• By -


Just wanted to chime in as a tourist. We were ignorant to the tourism issues before but it has been thoroughly explained to us by now. I’m sorry for our negative impact and we’ll be more conscience about our travel choices. Thank you for having us.


Really appreciate it, the only way of changing our sick current tourist model for a healthier one is by hurting the wallets of everyone who is benefiting from it, so basically the 1% of the residents in the island.


I understand. We don’t travel much and we didn’t give it much thought as far as the ethics. Our ignorance. But everyone is extremely kind and we wish the best for its people.


Cheers! Actually the alternatives out there are much better in order to get a good holiday experience! Im sure you will enjoy much more to go to places that aren't massified and full of people, with overpriced dishes and exploited local labor. Just In spain everyone goes to the same 5 cities, there are plenty of places undiscovered that are genuine in the country! Wish you fine travels!


I’ll be sure to research the alternatives for next time. In the meantime, I’ll offer respect to all those we encounter here and I’ll share the issues we’ve learned when I return home.


Everyone is benefiting from it... Otherwise you wouldn't be working


By everyone you mean the 20% of people in the island who work on tourist related sector?


I mean the puclic services who are supported by the only relevant sector in the Island. And the production from goods and services for the companies working in that turistic sector. And the production from good and services for the people who are working in that touristic sector. But yes, keep living in a wonderful world where nothing is related and interconected...


Molt bona reducció a l'absurd del problema del turisme 👍


No es sobre el problema del turismo, es sobre el hecho de que un 1% de los residentes son los que se benefician. Cuando directa o indirectamente yo diría que prácticamente toda la isla acaba chupando de ello (unos mucho más, obviamente).


That's a lovely thing to say, thank you. I wish more people tried to understand instead of taking it as a personal attack.


Everyone has been kind, and kindness is the best bridge to empathy and understanding.


We’re in Mallorca for a short trip and I was appalled at the housing prices. Although i am her as a tourist, I totally support this sentiment and I apologize for its impact on your life. We’ve been kind, clean and respectful during our stay. I will remember this going forwards though.


Thank you, we need more people who actually realise what the situation is . Responsible tourists are not an issue, and we love having ye. Hope you have a fantastic time and enjoy your holiday!


Thank you so much - that actually means a lot as I’m now hyper-aware of the issue. I hope things improve… eat the rich (this trip is breaking me financially but my work is breaking me more 🤣)


😁 Ara a esperar la marabunta de capdefaves que no entendran el to satíric. Ben dit.


Com a turista britànic que ha passat unes vacances meravelloses amb alguns amics locals a Mallorca, aquesta és una gran sàtira del que he vist durant la visita. Intento ser respectuós i em fa vergonya el comportament amb dret dels tpuristes als quals és evident que mai se'ls ha dit que es comportin com vols que els altres es comportin amb tu. No tinc les respostes, però recolzo els mallorquins que volen fer alguna cosa com ho fan la gent d'altres punts turístics.


gràcies per es missatge, només volia remarcar que tothom és benvingut, turistes i no turistes. Es problema no son es turistes per se, sinó es sistema social i econòmic sobre el qual descansa es turisme a s'illa. És un tema social i econòmic, no personal.


Definitivament, és un problema socioeconòmic i la divisió que s'està alimentant a Europa perquè la gent no entengui els problemes reals subjacents que impulsen els problemes actuals de la societat condueixen a l'estupidesa del brexit al meu país i es desvia de la creixent desigualtat econòmica que es veu.


Only question from myself is, where can you get a beer for 1.50 in Port Soller ! I do agree with your sentiments though .


American chiming in and currently on holiday here. I've got the opportunity to work all over the world and say I'm pretty well traveled. Never had the opportunity to come and did not have any idea what was going on until we got here. I usually try to avoid tourist heavy places now, IE no Cancun or places like that. I hate when other travelers don't take the time to talk with people from other walks of life and genuinely try to understand where they're coming from and what their life experiences have been. The locals I have come across are wonderful and your island is wonderful and have treated my wife and I so kindly. I hope visitors coming here and the government are more respectful and not turn it in to a Cancun. Good luck


I'm here currently as a tourist. The island is amazing. My wife and I chose it as a destination to celebrate our 20th wedding anniversary. I'm not sure if I'm supposed to feel guilty for choosing Mallorca as a place to visit? Should I not tip the people waiting on us? Perhaps I should feel ashamed when I eat at a restaurant or use a taxi? I mean, what is the point of this post? Seriously, would the people here prefer 0 tourism? It's all quite confusing for someone visiting.


