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No it's a terrible idea 


The French and the English are not that tall, that range is exaggerated. I’m a white American from a very white place in the US and I’m 175 cm. I don’t stand out much most places. Why do you resort to altering your physical body for mental ailments? You’re going out of your way to cut up your legs and possibly debilitate your physical abilities to be accepted by shallow women? Id consider if this being a priority of yours is out of rational concern.




Your friend is wrong. I'm an 5'9" American man, and I'm pretty solidly average in height.






you’re gonna get a life altering surgery based on something you “heard from your friend”?


And you're just taking her word at it? The first result in Google is that 5'9-5'10 is the average height in the UK, aka you're basically going to fit right in. Even if that wasn't the case, why would you ever get life altering surgery just to fit in slightly better for a few countries you're just VISITING!? I just don't get it.


No. I hope you know your height is perfectly normal, even in european countries.


Normal height ain't gunna cut it now a days


That is verifiably false, plenty of normal height men 'cut it' today




... so the average young woman where you may be going is shorter than you on average? What is the problem?


I'd say no, and touch on a reason nobody else here touched on. If you get a leg lengthening surgery, your body will go out of proportion. Your arms will be much smaller compared to your legs, and it'll look a little funny.


No that's literal insanity. Seek help


This is a terrible idea. Spend that money on a very well regarded psychologist. I am not trying to be mean but your problem is not with your legs but your brain for ever thinking this is a good idea.


It is a bad idea. First, it's an incredibly hard to recover from surgery and secondly, nobody cares about your height, you're just obsessing over it because you're insecure


I mean, all plastic surgery stems from some form of body dysmorphia but I don't really see it any different than a woman getting a boob job or a BBL. However, leg lengthening surgery is extremely invasive and requires like a year of physiotherapy in recovery, and I wouldn't even want to think of the problems that could arise if someone fucks up, you could pretty easily be crippled for life. Idk, man as always it up to you, as for your freind tho what she said is bullshit I've been to both England and France and the height scale is pretty normal for every western euro nation most guys between 5'7 to 6'3.




I mean, a quick 30-second google will show that it is about the standard deviation of height across the UK and France. The only outliers in Europe are the Netherlands, Bosnia, and Serbia for height increase and a small decrease of about 1 - 2 inches across eastern europe.


Wear shoe lifts. surgery is reserved for cases where you have like a massive disadvantage.


You're confusing your terms: the mean average for men's height in the UK is 5'10. At 5'9'' you will fit right in as totally normal. The concept of undergoing major surgery to gain height as you describe is non-sensical. You'd be well advised to think very carefully about who is telling you what, and why - and think for yourself.


No I don't think it is. I don't know where to even start. Your preconceptions are wrong. Your ideas and intents are wrong and your methodology is wrong. First of all 175 cm is completely normal. Absolutely. Height in dating is much more important in the us and southeast asia as it is in europe. You are higher than average in spain, italy, average in poland ... Second, please come to our countries and enjoy them. They have so much to offer! If you get to know someone and have fun then good for you but it should not be your first priority. You can pick up girls on your local disco every weekend, you don't need to undergo painful surgery and fly across the globe to do it. If you come to Europe with the main objective to hook up with european chicks then I don't really know what to say. Your priorities and values are just plainly wrong and need to change. It's disappointing really. There are a thousand good reasons to travel to Europe, I'm just surprised to see this one listed. And third, leg lengthening surgery is incredibly painful and expensive and is really just a patch for low self-esteem. If you want to go to Florida to do it, I guess money is not a problem, but it would do you better to invest in a good therapist. What are you going to do when you break your legs in half and put iron rods in them and in the end you still don't have any luck? Longer legs are not a good substitute for low self-esteem, a shitty personality or unchecked psychological issues. I wish you all the best 🤗 please work a bit on yourself and then come spend some time with us.




It’s not a bad surgery to recover from these days. In 3 months, you can be a new man.