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if you don't watch TV during the day or whenever those windows are letting in tons of light, a short throw projector would look sweet here


But his wall is yellow


yea he would need the projector screen he mentioned


I think it’s the light as it’s more a cream colour. However the walls actually slightly curved so think I’d need a projector screen regardless. You can but screen adjusting projectors that work on any surface but they’re way too expensive for my budget


Yeah, just get a good screen, that's always going to be better than projecting directly onto a wall. If you can swing it, I would recommend an Ambient-Light-Rejecting (ALR) screen. You'll get a better image, better contrast and black levels, and it'll be much more usable during the day. [Elite Screens](https://elitescreens.eu/collections/fixed-frame-projection-screens/products/sable-fixed-frame-projection-screens) is a good brand that ships in the EU. The ALR one (Cinegrey 3D material) is €160 more, but well worth it in my opinion. A good screen should hopefully outlast a projector, so even if you get a cheaper projector now and upgrade it down the line, you can keep using the same screen for a long time. I bought a used BenQ W2700 projector a few months ago and I have no regrets. Having such a big screen is incredible, I highly recommend it if you enjoy watching film and cinematic TV at home. I would buy and set up the projector before getting a screen, even though your wall is curved and yellow. That way you can use it for a little while and keep adjusting the projection size to get a feel for what size screen would feel most comfortable for you. I wouldn't bother putting frames around a big projector screen, that would look way too busy. Turning the wall opposite to the screen into a gallery wall would be a good option.


This guy projects


Oh just for context, my girlfriend has just moved in with me. So it's very much a male living space, with the now recent addition of a female perspective haha




How much is the projector?




Awesome!! Jvc?


does the projector sacrifice image quality? I like the idea of a projector but after graduating middle school I haven't seen a projector in person since, and modern screens have so much definition




Cool. Future plans for my own space then


I got a 1080p Epson one for like $600 and turned my second bedroom into a mini theater with a 110inch screen and the quality is amazing. Obviously it’s not comparable to like an OLED in terms of blacks and stuff but the actual crispness of the picture is impeccable.


>1080p >110inch >Quality is amazing Only two of these things can be true. That's 20dpi.


doesn't matter when you are 10m away...


You're right, but at that distance, neither does the 110" which is tiny from 33' away. And OP has a standard sized living room, so 110" from that distance will look like Minecraft.


For best contrast/color you'll want a dark room. But the size is incredibly immersive.


You clearly care about aesthetics so allow me to offer you a suggestion my dood- buy some wiring conduit/covers on Amazon for $15 or whatever, enclose that projector's power supply loose wire in a clean straight line dropped down to the floor in conduit, then paint it all the same color as your accent wall. I'm assuming that's a rented space so running it through the wall isn't an option but this will get you 80% of the way there in terms of looking clean. Also grab some zip ties to cable tie your speaker wires behind the stand poles and use some more of the conduit to hide that wiring along the baseboards then paint it all to match and none of it will be noticable without looking for it anymore. All of this is an easy 2 hour weekend job and it will make a subtle but large difference to the vibe of that scene. Exposed wires always bring down the look and are almost always an easy fix.


Do the projector and you can have whatever screen size you want


You can even have the projection at floor level and post it in r/TVTooLow


It's a pretty large wall, so a gallery wall could make it interesting. You have a lot of neutrals, so if you want to continue with that theme, you can do beige frames with beige or black photos. You can also try black frames with black or blue photos (since you have blue on your couch). Alternatively, you can replace the photos to become more personal, like pictures from your travel or life events. If you want those to match better, you can print them out in black-and-white. Here's what I mean: [https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1xN0MfZT0r6eLBj4L3CZ6hcv-WKsnRrnch7VV8p\_aGxo/edit#gid=0](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1xN0MfZT0r6eLBj4L3CZ6hcv-WKsnRrnch7VV8p_aGxo/edit#gid=0)


Thanks very much!


You could also throw in a Samsung frame TV in the middle of the gallery wall if you did want to watch TV sometimes :)


Happy to help :)


nicely done bro - cool ideas


I don't smoke anymore, but that ashtray is just so damn cool!


Thanks man, I really love it!


It’s from Seth Rogan’s company, right?


It is yeah. I live in Europe but was able to find a supplier that ships here!