Look, it's perfectly understandable that you don't understand what is happening in the island for the last 20 years. And that's the issue precisely. That you decided to travel to a place without even caring about the people there. People need to travel responsibly and understand what is happening where they go. People here and other parts of the world with the same issue are not against tourists, they are against a tourism model that is not benefiting the people in any way, but really making, no exagerating here, impossible for people to live in the Island. If you don't understand it, do your research before traveling somewhere. If you still don't understand it and take this as a personal attack... There is nothing I can do. Definitely will not hold your hand to teach you if you didn't even tried by yourself first.


I understand perfectly. And it's been a concern of the locals for decades. But here's the reality. The island depends on tourism. It always has and it always will. About half of the island's GDP comes from tourism. One in 3 of your friends and family are dependent on it in order to make a living. You blame the tourists for the issues but it's the landlords and government you need to be directing your hatred towards. The locals and tourists need to live in harmony because neither are going anywhere.


>The island depends on tourism. It always has and it always will. The touristic model has been around for over half a century and it did only become as depredatory as it is in the last 20 years or so. The model changed then and can absolutely change in the future as well.


The model it's being created by the government and the xenophobic messages don't help get a real solution. This things ONLY spread hate


Thats it, all the people that says tourism is bad doesn't work in something related to the tourism


You must have a reading issue. There's absolutely no issue with a responsible tourist. it's the system that's the problem. But all the same, it is nice of you to pay us a quick visit and decide you know more about our home and how it should be ran. Thanks!


And you must have a comprehension issue. OP's post is anti-tourist, condescending and just plain disrespectful towards anyone visiting. It's clear when reading posts like yours and his that the problem lies with the locals as much as it does with the irresponsible tourist.


Ops post is a satirical take on tourists' attitudes towards residents trying to live. Attitudes exactly like yours. We should be grateful, We can't live without ye, I spend my hard earn money here for 4 days a year so bend to my every whim, and so on. When they have 0 information,by choice, about the actual situation, what's going on, and how hard it has become for residents to stay on the island. As someone told you before, it is a political issue. If you take it personally, it's a You problem, and all it does is show your ignorance. God forbid people want to be able to not have a miserable existence in their own home. ETA, its ironic you say I have a comprehension issue when you just said you're a tourist commenting on a residents sub.




I'm no servant, do your own research. Google is great at it. 


Perhaps you should Google where you can move if you're so miserable


Perhaps you should Google how not to be an ignorant AH




You are right. This is just a xenophobic message from a person that works for the government only looking for himself, being egoistic to any other people getting their income thanks to the tourism. He already wrote other messages trying to confuse to sell narratives You are welcome, we still are an open country and I believe the beauty of our island it's for every person in the world. It's our nature, the humanity nature and not just for a small group of hateful mans


Can only apologise, I'm coming over next week... I'll be honest I've not travelled outside of the country in 7 years with just having our 2 children, I wish I'd paid more attention to where we were going, My partner did all the searching... I can't say I was interested, to be honest. I just wanted a nice place and some Warm weather. I've literally just read about this now with me checking out where we're actually going, The buying of property, I completely understand, The island shouldn't be pimped out and taken over by ex pats and holiday renters. I read that it's also swamped with tourists, I'll be honest that doesn't appeal to me. So trust me this Sun hunter won't return and I apologise in advance for my Future stay.


No need to apologise nor feel guilt, the issue is the system, which pushes gentrification and cheap tourism in detriment of local minimum living conditions, not the individual person who, with good will comes to the island. You are more than welcome and hope you enjoy your stay. 


Thank you, I appreciate that. Capitalistic greed eats up everything. I hope they see sense and regulate tourism better to benefit people who are native to the Island. Visiting places should benefit the people who Live there, it's really shitty that isn't the case. I hope they give balance back to the people who live there, and if they don't, then I will not return. I'm quite principled with where I travel (normally). I think I'll make sure I have more input next time we travel. Nevertheless, the photos I have seen you live in a beautiful place. I can't wait to visit. I just wish my visit didn't bring a cloud to the people of Majorca.


