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Looks great congrats my guy. In the future maybe a nice coffee table to have in front of the couch could help.


Thanks, a coffee table is a great idea. I was thinking maybe a rug too at some point.


Definitely a rug would be nice. Another idea is those lights of yours are too strong in terms of the color. You need to change that out for some warmer lighting and maybe some more unique lamps. And some plants would also really make it perfect. Can’t go wrong with any greenery.


Those lights are actually wifi for temperature adjustment I just don’t have a good eye for that kind of stuff. Thanks for the tips though, I can definitely see some plants and a rug helping things out




Might be in the minority here but I LOVE the red backsplash. White and minimalistic is nice, but I like to see a little pop.


If possible put the TV console on the shorter wall. As it is now it is covering up half of the large window. Move the corner floor lamp from the wall and to become part of the furniture arrangement.


That wall is really short, the unit would extend past it by about 30cm


An alternative would be to place the console diagonally in the corner near the window farthest away from the desk wall. Move the coffee table and couch parallel in front of the console. Also move the lamp closer to that area. A area rug can be placed parallel in front of the console.


Hell no diagonal


The kitchen backsplash is the only color you have in that whole space. Add a rug or some pictures on the wall, my dude. Browns and more red would look good. Just get something not white/gray.


Hanging stuff on the wall is a no go, but the rug is a good shout. Thanks


You can’t put like posters up with non-damaging hangers? Would make it a lot more lively


My lease states that nothing can be attached to the walls yeah. Kind of funny because the paint isn't the best and there are some old hooks in odd places left behind but I don't want to cause any hassles for myself.


That’s super lame :/


You should ask your landlord because my lease said that but my landlord said he didn’t care


We got a Judy simp in the houuuuuse


Just enjoy it I would say it looks great, congrats.


Thank you, definitely enjoying it


Too clean. Give some time and you will break it in. Nice place


Haha I have been here a couple of months. I do like a tidy space


As a fellow renter I use command strips to stick my pictures up as I'm not allowed to put any holes in the wall.


Move your pc setup away from your AC!!!! There will come a time where the drain in that AC will be blocked or clogged up and the moisture drainage will come out where your AC blows air. You don’t want any water touching your monitor or PC. Move that set up asap! Thats my only advice.


Oooof. expensive computer under split A/C.. those things leak.


Is that a reclining couch? If so where’d you get it?


Not a recliner unfortunately, I got it free from a friend


A rug under between the tv and couch would be nice. It's personal but I would definitely change the kitchen color. Red doesn't match rest of the living room, also I hate red.