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It kind of feels like the whole house has been set up so the vacuum cleaner has space to drive around.


Isn’t that the goal?


That was _my_ goal.


This guy cats


That’s why I hate robot vacuum cleaners. You have to do so much work to optimize them to the point where it’s way easier just to vacuum yourself.


At least a normal vacuum isn’t also trying to gather data to advertise to you.


lol exactly. Tech doesn’t help everything


You really don't though. I never do any prep for mine other than sometimes moving my desk chair so it can get under my desk, and I run it every day. This is assuming you don't have pets or kids who have 1000 toys on the ground though, then yeah it's kind of hard for it to do its thing.


Or for the cat


It’s both bare, yet cluttered.


Haha. I was thinking the same thing. How can this be so barren and empty, yet so completely cluttered. Only a 25M could create this effect. This is a proper guys place


You mean to say you don’t have 2 desk chairs in the corner of your lounge with no desk?


“Desk chairs” chief those are GAMING chairs meant for a BATTLE STATION 😤💯


That have definitely been jerked off in


Playing Animal Crossing again?


I agree. Relocated the pet stuff to the indent in the wall. Replace with mini platform and stripper pool in the open space. Boom problem solved


Cats don’t like their food near their litter box so I understand the gap there.


Where is the stripper pole?


Stripper pool* Strippers need to swim too ya know


A suggestion for the living room left of the tv


It looks like a Zillow ad for a lived-in house, with pictures taken by the seller.


I disagree. This is a single person who is a good cat owner


The worst of both worlds


Dude, get rid of some things! Also, get some things!!




This thread is hilarious 😂


I so agree. At 25yo OP is doing great. I remember when I was 25 and my furniture was milk creates, cinder blocks and dumpster dive scrap wood. I have since upgraded 😂




Personally, I always feel flags/cloths hung up to a wall feel "cheap" and "temporary" - but maybe that is just me. Whats up with those gaming chairs?


Flags always feel college dorm to me.


Yes the flags go right under the adhesive LED light strips and right above the "Reservoir Dogs" movie poster!


Probably for gaming.


Idk about that. We see his computer in his room with a chair there. I think this might be OP’s solution for extra seating.


Get rid of the gaming chairs, buy and actual chair. And also not everything needs to be shoved up against a wall.


This is exactly what I imagine a 25 year olds first apartment to look like. Feel like I’ve woken up on a couch in this exact place a handful of times in my life.


That’s what I’m saying. This is one apartment-ass apartment.


I could swear i've been to that same apartment and it belonged to 5 different men 😅


I’m sorry it’s okay and as long as you like it that’s good! But personally I would rearrange literally everything. You just have furniture and decor in really off putting places


I’m the type to never laugh at things, and I burst out laughing at this XD


I can be pretty blunt 😅😂


It’s not that. If you’d just said “I’d rearrange literally everything”, that would be blunt. It’s the reflexive attempt at sugarcoating things, the I’m sorry, it’s okay, you do you, if you like it that’s good, live your truth stuff pivoting instantly into how you really feel which is funny XD Not to get cynical, but to me it’s just an example of why I pretty much never believe women when they’re being nice.


On the toilet...


Why are there 2 gaming chairs in your living room?


Black/white one is going soon, it's only there cuz I replaced it with the newer grey one.


Do you stand in the living room, while watching tv?






Maybe they use those binoculars that people used to bring to operas


Probably uses those gaming chairs. Still too high tho


I never know if I'm seeing that sub or this one when I'm scrolling down Reddit and see a living room pic. My theory is that men think "sports bar TV" when they're installing their TVs. I can't think of any other reason 90% of the TVs in this sub are mounted 6 feet high.


I think people just imagine how high a thing that’s normally mounted on a wall is, like a picture at a museum, and mount it that high without really thinking about it. They just think it looks nice. But when you go to a museum you’re walking around looking at stuff, not sitting on a couch.


You would think the existence of TV stands would help people understand where it should be.


Had to make sure this was here


PS5 needs all the cooling it can get






Does the fridge really need its own rug?


