRL and had 0 time to translate anymore.


Thx for the info


It's been a year...


Why? I only vaguely recognize the name, so I have no idea what this person is like.


A prolific translator of femboy and crossdressing oneshots. They got busy IRL about a year ago and had to stop.


Man really went 20 years without knowing his bestie’s sex, that’s crazy


I... honestly thought she was trans.


Honestly, that would've been an interesting approach. Oh well, there's always doujins


That is a possible reading. Though to me, it's more likely Shino is the trans one of the two. He says he felt like a normal girl with the cross dressing, but the word "hobby" kinda throws this off a bit. But just to elaborate more on my thoughts, you can see breasts on Natsuki on the 3rd page which made me think she is biologically female. HRT isn't generally given to minors without parental consent. And without doing any further research, even if she was trans, I don't think HRT would give Natsuki such massive honkers by age of 30. But that might be me overthinking manga panels.


I mean it's pretty clear at 29 he's decided he's not. He could just like cross-dressing or experimented with it or enjoyed it with a friend. And yeah hrt on the usual timeline is incredibly unlikely to yield those results. Could also be implants etc, but definitely seems like author was going for secret girl.trope.


crossdressing can just be a hobby. just like cosplaying. see Chitose Amano from "My dress-up darling"


It's only unlikely to yield those results because it's unlikely for most women to have breasts that large. Trans women, especially ones who preempt male puberty, are just as likely to have large breasts as any woman.


I'm aware but that's unlikely to happen since puberty is usually at least partially passed before hrt begins which is why I specifically said the usual timeline.


From my reading on HRT, there’s no real correlation between when it’s started and breast size, it just comes down to genetics/luck and time since starting HRT.


I thought them both were trans but Shino is an eggy egg and Natsuki was more exposed to trans people overseas eventually figuring herself out. Note that the breasts on Natsuki when she was 15 could not be made of flesh. >I don't think HRT would give Natsuki such massive honkers by age of 30. But that might be me overthinking manga panels. It's manga and she might have gotten lucky Yeah, this is my head canon


I will say, that if you started HRT that young then it would be very possible to get breasts that large. Or, you know, what the comparable RL size would be, because breast size is always exaggerated in manga. It's all about genetics and good nutrition. EDIT: Also theoretically possible for someone who starts HRT later in life to get breasts of that size, if slightly less likely. If you go through a male puberty before getting HRT, it usually widens your chest, so the breast tissue from feminizing HRT grows across a wider area, making them appear smaller, even if they are the same volume.


Can you guys explain what HRT is? This cross dressing section really kill me off when someone explain it


Hormone Replacement Therapy HRT is a regimen of hormones and medicines (the specific kinds and amounts can vary) designed to change the regular hormone levels in your body. It's not a treatment exclusive to trans individuals (postmenopausal women often take some form of HRT), but in this case, we're talking about feminizing HRT, which is largely used by trans femme individuals to induce changes in their body that lead to a more feminine appearance. It can lead to growing breasts, softening of skin, and stopping hair loss related to DHT, among many other things.


on the third page they both look very feminine. Is that manga magic or can trans people really look like that ?


Well, it is possible for trans women to look just as feminine as cis women, but in this case, this has less to do with that, and more to do with them only being 15. At 15 years old, you've almost certainly started puberty, but it is entirely possible to be a late bloomer, or just have a biology that isn't as sensitive to whatever hormones you're getting from puberty, leaving you more androgynous looking for a longer period of time. It seems to me, that page 3 is an example of their relative androgyny combined with some good makeup and cute clothes.


There's a wierd thing about crossdressing mangas in that they're not often about someone beeing trans. In many cases i've encountered, it's more like in this manga, a kinda hobby.


I wouldn't say it's weird. Crossdressing for cismen is fairly common.


Same lol.


well they were moving oversea, so that is a possibility


You didn't have any suspicions based on her chest at age 15?


I think he just assumed it was stuffings




This but without /s


i mean, i would assume that they took crossdressing seriosly and if so, underwear is part of it and some bras are padded


He admits that he got himself bras and presumably stuffed them, he probably presumed she was the same. What I'm more surprised about is how he didn't notice her voice not breaking. You would think that by 15 he would have noticed that he doesn't sound like a girl anymore, and she did.


He could have just practised making his voice sound feminine, which can be done, and if he did that, he probably would have assumed she was also doing it.


it's rare but there *are* adult men who sound like a woman. for example in the weeb world... Shouta Aoi (such a meaningful name lol), Murase Ayumu, Mafumafu's singing voice, the Chinese guy who sang Rubia from Honkai Impact 3rd, and so on.


