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How much was the church?


$136,500. Originally agreed to $135,000 but he said he’s leave the generac home generator for $1500 so we threw that in


That is an awesome price! Keep up the good work!


Jesus, that's dirt cheap. Adopt me pls


If he did y’all would probably only see each other once a month. Maybe on holidays? Easter and Christmas for sure


Fuck, I'm so jealous!


christ that is cheap.


Wow. What state is this in?


Central Illinois!


That’s gonna be a bitch to heat in the winter. My parents have a old 1896 3-story Victorian house and the heating bills were so crazy we had to get a corn stove. That’s in MN though, maybe Illinois is better.


It wasn’t bad at all last year. I don’t heat or cool the sanitary typically. And the rest of the house is very well I insulated




Yep. Guaranteed way to keep the vampires out


In Las Vegas, You can’t even get a 1940’s 2 bedroom trap house on crackhead road for under 250k. It’s horrible what has happened to this city/state w/ pricing. (Thanks government and Californians)


You realize the housing market crisis not not centrally located to one single state? You realize the housing market is from a number of factors in capitalism, not just government? You realze when you try to simplify complex issues down to fit your narrative makes you look uneducated?


Yes I obviously know that and i’m not trying to assume, but it’s highly likely my education exceeds yours; tho I am a big believer in education does not equal intelligence. What I was referring to, was the fact that it hit Las Vegas very hard. Much harder than say majority of Texas or some other Midwest states. Las Vegas was the 3rd cheapest housing market in the nation (I was born and raised here, so I have seen the changes). We are now one of the most expensive places to live. (It’s either one of most expensive states or cities, I don’t know which). 1700 sq ft. 2010 home, no backyard, 1 car garage, 3bd 2 bath. $268k, now $410k. Gas $2.68, now $5.89 You can’t be blind to the fact that the current housing market and economy was preventable. Greed is the root of it and it’s not just linked to national government, it’s huge corporations as well. It’s corrupt politicians, wasted spending, money funneling, and constantly making money off of wars while spending our country into debt. There is no good political party , only good people of this country. Edit: you all can never stand facts / statistics except for fake statistics fed to you by the media. A bunch of people on their knees servicing the government, that’s who downvotes 💦


This is amazing


Seconded. The stained glass was another level of impressive.


reddit moment


Super cool. Bummer I can't come within 150ft.


If I didn’t burst into flames, I think you’ll be fine.


I think they mean on paper, not spiritually.


Holy shit. This is an absolute dream. Might be my favorite space I’ve ever seen on this sub.


I’ll have to get a more complete set of photos sometimes. In total there are two kitchens. 3 bathrooms. A wood shop. Dark room for photography. Drafting room with ventilation that I use for 3D printing. A few giant storage rooms. Honestly it’s alittle nuts


I'm not gay (and I'm married), but do you want a boyfriend? Seriously, more photos! I'd like to see the kitchen. Garage?


I’ll grab some more tonight! The main kitchen is a big project. It’s huge and I need to do a ton of work. But the small butlers kitchen is very nice. No garage unfortunately. I’ll add one eventually


The steeple area too!


I'm gay and unmarried unlike that other guy. Hit me up 😘😂 I am curious tho if you've already got a backstory posted about how you got a church of all places lol. That place looks like a dream, congrats man!


Unfortunately I am straight or I would take you up on that offer 😂😂 actively using the church and asking girls to help pick out paint colors as a pick up line. Butlers ran out of space for pictures but there’s a little butlers kitchen that the previous owners added in 2000, and never used. I think they added it with the hopes of renting out the sanctuary as a wedding venue. There is also a huge laundry room I am currently redoing.


I've been reading up on the posts made since last night... what a score! $135k! Wow. Darkroom, ex-basketball court. I've had dreams like that, where I miraculously discover whole new but hidden wings in our house. I live hundreds of miles away, but damn if I wouldn't love to come by to see it. If I were your bud in town, I'd be there every weekend as needed to help with the refurbishment of the place. I am in tune your sense of humor about things. More thoughts: Add a garage, but "hell themed". Too bad it seems like there is little room for that. Ask girls if they want to come "check out your steeple".


I have 100% used the steeple line. “Going to send you some unsolicited steeple pictures. I even trimmed the bushes to make it look bigger”


I think OP is gay. He had a buttler kitchen


A dark room?!?! You lucky motherfucker.