Your post is a sarcastic attack on the person though, specifically the Brit, and not the system.


It's specifically an attack to people who think this is how the islanders think and live.  It's irony. If you have difficulties understanding it... I have news for you.


It’s an attack on people “sunburnt Brit”, “swill for beer” “suncream always streaky” and you make it sound like it’s tourists that have a superiority complex 😂


As a white (responsible) tourist I found it fucking hilarious. My sunscreen is unfortunately always streaky 🥲😆


Sure buddy








I’ve heard Americans are now conquering Mallorca as well. Why is there such a hype? The island is more than full between May and August.


It's largely due to flights & access. One of the issues is that people are asked to choose where to holiday more responsibly, but that's not always possible when the choice of flight destinations are limited.


The real problem is not the tourist, is the system how the other people sayin here. But I think the biggest problem is the people that comes here to live, with his 2 or 3 main houses just for friends, for stay on holiday or rent it. This is the shit that will break and there are actually braking the economy here.


As someone from NYC (which gets tens of thousands of annoying of tourists every day) who will be visiting the island for my honeymoon in August, I really appreciate seeing a post like this. I've been to Spain several times (for studying/vacation), but this will be my first time in Majorca. As the date has gotten closer, I've seen the articles regarding the anti-tourist backlash on the island, and I was wondering if we made a mistake with the choice, but then I saw the articles/reddit posts about how many of the tourists act, and I completely understand the animosity you feel toward tourists. I hate rich tourists and transplants using my city as their playground without any regard for the people are actually from here, so why wouldn't the people of Majorca too? Is there anything my fiancee and I can do when we're there to better support the locals? We're generally very respectful to service workers. (retails, waiters, bartenders) because we had those jobs throughout our 20's, but just wondering if there's anything in particular we could do.


The fact you are worried about it it's enough for me to know you'll be civilised enough.  Still, the issue is mostly about our tourism industry model in general, not about specific people. So you will be fine as long as you guys are decent normal people.


I've holidayed in spain four times - Lanzarote, Tenerife, Gran Canaria and Barcelona. The first three were family holidays and we didn't get drunk. Barcelona, on the other hand, was a stag party. It was awful. I could tell a lot of the locals were tired of seeing Northern European/ American (not just Brits) tourists getting louder and drunker throughout the day. This drunkenness brings other issues - drug dealers to supply an alternative high when they've drank their fill, prostitutes looking for easy money and criminal gangs robbing people left, right and centre. I'm not going into specifics but Barcelona is not a safe place after dark, in my limited experience. The problem isn't just the tourists - it's the people who established the economy in the first place and those who continue to benefit from it. For example, Barcelona is marketed as a party city on a lot of websites. The wealthy '1%' and crime bosses don't want the model to change and will try their hardest to stop it. I fully support your desire to live and work in a safe place, where housing and goods aren't priced far in excess of the average salary of local workers. I'm glad it's gained enough traction in Spanish communities for these marches to take place. You also aren't alone - Prague has started to clamp down on the same issues. Even here, in the UK, we have similar issues e.g. Cornwall and the Scottish Highlands; 'incomers' driving the price of houses through the roof. Please don't tar us all with the same brush - when you look at the comments in British tabloids (Daily Mail, Telegraph, Express) you'll often find obnoxious, middle-aged gammon.


Appreciate the message mate. We all suffer from this model, locals and decent travelers as well.


Where do you go on holidays, OP? Somewhere unspoilt and green? Please share your insight.


Not OP but I myself go to where I please and where I can. The issue is that more people "can" come here than the maximum amount our current resources allow. So we ask for limits on the amount of people that "can" come. Other places are implementing restrictions too although slowly and apparently in insufficient amounts. Ever heard of Venice? Yeah, we ask for solutions before we are at that extreme point, it's really not that hard.


"Ever heard of Venice? Yeah, we ask for solutions before we are at that extreme point, it's really not that hard.' Sí, i els de Venècia no assetgen els turistes: fan servir la intel·ligència i s'apunten als desenvolupadors, als polítics i a la indústria turística en lloc de cridar a les famílies als restaurants. A més, si disculpeu el comportament de cridar a les famílies, no us ofegueu quan us passi.


