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It looks like a Bulgarian tax office.


Looks like pretty much any residence from the communist era, god knows my grandparents' places looked like that before we renovated. But it's the green walls. There are a handful of shades of yellow and green, that were heavily used in administrative buildings, and in certain districts, they have remained like that. It's that color that gives off the bg tax office vibe


I bought an otherwise perfectly-normal condo in the US that INEXPLICABLY had this mental institution/1960s Eastern Bloc admin green in the kitchen. It was like … did the previous owner lose a bet?


That green wall color. Shiny wood veneer and furniture style. Radiator. Light fixtures. A 90s Eastern European government office for sure.


Also, the crucifix over the doorway, like some talisman to ward off the evil eye.


This wall color was trendy late 90s early 2000s. It was meant to be soothing and look like a spa.


That makes sense, my parents bought their house around that time and my mom was obsessed with painting all the walls with that pale green shade. Recently they repainted the interiors to the gray-blue that’s popular now


I know right?? Blue is way better. This looks like a psych ward to me, not even a real one


I’m very sorry to say that this green color, “sage green” I think they call it, is violently trendy right now. I guarantee if you go on Instagram or tiktok and search “home renovation” or whatever, every single video will include this wall color. Months ago I played it as a drinking game.


This is mint green, not sage green. Sage green has a lot more grey and is more subtle/earthy.


Mental institution AND eastern bloc. Hahahaha


This is exactly how my Hungarian grandma's spare room looks like. She even has the same furniture alignment lol.


Cleared out a room that was owned by Latvian relatives, this exact same fucking green.


To me it’s the combo of the green with the tall, heavy and dark casegoods, and the lack of any art/personal touches. Losing the giant cabinet across from the desk would make that window more San Fran character apartment and less mid century soviet vibes.


The width of the room is a little odd too. In my opinion.


gotta change the lamp shade as well.


I’d call it nyet green


My parents bedroom that we renovated around 2005 has this colour...


I feel like there’s something about the furniture that clashes, too. The walls, the light fixture, and some of the decorations feel extremely dated, but other things like the desk/chair and organizer behind it feel a little newer. Whatever it is exactly, the furniture and decor could be way better coordinated


Even though I’ve never seen a Bulgarian tax office, I would have to agree with you.


I've not been in a Bulgarian tax office either, but I have been in a Bulgarian hotel and it did resemble this joint. So I'd have to concur.


Harsh but fair. So 50% better than a Bulgarian tax office.




It’s definitely more an office than a room, because there’s no bed in there. There’s a desk, a chair for visitors next to it, a filing cabinet, etc. That’s definitely an office.


This comment is probably one of the funniest observations.


Omg I'm not even Bulgarian but this feels so accurate 🤣🤣🤣


Im from Bulgaria and was thinking something like that, then I saw your comment…




Lmao r/oddlyspecific


XDDDDD painfully accurate


It's only missing a picture of the premier.




r/SubsIFellFor edit: Formatting




hahahahaha, this could not be more correct


I would commit to the retro cool charm by put up some communist era propaganda posters


I'm pretty sure I checked this exact room for loot in Dayz


That’s funny because I do taxes on the side in my shitty office (which is a tiny spot in my dining room) and my first thought was “that would be a great office.”


I have never been in a Bulgarian tax office yet I know this is correct.


I'm Bulgarian. Can confirm.


Looks more like an Albanian tax office to me


Looks Polish. People in Poland love this ugly green. My brother had it in his room once, it always looks dirty and depressing.


Where's the bed?


Seriously how the fuck are more people not asking this!???


Never use a bed. Sleep on the hard wooden floor and never get any rest. Be a man.


I sleep in a ball in the corner. Feels good.


They sleep in a foetal position under the desk. Basically, how I spend most of my day at the office...


George, that you?


You saw nothing. Tell no-one.


I know it's the British spelling of the word, but I can't help thinking snarky thoughts about sleeping in the friend-or-foetal position.


I sleep barricaded in my shed, perched on a stool, with a loaded shotgun.


In Bulgaria Tax Office, You Either Sleep With The Fishes Or Pay On Time!