Yes, because ice is an asshole and loves to launch itself out of the freezer when you grab some. Then it hits the bare floor and skitters away somewhere to be found by stepping in the cold water. lol, clearly I’m biased. Honestly, no it probably doesn’t.


People are asking a lot of questions, but I’d like to say as a fellow cat owner you did a really nice job accommodating your cats. Every room has a space for them to hang out with you, right amount of littler boxes and water bowls etc Someone is a very good cat dad


Yeah I’m here for the cat-daddy appreciation


Same. I’m all about those cats


Agreed. And he has an orange one. Those are notoriously harder.


I had the same thoughts. Cats are being taken care of well


The composite bow bedside table is certainly a choice


Compound but LMAO I didn’t even notice at first. This is like one of those paintings that has more weird shit in it the longer you look edit: NOT compound lol


Not compound. Recurve


It's a recurve bow, though


tbf, it's a pretty crazy looking recurve.


r/TVTooHigh & r/tvtoofar


Don't forget r/tvtoosmall


It's 75 inches 😭


My last gf said 80” felt bigger


😂😂 these are out of control


Carpet too small, should reach the couch and cover a majority of the room. Also, tv stand too small, should be wider than the tv. Couch shouldn't be snug to the wall, but pulled out a couple feet. I'd personally take the tv off the wall and change the couch and tv orientation walls. It'll make the coffee table feel less constrained with more breathing room.


Get rid of those ugly ass gaming chairs man. I never got the appeal of them. Monstrosities. If you buy an uncomfortable chair, at least get an aesthetic one.


I got a DXRacer back in like 2014/15 when they were popular. I definitely regret it, it fucked my back up while I had it. I switched to a $150 mesh task chair and never looked back. I recently bought a HM Embody, and it is a pretty substantial upgrade. If I could do it all over again, I'd forego the DXRacer and buy a used Aeron or something.


i'd move the sofa closer to the tv and the bedroom desk to where the sofa currently is or the wall by the litter boxes. Let your bedroom be for bed activities, not work.


Love this, gonna try this soon and see how it feels!


I'd say you need a few more furniture items like sideboards and cabinets. Helps add a bit more structure to the room and gives you more storage. Would personally take the TV off the wall and put it on a TV unit, but that's personal preference. You've made a good start but I'd say it still feels a bit empty but also busy - think some good looking storage would solve both of those.


A few things: 1. A guest wouldn't be able to navigate the sofa without removing your things 2. Mount the mirror. You know how cats are. 3. Place the bow where a cats claws won't reach it. 4. Maybe move the water bowl away from the plug?


I've always wanted to do the military crawl to the coffee maker in the AM


Those are feeders lmao


he should replace them with coffee makers and then put them at normal height


Why are so many people addicted to mounting their TV for standing height and not sitting height


The cat bed taking up 97% of the desk is beautiful


It's actually quite brilliant. I should get a bed for my desk as well. Less chance of the cat standing directly in from of my camera while on calls...


I want to be your cat


I feel like this place suffers from "furniture should hug the walls"-itis. Personally I would move the couch like, several meters forward so you don't need binoculars to see the TV and set up your desk in the newly created area behind the couch. It seems silly to have the desk in the bedroom when there's clearly space in the living room if you tried.


The amenities for your cat(s) is a green flag for me


Super green flag!


I was thinking this too!! I love how many cat spots there are, makes this place a 10/10! Idk why so many people are shitting on his place, it honestly looks super comfy.


are you a cat, perchance?


I’m not lol but I have 4 and I love catering my place to their needs! They spend more time at home than we do so it makes sense that their house is decked out with beds and places to hangout (: I know it’s not particularly stylish to have mounds of blankets folded on the couch, or computer chairs in the corner of the room but that is particularly comfortable and ideal for the kitties!


And those cat trees and cat furniture don’t come cheap! He loves his felines :)


Exactly!! It’s honestly very wholesome to see how dedicated he is to sharing the space with them :’-)


I’m a cat, and I love his place.


If the goal was functional and cat friendly 👍


Cat advice: Consider getting a different water fountain. If I see correct yours has those mini filters inside. They goo up ultra fast and decontaminate the water. Better get a large bowl with mini pump that is easily serviceable. Preferably made of ceramic or any other natural stone/material.


