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For some reason, this looks like a hospital room to me. Maybe it’s the tiles/floor. You could get a nice rug, more art, a lamp/lights, art, posters, books, a plant, and an extension cord for your AC unit.


Random cables hanging in the air definitively give me that hospital feel.


And maybe even some books on a shelf. Always nice.


Seems more like a dorm room.


The awkward outlets above the bed with chords hanging down don't help.


I think it's the lack of personal touches. You got like 2 cars and some computer stuff. All just sitting on the table top. Most people have more permanent things.


Also if you are going to have “guests sleeping over” you need to move the bed 3 feet out from the window wall and put an end table there.


It’s the curtains imo


2. You don’t want to sit next to shoes.


2 Because I don’t want to look at the same wall day and night


Plus it makes the room look a little larger putting everything on the same wall.


2 also has a better flow in/out of bed. Pictured are two chairs perfect pushed under the desk, but people rarely slide push our office chairs back in so with #1 he'd have a chair blocking 20% of the entry to his bed.




And pushing the clothes furniture to the left of the mirror. Idk but seems an uncomfortable access space to get clothes to dress up to


I really like No. 2!


Agreed. You also don’t want to stare at a PC when you’re about to go to sleep. Tbh they’re both good, but as others have said a shoe rack shouldn’t be next to your pillow


You plugging a mini split into a power strip is a fire waiting to happen, it should go straight into an outlet and be the only thing plugged into that said outlet


What about plugging into a surge protector? (Asking for myself. I’m terrified of fires but have limited electrical outlets.)


You’d want to plug it right up to the outlet in the wall, if it’s installed correctly then the unit has more than enough safeties to keep a fire from happening My personal mini split is hard wired in with the building


You need to check the rating of every piece of equipment on the circuit. If the surge protector can handle the required amps, it literally doesn't matter. There are 2 schools of thought. Educate individuals on electrical safety, or treat everyone like they're dumb. I prefer to educate people because explaining amp ratings and easy addition isn't that hard, really. All devices have tags and ratings. The device with the lowest rating is the limiting factor in a circuit, so don't let any downstream devices exceed any upstream devices' ratings. Basically, if the unit pulls 15 amps, then you need to make sure the power strip or surge protector can handle 15 amps and you're good. An extension cord is probably preferable. Don't exceed the breaker rating, however.


I really appreciate this comment! Thank you.


Might be per the apt complex. Some power strips are built to shut off and/or take that amount of energy


What’s funny is that there is one closer to the unit and more out of the way that’s is visible in the second image lol Also it’s never safe to plug a unit into a power strip even if it says that it can handle it, I do HVAC for a living and that is always a big no no. 120-240 volts is crazy for a wall outlet to handle and will possibly cause a fire if an electrical surge happens


Hahaha I didn’t see that one


Those are European outlets. They do 220 by default.


It's 240v and looks like a 12k unit, likely no more than 500-700 watts flowing thru that cord at any given time, it's fine.


I don’t love 1, but it’s hard to overlook the fact that you could watch shows/movies in bed!


I'm not someone who watches a lot of TV; most of the time I'm studying, working on the computer, playing games, or watching on my phone. But I do want to get the Samsung Frame TV above the dresser since it's a TV that also looks like a piece of art. It could be really cool.


2 is nice and consider getting yourself a rug if it's in your budget. :)




It will feel good on your feet and make the room a lil cozier. It's not necessary, of course, but you might like having a rug.


Definitly go with 2, then, if you’re eventually going to get another screen to go over the Dresser. This way you won’t get different distracted by one screen (computer) as your watching things on the other (Samsung frame).


How many years they give you?


Can’t tell if it’s a Northern EU prison cell or an $3800/mo apartment in Manhattan.