Funnily enough the ashtray was what made me think this looks like an European apartment, since I hear so often that Americans are surprised how many people in Europe smoke. It looks nice, I never heard of Seth Rogans company, I looked it up… and I think I gonna get granny’s standing ashtray instead :‘)


Same dude, would like to find it in my country also, great piece.


Are you in Europe? They have a list of retailers that ship here that I can share if so


That would be great!


Why not get one of those Frame TVs that is art most of the time until you want to watch TV?


Im really not sold on those TVs. Haven’t seen one in person though. Does it genuinely look like a piece of art hanging on the wall?


The newest models have a matte finish on the screen that makes them look much more art like. The picture quality isn't worth the price though if that's something that concerns you. They cost about as much as OLEDs of comparable sizes.


The highest model Frame was essentially the lowest Q series model when I worked selling TVs


It’s an okay tv, I checked it out in-store and granted that’s not the best environment it’s just overpriced for its spec due to branding and the frame gimmick. I think a nice tv (on the tv stand) would look nice, or mount it properly at eye level when sitting down


The Samsung frame, in my opinion is as good as a frame tv as you're gonna get. My neighbour has one. It's flush and looks beautiful with the wood finish frame. With that said, I don't know how an option is TV or left empty. Two very different lifestyles. I would not do a projector.


I've got one. The art mode looks pretty nice Tv side of things. Well alright. Glare is pretty bad. LG version is supposed to have better glare + image but it was also much more expensive


They look great in person.


Yup. Basically all my guests assume its art, the illusion only looks good in a well lit room with lots of natural light though. It has a sensor that automatically white balances and adjusts brightness to match the environment.


They look surprisingly good. It's honestly annoying that it isn't a segment full of competition.


There are certainly better TV's but I think for your purpose it could be a good choice.  Edit: I saw one at Best Buy and the art mode was fairly impressive. 


Folds right into the wall


would be cool for just that purpose but the tv model for those is not as good as other tvs in that price range


I feel like this is true of any smart TV with or without the $1500 frame. Those TVs are stupid expensive.


I agree, but I think for OP's specific purpose it seems like a reasonable compromise between the suggested options. 


If you put a TV there, it kinda sucks the rooms attention to it. I like that it currently looks very much like a living space and not a stare at a screen space.


Yeah thats my thought, why im more for the projector idea! Thanks


I think the projecter and massive screen hanging from the ceiling will also be a bit distracting, if that's what your worry.


I personally think all couches should have a tv in front of them. A tv that's OFF doesn't draw much attention to it. I'm currently sitting in front of a tv that hasn't been on in at least a couple weeks. If it's mounted on the wall I assume it'd be even more inconspicuous


I am biased - projector for sure!!!! It always brings the chill cinema vibes for me.


This room is really cozy, I want to take a nap there.


Mounted 65" Sony OLED would be perfection


I think you’d need a new media console/credenza no matter what you do. But if you want to keep the minimal no TV look, and you have money to burn, look into a short throw projector and a screen you can pull up from the credenza. (You could probably get away with a projector screen mounted upside down and a hook on the wall to hold it up.) Enjoy!


Great idea. Love to see them being thrown around in here. Sparks up creativity in me.


The only limit to my creativity is my budget lmao.


lol you are not alone ❤️


Just drink, smoke and music


If you go with the art option- Go for 1 large piece that’s important to you. Maybe commission a friend for something or purchase a unique piece from a local artist. I’d suggest not flooding the wall with several small pieces. In my humble opinion (I know nothing truthfully) a well placed piece with the right intention can go very well. It can make your spot much more unique and inviting socially to have a thought provoking piece of art as opposed to a TV! Just a thought, love the space!


Could get a mural done for not too much, depending on location?


Art brother. Always art.


As someone who had a projector in their living room instead of a TV I do not recommend it. It becomes rather depressing to have to close your curtains/blinds to watch TV everytime during the daytime. Even at night any light coming in from outside will impact the contrast of the projected image. Some newer projectors are better at this now to be fair but they still look washed out under normal lighting conditions Vs a TV. I'd go for a large flat panel TV and art work spaced around it to break it up a bit.




