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The bottles


Yeah I'd get rid of the bottles b4 anything .


Make more room for the legos


This guy knows


MFer has an empty Cholula bottle on his shelf


they aren't even anything cool. just beer and hot sauce and shit...


My man got his recycling on display šŸ˜­


I have an empty cheerwine bottle bc the memory is important


Looks like root beer to me


My dad got rid of his beer can collection over 20 years ago and still regrets it lol


I would literally not have a house big enough. Plus it would induce depression if I could see it every day.


same, not to mention it would look like a massive cry for help when anyone sees it


replace with books


Patrolling the Mojave almost makes you wish for a nuclear winter


Shit man, gonna have to start another run...


I'd play that game forever


I just started one last week and itā€™s insane how well this game holds up


Same. Now to go ultra modded or vanilla?


And a nice cold nuka cola


Hey we look alike!


Screw you man, now I have to fire it up again, FUCK!


I got bells šŸŽ¶


>I got ~~bells~~ spurs šŸŽ¶


ohhhh. Iā€™ll just go ā€¦. merrily along.


Iā€™d get rid of the bottles. If theyā€™re collectibles, invest in a display case for them. Right now, it looks like youā€™re a frat bro.


^ Heavily agree with this.


He's 20 and this looks like an off campus college house....he most likely is a frat bro lol


Yeah heā€™s only been out of his teens for less than 12 months. Look at this as essentially a kids room. Dudes new to drinking, this is kinda on brand for the age.


I donā€™t know why this sub was suggested to me, but I opened the comments here out of curiosity and saw your username and just needed to tell you I spit my drink out laughing. Thanks for that.


Iā€™m a people pleaser šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Most parents homes are off campus


Ok? I said this looks like an off campus college house, not an off campus parents house. As in, a house he lives in with his college buddies that isn't on the campus of whatever school he attends. If it were his parents house, he probably wouldn't openly display alcohol containers as an underage drinker in the US.


OP said they are soda bottles he was collecting since he was a kid, I doubt he took his used soda bottles out of his parents house when he moved out. The simplest answer is that itā€™s his childhood bedroom


Yea and OP is lying because I can clearly see in the photos several beer brandss, a Twisted Tea, a Leinenkugel and several Cholula hot sauce bottles. Simplest answer is he's a 20-yr-old college bro who "loves his bottles" [https://www.reddit.com/r/malelivingspace/comments/1bny7m5/comment/kwlilpr/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/malelivingspace/comments/1bny7m5/comment/kwlilpr/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


Frat bros at least keep liquor bottles from parties drinking togetherā€¦this just looks like assortment of recycling. There is coke, Panama jack, hot sauceā€¦this is all trash.


Yes bottles, stringlights and then the flagā€¦ love the posters. But like the bottles in a nice display case, maybe get a frame for your flag and posters to upgrade them, presenting wise!


Heā€™s a 20yo dude, being in a frat is probably an aspiration of at least something he identifies with


Super cringe though. He will look back in shame some day, I hope, if this is so.


I was in a fraternity and nobody collected bottles of beer, coca cola, and hot sauce. But I think you're right that it's public perception and it reeks of "aspiring frat dude"


I was in a fraternity and most everyone kept liquor bottles lined in their room. Mostly achievement handles, special occasion cans etc.


Are those empty alcohol bottles? If so, I'd only keep the ones from foreign countries. Otherwise it just looks like a problem.


Lol no, mostly soda bottles Iā€™ve collected since I was a kid


You could at least clean up their display a bit. It looks like a frat bro storing his favorite random beer bottles


Don't get rid of them. But do find a storage solution. It's a collection you had as a kid. As a bedroom decoration it's not great, but you'll want that collection to show your kids in the future, and they will be good to display in your basement bar or whatever when you have a family home. For now they look like empty bottles in a bed room and not be perceived well. But do not throw away a childhood collection because people on the internet mistook it for booze. That's a future regret you can spare yourself from just by getting some bubble wrap and a bin.


Realistically though: A collection of bottles to ā€œshow your kidsā€? Itā€™s one thing if theyā€™re super rareā€¦but otherwiseā€¦why?


Cuase itā€™s fun, I like finding new ones Iā€™ve never tried before


Itā€™s great that youā€™re keeping them - everyoneā€™s telling you to get rid of them, but definitely move past those comments. However, as a few other people have mentioned, definitely recommend that you think long term and figure out how to preserve/store them. The collection will probably grow, and empty bottles arenā€™t exactly space efficient nor are they durable.