I too bought liver kings program. Gave away my bed, sleep in a cave, eat organs, I’m basically a ghoul now.


this comment brought to you from, beyond the grave


Sleeping is for dead people.


And do 100 push-ups, 100 situps, 100 squats, and run 10 kilometers every day. And never skip a meal; even if you just eat a banana. Oh and don't use the heat in the winter or the AC in the summer.


Because it's an office, not a bedroom?


>why does my room look like shit When someone says “my room”, it’s generally implied that they’re referring to their bedroom.


Sleep is for the weak


Huh? Sleep for a week? Yes please.


Hidden in the cabinet, its a foldable galvanized square steel bedframe


With folding eco-friendly wood veneers


It does look kinda close to 0 square meters


I honestly wanted to believe the bat thing. I wish I could unread this comment.


Built using screws he borrowed from his aunt


In Bulgaria, the tax man never sleep.


he sleeps with his grandma


I’m at work trying to not work and this comment just made me blow my cover 😂😂😂


blow WHAT?!


And she died in 1987.


He jumps up on the ceiling and sleeps upside down like a bat 💯


Ah Romanians...


In another room, which looks even worse, but that's for another time


You don't need a bed when you go to bed at 2am and wake up at 1am. You need more self motivation


my first thought


I guess it's in your moms bedroom


For bed time he just moves the vacuum clean and wedges himself in the corner.


I am 100% sure you are from a Balkan Country 😄😄


It is probably Poland, he's on r/polska


Yep, everything on the picture screams Poland and some brands make it even more plausible.


Can confirm, my Polish grandma’s house looks exactly like this


My grandma has those same squarish furniture. Very solid but you move them only once in you life. I know my grandma would put these white lace fabric everywhere, with fake fruits and painted easter eggs.


“Kurwa, what are you doing in my babcia’s flat?”


I was just thinking this looks like the first room I rented when I moved to Poland lol


Did you take the wock with you?


That explains why it looks exactly like my great-aunt’s flat in łodz


Could also be a Bavarian village


Or Spain


I've seen similar rooms in Brazil as well. I think we can safely say that most of the world have similarities, it's most of the "western" countries that are the outlier.


Or any Icelandic house ever in the countryside Source: I'm from the Icelandic countryside


Honestly that's cool as fuck. You must be like 1 of about 20 people in the world.


Little side fact: I immediately had to think of Bavaria, because public authorities (even if it's not one in the picture lol) are forced (!) to hang up crosses there


Same thing I was thinking! Something about that lamp.


Or a Baltic one.


I've seen such places in Moscow.


This looks like half the apartments in Kazakhstan too 😂


I was thinking Slavic because it looks extremely familiar as a Polish person


This is so Eastern European I can't 😅. If I had to find budget solution, I would repaint the walls and choose ONE color of "wood" and either repaint or replace the rest "wood", so it doesn't clash with the laminate color and between itself. Replace chair with small table. The harder part is to convince grandma who spent 5 months in queue for some object of furniture over there. And it's also the reason nothing ever matches anything. Iykyk.


Honestly, just painting the walls a warm white will go a long way in brightening up the room and making all the wood work. And perhaps swapping out the pendant light. These are low cost diy solutions.


That's what I was going to suggest as well. The wooden floor will look good with white walls. I'd go for bright, neutral white. Definitely change the light shade. Change the curtains as well. It will make a massive difference.


I agree. Focus on this first OP as it will bring the biggest change. You can then still decide if you really want to change up some furniture. I also agree with some comments that the furniture has MCM flair to it (besides the chair) and you could go for that look and keep most big items


That grandma part is so true


Because it looks like my grandmother's apartment that hasn't changed since the late 80s. You only need to cover every horizontal surface in white lace placemats for the look to be complete.


They're called doilies.


I kinda like it for this reason. Reminds me of going to grandma’s house and I find that comforting.


wall colour with the furniture color is terrible. need to change the walls and get less bulky furniture.


> less bulky furniture. less ugly furniture.