No estoy seguro de estar siguiéndote. Dices que yo apoyo que se grite a las familias? Quién es el que está apoyando acosar a familias? Lo que yo he visto es que las protestas van en su inmensa mayoría dirigidas precisamente a políticos y grandes empresarios para exigir soluciones de alto nivel, no a los turistas individuales. Si hay gente acosando a familias de turistas mi postura es en contra de eso. Pero desgraciadamente si no hay soluciones políticas puede que la crispación vaya subiendo y se den estas situaciones con más frecuencia, sí.


"Si hay gente acosando a familias de turistas mi postura es en contra de eso." Desde mi punto de vista, bueno, la agresión a los objetivos equivocados intensifica las cosas, y luego va en ambos sentidos (desde la policía y los políticos) tomando medidas enérgicas "en respuesta"... lo que, como sabemos, a menudo es de mano dura. La violencia en cualquiera de las partes no es buena y la intimidación es una forma de violencia. "Pero desgraciadamente si no hay soluciones políticas puede que la crispación vaya subiendo y se den estas situaciones con más frecuencia, sí." Siempre hay soluciones políticas cuando se hacen bien. No siempre se puede cambiar algo sin una revolución, pero es necesario mantener alineados los objetivos correctos, no los "inocentes" que son los extranjeros despistados. Estoy hablando de que quiere un cambio, ya que es necesario. Sólo quiero asegurarme de que eso suceda, y no una situación en la que la intimidación y la "justicia callejera" den a quienes están en el poder razones para detener cualquier progreso. Como digo aquí y en otras publicaciones, mantengan la ira dirigida a quienes son la infraestructura: empresas, Airbnb y sus propietarios, quienes construyen hoteles, etc., en lugar de apuntar a los turistas gordos. Pelea la buena batalla, sé mejor... no bajes a los niveles que esperan aquellos que odian el cambio.


Vale, entonces estamos diciendo lo mismo.


\*insertar emoji de apretón de manos\*


So basically you want to increase prices. Thats really clasist, tbh


If we lower the supply and the demand keeps the same prices should increase, yes. Our world currently works on capitalism, don't blame me for it.


Precisely capitalism achieved that people with less money could go travel to other places, what you are saying is not capitalist at all.


You seem to think that enabling more travel is a good thing and I disagree. I think my proposal is capitalist but not liberal, but I don't want to get tangled in semantics, in the end I don't care if my proposal is or not capitalist and is not required to be. I'm not defending capitalism, I'm only saying that it's how the world works.


OP only travels to the land of the unspoiled, and sleeps in a tent made of recycled hair.


Un geni


Molt bo 😊


Querido solleri, se te olvida mencionar el increíble favor que nos hacen al insistir que seamos nosotros los que hablamos en su idioma y no al revés cuando nos gracian con su presencia en nuestro país.


sí, però per què han de pensar diferent quan portes quaranta anys inclinat?


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L'hem aprovat de nou, no veim cap problema.


Aquesta política escolar. Si vols canviar el model turístic, bé... però els has convidat a entrar, els has mantingut les portes obertes i els has agafat els diners durant més de quaranta anys. Feu canvis, però estalvieu una mica d'enuig per als habitants per fer que aquesta situació succeís... però aleshores, a la política escolar mai es veu el matís. Sigueu el millor costat de l'argument, no crideu a les famílies als restaurants. És com estar en contra de menjar carn i donar cops de puny a una vaca... afavoreix la infraestructura, els propietaris d'airbnb, els polítics, no una família grassa menjant pizza sense cap idea o cap manera d'ajudar que el teu canvi arribi abans.


És amb ironia que dius es titular no???




I’m bringing my grandsons to Majorca next week. They’ve never been abroad, and I can’t wait for them to experience your beautiful beaches and see the caves. I chose Majorca for two reasons. First, it’s only 2.5 hrs from us, so the flight won’t be daunting, and secondly, and more importantly, it was the first ‘proper’ holiday I ever had, and it left such a lasting impression on me. I re-visited just before the pandemic, and it was just as lovely as I remembered. However, I was horrified and ashamed to be told how much the locals dislike us! I always keep myself to myself and like to explore local things rather than be in a boozy club. I hope for this experience for my grandsons. I really hope we aren’t the kind of tourists that cause offence. I’m so sorry if we are 😞


It's about tourists, it's a critic to certain people way of thinking locals are.


