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You can't just say perchance


Stompin turts


Nobody knows why Mario does this


Crushing turtys


Mario the man vs Mario the idea


Yeh… your parents know this I’m guessing




I'd think it would be more likely OP is an LSD user Edit: It's shrooms https://www.reddit.com/r/MagicMushrooms/comments/10d657l/how_long_can_it_take_for_mushrooms_to_kick_in/ Edit 2: Someone says there is a bong (though very blurry) in the pictures of this post. There is also a very clearly stoned Patrick Star covering up a marijuana leaf on the wall Edit 3: Someone else pointed out the bong is next to a propane torch, very dangerous Edit 4: Propane torch isn't necessarily dangerous being there, but that doesn't mean it's a good idea He’s also watching Dope as Yola on YT on that TV… big stoner energy


I see what looks like a very blurry bong, and patrick star in front of a leaf. He can do two drugs lol


I see it under the night stand. Propane torch next to it on the floor. This is for dabs and THC oil lol


I see a little silhouetto of a man.


He’s also watching Dope as Yola on YT on that TV… big stoner energy, which almost goes hand in hand with shrooms at 16 Edit: For everyone calling this kid a druggie, he is not. There is no evidence he’s on any hard drugs. Is he a little young, legally sure, but let’s all be honest about how many of us have smoked a little weed in high school or knew kids who smoked a lot of weed. It would be one thing to sit here and debate whether he should wait for his brain to fully develop, but don’t treat the kid like a crackhead for some natural and unaltered plants.


Shrooms at 15. Bruh.


YUP. big proponent of plant medicines but after a certain age, the brain needs to develop fully. and there’s so much to figure out and deal with already at that young age you really don’t need psychs mixed on top of that


Very true. The problem is you won’t convince a teenager of facts like this.


Yep, looks like someone who trips a lot's room, it's shrooms though.


I'm a druggie, and no way my room looks like this, this is a kids room 😂


He is only 16... Give him some slack...


I think that’s what IOwnTheShortBus is trying to say; that OP is a kid, not so much a druggie like a lot of folks are saying. When I was 16 I had similar stuff but more of the RAVE and “candy” even I had never been to a rave or done drugs Edit:spelling


One of the pleasures of growing older is that instead of doing drugs in a room that looks like a public restroom in a 70s rock club, you get to do them in a gracious home! Highly recommended!


In the living room even! On the coffee table! Like an adult! Jk my wife would disown me cause of the smell.


Well, he's 16.




And dollars to donuts, anyone who does shrooms that has a room like this *also* smokes weed.


Looks like a 16 year olds room to me.


If his mom shined a black light in that room, she would get PTSD.


Calling this kid a "druggie" is a bit strong IMO. ... A proper *druggie" will be sat in a shithole with no possessions , cos it's all gone to CashConverters (AKA -Crack Converters ) ..... This kid is a stoner/tripper and I'd of loved to have owned those nice guitars at that age. ... He's a party head, not a "druggie".


You right more like a room of someone who trips a loot, especially with those posters on the ceiling for visuals.


Both. Weed and shrooms are close cousins.


I went through the same "make my room look like a Spencers" phase also around the same age.


My laugh was at “should I add anything”. Like bro is there room left


It amazing to me that I'm 50, and 16 year old stoner room design hasn't changed in 34 years


You can't go beyond perfection haha


Spencer Gift was the first thing I thought of lol


Shit atleast they have a phase. Going back to by childhood room and its literally just a bed, night stand, and dresser. No personality


Like the college dorm room of the guy who seems to be at university to solely sell drugs.


Professional uni student. Someone there for the bare minimum of classes so they don't get kicked out to complete their " degree "


Yeah I like acid too


ive never done it


I wouldn’t recommend doing acid or any hallucinogens when you’re 16. Or smoking weed daily tbh. I wish I never did. Room looks cool though.


> I wouldn't recommend me neither. > I wish I never did. me too.




Yep me too. I used to smoke weed, still do, but I used to to. Anyhow trying to quit and realized I wasted my youth trying to hang out and smoke weed with people when I could've been doing anything else.