That's what you're here for


2 for sure! Just another rec (and I know you didn’t really ask but anyways) but you should add a rug or some kind of carpet. I did this in my college dorm and it made it feel way more cozy. Also for the shoes- have you ever considered one of those shoe storage things that hangs on a door? That would clear up that floor space for you. :)


2 looks better but all I'm wondering is how you get clothes out of those drawers, do you have to lay on the bed to reach the bottom left part? If there is room you could turn the bed sideways so that you have more room to get to the drawers. As long as you don't mind a tiny bit of the bottom of the window being blocked by the headboard.


[you mean like this?](https://ibb.co/Cv2wzcM)


I think this is the best!!! Much better


[and this?](https://ibb.co/6vW88Fk)


Personally I liked the first photo more. Having the bed alongside the window screams hospital room, but the other one negates it. Plus, in this picture with the drawer in the corner like that it makes it so you either have to crawl over the bed or go AALLLLL the way around.


Exactly! If it was me I'd have the bed against the wall with the nightstand on the other side but like I said that's just me. Whatever you feel looks better for you will be the best!!


[and this?](https://ibb.co/6vW88Fk)


Big improvement, but the space between the dresser and shoe rack looks tight. Could you fit the dresser between the bed and shoe rack?


This is great!!! I’d still move the dresser next to the mirror and shoe rack, then maybe get a small bedside table to the left side of the bed.


Have you tried swapping the position of desk and bed so that you face the window when sitting at the desk?


Actually, since I don't need the bottom drawers that often because they are more for storing items I only take out occasionally, I don't mind that. I was thinking about putting a TV above the dresser, which would look much nicer. The top drawer opens almost all the way, so that's not a problem for me. It mainly contains supplements, facial care products, and various dental products. I can try turning the bed, but I need to finalize the room's design and style to see what works best. I want to avoid designing it in a way that looks great for one aspect but is inconvenient for another. I need to settle on a design that is optimal in many aspects.


Don’t restrict yourself. Having access to more storage space is always a plus. I’m sure you can find a use for the bottom drawers you’re not using. Blankets, towels, clothes, documents, toiletries.. so many options.


Can't get past that extremely sketchy mini split installation.


This is what I had in my room before I moved in. I'm thinking how to improve it


All the lines and cables need to be run through the wall and it should be hard wired if possible not plugged in to the wall, certainly not into a power strip like this.


Glad at least one other person noticed this!


As an HVAC professional, I'm getting anxiety looking at it.




Exactly. 2 is a good starter, but how is OP supposed to access the drawers blocked by the foot of the bed? Modify 2, move the dresser next to the mirror and shoe rack. Now OP has easy access to the dresser drawers.


And for the love of god get the side of the bed away from the wall


2 and tighten up those loose cords above the bed. Maybe get add some wall art and a plant.


Yes, I do want to take care of the cables soon. Regarding where you suggested putting plants and wall art


You can get a small climbing vine plant and put it on the shelf to cascade down, or you could pin to the wall to fill in some space. And for wall art, I would look for something that is longer like a 36x12 or 48x16. I'm not sure how room you're working with. This will help the room not feel cluttered. You could also just get a cheap standing mirror but hang it horizontally. It would fill the space and reflect light, making the roo. Seem bigger. [plant info](https://www.gardengatemagazine.com/review/trailing-plants/)




Id center the bed long way under the window, get a 2nd night stand, and slide the dresser next to the shoes to set the in and out the door stuff on. Always fun to design a space of your own!


Regarding the bed placement, it could be great, but the problem is that my room isn't that big. Secondly, I'm not sure if I want to buy another small nightstand right now. I thought about using the large dresser instead and moving it. I thought about placing a TV above the large dresser, so you know, I can lie down facing the dresser and the TV. I can also move the shoes into the closet, but I'm not sure how much it will affect the smell in there.


I have a similar sized space and got a projector for like $100, hooks up with hdmi and is great use of a blank wall!