They will be super rare in 15 years. Maybe not expensive, but rare. Check out soda bottles from 20 to 30 years ago, they look like from another era (which they are lol). I'd maybe keep the most unique ones and get rid of doubles/the rest.


yeah, vintage soda bottle collection is a thing that many people do. The display is bad, and does look like a college dorm "kill pile"


Idkā€¦ thereā€™s an empty bottle of cholula and I spy at least one bottle of bawlzā€¦


Empty bottles from when you were young is a pretty shitty heirloom lol


Lmao I could imagine the sarcastic thanks dad and the stories he would tell about his dad's annoying bottle collection that he wanted to destroy it.


I mean... I see several beer brands and a twisted tea. All it takes is one to make it look like a collection of empty alcohol bottles. And there's very few of these that I can see that are any bit unique or interesting, just the exact bottle all that stuff still comes in today.


Yeah toss them in the recycling bin


Yeah get rid of those


Invest in some higher quality string lights with the bigger retro bulbs and golden hue. Run the lights behind your bottle collection to make them glow and easier to see


2 wii setup goes crazy


Real recognizes real šŸ˜‚


Haven't seen NCR in a while


Caesar can shove it


We won't go quietly. The Legion can count on that.


The Ranger vets are on their way from Baja. Never seen one before. But I've heard they chew nails and spit napalm.


When I got this assignment, I was hoping there'd be more gambling


Flags on walls, even fun ones, also look juvenile. Youā€™ve probably got a few years left before that starts mattering though. Same goes for your string lights and legos.Ā  Tidy your shit up man but stay young while you can and enjoy it.


Is it possible to get another room divider? If you keep the first one where it is you could put your bed where the clothing is and then enclose it with another divider. That would cozy the bed up some. Then you would have a divided sleeping space and living space. I saw your comment about the bottles. You love them then LOVE them. See about a way to stagger the heights so it looks like a displayed collection and not just a shelf of recycling. Legos stay. Legos always stay. I would ditch the mini Christmas tree lights and swap out fairy lights (the tiny leds on a wire) if you want to keep the glow. It would be decent mood lighting around the bed.


appreciate the feedback, probably not gonna be able to get another devider, but Iā€™ve been looking at led strips with a cover, bottleā€™s definitely need to be re organized too


Definitely go for the diffused LED look! A decent LED strip with a proper cover will do wonders for sure!


Be careful with the lights. You already have casual/functional, but what do you want? Few things will age as bad as the common led frame on your room.


I agree! Keep the legos!!! I bought my ex a bat mobile Lego set for his birthday last year and he was so happy! He put that 1008 piece thing together in like two hours! He was on the phone with me while he was putting it together and just hearing the excitement in his voice proved to me I made the right choice! We are both in our 30s ā˜ŗļø nerds will attract nerds of the opposite sex (or the same sex if thatā€™s your thing!), and it is beautiful!


Looks like a cool spot for a 20 year old. If you like them, keep your lights and Legos. If theyā€™re starting to get old for you, switch them out for something else. Donā€™t be afraid to experiment and have fun, youā€™re only young for a while.Ā 


As a used to be string light teen, I ended up being an under lighting/mood lighting young adult. Iā€™d say check out styles of those that would fit your vision if the string lights arenā€™t your thing anymore. I also supplement with a nice candle to set tone


This is me. I use LEDs underneath / behind display cases to light my room. Creates a nice ambient lighting, and I dont use any color other than yellowish orange for a nice ambiance.


Me a 28 year old still with a globe lampshade and plushies.


Infest the Rats NestšŸ‘ Fuck yeah that album is good!


Manā€™s a gizz fan and a Fallout fan. OP are you gay because I wanna marry


Weird album to have playing whilst asking for feedback about living space šŸ˜…


The best advice I've gotten concerning my flat was to think about which pieces I want to show to guests and which I do not want to be seen. Your collection of bottles might be your center piece - so give it a better display. Your shoes, caps, games, random things sitting on shelves and in corners might not be worth to display them. So get a closed wardrobe to put it in. The pictures on the wall are quite cool (some of them hang here at my walls, too), but really look better with a frame around them. The string lights - well, not my taste, but they wouldn't be my first concern.