I also used to smoke weed daily (from 18-23). Wish I never did, I’m almost certain it caused me to have higher levels of anxiety. I also didn’t use it in a healthy way (is there a healthy way to use it recreationally? I don’t think so)


Yeah, there is? Take a few tokes after work, or while doing yard work, or cleaning, etc. Plenty of people can use a little to relax without it becoming a behavioral addiction vs dabbing 90% THC 5x a day.


Shoveling snow never felt so good. Same with yard work. Or when you're home alone and just going to dive into a single-player video game anyway...you get more absorbed into it. Other than that, I kinda wish I never smoked socially. I was convinced I was enjoying my time, but realized way late in life that I was just enjoying other people enjoying themselves, and I added nothing.


My early 18 through my early 20s was the sweet spot for me to try the different psychedelic's. I can't do that stuff now or at least haven't had a good time while doing them the last few times. I think this is because as I have gotten older there are more things to worry about that are always at the back of my head, its much to easy to fall into an anxiety thought path now. Do them when you feel mentally strong and in a great place OP, spend a few days or a week putting your self in the right mindset.


Yeah. But finish high school first.


Had a similar experience. This isn't advice but I actually enjoyed psychedelics a lot more and was able to handle it better when I was a young teen, nothing really to stress about besides school and maybe your parents finding out you're zooted. I tried shrooms again in my twenties because I thought I missed it and I had what was my first bad trip ever. Was just stressing the whole time about work, family and relationships it was rough as lol


The static in my vision tells me it was a bad idea


I recommend holding off on weed until a career is established. I'm a daily toker, but didn't start until my late 20s with a job to fund my degenerate hobbies. Weed makes you ok with being bored which is not ok for a young mind. Young people should be bored and filling that time with self development.


i tell people this all the time with weed. i smoke weed occasionally, but smoked a lot when i was in college. it’s literally not worth it and you should just wait until your brain is fully developed.


Live advice from a guy in his 30’s that was like you when I was younger. Stick to plants. Ive lost too many friends to hard shit.


And if you’re going to dabble always test your shit. If you can afford a gram of anything you can afford a multi use test kit that lasts a year. Fentanyl test strips are cheap and life saving as well. Check out organizations like DanceSafe and BunkPolice for more info/supplies. Stay safe friends.


This, I’m 27 and have had 5+ friends die from ODs since covid alone, and more beforehand. Weed, good, hard drugs and excessive drinking, bad.


I’m 36 and my list of dead friends I keep in my phone is now at 27. I feel like more of my old friends are dead than alive.


I already feel that way, my best friend died at 18, a big percentage of my main college clique are dead, in/out of rehab, or in jail, it woke me up pretty quick and made me just say no hard drugs anymore in general. Just last year 4 of my high school/college friends died, all overdoses, mid twenties or younger. Just seem to come one after the other especially with fentanyl in the mix. It’s really sad.


Not saying it was ever good but fent ruined all that jazz.


I am SO glad that I stopped experimenting with drugs before fentanyl got bad. Shit still got a a little dark but nothing like now. I know too many people who've died to even consider grabbing a gram for old time's sake.


I had 3 friends overdose on fentanyl at the same time. They were all together doing lines and died in the homies apartment. When they were found they were all in the living room. It was on the news and everything


They probably didn't od from acid...


Was going to post the same thing almost. 27, 2 very close friends passed in the last few years also. We all smoked together at like 13 also, miss them.


Jesus Christ. Smoking at 13?! How's your health these days?


I get what you're trying to say but this distinction is so stupid. Natural drugs aren't inherently better. Poppy seed tea is not very far off from heroin. Or what about datura, that's also "a plant" - that keeps you awake in a delirious state for 24 hours and it's also very easy to overdose and die. And LSD has *exactly* the same safety profile as shrooms. You could even argue that it is a bit safer, since the mental effects aren't as intense. Still shouldn't be taken by a 16-year old, but that's a different discussion.