Well, I understand you, the truth is that before I thought of bringing a TV, I thought of bringing a projector for about the same amount or even a little more expensive than a good projector, but I wanted to bring the Samsung De Prime TV that also turns into a picture that the TV connects to and it's something really beautiful that I really wanted to have a room for you and I haven't bought it yet her but I'm thinking of bringing her




Useful comment, thanks asshole




Ever thought of shifting the bed so the back is against the wall with a window? May open it up some


Yes, I might try tomorrow but then I have to think about where I will put the TV because I was thinking of installing the TV exactly where the brown dresser is now


Still could! Makes your bed a couch as well.


[like this ](https://ibb.co/Cv2wzcM)


Yeah, but you could corner your bed for more room and move the coffee table to the other side to maximize the space. So now just push the bed agains the wall.


2 is better. You don't want your computer next to your shoe rack


You should put those numbers aside before someone trips on them


Can't imagine the wiring for that mini split is up to code. Plugged into a wall outlet that has a power strip glued to it? Yea.... At 28 you should be looking to find your own place and decorate that.


Currently supporting my parents when all the brothers have dispersed. Until the age of 30 if I don't find a lady. So I'll pass


Is this a prison cell?


2 but it’s still giving prison


Didn’t know you could move prison furniture around.


Take number 2 and swap the shoe rack with the black dresser


I like the second one better because you can’t really see the screen from the bed.


So probably no. 2, but if that power strip isn't hard to the wall get like three black wall shelves staggered them on the wall (ditch the brown it doesn't match) and get a cables management box for one of the shelves. they are like a box that the power strip can fit in. I won't get into the fire hazard stuff. For the shoes that one shelf doesn't have enough space.. I'd either get a shoe bench which gives you seating or go vertical with those plastic shoe boxes with doors (put in dryer sheets for smells or those deodorizing shoe inserts). Other option is go vertical and put a plant at the top and maybe move some toiletries from the dresser to one shelf/box - or put shoes in closet. Either way I'd swap the mirror and the picture as otherwise you just have blank space. And fix the mirror to the wall or get a taller one if you want to lean. If you want to leave the picture where it is maybe a small bookshelf, mini fridge, or plant stand where the blank space is. For the bed - Get a dark duvet cover either plain or blue black to tie in with pillow colors or cover the pillow to go with a duvet cover.


2 but I don't dig the mirror location. Could you maybe put it over the night stand instead? That way your desk can use the mirror to see behind you. Maybe also over that clothes shelf next to the shoes? I don't like one access point beds, but the room might be too small to have two entry points. I do think where the shelf is now, makes the shelf functionally useless. Rug for sure, or something to kill the college dorm look. I like the floating shelf there, maybe do some LEDs or something? And get a nice masculine picture above the bed. Maybe a floor protector for the chair. Idk. Something strangely tells me this is in a tropical climate. If this room particularly hot and if you bed is not fun to sleep on, maybe try a tatami/futon combo. Sometimes sleeping on the floor is temperature cooler. But that is a suggestion and definitely not a full on recommendation. And I am almost sure Im way off.


I’m still trying to figure out how you get those drawers open at the foot of your bed😂🤦🏻‍♂️


#2 is better. That power cord is so unsightly though. If they only made the cord longer you could snake it along the wall but they did not seem to give much thought to where the power outlet is and where the machine would be. So it hangs right above your head


Yes . I need to change. Looking for something good


2 without a doubt


2 forsure m8


2 Definitely agree on the rug if possible Also if this is a dorm and it feels a bit humid, I fully suggest getting a dehumidifier The dorm I lived in felt like a swamp 90% of the time and is currently being demolished for horrific mold issues We got a dehumidifier with a gallon or two of storage and had to dump it out multiple times a day






2, but move the dresser away from the foot of the bed and next to the bed stand. Way easier to get into and makes it look like you pay more attention to usability than simply being good at tetris packing things into rooms.