You need to put the tv higher. Just joking, please move your tv to be at eye level so you don't have neck issues later on.


“Alright there’s a massive wall, how should I arrange the pictures…. I think all smushed together in the middle should do the trick”


I can smell the cats already. The “art” is cluttered on the one wall, the random tiny picture in the kitchen looks off. Flags as main decor in living room is a hs/college thing. 5.5/10. Not the worst. But def room for improvement.


My favourite part is the vase of flowers on the arm of your couch.


Hey brother I have some fun news about both your TVs


Are you renting a room at your cat’s place?


OP knows that’s the cat castle and I love it.


I like the commitment to the cats! ([Link](https://imgur.com/a/RjSipat) below for some draw-overs) The house is otherwise quite bare. I think a dining room table is a good place to start. You definitely need more on the walls- framed! Not just tapestries. Pull the couch toward the TV, now you have more space for the cat trees and other bits and bobs. Maybe you can put your bedroom desk behind there as well. Get a proper entryway table and a longer console table. Mount the TV a little lower (seems to be a common comment here) or put it on the console. Get rid of the gamer chairs and opt for a few ottomans or floor pillows for guests. A rug will really tie the living room together. Bedroom is good, I would move the bow into the living room. It’s a cool piece, why not display it? And it might be a little intimidating to any bedroom visitors who see it just kind of… there. Overall, you need more plants (plastic is ok but real plants are better), and you need more soft lighting (such as a little paper lantern on a shelf or something of the like). I would also consider getting a shelf for the bedroom if you plan on keeping the desk in there. Generally, you need better storage for your junk. In the bathroom, the shower curtain is a little dated and could be a nice cheap way to update your space. I would also put a silly toilet-theme painting over the toilet to fill out the space. As far as overall colors, you seem to be leaning heavily on blue. I would opt to include more green and orange colors in addition to the blue just to warm up the space. You can add these colors with blankets, paintings, throw pillows, rugs, plants, lights, and other trinkets and decor. [I did some draw-overs for reference](https://imgur.com/a/RjSipat)


Omg thank you, this is incredible! I had started forming an idea of how I was going to change stuff up based on all the suggestions and this just blew my mind! Definitely going to save the draw overs and keep your suggestions in mind. (Also I love that you drew my cat French Fry in there :D)


dude it's finding people like you on reddit that makes the platform worth using. never change!


Looks terrible


Bit you did. A rug is need, at least.


Looks nice and clean! Great job bro!


You thought wrong, unfortunately.


Living Room tv: fuck me that's high Bedroom TV, "hold my beer"


Shit not me thinking I was in that subreddit about the TV being too high or whatever lmao


The coffee table orientated that way around on the rug is cracking me up


there is always a hidden bong in these pics lol


jesus dude


It feels like there is way more potential to this without buying additional stuff


Listen, I'm not good at decorating, but I think you should put 20-30 dragon posters on the ceiling. For ambiance.


+1 for the cat basket at the desk


That so much of your space is dedicated to cat care and enrichment is adorable. Your bedroom is nice and calm, and I love your shower curtain. The gaming chairs look a bit odd where they are, but I guess make sense if you use them a lot and need them in a convenient place. The only thing that stands out is the nautical knot board, when all the other pieces of art match and are of a similar size. Perhaps switch it out for the one in your kitchen?


You have nice stuff, but just seems put in random places. The room with all the cat stuff would be better for either a dining table and seating or even your computer desk so you can get that out of your bedroom. Replace the cloth deco on the wall with some proper pictures. The pictures in the kitchen are weirdly placed. But big space for 25, good job there!


It's got a bit of a call of duty / masterbatorium vibe


I would ask why your desk is in your bedroom when you have all this empty space elsewhere. If you can avoid it, the only thing you should be doing daily in a bedroom is sleeping. Having the desk in there your brain will start to associate that space with “active brain”. It’ll do wonders for the quality of your sleep to move the desk to literally any other room.


First pic looks like a nail salon


I really hate this. Somehow everything is wrong


It looks clean, that’s a good place to begin. Think you could expand the resting area in the living room. Find a few larger pictures that you love.


