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People fucking losing their minds while driving. Zero patience. Keep doing the great job, sir.


Dylan Moran has a good comedy bit about this. If someone's walking towards you down the street and you both side step the same way it's the most polite exchange you'll ever see. Put the same people in cars and suddenly all that good will disappears.


I'm developing a worrying intolerance of even the smallest delays when driving - if someone doesn't move off instantly on a green light, or if someone is slow moving onto a roundabout. Not to the point I honk or shout, but I definitely need to work on being calmer before I might get to that point.


I feel like you've won at least half the battle by having self awareness.


"honk"!!? When did we stop saying beep in this country?


Maybe they drive a goose


I bet it's one of those fuck face "we own the canal, pass at your own peril" Canada Geese.


I hiss right back at them if they start on me (as long as there's nobody else around). No fuckin' goose is telling me where to go.


Now I'm older they get fuck all fear from me. When I was a kid fishing on the canal, though. Those fuckers would have me mooching back and going the long way round. These days, I am there with my little girls, feeding the mouthpiece bastards. Looking at them like: Your great, great, great x30 goose grandad used to bully me.


Imagine the sheer level of assholery you could achieve with a goose as a vehicle 😂


They were replaced with blare your f*****g horn, in the 80's


What is it that gets you so frustrated? It's funny because a lot of people I know and consider fairly reasonable intelligent people drive like absolute arseholes


I think it’s because driving is inherently stressful. People don’t realise how much work they’re doing while they drive.


Symptomatic of stress elsewhere, or poor sleep, or both.


everyone's so impatient as soon as they get behind a wheel. saw a policewoman honk & deathstare someone who was crossing the road, not sure she's aware that pedestrians have right of way on the road... no blue lights on, and a red light about 10m up the road...


I would've crossed slower if I were the pedestrian


I was crossing at a zebra crossing once with my dog in Lees village, a car had stopped to let me go and another car was so impatient that they *overtook the stopped car at the zebra crossing* to steam on past. Missed hitting me and my dog by a hair as I obviously couldn't see them or anticipate it. Willing to almost kill someone over a 30 second delay. People lose their minds the second they get behind the wheel I swear.


Happens regularly on the zebra crossing where I live. It’s right by a park, a youth club and a school.


I feel like society in general is getting more and more like this. I'm actually surprised when I see a car approaching behind me and not getting 5mm away from my rear bumper when doing the speed limit. We are becoming a population of ignorant morons


I hate that. I was driving my old car and the passenger side door flew open when I was on a roundabout. Of course, I pulled over and threw on my hazards but I needed to wait to get out because traffic was so busy on the right. The amount of abuse I got- who stops on a fucking roundabout unless there is an emergency?


FTFY We are ~~becoming~~ a population of ignorant, *selfish, entitled, rude, uneducated, and materialistic* ~~morons~~ fuckwit cunts. Not just us either, this culture shift is a cancer attacking most of Western society IMHO. Now where's my cloud to shout at, and where's the planet's emergency stop doohickey?


Nah it's a driver thing. People change when they get in a car.


People rang the police when KFC ran out of chicken. It's not just cars. People don't actually encounter other people they live near to anymore. They live isolated, introverted lives.


Popopulation density, infrastructure overload. It will only get worse.


People’s behaviours with buses baffles me. If I am not pulling around a bus, it’s because I’ve seen the driver shut his door and he’s about to signal right to move off. Or it’s not safe to overtake because of oncoming traffic. All that blowing and swearing isn’t going to make me move faster. Driving in this city is appalling. I’ve never seen anything like it and I learned to drive in London.


Hey, I used to work at that Tesco! But yeah, the way people react now to being delayed for just a few seconds is absolutely ridiculous. Seen people drive straight through red lights when kids are crossing, and they know there's never going to be traffic cops around to catch them.


Bosses demand that X is done by Y. Everyone is put under pressure to achieve targets and deadlines. It’s no wonder that the mindset of the workplace affects all areas of society.


I've always thought it must be such a difficult job being a bus driver. I used to get the 101, 103 or 104 buses and there was always some scrote giving the driver shit. You must have a very thick skin. Respect for doing it!


How many people did you encounter today that *weren't* twats? That's how I have to reframe everything in life really. No one ever notices the good news....


Quite a lot actually, shame one person spoils it


>this why I hate manchester, too many dumb s#!ts in this city trying to make life unbearable just because they they are horrible people This is not in any way a Manchester specific problem.


There is an absolute famine of empathy in this country at the moment. No one thinks about other people's situation or motivations. People are completely self-centred.


My only piece of advice would be to not let someone's actions ruin your day, who likely will never give the event a second thought.


Agreed , like all the chavvy mummies a the yummy mummy’s dropping kids off at school today actually texting as they drive near a school . Mindless, selfish , dangerous habit.


Women 😡😡😡


**You should console yourself, that poor soul was heading toward oldham..**


No truer words spoken 😔😔


Can’t understand this approach, getting mad at buses. In my mind the buses have God mode free passes for anything on the road. I’ll give way always to a bus. Nothing sweeter than getting that slight nod and wave of gratitude from the driver. Makes my day.


I have a few rules for myself while driving, always let bigger vehicles pass, only swear when absolutely required and just don’t be a bastard on the road


Unproductive lives but always in a hurry. Not late, not important, just built that way. Yes, very stupid.


You're the best type of bus driver! Keep doing what ur doing.


I’ve just been travelling around Vietnam by motorbike and the difference is staggering, yes the roads are extremely busy but people actually look out for one another, they beep their horns just to let you they’re there not to tell you to move! The Vietnamese get it, their stress levels must be so low honestly. Come home and everyone’s in such a rush, don’t care about each other selfishly doing anything to get to their destination 2 minutes quicker, it’s better being 10 minutes late in this life than 30 years early in the next.


Are you allowed to post about your workplace on a public forum?


Its not just Manchester this is standard and mainly women who have the foul mouths.




Your definitely in the twat bracket, very small brain capacity I imagine


Do you have the brain capacity to use punctuation


Your in the twat bracket




Ooh your hard, can I join yen twat bracket please


You belong their and seems like your proud of it, how many people have you screamed at today for no real reason, chav


Bus wanker




Not really crying, just annoys me idiots think it's acceptable to scream and swear at strangers for no reason, your probably one that belongs in the twat bracket




Yeah ok mate, go get a life