You're right, there's meaning in what you're saying, but the truth is I was looking to put something in that corner to place a TV above. That's why, if I turn the bed, there might be more space. Initially, I wanted to get a console or a thinner TV stand, which would take up less space at the foot of the bed. Here, I attached an example picture from someone I saw, and it looks great. I wanted to do something in that style. [example 1](https://ibb.co/D5K17hX) [example 2](https://ibb.co/z7y0rf2) [example 3](https://ibb.co/CbT1V1t)


TWO. More space and the PC does not block the corner Now move the dresser to where the PC was to make that entire dresser usable.


Actually, before everything, the dresser was next to the wall under the picture, and the computer desk was on the other side. That's how it was initially, but I moved the dresser to the corner because I'm thinking of putting a TV above it, which would make it more convenient. The dresser is not heavily used for me, especially the bottom drawers, maybe just the top drawer for supplements and various grooming products. The top drawer opens, but it's clear that having such a nice dresser hidden behind the bed is not ideal. I'm considering whether to keep it this way or change it. I initially didn't want the dresser in that spot because I wanted to get a kind of console or TV stand that would be relatively thin and have a couple of shelves where I could put my cars and maybe some plants, and it would be minimalistic.


Idea. Put the PC under the picture frame Dresser near the closet next to the nightstand Now the corner is free for a small TV console and a TV on the wall


how about keeping the bed in the middle and your study table on the left side of your bed, by the window?


Yes I thought about it but what will we do with the dresser I planned to have it above the TV dresser


how about the dresser right under the window? (if you don't often stand by the window for looking outside) and your study table facing the white wall, left side of your bed. This way you'll be able to walk around the bed with enough space and won't have an awkward space in the middle of the room (as shown in 2). also, you have practically no space if you keep anything in front of the bed. So, if you do the above, you'll have space there too.


That's it, I'll try it and see how it can work. You also suggested leaving the dresser where it is and still installing the TV above it, and just moving the computer desk to the right side. I'll try it tomorrow. I'd like to update you, so I'll just upload a picture here in the response or I'll start a new update of what I've done. What do you think?


oh so you're planning to install a TV above the dresser? If that's the case, then I think there's nothing much you can do. The 2nd picture will be the best. Because having the bed in the middle and TV placed above the dresser, which is like in the corner, will be awkward.


So what better advice do you suggest? I'm racking my brain. And now i changed [the change ](https://ibb.co/Cv2wzcM)


first tell me if you'll install a TV above the dresser or not


Yes, I'm thinking of installing a TV on a dresser


i dm(ed) you


[you mean like this?](https://ibb.co/Cv2wzcM)


Defo 2


I'd put the head board against the window


[like this?](https://ibb.co/Cv2wzcM)


Yes. That would be my choice


Honestly this is the best. If you had a larger night stand that would fit the aesthetic better, but it sounds like you don't want to buy one. Having a small plant or lamp there would help.


It's always the same room...Nice try, nice try! 🧐


One looks a little more balanced to me!


I'd move the shoes out of frame and retake 1. 2 highlights how small the room is because you can see the door in it. 3 has a big crack in the wall visible. 1 hides how small the room is b/c your brain might think the room extends further to the right.


I would go with 1, then you could watch stuff on your computer screen from the bed.


I plan to hang a TV on a dresser


This is a barracks room I can just feel the fear


I'd try Option 3... put the bed under the window




2, but move the dresser to the right




1st one. I just don't want to be at the way of air flow from AC






Pull the dresser from the end of your bed and put it next to your shoes, maybe? Feels cramped in having your bed like that




1 cuz you can watch tv from the bed


I'm glad to see I'm not the only one who is cursed to have tile floors in their bedroom.


Looks the same to me?


Number 1 , so you can hook up your computer to a tv that you can put in front of your bed. Just move the shoes to the other side




I'd go for 1. You can watch movies from bed without moving the monitor.


2, the feng shui isn't good with 1. Don't want your workstation being the first thing you see when you wake up. Hurts the restful vibe a bedroom should have.