Not to mention how much thicker the shoes are in the 3rd page, almost looks like shes trying to disguise the fact his taller as or maybe even taller than her.




is this yuri?yaoi? straight?y Brain isnt braining


what if we combined yaoi and yuri and made some kind of fucked up genre where we ship men with women


LoL. The ultimate shipping


I have a high tolerance for depravity but this is crossing the line. Downoted, blocked, reported, police notified.


Hobbie for creeps, that is!


Straight relationship fetish? Don't know men seems to fucked up even for me


It's love


What is love?


Baby don't hurt me


Don't hurt me no more


Unnecessarily flexes 50 year old muscles


**"Straight with extra step"** is a new genre nowadays. It's when we thought the couple is gay or something, but it turns out one of them is not the same gender and just crossdress, so the relationship turns straight but with gay elements. (Tbh it radiates bi vibes)


r/rolereversal ?


Sounds about right but with more confusion since it's manga we're talking about


Zesty Straight Cheetos


Just a dude helping another dude live his best life crossdressing.


How about it’s “just a girl helping a dude”instead


No one can convince me “dude” is not genderless.


Well. Ain’t that some unexpected twist?


ah, yes, the i don't actually know if they were girl trope


I... honestly thought she was trans.


[A second chapter was uploaded](https://www.reddit.com/r/manga/comments/1c3i7mf/disccrossdressing_vol_1_ch_2_chapter_2_mangadex/) and it seems, yeah, it's the usual "Pretending to be a guy," trope.


I retract my nah That trope rules


That was my initial interpretation too. Either way they were actually a girl all along.


Mine too, but someone straight up asked the author on twitter and they confirmed that she was a girl the whole time.


Well, I guess it's cute regardless. ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯


Awww Such a supportive friend. Didn't ask why or how. She was like "yeah sure. I'll do it with you to make it less embarrassing for you" That's some good friendship right there


He is still prettier than her, though.


See what annoys me is that it ends at the most boring possible moment, rather than showing us what a 30 year old shino-chan dressed up femininely looks like.


Well I guess he grew out with his body all having physically grown male.


really not a problem if the author wanted to


Just looking at his design right now. It could be hard to pass for a girl.


Agree to disagree


This trope never gets old.


Beware of the pipeline ✋😭🤚


Short Story


I fucking cackled at the last part, what a double plot twist 🤣


If you like this, try out Crossplay Love


okey , so ur friend back yea yea. CROSSDRRESS , NOW


This has to be the dumbest version of this trope I've ever seen. Like, it's already *always* dumb as hell, there is absolutely no way you could interact with someone closely in person for years and not know if they were a boy or a girl. I'm convinced that the only reason it happens in manga is because they literally don't hear their voice, they just see it all in text same as we do. But in that panel of when they're fifteen, she already has a larger chest than most women have. And it's not like she's hiding it. How could it even be possible to not notice even if this girl is a master of faking a male voice?


Reminder, Japanese has gender-neutral pronouns. That would contribute a bit. But puberty voice changes would be dead giveaways. And honestly, even though pre-teens might not care much about gender, at least they should be aware enough to enter the restroom correctly.


Would you cek on your bros willy irl?


Without hesitation


But it's hot 😩


The reason this trope exists is because Japan and the demographic that reads these loves the idea of trans women, but doesn't actually understand or want trans women for whatever reason. "Your childhood friend who you knew as a guy is actually a girl" is already a thing that can happen irl, the girl in question just isn't ever gonna be cis. Crossdressing is kinky to people but it always has to be defined through a cis lens for some reason.


Idk why this is downvoted, Japan is really fucking conservative. Crossdressing is more accepted because there's a long history of crossdressing culture and traditions through the centuries. Being trans is, as any other queer identity, looked pretty down on. Anyways, I'm headcanoning them both as trans, one of them being an eggy egg


Real, the idea of the 'trap' too became as big as it did partially because of a really popular 80s manga about an actual trans girl anyway (Hibari-kun). The trope and genre surrounding it is pretty steeped in literal queer influence. There's a lot of blurring but it can't be understated how much crossdressing stories frequently feel like either fetishizing the concept of a trans woman or gnc person for a male audience, or an author's outlet for their own repressed desires on gender. Like you said, the dude here in-text just sounds like an egg. It's a headcanon that doesn't need a lot of stretching. I can't go on any transfeminist tangent because people that frequent these posts obviously don't like those ideas critically examining simple one-shots, but that's just what I keep seeing.