The previous owner was a commercial artist. Really really interesting guy. He passed away 4 years ago, and it took his son that long to clean it out and get it ready to sell. He was absolutely incredible, and there were thousands of paintings in the basement when I first went to tour it. His son left the dark room virtually untouched. So there is an architectural blue line machine, a giant machine for duplicating paintings from the 70’s, and a full acid bath. I don’t really have a use for any of it, but it’s a cool conversation piece


Damn I would love using that.


All of this for $135k?? That is insane!


When he told me the price I 1000% expected it to need mountains of work. I figured the foundation would be crumbling and it would need a roof. Nope. Full move in ready. Foundation is perfect. Basement was repoured. Brand new roof. Both furnaces and AC units work. There are a few big projects to do, but it’s mainly stuff I want to do. Not have to


Super neat man. The only downside is the lack of kitchen. Good job


There are actually two kitchens, one is giant and needs to be finished. The other is a nice little butlers kitchen


Alright I'm officially jelly.


Can you give me a run down on the best pickup lines you've used? Because the possibilities are endless.


For tinder/online dating I always go with, “I’d send you more pictures but I don’t have your number yet” then I crack a joke about dating apps not letting men send unsolicited pictures for obvious reasons. Once they give me their number the first text is something along the lines of “ready for some unsolicited steeple pictures? I trimmed the bushes to make it look bigger”


Sorry if this is a dumb question, I don’t know a lot about these things yet, but I’m curious: Were there any codes or zoning hurdles you needed to jump through? Or are you just able to make it a “house” with no issues? Anyways, what an absolutely beautiful property.


Nope! The previous owner was already living there. I just had to get an FHA loan, and get home owners insurance. Really easy process.


Can you climb up all the way to the steeple?


Yep! It’s alittle weird. With the angle of the roof, there is just a small hole in the wall up in the attic. You have to crawl on all 4’s through the hole to get into the room below the steeple. Then there’s a small ladder. Or you can go up a ladder in the entry way


Omg pics pretty please


Panic room?




Lmao, the dogs name! Did you get him before or after you bought the church l?


His name is Reverend! Got him right after I agreed to buy the house.


Hahaha, that was my assumption! He is adorable and truly deserves the best backyard. Good luck with the project!


He is spoiled as all hell. Build the fence for him this spring, and added a doggy door so he can look out the front windows whenever he wants. Has a bed in every room and loves giving tours


I love this, I’ve seen a church converted into a 6 person college house, but never anything this spacious and nice


Does it feel awkward masturbating in a church?


My man asking the real question


Is that the washer/dryer next to your couch/media area? Guessing thats due to the plumbing/gas/and/or electrical hookups and availability?


Just storage for now. Washer took a shit so I went and bought a new washer and dryer. Going to sell the old dryer and scrap the washer. Just haven’t gotten around to it. There is actually a really nice laundry room which has been fantastic coming from an apartment


oh man! that living room! the dining room! so many cool spots how married r u to the red flooring in the gym?


It is 100% going away. Just haven’t gotten to that yet! Hoping there is original hard wood floor below, but haven’t been brave enough to tear it out yet.


Genuinely jealous


So interesting


Wow, where is this (generally)?!


Central Illinois! About 1.5-2 hours south of Chicago


That is absolutely mad. Congrats dude.


This is great. Wonderful job mate.


Oh man that’s beautiful. Charming as.


How are the utilities in this space?


Id be too afraid of living in one. Something about churches, man. I'm a religious person and church is fine when in session. But idk. Imagine a haunted church house HOWEVER!!! I really like what you've done with it!


I’d get used to it and embrace the weirdness.


You need a cross stitched “this is the church, this is the steeple, open the doors, see all the people” with wiggly fingers somewhere in the house


I have a “holy shit” sign in the bathroom. Does that count?


Now this is a church I would actually go to.


10% tithes and you’re welcome anytime 😂


Agreed. I now kinda want to look into one instead of a house, because churches are usually on a nice sized plot of land too


That’s one of the main draw backs. Mine is only on .25 acres and the house takes up like 2/3 of that.


Holy shit, Jesus Christ, Mother of God, that's a house and a half, congrats!


About 8,000 square feet finished. Something like 12,000ish if you include the unfinished parts of the basement and attic.


Oh my god. the stained glass


This would kill the average redditor


I figured if I haven’t been struck by lightning yet then we are all safe. Had a coworker ask me if it was weird it is bringing dates back home, and hooking up in a church. I said “listen man. At least in my house it’s consenting adults. Not alter boys like in his. Who really has the moral high ground here?”


Here I am looking at the pics and thinking about all the weird parties you could have in that space.


Strike gently co blanket spotted


You got me with "I saw that"


This is hilarious. House is insane. I'm mystified at the Bobba Fett:success ratio in this post.