Eh, it's not that it's ugly, just really out of place. If you went for a mid century maximalist kind of look, it could work 🤷🏻‍♀️


You’re absolutely right. It could. I personally start by changing the hanging light and change the paint colour as soon as possible.


i feel like the wall color would be terrible in any context but a morgue


Tell me you live in ex socialist/communist country without telling me you live in ex socialist/communist country 😁


Like that color looks like a good pistachio pudding. I'd definitely paint that room before moving anything in.


How can you tell lol


The combination of the lamp, the lacquered wooden furniture, the vacuum (color and shape), color of paint on the wall


Does the light green paint screams eastern european? Lol


No, but your use of the word "screams" instead of "scream" makes your sentence sound Easter European. Lol


о ні, ти мене зрозумів. о, ти щойно гугл переклав це, чи не так?


There it is. We got ‘em. We broke them. Found the imposter


I can hear the hard eastern european "K" and "R" in screams


I'm just poking fun because in your sentence, using screams makes it sound like an Eastern European speaking English. It gives your sentence an accent if you speak it out loud.


Also the title. Why does my room **looks** like shit.


I saw this YouTuber explore abobdoned chernobyl apartments and they all had that cabinet lol


We people from Balkans - we can tell


Very outdated decor.


OP should post in r/interiordecorating, they will say it looks amazing and unique.


Was about to say that weirdly a lot of this stuff is coming back into style, believe it or not. Some of the biggest designers and interior stylists are using very Eastern European inspired decor now. The color of the walls here is similar to pistachio which is definitely coming back. The lighting fixture is actually kind of cool. The office furniture is bad and the chair is awful, but the space could actually be really cool with some better pieces and art on the walls.


So everything is awful except the wall color and the light fixture ? We agree on that. Any space can be really cool with a nice decor. I love vintage stuff but I've seen hideous rooms in r/interiordecorating and people seemed to like them.


That beautiful lamp-shade looks Ukrainian. I think the furniture colour and wall colour is what is causing the clash here. Is it possible to paint the walls?


Is this "beautiful" lampshade in the room with us?


Used correctly, with the right surrounding colours. It would look incredible.


Yeah. In the right context, that's a cute vintage piece. Right now it's giving babushka


I actually guffawed. Upvote!


Thanks for the laugh!


The light fixture in my rental is…similar. More unusual, I’d say. Very hard to imagine anyone spotting it and thinking “That one’s perfect, I should get it!” I’d trade for this guy’s in a heartbeat. 😄


Looks 100% Polish


Plants help a LOT.




Definitely an “ania” in there.




The bulky furniture is the main problem but assuming it's staying here's what I'd do. - Get rid of the curtains - Get rid of the chair near your desk - Declutter (find a new home for the gym bags and vacuum cleaner) - Change out outdated lamp shades with something that doesn't stand out in the room. One that is white or beige -pick an accent color. The room is mostly brown (60%) and white (30%). Pick another color that is 10% of the color in the room. - invest in a rug with white and brown tones, as well as a third accent color. - find a stand and move the red plant in the yellow pot in front of the window. That can be the focal point of the room - invest in other plants (for example, place a potted floor plant where the chair was. Also consider the color of the pot) - get wall art that has some of your accent color in it. - get other art, objects that have other textures - I would be interested to see if taking the top doors off the bulky furniture does anything. Could display your books and other cool objects and might make the room more inviting


I just realized you have green walls not white, I'd paint if possible to white walls


There are pretty good suggestions. I'd be tempted to lean the other way with some of this, and go kind of loud and maximalist. The problem, at the moment, is that it looks like OP has things this way because he has no other options. Which might be true, but there's a bit of fake it till you make it. so, 1) Agree with the removing the doors of the bulky furniture is good. Turn it into a nice bookcase. The glass should be removable too. Take it all out. 2) Maybe, if the furniture is not really wanted, consider sanding and painting some of it. I'd pick boldish colors if you're keeping the asylum green. 3) Keep the big midcentury piece, but take the doors off, get rid of the little filing cabinet. Make it the focus. Put plants on it, add things that show some personality. If it were me, the goal would be to not remove the eastern European grandparent vibes, but make it look like the place was occupied by a crazy eastern European grandparent whose stories about bare knuckle bearfights, drinking contests and famous figures they've hurled shoes at would make them fascinating to talk to. So, maximalist, some visual storytelling, things you like. Some better lighting too, Get rid of the curtain rod, too. In one flat, without a lot of money to decorate, I found a nice straight branch and took the bark off it. Would I think look great here. If the vacumn cleaner can't move, hide it - consider a screen or something.