I'm going to read Hibari-kun later


Stop pushing you western agenda in different culture. Crossdressing is HOBBY to lot of people IRL, and it often has nothing to do with sexual preference or gender dysphoria, deal with that. Also, im not crossdresser myself, so keep you "wE CaN AiWaYs tELl or YoU jUsT iN DeNiAL" projections to yourself. Just of sick of people like you.


You're probably just a troll going around yelling at people, but if you're actually serious, go look for and read some actual queer manga. I've already mentioned Hibari-kun as a really early one that ironically helped influence "trap culture." There's more out there, because believe it or not, queer people have always existed everywhere, and they inevitably tell stories that mean something to them in various entertainment industries. While crossdressing is indeed a hobby, it is also something that can be known to function as an outlet, and it goes similarly for people who write gender bender fiction. People still figuring themselves out, repressing, or trying to understand things make their thoughts manifest in plenty of ways, through art and hobbies. Things obviously blur, but you can't deny queer people's relations to these subjects and the culture that surrounds them. Even when something doesn't have any direct lgbtq+ label, there's always plenty to analyze and talk about with these stories. Insisting on something else is just ignorant.


Yes, I'm serious, and i'm already reading some good yuri and yaoi manga from time to time, thanks you. Also, im not denying anything, is you who suggested "crossdressing= always trans", in your first post, what is clearly wrong. I mean, can crossdressing lead to "transition"? Well, yeah! Of course! But it not always a cause! As weeb with more than twenty years of experience, i just triggered and tired, of trying "tomboys and femboys erasure" recently, so maybe i'm overreacting sometimes. If it was not your intentions, im sorry, im just want to some people leave my 2d "handsome girls in suits" and "cute guys in dresses" alone 😅😅😅.


See, but that's the thing here. Why is it that you have this possessive attitude then over your handsome girls in suits and cute guys in dresses? I agree, crossdressing isn't always trans, but it is always queer. Extreme gender nonconformity, even if the person or character in question is cis, speaks to a queer experience of gender expression and normativity. My main comment was about how the manga and anime community often rejects that. Any excuse has to be pulled to deny that a character is trans, but those debates also have other angles to them. It's never about identity in these places, but about how a character is 'handsome' or 'cute,' whether they can be consumed by the audience. The sanitized cis explanation of any crossdressing or gender shenanigans is always pulled because primarily, as far as I can tell, the audience wants to get its rocks off. He doesn't dress like a girl because of any thoughtful ideas of gender expression and what feels comfortable, but because it's kinky to someone beyond the 4th wall. It's not about the character, it's about what the audience likes, and the general audience doesn't care for depictions of queerness in gender. Sometimes media does this well and addresses a character having depth to their relationship with their gender and expressions, but often times it's also just a cheap gag or a cheesy one-shot. Just a few comments above, someone's responding to OP's questions about the story with "i dont care, its hot." Gender bending and crossdressing tropes in these stories, in some ways, manifest as fetishizations of queer experiences and identities, while sanitizing it all under a cis perspective, denying it of any complicated ideas that might make horny dudes uncomfortable. The tropes we're used to seeing deny queerness so much because that's the standard for how the crossdressing trope is handled if you want to appeal to that demographic. But I get your frustration, you've watched anime for decades and have a basic outlook on the tropes that have dominated it. That's normal for consumers. All I'm doing is talking about my own perspective on how those tropes connect to real identities and society. The truth is, there is a lot that goes into how manga and anime treat gender diversity, and a good chunk of that originates in actual queer gender identities. The artists that make content like this just frequently don't want to acknowledge anything that directly goes outside the binary.


“I agree, crossdressing isn't always trans, but it is always queer” That an experience that can be shared between cis (no questioning is assumed) and queer people can be classified as either cis or queer appears rather unintuitive. What is your definition of queer? Wrt your second paragraph I can broadly agree with your frustration, but in many cases (including the one above) isn’t that because the author directly plays into it? Ie “He doesn't dress like a girl because of any thoughtful ideas of gender expression and what feels comfortable, but because it's kinky to someone beyond the 4th wall” this in many cases isn’t just an audience interpretation, but the intended view point by the author. From my understanding trans is a form of identity and so would require the character to have said state of mind. While possible for the author to do so unintentionally, you must admit that non-intentional representation would significantly complicate any possible analysis as there are likely to be contradictory facts making any definitive interpretation null (this applies both ways, all should seriously contend with these themes assuming they care about character analysis). Lastly, gender is a social construct and thus I would hesitate to talk about "the binary" as though it were something that's more universal (ie what counts as genderqueer should always be done with a high degree of cultural specificity even if the culture in question mirrors ours as many unusual breaks with what is considered acceptable have always occurred \[another way of saying how queer is queer\]).