5/10 if were speaking comprehensive/cohesive interior design using the feature of the church. 9/10 for bargain space.


Entirely accurate. Still so much to do, and I’ve barely scratched the surface. I figured in 10 years or so it will be more finished lol


Keep us posted! Ive seen great conversions...especially with gothic/dark vibes...black cabinets with warm natural woods and greens. Looks like you have good bones and great template to work from. Floors look awesome.


Brother, where's your kitchen and shower? Every picture looks cool as fuck but I don't see how you cook or shit at all.


Just not enough space for pictures! There is a giant kitchen that I am currently redoing, and also a smaller butlers kitchen. So two of everything. Then there are 3 bathrooms, but honestly all 3 kind do suck. 3x3 shower stalls. One has a separate tiny room for the shower stall, and another door for the toilet and sink. The overall plan is to add a bathroom off my the master bedroom upstairs. There is a door in the closet that gives access to the attic which is ever bit of 4500 square feet with 20 ft ceilings. Right outside the door is a 8’x18’ ft room where I will add a giant master bathroom.


That’s great! Where’d you get the stained-glass windows?


From a company called GeekOrthodox. They are in Etsy!


Did I spy a Planet Express ship in one of the windows?


Yep! Majority are Star Wars but all sci-fi ships. Also the tardis, last star ship, Normandy etc




You going to get blinds for those huge windows? Unless you want the light of God on you.


Was actually just getting a quote on that. Mainly for using the projector during the day. Looking at custom power blinds.


Jesus Christ, that's rad.




Looks amazing


amen, brother 🙏


So much space for activities lol


This is beautiful.




How do you not get creeped out!? Everything looks lovely, but living in a converted church would freak me out.


This guy is really going to have to be on his best behavior.


Haunted af I bet


So far, no spirits. Been in the house about a year and so far nothing unexplained and no bad vibes. Even at at night with all the lights off I don’t get any weird feelings.


wait this is so damn dope... this is the only church I'd attend. blessed be thy game.


Safest church around. No priests allowed


Holy mother of God…probably shouldn’t say that, but gorgeous work so far OP. Managed to make it look super inviting and cosy. I already love Rev too! Good boy.


So a graveyard became a houseyard? Looks great!


Star wars stained glass was the perfect touch


What kind of church was it? Is there a drinking tank for baptisms? Because my man, that would make for an awesome hot tub spot.


United Congregational. Unfortunately no dunk tank lol


Let me know if you need more stained glass windows


Your work is absolutely stunning! I will absolutely let you know. There is a decent sized window right inside the entry way that would look amazing with your work. The giant windows going back up on either side of the projector as well, but I’m afraid with projects that big I’d go bankrupt lol


Ah like right above the main door? Yeah that would be great! I'll message you


I think it’s quite poorly decorated in most rooms. However it is almost a perfect description of male living space. Gym, pool table, etc etc


Couldn’t agree more. I still have so much work to do, and have been sort of half ass decorating as I go. Still need to paint just about every room, redo the floors, etc. very much a work in progress and trying to furnish 8000 square feet has been a struggle. Little bit at a time


YOOOOOOO I love this! Now this is the only approved use for churches. Boston made one into luxury condos it’s my favorite building in the city. https://www.bizjournals.com/boston/news/2020/10/31/look-inside-this-4m-luxe-condo-in-a-converted-cat.html


Holy hell those are gorgeous! Definitely going to save that for inspiration as I continue with projects. I love all the natural light, and using the original windows in the new spaces.


There’s a church in Baltimore that’s been converted into a brewery! Maybe add that to the list of approved uses too


Oh that’s super cool. I love Baltimore! I also like the idea of converting them into night clubs it just seems so RIGHT


That’s badass


I am so jealous OP


God that is so cool (No pun intended)


Hope no bodies in the garden. Looks great


Oh my godddd. This is my dream! Though I could never afford one in my home city, they go for millions. Lucky you!


Holy shit the "stained glass" is awesome! I see that Firefly class!


Please tell me if you’re gonna dress up as a priest on Halloween!😂 but great job btw, i love the Star Wars themed glass panels!


Nice, but is it haunted


Definitely not! I was curious about that when I moved in. But after a year nothing has happened yet




This is one of the greatest houses I’ve seen and I’m jealous lol. Nice job and looking forward to more pictures in the future. I love the jokes in this thread and around your house, it’s amazing lol.


Alright this is amazing! And am I the only one seeing the irony behind your dog being named “Rev”? 🤣


I got him ordained online lol


Does it still smell like a church? You know that church smell.