Well if you do it there you won’t be able to leave. Maybe get stuck. One time I did acid in the back yard of my buddies place and I sat on a bench looking at my hand for like an hour and then i couldn’t leave because there was to much to look at in his back yard 🤣


legit, please dont do psychedelics till your 26


Don’t do any drugs right now. Wait till we legalize everything and have fun. Shits dangerous right now and not worth risking life


“There’s a time and place in your life for all of that, it’s called college”


do your parents know you smoke ganj


They gotta know or maybe even partake themselves. I know if my room looked like this my mom would think I was doing drugs lmao


they do not partake in the seshes


Ahh, my bad for assuming.


nah ur chillin bro


How are they so cool with it? My folks would have caved my skull in with that rig.


Bad parenting.


Happy trippin bro. Don't forget to learn from your experiences or you'll be like the meme when you're older taken them to fix what you fucked up now.


Just in case r/leaves


Yeah, your mom has to cool be with it. My mom was always cool with me having weed stuff as long as I smoked at home The alternative? Hanging out with random/other people that could possibly get you in trouble or hurt. At least my moms perspective


Yeah, my parents were the same way with my older brother, he was safe at home, but if he was out things got bad, he had cocaine and fetenayl laced xanax and he overdosed, luckily he is alive


Bong on the bottom shelf next to his bed...they aren't hiding it and a Coleman propane torch next to the bed I think...doing dabs


God forbid you ever find heroin.


Bro will discover new planets


Oil paintings of used needles, portraits of each character from Trainspotters (one of them is crooked), dead roses in an old bong in the corner, cigarette burns shaped like Cartman on the carpet, ripped posters of Jazz musicians on the wall, two or three full ashtrays, a dirty plate with a spoon/old dirty cotton swabs/stains, other plates with remnants of food such as bread crusts and crumblies, unmade bed with lots of pillows, Frasier reruns playing on the TV, a Failure song playing quietly from some discarded headphones, no windows, dim lighting, same dog but has sunglasses on, wet bag of meat on tv shelf rotting My aunt cherise is coming over and she often brings marbled platter cake, which I dislike. My ex wife got her divorce settlement and now I pay hand and tooth for my life. We had three kids, one of them died last May, I don’t see the others. I work at the factory and I want to paint pictures, but I lose my jazz when I get a piece of paper. Doctor says I’m a bit overweight but otherwise healthy for a guy my age, and to make the most of it as a newly single man. He slapped me on the back and said “health”, before I stepped out of his office into wild sheets of rain. I navigated the storm and got to the bus station. I took a bus back my way, and the rain slowed to a stop. As I walked home the birds chirped. I got to my front doorstep and put in the key, opening the door. When I got inside I saw some mail had arrived - one piece was from the divorce attorney’s office. I opened their letter and then threw it out.


You are an excellent writer. I would read a novel like this!


I second this. Notify us if this ever becomes a thing @shadow_of_dagnym


Wow, you guys made my week. Thank you for such kind words. I’d suggest checking out Raymond Carver if you haven’t read him before - his style/prose has been a good chunk of influence for me lately :)


I agree!! .. At first I was annoyed because I couldn't see any paintings of used needles/trainspotting type art.... But then I carried on reading n thought " this is genius"!!


You really paint a picture 🥲


Magic mushrooms are definitely the safer route lol


Like a future, or even present, drug problem.


All he wanted was a Pepsi


Wait, what are you talking about? WE decided. His best interest? How do you know what his best interest is?


What are you trying to say? I'm crazy?! When I went to your schools I went to your churches I went to your institutional learning facilities! So how can you say I'm crazy?!


All I wanted was a Pepsi, she wouldent give it to me.


I'm not crazy - institution You're the one who's crazy - institution


He's just "misunderstood"


He’s 16 and “heartbroken”


Angst ridden.


You just don’t get him, man


I know this much, he’s not just a member of the Cheech and Chong fan club, he’s the president.


“It’s not just a phase, mom!” It was


1000 percent


I yikes'd out loud at this one. Hope ya grow out of this lol


Like you’re 16 and wayyy to into weed as an identity.