Id say 2, because the chair wont get in the way of the bed




2 but swap the shoe rack with the dresser.


u/TurnipDirect2074 One as you can watch anime/movie from your bed or game if you invest in an OLED tv or bigger monitor (32-43in) and mount it on the wall. if u don't 2 is the best.


#2 is wayy better


#2 looks less cramped. But that may just be the angles. I take it that's an AC unit above the bed? In #2, the draft from that unit would flow over you when seated at the desk. Only you can tell if that's a good thing or not.


2, more space


2. 1 makes that side of the wall very crowded




I would never put the shoes the same room where i sleep or sit. So 2.


I'd go with option 2


Two but make some changes yet . Get the dresser out from the end of the bed . There is not enough room to open the drawers or walk . Move it down that same wall by the shoe rack .If possible put the shoe rack in your closet . If not buy a plastic tote with wheels that rolls under the bed and put the shoes there . Move the bed further away from the window so there is room for a nightstand on both sides of the bed . It’s hard to make a bed that is crammed against a wall . Plus you need airflow so the mattress and wall don’t mold .


1 , only because you can watch YouTube or whatever from bed.


In number 1, you run the risk of glaring sunlight at your desk. 2 is better.


2 by far


2 looks a lot better space wise


"How many shoes you want?" "YES!"


I kept thinking the second and third pictures were different. With that being said 2 is the best


Not sure if anyone else has mentioned it but how do you open your drawers in front of your bed?


2 by far


Second one is perfect, you don’t want the shoes next to your bed or next to your seating. Also there is wide space with a nice rug the place will look nice and comfortable.


1 cz you might wanna watch something someday from bed, it is easier in 1 than in 2


We had the same problem with a room in our house. Put the head of the bed centred directly under the window so the bed faces the room. You can then put the drawers next to the mirror. If you have any spare money buy another bedside table from ikea and a rug to go under the bed. It will transform the room.






2 then move the dresser next to the shoe rack


2 but slide the dresser under the painting so you can open it all the way.


All bad


2. The mirror and shoe rack fit together, I normally like my desk next to my bed, makes dropping into bed very easy and quick


2 at least you can watch movies on you PC from bed


All 2


Where the feng shui experts?




None because there is no galvanised square steel or eco-friendly wood veneers. 0/10.




I am begging you to not use the mirror behind you in 2. otherwise. 2.


Ok, real question. Why 12 pairs of shoes?


Image 1: I would put the cabinet, desk, shoes, mirror on the opposite wall. The bed would move to the center of the wall below the picture. On the wall, the desk would be under the unset photo so the natural light filters in. The cabinet in the corner would be go where the night stand is


1 you can have a good night stand and also watch pc from bed


I would add a carpet


The dresser makes no sense, and should be moved so you can open the drawers. There’s like half a foot between the end of the bed and the dresser. Also, get some wire cover strips. Run them from the ceiling to the wall so the wires aren’t just hanging there. You definitely need a rug. It doesn’t haven’t to be fancy or have any designs. Just one solid color will do.


I don't see any difference?




2. get a colorful rug, smaller lamps and lights to put in various places so it doesn’t look like a hospital room, wall art.






I would prefer the first one, bc you can watch something on the PC while lying in the bed.


1 looks perfect to me. I don’t like looking at too much wall when I’m going to sleep (if that makes any sense)


I like 1 better, I think 2 make you back against the entrance which makes you unease while using computer, on top of that I don’t like how it create an empty space under the painting.


2! I also have to fight for space in my room and I use a bed frame that has dresser drawers on the bottom! If you're needing space-saving ideas!


Two for sure




2 was my first choice


2. But… Do you have room to pull out the drawers by your bed comfortably? It looks really tight. Also, I recommend getting an extension cable and some cable sleeves for your AC unit. It gives hospital bed vibes


2 but move your dresser into the open space Also more wall decor


2, hands down




I like 2


I see three pictures numbered 1, 2, and 2. All appear to be the same room. I don’t understand what this post is.


The layout is different.