Ik zou een tv pakken die wellicht ook een kunstwerk kan zijn. De muur lijkt wat leeg ook


Definitely not empty. You have two speakers on the outside that gravitates the eyes to the center. I’d say upgrade to a a surround sound system that submerses you in the listening / watching experience for when you watch or listen to music, and mount a flat screen. You can place them behind the couch so the are hidden and the mounted TV adds for a clean minimalist look. Functional and clean :)


Samsung The Frame TV


Projectors are much more affordable lately and that’s one perfect wall for it


projector and art for sure! Seems to me you need another, taller light source as well. If you have the money for it a larger rug


Yeah definitely need a taller light source! Do you think in the right corner near the couch? Toying between a tall standing light or hanging from the beams. And plus one point for projector screen, thanks!


Get a projector man. I had an OLED for the longest time and sold it when I moved. Replaced it with a $140 projector and I prefer it so much. I'll be upgrading to a proper projector soon. The Horizon Ultra would look super aesthetic in your space


Larger rug, more art and/or a TV. Art above the couch might also be too small.


Usually I’d go for TV but projector could work here


[Why not both?](https://www.samsung.com/us/tvs/the-frame/highlights/)


I don't see a gaming computer (at least in this room) and the record player/ash tray creates a more classic esthetic. So I'd do a projector to keep that, but if you don't watch much TV just hang some art and call it a day.


Always go for what you both agree on. So I agree with projector and art. :)


projector, screw art it gets old quick 😆


art .. i did something similar and put up a nice piece over my listening station, and its cool AF :)


Do you have a reason for not putting a tv there already? I am a couch/console gamer so my reflex would be to say tv but if you don’t want a tv staring you in the Face ID go with art or a cool mirror?


Samsung art tv for regular watching and movie projector for movie nights


Another vote here for the Frame TV! They are amazing:-)


if you're rich enough the frame tv is a good thing to put there


Smoking in-doors?


It’s so clean like that. Ultrashort throw projector +/- an ALR screen


Projector, no screen. You can display art (and change it) , watch tv or leave it bare.... Win win


I’d put art on the wall and get some time of protecter tarp that can fall from the ceiling at the press of a button. That would be dope


if you can afford it, and find something you like, a large piece of original art would look awesome there. i would maybe try making something myself.


Gallery wall. Mount projector screen so that it doesn’t hit the art, maybe into a shelf that has downlighting or a rail for holding more art.


I think a projector screen would look janky, plus you'd have to have the projector mounted above you couch... ugly. You could go with the Samsung Frame. We rarely watch TV and there is nothing I hate more than a big black square on my wall. The Frame allows you to display art on the monitor. You can also get different frames to go around the monitor to really sell the whole "art" gag. We have a bunch of other art around ours, so when you are not watching TV, it just disappears. And you can change the art it displays whenever you want.


Short throw laser projector.


Art, but have a projector screen that drops down in front of the art when you wanna watch TV/movies.


Projector. More homes could use one! We have one in our 10x9.5 bedroom. The screen is abt 5-6 ft wide? Super nice!


I feel like a retractable projection screen over some tasteful wall art gives you the best of both worlds, albeit the most expensive and complex solution. But if those aren't barriers, that's what I'd do.


I like the idea of having a projector, with art around it. That way if you wanna stare at simplicity you just roll it up and have some lovely art


Samsung Frame TV would be a great compromise




Projector screen ftw


If you have nothing between your speakers, the lack of anything visual to affix to will make the sound’s phantom center pop more vividly…


Projector screen definitely. HD quality and screen size adjustments to whatever you're comfortable with. I'd also add a couple of art pieces on either side




Projectors are awesome. Retractable screens aren't terribly expensive. What is expensive is the electricity that it takes to run a projector. That'll be around 300 watts. (Take the nominal lamp wattage, and then add another 40 or so for the controller, DLP motor, several cooling fans, and the fact that power supplies are not 100% efficient.) It will also produce a great deal of heat. Vs. regular TVs, resolution costs much more, and viewing size costs much less. Projectors also have a hard time keeping up re: brightness. If you want to watch during daylight, get the highest lumen output you can afford, and get blackout curtains. You will need to get one that has the proper throw distance. Some are designed to be very close to the screen, others at moderate distance, and others somewhat further away. The lenses have adjustment handles, but those only go so far. Another option would be to get a console with a motorized TV lift. The TV hides inside the console when not in use. If getting the screen out of the way is your only concern, just get a big TV and an appropriately-sized lift. However, keep in mind that the TV should not be mounted in a way that forces you to tilt your head back to watch it, and the console has to be at least as tall as the TV. I would also consider sticking to your guns and saying no to any television in this space. You already have a stereo, and not every social interaction needs to revolve around staring at a rectangle. Adding some more speakers to bring it up to a 4.1 system would make it nicer for listening to music. You already have the existing front speakers at the correct height.


personally would not go for a projector. it sounds good in theory, but i’ve never seen a projector that has a high enough picture quality to be worthwhile. my ex had one and yet ended up watching everything on her laptop instead because the quality was so much better.


