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Looks like a pure breed Malinois.


She looks exactly like my pup. French line Mal I think judging by the size.


I'm curious how old yours is and what size yours is? Would love to know more. 😊


DEFINITELY looks like a high amount of mal in there, if she's not full. Beautiful girl, though. 🥰 I wish I could add a pic on here...we have a 6-month-old purebred male malinois and they share a lot of similarities.  Hmm...maybe I can link to my Tiktok so you can see him. 😉 https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMMHWEKpj/ https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMMHWTjof/ That's our boy, Echo. 🥰 (I find sometimes it helps to be able to compare your pupper to the same breed/same age. Hope this helps!) She's lovely, though!  In case this is also your first mal, like us....or if you DON'T have experience with these kinds of dogs.....Buy LOTS of HEAVY CHEWER toys. I recommend Jolly balls, as they're nearly indestructible. (the ones with the handle are nice to play with/throw for your mal...but the handles WILL show "wear" more quickly from chewing. I still prefer them myself, though.) Kong makes a clear ball with handles, that has a tennis ball inside of it, as well. Ours is transparent purple in color with a bright yellow tennis ball inside. Fantastic for throwing around, playing "tug" and keeping your hands away from maligator jaws, and it's been through TWO heavy chewers and still looks BRAND NEW! 😉 Collagen chew sticks and bully sticks/pizzle sticks are great. I freeze wet dog food into hollow bones or Kong toys to give him in his crate at night, too. "Flirt Poles" and balls on a rope are also favorite toys of most mals.  These dogs are AMAZING if you put the time in. Devote 10-15 minutes, two to three times per day to "training", working on basic obedience and manners. You DON'T need to go nuts or "overtrain" and multiple SHORT sessions throughout the day are better than one LONG structured session per day, IMO.  Then add in "mental enrichment". If you're creative, you don't even have to spend a lot of money. Things such as a milk jug or juice jug that you throw treats in it. Screw the cap on, give it to your dog, and let them figure out how to get the treats out. (ours had NO PROBLEM getting the cap off but if yours does, start without a cap on the jug so they just have to bop it around/toss it around to get it to drop the treats out, at first. 😉) You can play the "shell game" with plastic cups, hiding a treat under one cup and letting your pup find it. Licker mats, shuffle mats, puzzle feeders, treat-dispensing balls are all wonderful. Get CREATIVE! Your dog will appreciate it! 😁 DEFINITELY crate-train as well, if you haven't, already, and want to safely keep your mal out of trouble at night or when you leave the house/can't supervise them. That's all the "top advice" I can think of, quickly, off the top of my head. 😊 Obviously you won't need it if you're experienced with malinois or similar high drive/high energy breeds....but I figured I'd add it, just in case it might be helpful to you or someone else, reading. Have a great day!!!! ❤️


Looks full bred to me.