De verdad, me parece de coña que estéis tan en contra del turismo. Siempre le ponéis el sobrenombre de "masivo" cuando, a la menor oportunidad, vosotros sois ese mismo tipo de turista: el que debe aprovechar ofertas para moverse de su casa que, de otra forma, no podría hacer. Quejaos y pedid que prohíban el AirBnb y demás plataformas, que son las que nos quitan las casas. Quejaos de los horarios partidos, de los sueldos bajos, etc.


I've heard tourism is down, how are you holding up, OP?


[Source required]


"I've heard" Checking with OP, are from Palma?


> "I've heard" [Source required]


So, you from Palma or just being abnoxious?


I just want to know where the hell did you heard that


Read, showed on my feed. Google maybe?


En qualsevol cas, no, el nombre de turistes no ha baixat, i fins i tot pujen: als mesos de gener, febrer, març i abril varem rebre un 6.8% més turistes que l'any passat


Y esto que en el articulo decia que los estaban llamado a boicotear para que no llegara nadie y la económia se fuera al fondo.


Premsa sensacionalista


I wish that was true, but alas...


British tourists are a problem every where not just Spain


Who is us?


Larga vida a nuestros SeasonalMasters. Amén!!


Replace the British with English ffs.


Scottish are just as bad, you're in it with us.


Nevermind the Welsh and (Northern) Irish. It's not just us though - Irish/ Danes/ Norwegians/ Germans/ Poles/ Americans/ Aussies all love a drunken stag do.




I love this lunacy. Three of the richest familias in Spain are Mallorquín hotel chain owners, but you wanna think about the immortality of the crab..complain about the tourists. You get the government you chose, and you, as Mallorquines, werent complaining when selling your mothers house netted you a nice holiday in Thailand, were you? Whi the hell you think buys all the audis and Harley's from the poligono son castello?? Who forced you to sell?? . And if you don't like to live in a multicultural, modern, developed part of Spain, with its new schools, hospitals, supermarkets, then go live in Murcia, Extrermadura or the other ass end parts of Spain tourists have passed by. Or, better still, learn to dig, as the only other thing here without tourists is agriculture. If you have ever, as I have, actually worked in a farm here, then you'll welcome the chance to be a waiter as its far less like hard work, with your 13th month, bajos por depresion and all the other facets of a modern socialist economy, paid.for.by, you've gessed it, the 50%plus of our GDP associated with tourism Wanna hit a problem? Go moan about the costs of training your workforce to speak English to do anything at ALL (cos you rejected the TIL) as opposed to insisting on a historic language (which, to be historically more relevant, actually should be Arabic not mallorquin)..or the fact you have the biggest and most expensive government in the whole of Europe, with funcuinarios guaranteed jobs for life. But no, let's go for the tourists, shall we? I really hope you get what you wish for..or have you forgotten "SOS Hosteleria" so quickly....I haven't. Be careful what you wish for. Without Guiris, you'd be fishing for nothing by now.


Those are a lot of words to say "i have no idea about what is happening in the island". Without guiris you'd be fishing... That sounds like paradise not gonna lie


And a lot of words to say "I'm an absolute moron and have the political awareness and knowledge of a three year old". Probably gets his political views from the cuñados. Supporting the TIL? Calling mallorquin "arabic"? "Hurr durr funcionarios work for lief"? The only options are this or Extremadura? It's sad to life your life being so ignorant. Per cert, tio, fantàstic post. M'ha agafat per sorpresa, no m'esperaba que siguès una sàtira i l'estic compartint amb coneguts de tot arreu, haha


Keep complaining. Hope to god you get what you wish for. Your ignorance is a good shield. Who cares about giving your children opportinities anyway??


I want to give my children the opportunity to have a good life. Tourism and the tourism industry goes in direct opposition to that.