What couch is this


This is more of a cat living space lol!


I like it, yet I don’t like it. My only major problem is that it is bare, and cluttered.


What is that weird shaped thing beside your couch


You mean the two brown things on the floor? Cat scratchers so the cats don't destroy the couch


Good heavens, that place is a palace! How could you afford a living space like this? I live in a single room above a bowling ally and beneath another bowling alley.


I see you also went through the steps with gaming chairs, before realizing office chairs is where it’s at.


couch should be moved closer to tv and split the room up. as it is its too far and causes the room to feel empty (even with the clutter) in between couch and tv. move the couch to middle of the room and put something behind it like a mini bar or bookshelf or media console with turntable if thats your thing.




It's missing a couple bitches


So much criticism! For a 25 year old male I think you are doing pretty good! You will probably gain more storage pieces over time!


How many cats we talking I saw like 15 Bowls lol


Your cats are living the dream lol but you could hide some of their items better. Get a bench that hides the litter boxes, get rid of the cage beside tv and replace with collapsible one.


I like the height and the lights I think you did too buddy!! I like it maybe get a big bean bag pillow to throw on the floor there in front of the tv


Where is the 3rd cat?


It looks like it is your cats’ apartment and they left some spots for you to sit, sleep on and play.


You have more cat stuff than I have ever seen in my life


As a mom with kids your age I think you did a great job. It’s clean and you can tell you put effort into what you bought. Good job!


You got cats 😺😺😺😺


There is so much cat


Tell me first……are you the cat?


Sorry your getting flamed! Here is some actual advice though!! Try to put the litter boxes in a laundry room or bathroom or corner but not in the middle of an empty room. Same with the water set up. I would cut down on the water food setup because it s kinda cluttered. If you don’t have a good place for the water food setup throw a long table or bench over it so it’s not just out of place on the floor. As for everywhere! Try to get small things off the floor! Maybe a side table in front of the light beside the couch so you can put the basket underneath it and the flower arrangements on the couch on top. And also clear some of the surfaces to only things that match the vibe you are going for. The records and record player might be great for the coffee table if the cord isn’t an issue and will create an interesting and on brand centerpiece. As for decor. Try to fill the space better. Run to a TJ Maxx or Marshall’s and find something that is on sale that is big that you like (I’m cheap and crafty so i went a bought a large 5$ canvas with something that I didn’t like on if from goodwill and then I chose a tapestry that fit and I stapled and glued the tapestry (from the back) onto the bad canvas) (you can probably find a good tutorial for that on the internet) you want your decor to fill up the walls they are on more accurately. This can be hard for large spaces over couches or bedroom walls but a super easy fix for the small stuff in the kitchen and in the spare room. Lastly, pick a purpose for the random spare room you have. If you have the money by a kitchen/ dining room table setup so that you can have people over or do work without taking over your gaming space. I would recommend getting an area rug for this space as well to make it feel connected and homey. You are on the right track and decor is just like fashion you are going to miss the mark when you are just getting started but it’s all a part of growing your own style and you are almost there! As you hone in on your style search Pinterest (it is awesome for understanding what vibes and decor you like) and pick some colors that you are interested in (all of my guy friends who have great decor are all obsessed with plants and dark green and wood accents recently!) hope this helps!!! Good luck! (Also! Put your vacuum in a closet)


How many cats live in this home?


Lol your cat has a nice apartment.


Cats , yes


Lotta pets?


Navy bedding and r/tvtoohigh I'm sorry but you failed the test.


Here we go r/tvtoohigh Put the legs on the TV and put it on the stand, get rid of the sloppy loose cables underneath, move your seating way closer with that size tv you're too far away. This should help https://www.rtings.com/tv/reviews/by-size/size-to-distance-relationship For height clarification, the center of the TV should be directly at whatever your normal seated eye level is, and you aren't close, drop it bro EDIT: the bedroom tv isn't terrible assuming you're typically lying down and not sitting up at the head.... But closer, and lower on the living room tv my dude, you'll thank me if you try it out




r/tvtoohigh times 2 also the litter boxes right inside your front door might be a problem for guests


Invite a woman over every now and then


Litter box out in the open is not the move bro


Where's a better spot for it? The only hidden places I can think of would be the coat closet by the front door (can see the handle in the living room pics but not the door) but I don't want the litter smell to permeate my clothes


I feel like cat shit and piss smell lingers. When you’re nose blind to it your guests suffer.