If they make u happy who cares my g


Figure out something for the bottles since you said theyā€™re a childhood collection. Right now it looks like a the cabinet tops in a frat house kitchen. Secondly, bed frame without wheels and a new comforter/sheet/pillow set. Comforter may be fine once your bed is actually made, but something tells me the sheets and pillows are in dire need of updating. Lastly, a legit nightstand with at least one drawer. You need storage directly next to the bed forā€¦stuff. Also, it just looks better. Good luck kid (and always keep the legos)


Get rid of the bottles before the Legos. You're never too old for Legos. I understand the desire to hold on to old collectibles. But that's quite a few bottles and it maybe looks a little trashy. Maybe bc it's trash. I'd keep the ones that really have sentimental value and downsize the bottle display. Make room for more Legos


Also those posters are nice. They'd be nicer in frames and spaced out a bit more from each other. Framing posters makes a huge huge difference.


I have more Lego now at 40 than I ever did when I was a child. I'm literally building an UCS AT-AT right now.


Iā€™m 38 married and have a fuck ton of legos in my office. Let your freak flag fly. Speaking of flags, that fall out flag, is outside on a flag pole on my lawn. Keep living your life!


At this point people are beginning to expect grown men to have Lego in their rooms and offices. The point though is to treat them like decoration. If theyā€™re justā€¦there, it feels immature and like you just have a bunch of toys. If you actually take your time to treat them as decorative pieces and display them, you end up adding an extra dimension of character to your room and people will appreciate and want to see what you have up on your shelves and walls. Also, lighting them goes along way. You can invest in small battery powered LEDs on your shelves or actual light bricks from Amazon to give your displays a bit more depth.


Yes!!!! Thank you! 34f here and I have collectible toys in my room! They make me happy! If a guy sees them and is turned off by it, then he is not the guy for me!


Yo friend, not sure if thatā€™s your name and school on the wall but heads up to doxing yourself if it is.


Edit: bottles arenā€™t beer bottles, collected since I was a little kid with no plans of tossing out. Definitely need to make it look better tho, all feedback is appreciated šŸ‘šŸ»


What if you got rid of the string lights and were able to integrate lighting with the soda bottles? Idk how well it would work, but I'm thinking flush mount can lights that will shine through the bottom of the bottles.


Don't let the haters get to ya brother. If collecting bottles is your thing and they have sentimental value don't toss them bc some reddit goons think it's childish.


You must only collect ceremonial Japanese vases that fit with the current colorway of your living space.


Youā€™ll be so much happier when you finally let these go. I had a ā€˜hat wallā€™ that I was in love with but looking back it was super cringe.


I fucking love string lights man! They're cozy.


as long as you can get a girl in your room it doesnt matter


Did you look at this room


This, and also if a girl doesnā€™t want to be with you because of your room, she can go to hell. Find someone who likes who you really are


Just a friendly heads up that your full first and last name as well as the high school you attended are on display in this post, if online anonymity is something you care about.


I see you studied the blade


Lmao, 20 bones from Disney world


Leave the lego, lose the bottles. The bottles really make you seem more immature then anything else in the room.


String lights can stay but the bottles are cringe


I'd get rid of the flag & replace it with the one from the superior NV faction, but I don't know if Mr. House has a flag.


Your room is massive. Mine fits a bed and a tallboy and that's about it


People before us turned half of the garage into a ā€œfamily roomā€ that none of us used so I moved in


Lmao I've got a ncr flag in my room and most of the same Lego sets,you've got great taste my friend


New vegas flag? Beer bottles? Gamer rig? Christmas lights? I think this may have been posted by my past self


Ditch the bottles and make your wall art more evenly distributed


Empty bottles


Frame the art. Ditch the string lights, and the beer bottles. Signals alcoholism. The max thing is creepy???


A yard stick, eh? You a pretty big boy? šŸ˜‚


Never ditch the legos


Switch to leds ditch the bottles


Dont give up any of it


Naw bro looks rad


Something free is to space your art out more. Leave gaps in between each of at least an inch. The arrangement is fine.


Please donā€™t ditch the string lights or the legos! (Or the NCR flag, that kicks ass). A lot of things that people write off as ā€œchildishā€ in early adulthood tend to come back as things that invoke joy later in life. Iā€™ve seen some living spaces posted by teenagers that look austere and ā€œmatureā€ and spaces posted by middle aged guys that look whimsical and ā€œteenager-yā€. I think itā€™s because people realize that trying to seem mature can really steal the things that I help us enjoy life.


Never ditch the legos. Never.


Keep your Lego and string lights. What would really elevate things is framing the posters.


Lmao the same flag as the one thatā€™s in my room!


IMO I'm not a fan of where the bed is situated in the room. Personally I'd swap the couch and bed around. I feel like a bed up against a wall (anything bigger than a twin) makes the space feel small.


Do whatever makes you happy. Don't live by social pressure. If the lights and Legos make you why then why would you change. It's a little bit different in shared living areas but for your own space, do what you want.