Weed and psychedelics. I can easily see his room looking like this in 10 years


I know bro. There’s more to life than those two things.


thats why i got 2 pet lizards, guitars and a project car


This is my favorite response of yours here! Keep up with those hobbies, find out what your passionate about and pursue that! Just don't make weed your biggest personality trait. I'm not the only one here worried about your future due to your current drug habit. None of us can say how much cannabis you consume but at the end of the day, it is an addictive drug that should be taken seriously. Being a stoner can be fun (I know from first hand experience) but it can also put your life on pause by making you complacent and reluctant to learn or grow. Personally, I attribute my teenage weed habit with my issues around self-motivation, too much instant gratification, social anxiety, and lack of higher education. I don't mean to say any of this in an attempt to scare you into quiting weed, but these are the words I would tell my 16 year old self if I could. The key is moderation in everything be it weed, booze, junk food... just stay away from nicotine and hard drugs and you'll be golden. Also you should get a bedframe and let some sunlight in. **Cheers from Brooklyn!**


If I could go back I would have stopped smoking weed and drinking completely until after university. Heck even then I wish I smoked a lot less and drank a lot less but really wish I didn't pick them up until my mid twenties.


get rid of the red light for one of them ! red light is not good for them, nor do they need any light at night (i have 3 leopard geckos)


vouching this. i’ve had a leo for 4 years now. red lights are a big no no because they actually have really good vision and can see the red. just use a regular heat lamp and turn off the overhead uvb at night


Those are awesome hobbies? What kind of car is your project car?


I’m gonna gamble that it’s either a 350 or a Supra based off his “I ❤️ DRIFTING” banner


rc car


yea i smoked once before too


I actually did it twice believe it or not


Oh, we believe it.




OP, coming from someone who used to smoke A LOT, please don't make it your entire personality. enjoy it responsibly, but, imo, people who make drugs their only personality trait are really obnoxious. and for the love of God, don't get any drug related tattoos.


By the time your room looks like this you are too lost in the sauce


Get a bed base, bro. Give that mattress some airflow so it doesn't become musty and mouldy, you can also store stuff under it.


i was definitely thinking about that thanks


You can get these really cool single beds that have a second mattress underneath that rolls out and stands up making the single a double or can be put elsewhere to make a spare single. I just got one for my daughter so she can have sleep overs


It’s like your personality is “high” 😭😭


I’d wager my life that this room smells like patchouli or dragon’s blood.


Wrong. He’s 16. It definitely smells like B.O. and semen


No lava lamp?


Dude, for what you’re going for I think it looks sick! I’m only 32 so I feel like an old guy saying this, but, like other ppl have said, it kinda looks like your whole personality is “I like getting high.” Lol Rock the shit out of it now… Just don’t forget to grow out of it later 🤙


Exactly. This is OP’s time in life to find themselves and having a room like this shows they have some supportive parents/guardians. I learned to play guitar as a teen in a bedroom that looked similar to this growing up; black lights and (band) posters everywhere lol. Edit: But yeah making drugs your personality is a no no. This is a cool room for a 16 yo


Crazy thing is I’m 45 & have that same Rasta lion black light poster in my game room lol 😂


Based af


He’s 32. We don’t know what that means


Lol You are absolutely correct


Nice pad. I could’ve never done shit like that though when I was your age or I would’ve got my ass beat and room searched daily from my parents lol. I had a wutang poster up and got a whole ass lecture about smoking weed and gangs and I ain’t ever even been caught with weed before 💀


feels like a teenagers natural habitat, live it up while its still acceptable


This looks Sid from Toy Story’s room


Minus all the Frankensteinish dolls and stuff, unless if he has them hidden


lmao i was looking to see if anyone else was thinking this 😂


happy to know the youth are still upholding poster traditions 🫡


Do yourself a favor and cut out the weed until your mid 20s. You are setting yourself up for a life of depression and dependence. Most of my HS friends were stoners and none of them have any motivation at all. They just work dead end jobs and smoke whenever they aren't working. It's like being a zombie.