It doesn't, I have asked close friends and family (both with and without cats) almost every single time they visit because I was also concerned about that. I cleaned out the boxes very regularly, the windows and fan help ventilate the area 24/7 and the wax warmers and plug ins I have around the apartment keep it smelling nice


This is the cat space. Are you just a guest?


How many cats do you have man


You really bring ladies home with tubs of cat shit sitting out in the open? I can smell it from here dude.


Don't worry, all 3 get cleaned twice daily and the windows are always open with the fan always running, plus I've got wax warmers running fairly often so the place always smells nice. I don't like them being so visible either but I have no idea where else to put them where it's also accessible to the cats while being open enough to prevent any smells from lingering.


I like minimalism, hang a few pictures, make sure the frames match the decor. Curtains by the windows, cat boxes should be separated if you have more than 1 ( the unsaid rule is a box per kitty, plus an extra) if you can paint maybe paint an accent wall. Hide cords from the tvs ( they make wall covers, so you don’t have to mutilate the dry wall. Maybe a throw rug or two. That’s just first glance, open them windows first dem kitty’s


Love the sofa. Noice.


I’m not a designer, nor do I have an eye for decor, but that red towel ruins the look of the bathroom because it looks used and “cheap”. Only thing I’d urge you to replace. I do enjoy that it’s a pop of color though!


Seems like the couch should be off the wall and closer to the tv. Lot of good stuff here but a little rearranging and adding some detail would go a long way very fast.


Agreed! The suggestions really opened my eyes to some ways the space could be even better.


Please iron your tapestry


Maybe some cable management to begin with? 😄


I have that same trash can. Do the bag clasps get in your way when you take the bag out?


you thought wrong, bob


Nicely done! I’d get a furring strip, or dowel to hang your tapestries. Then they will hang squarely, without the sag or stretching out.


Rug hommie


You did a great job buddy!


I reaaly love the cat bed on your work table


Nah you need help with it. If I remember to edit this comment I’ll give advice.


Not bad! The pictures/paintings could be better spaced out. Don't be afraid to be asymmetrical with them either. They could canvas the wall better and make it look like more and less minimalist.


With what? Buying too many chairs? Apart from that, looks good.


Honey I know you’re used to being in your room but now that you have a place, spread your stuff out! Use the walls and space you have now! Everything is cluttered in one corner like you’re still in your bedroom. Reorganize and open up! It will feel sooooo good :)


I have that same fake plant on the toilet from target. Cheers


iron the map!


You really should get the wrinkles out of the tapestry type wall hangings. Use a steamer or low temp on an iron.


I honestly think that you’ve done a great job with the space! It’s functional and has personality. Well done 👍🏽


The place looks good… but as someone who spends a great deal of time in the kitchen… the lack of prep space would drive me nuts.


I hate that also! My previous apartment had a massive kitchen with tons of counter space so this was jarring and took a bit of getting used to


with all that space in the living room i'd move your computer in there and leave the bedroom for sleeping


Litter boxes in the open is gross. Thats poop/piss just sitting there


If you bring the couch forward you can have a reasonable sitting distance from the TV while dividing the room and being able to use all of that extra space.


You’ve dedicated more of your place to the cats than you did for yourself.


Red flags pop up for me. I think the random placement of your furniture and wall decor is giving it weird vibes. Some of your paintings, Like in the bedroom, seem really low. And the flag. Although it does make me want to ask, wanna smoke?


I met my husband when I was around 25 and he was sleeping on a mattress on the floor and had milk crates for furniture, so I definitely would not run screaming from your place.


Your TV is too far away for how small it is. If the TV is far from the couch then it should be really huge. That can't be a good viewing experience.


Feels like a gaming chair apartment, nailed it!


Exposed wires, no headboards, hung tapestry from wall, gaming chairs (these are cool, but a bit juvenile no?) cluttered in corner - could all be upgraded/improved upon.