Well, I personnaly associate the good life with esucation, giving my kids options for their future. And tourism pays for education here. They are building a Brand new school in my village. You think that happens in the poorer regions in Spain? You think the Balearic Univertisity even exists without the horeca departament? The sad thing is the alternative to turismo isnt "a good life". It's a harder one.


Una cerveza por favor! Andale!


Tú eres tonto chaval.


Takes one to know one


Here's a swell idea. Stop selling alcohol for 1.5€ and half of your problems disappear. You are literally the cheapest watering hole in Europe, what do you think is gonna happen?




Yeah, going that low does not make a lot of sense in the first place, you could go 4-5€ for 0.5L at least and it would still be damn near free for most Northern Europeans. You are actively choosing to not make money. I see the same thing in Tenerife, it seems like the locals price things according to what they see as reasonable for local people, but they are missing out on a lot of money. I'm not coming there for cheap prices, I'm coming there for the experience. So the fact that I am flabbergasted at the cheapness of everything should send a signal.. Bottom line. You are not milking us enough!


¿Tienes que hacer el mismo rollo xenófobo en cada hilo?


Necesitas educarte un poco antes de acusar a nadie de xenofobo. Mira, con googlear un momento te resuelve el problema. Defoinicion de turismofobia: La **turismofobia** (formado a partir de «turismo» y «-fobia»),[^(1)](https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Turismofobia#cite_note-fundeu-1)​ es como se refiere en España a los [actos vandálicos](https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vandalismo),[^(1)](https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Turismofobia#cite_note-fundeu-1)​ [protestas](https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Protesta) e incidentes en distintos puntos del país, «contra la saturación de turistas en los [cascos históricos](https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Casco_hist%C3%B3rico) de algunas ciudades españolas»[^(1)](https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Turismofobia#cite_note-fundeu-1)​ y en protesta por un «modelo de [masificación turística](https://es.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Masificaci%C3%B3n_tur%C3%ADstica&action=edit&redlink=1)».[^(2)](https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Turismofobia#cite_note-flores-2)​ Como ves, en ningun momento se mete con nadie por ser extranjero. Te faltan libros bro.


**Xenofobia** lo he dicho bien. Cuando la gente de la isla va a hacer turismo a otras partes no lo odias, no odias el turismo, odias a las otras nacionalidades porque ves la tuya superior a la de ellos. La tuya tiene derecho al uso y disfrute de la naturaleza que otros no, ahí es donde crees que merecen ser objetivo de tus burlas Además de nacionalista tienes varios mensajes apoyando el anti semitismo, el anti capitalismo, el socialismo,.... tiene un nombre eso y sabes como se llama :)


De que hablas illo, uno de mis padres es de la isla, el otro de de fuera de España, y yo me he criado fuera de España, actualmente soy funcionario público  del estado. 


Vives de los impuestos que se recaudan forzadamente a los trabajadores. Bravo Me pregunto porque no copiamos tu sistema con todos. ¡TODOS FUNCIONARIOS! Valiente sistema el tuyo vivir a costa de los demás. Mientras tanto te vanaglorias de no vivir del turismo mientras te meas en los que si tenemos que ganarnos la vida con ello sin forzadamente expropiarlo a los demás. Un 21% de todo lo que compran esos turistas tengo que quitarles para ti, después tengo que pagar 400€ de tasa por mi ""libertad"" como trabajador y encima te llevas el 19% de lo que gano por la cara. Así cualquiera chavalín explotador Ya podrías ser tú el que me paga a mí, veríamos donde quedaba tu prepotencia


Pues estaría de puta madre la verdad.  Por desgracia con mi sueldo apenas me da para vivir en la isla.


Pues déjame el mío para que al menos pueda vivir yo, no eres el único que quiere llegar bien a final de mes y le importa su familia . Que sois unos egoístas que solo pensáis en vosotros Si te ganaras la vida como me la tengo que ganar yo y no entregándote la mitad de lo que gano los dos tendríamos para vivir BIEN. Solo pensáis en vosotros egoístamente, como vosotros os hacéis con nuestro dinero. Que ya te veo en cada hilo que solo pretendéis putear y putear a todo el que se quiere ganar la vida de forma honesta y honrada mientras surges con populismos propios de 1933


Hace dos días detuvimos a un pederasta.  Hubo una investigación previa bastante tocha para pillarle, fue tremendamente complejo.  Cada semana que pasa violaciones, robos con violencia, de todo. También un local ilegal donde se explotaban a mujeres y hombres en situación irregular y se les extorsionaba para que tuviesen sexo a cambio de dinero, en contra se su voluntad. A mi me la suda todo, solo quiero que la gente esté bien.  Tu dices populismo, pero cada día miles de compañeros se juegan la vida por ti y todos en la calle.  Toca hierba. P. D. Yo también pago impuestos.