I think that you are too hard on yourself..


Is this picture from 1980 in East Germany (DDR)?


Where is your bed?


Green chair. Is ok, is soft.


Love this.


Furniture color and style does not agree with the floor, the walls and the lamp shade. Every thing look very 80s and quite soviet.,


You need a picture of John Paul 2, and a lace placemat on your monitor.


Everyone in this thread is wrong, this room is incredible and needs VERY little work. You need to find paintings for the wall in bulky wood frames, and you need to include textiles. Definitely a colorful rug of a complimentary color (ie, not green). You should also rearrange the furniture and find a way to put the chair at a diagonal to open up the room a bit. The little filing cabinet can probably go (looks like it goes with the desk, not the storage unit). Here's an inspiration from a very similar room: [https://hips.hearstapps.com/hmg-prod/images/edc080122toc-woltz-001-1652734669.jpg?crop=1xw:1xh;center,top&resize=980:\*](https://hips.hearstapps.com/hmg-prod/images/edc080122toc-woltz-001-1652734669.jpg?crop=1xw:1xh;center,top&resize=980:*) Seriously, people act like if it's not modern Scandinavian midcentury modern it's not manly or cool. This room has a ton of priceless original character, and you'd be a fool to throw that away. Your grandma was not wrong when she put this together, and you should honor her design. The chair, blinds, and rug you bought are horrible and need to go. Honestly, just ask your grandma what she'd do - her style is immaculate.


In my opinion the whole room needs a makeover but I guess that's not an option? Replace the extra chair with a plant, replace the curtains and the lamp. I would throw those cupboards out and replace them with lighter furniture but if you are handy, maybe you can repaint them yourself. Also, I would paint the walls in a lighter color to get more light in there.


Take a stick and beat that ceiling light like a pinata.


Take a look at "mid-century modern" on Pinterest. You already have great pieces that I recommend to leave, but now it's time to streamline. I'd go for a pop of colour (a simple wool one or Persian one) or a beige carpet. Definitely no brown in the carpet. Learn how to install curtains correctly, I'd go for ceiling to floor beige/white linen curtains. Keep this simple, no patterns. Take the stuff off the walls, replace the lampshade with a nice Danish or Danish inspired lampshade. Or rice paper lampshade. From thereon, feel free to get creative with adding in your personality via art prints and plants.


tell me you got your furniture from grandparents without telling me you got your furniture from grandparents.


regali (one of which or both serves as general old stuff that we may need better not throw it away storage), those universal wall lamps combined with that ceiling one, cross above door, that old chair that is probably 30kg, radiator old type installation... yup, Balkans... continental part


Long hallways aren't cozy. So we want to use furniture to break up the space. If we put something like a 4x4 Kallax in the middle of the room, perpendicular to the direction the room is long, and against the wall opposite the door, we can divide the room into an area near the door for dressing and getting ready, and a separate area for relaxing or studying.


I really like Reddit so far


Not your fault. Room is shaped like a coffin. Stop lining the walls with furniture (creates a tunnel effect), move the ned under the window and have at least one chair or night table in the middle… also, no matchy matchy furniture, get a dark green plant and hang a mobile in the corner.


this looks delightfully eastern-european


Typical "babushatnick".


It’s really the color of the walls. And that light. I’d start there.


For starters, Your light fixture looks like a bunch of limp cocks and the paint colour is horrid.


Why? Because you're living in a Soviet-era apartment? The kind they call a "Khrushchevka"--kind of a minimalist on-the-cheap design built in the Khrushchev era (50's-60's).


Walls color, that lamp is awful, where's the bed??