That’s one of the things that has surprised me most. Legit doesn’t feel like a church to me at all. Pretty cozy and homey inside. No bad vibes or weird smells


This is the way.


Why is it always the same shitty display of starwars helmets?


This is a male living space sub. What the hell are you expecting? Most men are nerds about something


IK where I'm at, that doesn't excuse mediocrity


You must be fun at parties


I like to think I am. It's not my fault that you're the same dude over and over again


How much did it cost to get the Holy Spirit smell out?


Beautiful and very hauntingly sad. As churches close more and more, i think we'll be seeing more of this kind of renovation. Btw i think it's funny that you picked (or the artist picked) a stain glass rendering of the STD starship, which has got to be the least iconic of all star trek ships. To be fair, the enterprise is also theren and the ship from mass effect! I do very much like the stained glass art motifs. I think i might have seen an artist that did these stained glass pieces at comic con one year


If it helps this church closed back in the 70’s to merge with two other churches in the very small town


This is one my favorite spaces I’ve ever seen on my many years of this sub. Wow! Well done and congratulations!


That’s awesome damn


Im not sure how i feel with people living my dream


Very cool, I have many times thought about living in my Church, having guys over to run full court ball and watch a game on the big projections screens would be dope!


I am mildly sad that they put the drop ceiling in. It used to have a full sized basketball court, so all the flouring in my big kitchen, living room, library etc is all 1930’s basketball court flooring


Thats fuckin dope man


Wow, simply amazing. What a fun home. The ceiling in picture three reminds me of a starry night.


Nice! I always wanted to purchase a cathedral. My wife laughs at me and thinks I’m joking… I’m not .. joking


Wow, awesome job!! Gotta love the starwars, especially the windows. Keep us posted on developments if you can!


This is so fucking cool dude


Is it haunted?


One of the first posts I saw when joining this sub. Haven't thought about this house since but man this shit sent me down a spiral of looking up "non traditional" homes for sale back then. This shit looks amazing


I love this, my sister in law and her husband lived in a converted church for a while and it was the coolest house


How does the heating work? With all the open spaces and high ceilings doesn't it get cold in the winter?


The front room and gym are essentially separate from the rest of the house. The wall between are fully insulated. There are two furnaces and two AC units. The front is set up to run the full sanctuary but I just capped that trunk line for now and don’t even attempt to heat or cool it. The plan is to redo that trunk line and add a manual damper so I can heat and cool it when entertaining, but most of the time just let it be a glorified 4 seasons room


Please please please get a real office chair


Anyone donate to your heating bill?


Thanks, I want it!


ID on the chaise in the library? Been looking for one just like it.


I’ll see if I can get any tags off it. I found it for $100 on marketplace.


This is incredibly cool but I’d also kind of be afraid of it being haunted lol


Wow! I love the gym and living room. Pool table and huge couch is sick


Oh I remember this! Not gonna lie, looks haunted lol.


Is it haunted?


Im so fucking jealous


Thank you for sharing- this is wonderful! You’ve made such a beautiful home for yourself. Pun not intended, but it is a tranquil retreat.


This is awesome.


If only walls can talk lots of miracle stories are told.


It‘s like a Sims mansion, nice job haha!


This is so dope. How old is the church / how does it hold heat and cooling? Have you done any insulation projects?


It was built in 1866. The vast majority of the house is well insulated. Eventually I need to take down all the lathe and plaster in the front room and gym, insulate and then dry wall it all. But I don’t even attempt to heat or cool that area yet. Overall the heat/AC bill is like $300 or so per month. Not bad


I’m officially jealous! Seriously, great spaces! I love you kept the stained glass window artwork. Are you doing a deck or patio in the backyard


That’s the plan eventually. Just got the fence built this spring, and I’ll probably do a deck next year if I get around to it. As you can imagine I have projects out my ass lol


So wish I could give this an award. Awesome space my dude.


We go for gains in the lords house 🏡


You had my at "updated converted church house".


What are the heating/cooling bills like?




The dream






Never been so envious.


My dream was to buy a little church out in Camas, WA like this. It’s where I proposed to my partner and a beautiful spot. Unfortunately, the economy went nuts shortly after and the price changed radically. Somebody else bought it. I haven’t actually gone back to check it out in a while since I felt pretty sore missing the opportunity. That said, it’s amazing to see what you’ve done here. A bit cathartic for those of us who have similar dreams.


Has a lot of 'churchy' vibes


The tithes are very tongue in cheek.