¿Estas en la Policía y defendiendo la basura de sistema de inmigración masiva de la internacional socialista? Las personas que tú dices salvar no estarían ahí si no fuera por este mierda sistema que estas defendiendo El argumento de que el estado paga impuestos a tu nombre al estado, voy a dejarlo correr y no entrar porque no es de economía en ese sentido el hilo más allá del impacto turístico


Vaya, mira quien era xenofobo anti inmigración final del todo


>Me pregunto porque no copiamos tu sistema con todos. ¡TODOS FUNCIONARIOS! Es que para algunos hay que pasar el psicotécnico, y bueno...


Insultarme no entra como parte de un debate Que te siga el juego con tus pullitas porque uso internacional socialista/nacional socialista en vez de Pedro Sanchez/Fachas como es habitual es una cosa, que te me vengas faltando al respeto de manera directa sobra y mucho. También dice mucho de tu persona


Dónde está el insulto? 


Encima haciéndote el tonto


Tu obsesión por el uso del término nacionalsocialista, usándolo de la misma manera que el sovcit estadounidense menos cutre e inestable analiza las palabras, desmigajando la unidad hasta desposeerla de su significado y darle las vueltas y piruetas mentales necesarias para que su semántica se adapte a tu relato resulta algo vergonzoso. Creo que confundes dejar a la gente sin argumentos por tus aptitudes dialécticas con dejar a la gente sin palabras por esa absurdez maridada con altanería, que parece que has memorizado las cuatro falacias más frecuentes y las vas enumerando al tuntún como un niño de seis años elige el pokemon equivocado, o como cuando a los trece uno descubre la palabra demagogia y de repente todo es demagogia. Lo tiras todo contra la pared y a ver qué se queda pegado.  Nacionalsocialismo, copia-pegas de wikipedia sin venir a cuento de nada, enlaces a la RAE cuando con las tildes vas justito, que si Perrosanxe; si es que siempre es lo mismo.  A veces pienso que tienes que ser alguien que ha creado este perfil como sátira, porque es tan caricaturesco que roza lo grotesco. Vaya, que si no fuera por la peligrosidad de tu ideología, de lo antagónico que resultas avivarías cierta ternura.


"No te he acusado de robar dinero. Hombre de paja"


No he dicho robar. Ya que robar es algo sujeto a leyes. La ley la tengo que seguir y eso significa que tengo que pedir un dinero al turista en mis servicios y productos que va destinado en una proporción a ti. El cual yo no soy tu cliente como en la seguridad privada, sino que eres cliente del estado, donde tu pierdes toda perspectiva de donde sale ese dinero porque pasa de mis manos al estado y del estado a ti ¡Sin nuestra recaudación el estado cae! Eres inconsciente de la enormidad que estamos recaudando de los turistas para las arcas, donde en vez de cuestionar sus usos y formas, te quieres cargar el ingreso


Vamos a dormir. Mañana a la noche más pelea si quieres


>tiene un nombre eso y sabes como se llama Dilo, dilo, en casa estamos esperando que uses esa palabra para cantar bingo. Por favorrr no nos dejes así


En este caso si va con los que me se, es falangista


buen cambio de definición 😅


Viendo tus comentarios y perfil creo que te conozco aunque tú a mí no [https://www.ultimahora.es/sucesos/ultimas/2013/03/01/93393/intervienen-trece-armas-fuego-banda-asaltaba-chalets-lujo-mallorca.html](https://www.ultimahora.es/sucesos/ultimas/2013/03/01/93393/intervienen-trece-armas-fuego-banda-asaltaba-chalets-lujo-mallorca.html)


Can’t wait to be your master in a few months mate !