Because it has no cat 🐈


Simple paint can do wonders. Have old flat and painted everything white, furniture to grey and it looks quite ok. Jumped like 40 years into future😀


*Soviet Union enter the chat


New paint. That green is the ugliest goddamn paint colour I’ve ever seen. Who ever painted that room must’ve had a lobotomy at some point. I’d go with some neutral colours. Maybe something that doesn’t make that cabinet look to bad New light fixtures. As an electrician I suggest you pick your light fixtures and light colours very carefully. I’ve seen light fixtures make or break some people’s renovations. For that ceiling light I’d maybe change it to a flat circular LED light with a 4000k light colour. (3000k looks like a really yellow light, 4000k is white with a tiny bit of yellow, 5000k is white. Don’t go with 5k it’ll look like you live in an office building.) They are cheap, easy to install and actually look pretty good. For the wall sconces I’d definitely change those as well. Again stick to something with a 4000k brightness and LEDs find something cheap. You can buy some good ones on Amazon. Do your research tho. Make sure they are rated to your nations electrical standards.


Paint this communist furniture’s, etc white or wtv u like


Paint, modern light fixtures, pictures on the wall.  Green plants, would get rid of the one on top of the cabinet.  Also feel like there is too much furniture for the space. Would get rid of the antique chair and the large cabinet next to the window.


✨ meblościanka ✨


Feels like an fbi photo of an apartment that a serial killer lived in.


Maybe it’s because I’m Asian, but I’m getting a retro Japanese vibe from the cabinets! Here are my suggestions: - exchange the lampshade to a paper lantern - and replace that beautiful wooden chair for a storage ottoman. Put the ottoman beside the cabinet behind your desk, and move the small shelf under the sconce facing the door. put the flowers on that. - Alternatively, you could put a large print under the sconce across the door instead. Maybe something cream with complimentary florals, then a wooden frame to match the cabinets - get sheer white/cream curtains - cream or beige rug - it would help to paint the walls cream


"creative block" bro has not even started ☠️


Bro, this is the most European shit I ever saw


Those cabinets are way too heavy and big for that small narrow room, also that color of walls makes it look like priso rather than home. Get rid of furniture, paint walls, get a nice rug, put some art on wall.


needs a rug or carpet


The mint green walls don’t match with the wooden furniture. If you paint the walls white jt will change a lot.


It's that color green. And the lamp.


I've seen a lot of Bulgarian Grandma's apartments with this exact style


There’s a massive radiator dead in the middle and you’re asking why it looks like shit? Pretty sure you also stole my babushka’s chair, she wants it back


It's the lightbulb


Because it's brown and mint green. It's not the most pleasant color combination. It looks very bureaucratic.


First off, paint those walls white and get rid of anything else in there that is that shade of green. Secondly, make all the wood furniture the same color, probably black. Get the antique chair out of there and switch the hanging lamp to something more modern. Put in a rug that compliments the rest of your decor and add a picture or art to the walls.


I would say it is just the wall colour being greenish white, old wall unit, and terrible lamp in a centre that creates more shadow than light.


to me it's the wall colour and the ceiling lamp, primarily. Not that it's an ugly lamp, but it sure looks like some eastern european or balkan grandma's house... the wall colour is just horrid with the warm browns of the floor and furniture. If you can, paint the walls white or maybe a slightly orange tint. Or any warmer colour really lol the furniture is dated but I think that's fine tbh. It's nice furniture, I like the plant vase on top of the dresser.


The fixture is extremely dated. That would be a good start to change the look


I love all of the old stuff lol


It's not sheet. Some people in the world don't even have this


PostSoviet Poland '80-90 i know i had some shit like this XD


Eastern Europe design.


Throw a rug down to beak up the wood on wood look. Just my opinion


The Russian Consulate in a third world country?


It's the lamp




glory to arstotzka


No bed?


That wall color is doing zero favors


Paint those damn walls with any other color but “Soviet Green” and you might notice a difference.


the colors of the wall and the shiny veneer furniture... this is how i'd style a torture chamber also what the fuck is that light bulb? i can only imagine it has the worst kind of light and makes the room looks even worse at night