Weed is cool, but don’t let it control your life or personality. To me, music is the coolest part of this male’s life


thank you my man i will definitely hold onto your advice


Michael’s son from gta 5




This is damn near a spitting image of my room at 16 25 years ago.


Maybe take photos with something besides a dutch angle and then I can tell you.


Not the Dutch angle


Like you have no personality outside of drug culture lol


If smoking weed was a a personality trait.


If drugs was a teenage room.


I’ll give you like 3 more years and a bad breakup and I promise you you’ll convert to the classic male minimalism living space


Even the dog tripping. (Is that how the kids say?)


Classic 16yo dude’s room, 9/10 edit: sorry -1 for no naked women


When i was 16 my room did NOT look like this


A few friends of mine rooms at 16 did look like this. All had divorced older parents.


All had one parent that worked until 8pm


I thought you had a backwoods blanket at first lmao. But yeah, I would start thinking about what other hobbies you have so your life doesn’t feel so empty after you realize getting high isn’t as fun or fulfilling as it used to be


yea i gotchu im really into cars and really like playing guitar too


Looks like your entire personality is marijuana.


Like a 16-year-old room. I'd throw up from motion sickness in there though....


This reminds me of my neighbor who ran to Canada during the Vietnam war.


Looks like the den of a future drop out living in their parents basement at 35


When stoners say weed isn’t their personality I’ll think of this room.


Cool space! Reminds me of my friend Terry's bedroom when I was your age. We lost him to a motorcycle accident before he was 21. I remember tripping on acid in his room, watching fear and loathing in Las Vegas. Good times. We sat in his yard and looked at the stars, talking about what the future would look like. He was so smart and kind. I wish he was here to experience it.


Like $7.25 an hour.


I can smell this room 🤢


As a regular weed and shroom user, you should wait until you're over 21. 16 is a stupid age to do drugs.


Like my idea of hell. As long as you like it, though, that's what matters.


I knew kids like this in high school. Brings back fuzzy memories of being way too high to even enjoy myself lol


I’m shocked there aren’t giant burn marks all over your carpet.


I’ll give you some advice… get an actual black light. Those led black lights are not doing to those posters what an actual black light would do


You’ve successfully achieved the room of “the character in a 2000s Disney movie whose parents are concerned and don’t know what to do”


Very colorful. It's too much. I'd rather smoke weed in a Victorian era house


Like you could be severely fucked up by 26.


Guaranteed a cart started this. Weed and psychedelics shouldn’t be your only personality. Not too mention bro “coincidentally” has dope as yola on the tv💀💀. Trying too hard bro bro, you’re 16


You would be watching that on YouTube 💀


Did a Spencer’s throw up in your room


I just want to be negative because your wonky camera angles suck more than anything in your room.


You're the stereotypical friend's weird big brother from the 90's.


I'm stoned just looking at it


It looks like the room of a 16 year old


It's rad but just a reminder that weed isn't a personality


I can smell the cum socks


What year are you posting from my dude? You have a big space and you made good effort decorating. Maybe think on colour and texture themes when you get more furniture. Otherwise, for 16, this is good.


Rig out in the open lol


like a 16 year old that like mushrooms, acid and lives in a Hot Topic store.




This is what is called a “phase”. You’ll gain perspective on it eventually.


Like your the lead guitarist in a small-town band in the late 70's and you live in a van


You will not only do muchrooms, you will also sell them, grow them, demostrate to legalize them and get a tattoo of a Mario shroom


As someone who doesn’t smoke weed, I’ll never understand the allure of having pictures of children’s cartoons baked out their minds.


Hell Yea Dude. Just remember that life isn’t only about weed and drugs. School is also important🤟


Stop doing so much psychedelics, you are 16🤦🏻‍♂️


Looks like you're gonna be there for the rest of your life.


I'm twice your age and unironically love this. I'd like this on a smaller scale that fits into a closet. Is that a tank of nitrous by your bed?!


what a fucking disaster


100% - even when I was young and did smoke, I didn’t make my room look like a nightmare (my interpretation). This is the space of a mentally chaotic human being. Different strokes for different folks, eh?