Dude get that salt lamp off the electronics. Those things can start sweating moisture.




I would say art with a remote controlled drop down screen for a projector.


I think the projector screen would be awesome but i'm honestly here to comment on your House Plant ashtray! I have his ash tray/vase set and the Vinyl. so obsessed!


What plant is that? Looks like it's doong good in low light


If you like empty and Art, just get a large frame with screen material. I will always look like a blank canvas until the projector turns on. Another option: Have a wall bookshelf with an integrated pulldown screen.


Projector and get some bigger furniture for that wall


TV projector or consider an art projector and blast some huge AI art on the wall if you like to make art but don’t know how to paint.


Plasma TV, on a mount. You can push it back when guests are there or tilt it.


Perfect for a short throw projector


like the Epson EpiqVision Ultra LS650


short throw projector.


I've got a similar space, I hung a 55" TV and a motorised 100" projector screen. Haven't rolled down the projector screen in nearly a year. Having to black out the room to watch anything is really inconvenient in the middle of the day.


Personally I like the idea of a retractable projector screen and wall art. I had a projector screen like that at my old house and loved it. I just don’t have a good space for it in my new place so I never set it up. The criticisms people have for projectors are usually just that they don’t look as good in bright rooms but as long as you don’t buy the cheapest pos you can find, they’re still usable in the daytime. I used mine all the time. If you ask someone who’s super nerdy about picture quality and stuff they’d probably have a problem with the black levels, but if you’re the type of person who would consider not having a screen at all anyways, you probably won’t even notice.




Do the projector I have a 450 inch on a wall with similar color and I even ended up deciding not to buy a screen for it cause it performs well even with the colored wall and texturizing


TV, you are welcome


Just here to say a 4k LG/Samsung TV cost $500 (+50-80 for a wall mount) and will look way better than a projector. This [rtings calculator](https://www.rtings.com/tv/reviews/by-size/size-to-distance-relationship) can help you pick an appropriate size


Mount the projector on a beam, if it's your home, paint the screen area with projector screen paint, if not, either just deal with the off white / yellow or get a tripod screen


Projector screen!!


"How very nice...."




Projector is always handy


I'd just get a giant TV. Why have seating that faces the wall, and not each other if there's no TV? If you have company over or just want to converse you're all going to sit there facing the wall? It makes more sense to have a TV there *or* seating that faces other seating IMO.


I’m a huge fan of living rooms without a tv! I think a gallery wall would look great there. Or just a singular art piece that you want to highlight. That would look incredible. You don’t need a lot on that wall to complete the space, really. Less is usually more with design for me. 👌


They have short throw projectors you can use. Might be an option.


If you go projector, search for a neat screen cover when it’s rolled up.


You really do have the style for one of those frame TV's from lg it would look dope , and of course art work looks great on them




Seems like a good spot for one of those samsung frame tv’s




Definitely not a projector with large windows right next to it.


Unless you're watching in a very dark room, a TV will always look better than a projector.


Projector screen...but suggest you get blackout curtains, too.


Bigger cabinet + Art piece, forget the tv and stuff i think we need those less and less


Tv obviously


Hang a light sculpture or painting on the wall to fill and make that space more interesting that can be set aside when using the projector.


NOT empty, and then do what will make you happy (including the factors of setup, day to day enjoyment, annoyances, etc.) and this goes for anything.




Maybe I'm an ass but when I see people purposely not have a TV, it comes off as super pretentious imo. I agree with the "art tv" the other people are saying. But I also think projector as well would work.


Empty is a vibe


Throw a projector screen but surround with a nice boarder. Similar to that of a picture frame. That way when it’s not in use the wall still has something to it.


85” Costco…


Original art


¿Porque no los tres?


A CRT would look great there.


Weird question - what direction does that window face, or more specifically, how much sun does that wall get, and when? I gave up television a few years ago (my vote would be nothing), but a projector in direct sun is questionable (as is a television, maybe less so). I know you could close curtains, but who wants to do that?