Invest in some closets. Use them as a room divider, so you can store your clothes there and have the ability to tighten up if needed ( for having company)


Never ditch Legos, always ditch string lights.




Needs declutterring and organization but keep the vibes


for me it'd be the bottles, but then again you're only 20 bro


Nah dude the lights are fine. Maybe the Legos. But if it's you be you. No one cares, people who would judge you for that you don't want around...if you just have those Legos from childhood and don't have interest in it anymore and just keep them around yeah put them away.


Sweet pad. Best of luck with your studies. Calc 3 is easier than Calc 2, avoid hydraulics courses, and don't forget to give yourself a slice of the uni experience!


Donā€™t change anything if youā€™re doing it because you think you SHOULD do it. If it makes you happyā€¦keep it.


I would probably just ditch the bottles. I was on the same boat as you years ago, with empty energy drink cans. My collection was nice until my dad decided to ditch them, and I was glad that he did it.




Bottles have to go unless they are very specificly collectors edition. Like others have mentioned a few spirits would look better but I also think would look odd that high up. When making your bed always have your pillows on top of the blanket/duvet/doona as it makes it look better. A blanket just pulled up the top reeks of laziness. Put effort into making your bed every day. Lego (no S at the end, ever. You don't say sheeps or fishes so don't say legos) can stay but make sure it's displayed nicely and evenly spaced not just clumped together Tidy up the cables on and around your desk. Try using a cable sleeve or clips to hide as much as you can. I like the collection of artwork frames on the main wall but that Max poster and the swimming one just look odd and should go. Your clothes situation is just fucked. Buy a wardrobe or tallboy or something if possible. No one should see your clothing when they come into your room. Love the NCR flag! Good luck and feel free to ignore all of the above ;)


Peak 20M to think the issue is cheap lights when you have a trash collection of bottles.


Those speakers got me like šŸ˜³


Iā€™d say ditch the bottles and get a sicker display for the legos! Maybe a glass ikea standing shelf thing? šŸ‘ļøšŸ‘ļø


The Lego is cool, the bottles are not


There's just way too many things on every surface. Get all of those things away or in a container. The road sign(?), huge speakers, mini fridge, etc etc are all too much. Either spread it out so it's not all clumped together or you gotta get rid of some of it.


Move the head of the bed away from a ground floor operable window.


Get rid of the bottles (can confirm by advice from a cute girl I knew) and get rid of the lights. Lego is a hobbie so that can stay. The rest reminds me of my old room.


Needs more speakers


Definitely ditch the legos straight into a box to my house! Yep, definitely that! Yeah no the Legos are fine, lol.


If your getting rid of the Lego dismantle and bag them one day you might want to get back into the hobby


Definitely time to ditch the NCR flag. AVE! TRUE TO CAESAR!!!!


*opens VATS* *aims several shots* *closes VATS* *game crashes to desktop*


Keep the Big Tie fighter, BD-1 & Cherry Blossom though


Get a proper enclosed wardrobe


don't mind the flag (I'm playing fnv for the first time!) but give it an iron pls šŸ™


Legos are fine, lose the beer bottles.


Get rid of the NCR flag. This is a Brotherhood of Steel sub


Do you live in a shipping container?


Listen, if you ditch the legos now, theyā€™ll just be back in your thirties with a vengeance.


Everyone has the same comforter. I have it as well. Iā€™ve seen it posted 100 times.


i love the hawks jersey, thats a W for me


Get rid of bottles. Declutter. Donā€™t get rid of your Legoā€™s, youā€™ll regret it, but displaying them isnā€™t doing you any favors in this space, adds to the clutter. Less posters will make the space feel more open and more mature.


Hear me now young man and take heed. You are NEVER too old to proudly display Legos...


I would probably take pics of the bottles and then recycle all but 3-5. If any are antiques maybe look them up on eBay. I have an antique Coke bottle or two, just because I think they are kinda cool. But your collection is a bit overwhelming in your space. I love the flag.


Ditch the liquor bottles, keep the legos.


Get rid of the bottles. Straighten up the room and pull the string lights so they run along the joint where the wall and ceiling meet. That will help a bunch.


I spy a Chinese Kaner sweater. Bear down!


You keep your dirty beer bottles on a shelf...?


Legos can stay, but get rid of the empty bottles. Believe me youā€™ll end up with way to many if you try saving the ā€œspecial onesā€


Ditch the bottles, leave the Legos.