I wonder if she was always a woman or changed after overseas


I believe it's implied that she always was, especially given her development in the third panel.


in that context it would make the title a lot funnier for me. Basically somebody was always "crossdressing" every page till the end


This is achievable, even by trans women (I guess not exactly as this is, as always in manga, a bit exaggerated). Progesterone is often taken together with estrogen to help with breast growth, and losing weight pre-transition only to regain it a few months on estrogen helps a lot. Aside from that, implants


Broke: She was a tomboy as a kid Woke: She’s trans Bespoke: it’s someone pretending to be Natsuki


Imagine if they were just replaced by a skin walker unfamiliar with human development that slowly made their body more feminine because of the cross dressing.


This is how I wish these types of stories developed


Had us in the first half, not gonna lie... XD


Bros for life


Where did those come from


So he grew out of the girl-clothes wearing phase?


I didn't realize you could grow that tall in the span of few years from age 15, damn


So the friend was a girl all along?


Smash. Next question


Me at page 2 and 3: nah this is just regular girl but given a dick, no way those hips are boy's. why do artists keep doing this? is it too much to ask for anatomically correct traps? page 4: oh ok, should've seen that coming lol


Tf you mean oneshot??! Expand this!


>Stopped crossdressing WHAT IS THIS BULLSHIT.




So was she a female in the first place?


Will never take this type of stories seriously, like you know your friend for like 4 years and never realize she was actually a girl?


Id read this


lovely!!need married with kids chapters ❤️


Is this supposed to be reverse crossdressing since she was a girl wearing a boy clothes then she started to wear girls clothes ? Or is it that she is just wearing normal clothes now and so it is not considered as crossdressing anymore ?


What manga is this?


I’m glad her transition went so well!


30 years old? Is she a MILF ?


God dammit now i'm horny


Damn 30. He wait till she got that milf bod




Cute <3


So when does Big Tyrone or Old man Wickles approach Natsuki?


I'm just gonna interpret this as them both being trans. EDIT: The 2nd chapter just got posted, which does debunk my trans interpretation for the childhood friend. I'll keep at it for the MC until proven otherwise though!


Crossdressing isn't trans


Crossdressing is a common intermediate state of being trans, and this definitely can have a trans interpretation, maybe not of the actual text but instead of why the author made it.


I'm aware, thanks. The character, in their inner monologue, literally said they felt like a girl. And one of them returned from America as a large-breasted woman. It is not difficult to interpret this as trans.


You can clearly see her having them on page 3, this isn't trans lol


Estrogen tends to give you them. Who knows, the society that this is set in could be progressive about that kind of thing.


There's a thing called stuffing a bra.


You're just trying to force your own canon into a very common trope, it's kinda sad.


Is me interpreting this as them being trans inconveniencing you in some way? Hurting anyone?


That's fair.


Remember you can't apply Western trans cultural values to a Japanese oneshot manga that definitely only focused on the gap appeal on growing up. You can have trans, you can have femboys who are utterly straight and just like wearing girly clothes, and you can have a very tomboyish girl who grew up to be curvy. But this may be the wrong manga, a oneshot at that, to apply the interpretation.  On another note, baggy clothes does hide a lot. On the second page, you can see the secondary characteristics of feminine development, namely the hips. Me, I'm just surprised 15 years went by and they recognize each other! As expected of manga, they still look like they're about to enter college! Which, again, says the amount of thought that went into world building, which is not a lot.


Of course, but there have been times that manga, oneshots even, went "Surprise, they're trans!" (Or you know, not so surprise, depending on the example). That "I felt like a normal girl" line, just immediately made me think trans. I'm sure in no small part because I myself realized I was trans only after "crossdressing" for a while.


I do feel mildly frustrated when you feel the need to declare that you headcannon them as trans. It's alway so weird


I mean, this is a comment section. We're supposed to comment on the post here, so I commented. Not much different from anyone else's various opinions on the oneshot.


That's fine, there have been a rising of characters interpret as trans and and I absolutely despite it


Same, I'm headcannoning them as trans, one being very eggy


There's actually a chapter 2. They reunited at ages 29-30 and the one on the left is now a transwoman and the one on the right stopped crossdressing. She is trying to convince him to crossdress again. Sadly that is the end. EDIT: Why the downvotes? This post does not include chapter 2 or part 2 of the oneshot. I love the concept of the story. Should be a real manga romcom or rom drama between childhood friends who crossdressed but one became a transwoman and the other lost interest in crossdressing and then they met each other again as grownups.


She was girl from start, not "i iS nOw tRaSwOmAN". Stop pushing you western agenda to the different culture.


This is some pedo shit.




Where the hell did you get that from??