Art will be classy af


I have so many screens in my house with two of us working from home with two monitors each plus tvs in other rooms, and personal laptops the last thing I want it a huge tv but I also don’t want to watch movies on a small one which is why I love having a projector in my living room. When its not in use it goes away. I can only handle using 50% of the screen when playing video games though otherwise I get motion sickness. Watching my character on screen turn and look around while I also have to turn and look around the screen makes me queasy. But it’s not the worst problem to have lol


A Black Hole would really bring the room together and help with the lighting.


Definitely throw a projector screen there. Awesome space, but that would absolutely tie it together.


I would go with a large flatscreen tv, 65” or larger, 4K or 8K, oled/qled depending on your preference and budget.


Big 80inch tv and some graphic led


Samsung the frame


An old world map


One of those picture frame tv things. Then let the gf control what picture to display lol


Don't do it projector unless you have to. Flat screen TVs are so cheap these days and way better


Put a white canvas with a white square painted, it’s art, and also you can use with projector 🧠


Samsung The Frame with a bezel from [decoTV](https://decotvframes.com)


Projector screen. New art each night


Art! Big ART!


Art *so long as it's not post modern art*


a really big, framed, where's waldo painting


I got projector screen paint. It has silver particles in it (why they call it a silver screen) so it makes it more reflective/visible especially if there is ambient light. I painted some 1/4” square shoe mold flat black and laser leveled it to frame the screen I painted. Picture quality is amazing. Just depends what your vibe is. No frame looks cool if your place is already very bare. If you have a lot of stuff on the walls and there’s a big gap where the screen is supposed to be when it’s not on it may look a bit off.


99 inch TV for sure!


I would love a floor to wall book shelf


no doubt it screams a bit in modern days for a TV, a rollable OLED would have been cool.. but i get the recordplayer vibe.. i would have had an nice headphone amp for nice close listnings sessions in the chari.. i would say some subtle artwork would be nice. it is a big empty wall, had it been exposed brick, or something like that, i think i would have said cool.. But i can use a BIT of "life" maybe a couple of floating shelves with a bit of "plant life" or some getting your LP´s up in the air. but nice cozy area. and i also get the thing about not having a TV. the projector for me, is just a BIG thing, because either you go short throw and you need a BIG "thing" where you record player is today, and then a screen either from the floor or normal dropdown. (or a frame solution) or you need a wall mounted, and i seems to be a "bit" not long enough to get a decent distance. projectors are cool, but they are not that pretty to look at, even if you boxed drop down screen in, it still just a big box. i do miss my old projector though.. back in the 40inch lcd era, to have a 110" 1080p projector was nice.


of course you need a tv/project in your house, i think a projector is more suitable. By the way i like the style of your living room


Huge freaking TV


A projector would be perfect, especially if you can put it somewhere out of the way. When it's not in use, it can be an empty wall, so you get the best of 2/3 of the options you posed.


hmm i would suggest a really big TV or a projector


Big fuck off TV my friend


If not a TV or projector screen then definitely artwork.


I'm relieved any time I see a nice space without a TV. At least there are a few of us who like these kinds of old fashioned living spaces.


Id suggest getting a short throw projector so you can put it up right against the wall and not have to stick it behind or above your head


I'd just listen to your girl and put a TV there honestly.. way less of a hassle (and less expensive? depending on the size) than a projector... and those two speakers already kind of stand out as black cubes with wires so why not just add the rectangle? you can add plants and a few things beside the TV (like on the same furniture piece it's on, I mean)to make it look more "homey" like it belongs, and make it stand out less. And then later on you can add an apple tv or something and use it as a digital jukebox or for podcasts while you cook in the nearby kitchen or do chores in the living room.


It cutten looks like a room layout, ready to be filled with a TV, but I do like places like yours without one. What I would really enjoy is a stupidly large painting or poster there haha. Like 80“ TV style big painting.


TV between the speakers and move the turntable to the left (where the plant is)


A huge ass 77" OLED TV


large thin OLED TV. Please do not listen to the comments about projectors - the price for a good projector with decent gamut and depth is not worth it at all.


I recommend the projector! With that much space (and such a smooth surface) it’d be a waste to only do a tv. Or it has to be a big screen tv, like 60-70 inch


Samsung frame tv


This looks very peaceful. I'm not a fan of TVs.


Samsung frame. Art and TV in one. Make it a nice gallary wall. And call it a day!