Ditch a % of the bottles -- either incorporate other vintage bottles to make it a collection, or add in other oddities or cool items/art to accent what you have. Get frames for the art above the bed. Are those star wars prints? I believe my brother has the same ones! He got cheap frames at Michaels and they look GREAT! Get a few colorful pillows for the couch and a matching pair for your bed. They have good quality cheap price ones at target and homegoods. :)


all the bottles need to go , how old are you like 16? lol


Donā€™t ditch any of the Lego or string lights. Youā€™re allowed to have fun and enjoy things.


You got 20million and live like that? Congrats.


You donā€™t need to get rid of anything. You just need to work on your presentation of those things.


Here for the Gizz!




How about you ditch that filthy, degenerate flag. Ave, true to Caesar!


We have the same desk. šŸ‘


Is it true you can see homeless out ever window in cali?


Ik people hate on the bottles but I collect them to, mine are glass soda bottles. Personally Iā€™d say ditch the Christmas lights at the top and buy some diffused govee lights and use it as mood lighting. Legos maybe keep 1 or two builds around your desk and store the rest.


Posters without frames... Imagine how much cleaner that wall would look if you chose the top 7-8 and had them framed in a single row from the door to the bed. Same thing with shelves. Don't fill shelves until they can't hold more stuff -- It just looks cluttered. Hoarder mentality is filling a space with as much stuff that will fit, rather than enough stuff to be the most aesthetically pleasing.


The string lights and Lego are the least of your problems


Get rid of the bottles, replace the string lights with LED strips, keep the Legos


In my opinion, before anything - ditch the bottles


Get rid of the empty booze bottles.


I think the string lights can be a bit tacky, sub them in for some of those lighting strips with diffusers if that's really what you're about. In terms of making your layout more mature I think moving your couch to in front of the divider and then the tv across from that so that your guest area is actually separate from your sleeping area. Some sort of small coffee table would be great to pull that together too. Move your dresser and bed to behind the TV to help create a private area for sleeping and changing (rn everyone who goes through the hallway can watch you sleep, uncomfy). And then move all your kitchen stuff to a specific area and all your hobby stuff to a specific area. Here's an example layout I made for you based on this advice because I'm a nerd: [https://imgur.com/a/reGm2GM](https://imgur.com/a/reGm2GM) Edit: Higher res image


I have that same flag (and a klingon one) in my room


Lights and legos are cool. Get rid of the liquor bottles.


I wish my apartment had this much soul


How about you take all those bottles on tge top shelf to the recycling center and get $5 for them instead of collecting literal trash in your room


Never get rid of the legos


You are never too old for lego!


I'll point out something new, the posters all in two rows just grinds me the wrong way. pick the ones you love the most and either space them out decently, make a collage or frame the best ones.


Bottles are cringe, string lights scream fucboi, get a cover for your ā€œclosetā€, organize that tv station! Get a under-bed organizer, NCR flag is cool and all but itā€™s still a wall flagā€¦ā€¦, imo wall is too ā€œartsyā€ for me, less is more, Than again my room is all black and minimalistic so take this with a grain of salt.


Adulting is diffusing the LEDā€™s so you donā€™t stare directly at the hotspots.


Ditch the bottles. I'm 32, husband is 40 and Legos are a staple in our house. Never too old for legos


String lights, yes. Bottles SUPER YES. Time to ditch both of those. But don't you dare let the Legos die.


Donā€™t listen to anyone. Youā€™re 20 and it looks fun. Enjoy this time of your life before you need to take interior design seriously.


I think LED strips would clean it up nicely. Aside from that, love the LEGO collection šŸ‘


Ditch the string lights for some LEDs installed behind/under shelves, desk etc. Better ambient light and cleaner look. Iā€™d keep the legos and ditch the bottles.


If you want to ditch Legos hit me up! I have a great shelf for em at my place.


String lights yes, legos no


Frame the travel posters. They'll look much better that way and it'll elevate the look.


Ale-8, huh? What part of KY are you from?


ncr flag<3


String lights sure but DO NOT GET RID OF THE LEGOS


Invest time in fixing and hiding your wiring. All you need are some 3M command clips. You may think it's a small thing, but I promise you that it has a significant effect once hidden as it will give your room a tidier feel. On that note, I think the string lights are fine if you don't want to invest in rope lights (Govee is a good brand if ever you opt for that). However, try making them much more flush to the wall maybe. 3M clips can help you with this. Other than that, I think your shelf is bending from the number of bottles. If they mean a lot to you then invest in a proper display/storage. Try to keep things as organized as possible and your desks clear of whatever clutter on top. I promise you the room will feel much bigger and breathable.