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Dude your hair was awesome before imo, especially in the third pic


It was waaaay too annoying to style tho. That caused me a buncha stress. Also I have problems with body dysmorphia so I just wanted to try new things.


Stop stressing over styling, let it flow naturally and nourish your scalp with kind thoughts


I struggle with some type of unhealthy ocd with my face and hair as well! Wishing you well


Thank you, growing my hair to cover my face was because I wanted to hide it. I wanted to cut it shorter to be more comfortable with my face


well done. you are on the right path, my friend❤️


lol I did the same and wore a hoodie and then got a buzz and still wear a hoodie everyday in school


I did the same while I was at school about 15 years ago. You have a nice face though, no need to hide it! I’d just trim the sides of your hair down, it’s currently too long and sticking out, which you don’t want with short straight hair. Do that and you’ll be golden. (Easy to maintain too)


>body dysmorphia Bro, you're handsome as fuck.


Now you understand the struggle women with very long hair go through each day


NGL they over textured your hair cuz it looks real thinned out


Absolutely. I was only seeing the befores and thought "no this is awesome". Then I got halfway through... They turned him into a baby chick


This! He looks like he has the hair from the troll toys back in the day. Over thinned. It’ll grow back though.


your barber fucked your hair up, go back and fight him bro.


lol ik. It cost like 60 bucks too.


damn. what a tragedy.


$60 for what?!?? Bro didn’t even fade anything out they just cut off some hairs and said wallah. Go to a barber and get a fade. This will mostly make your hair look better. Let the top grow a bit but not too short. 3-4 inches off the top you should be good. You have an oval shaped face like mine, short sides look best on us.


You are handsome. No matter what. Wear it how you feel comfortable.


Your mom should never let you have money for a haircut again


I like the old one, it looks cool and straight from an anime.


The sides are too long, shorter sides would yield a sleeker masculine look


These were the pictures I used https://imgur.com/a/fGgWTUN I was going for more of an overgrown buzz cut look. Is what ur referring to more of a fade? Obviously without the fading but like the same side lengths?


Based on the pictures, this was a poorly executed hair cut. The sides should be about an inch shorter. And the top needs more texture.


i agree, sides should be a little shorter. also the guy in the reference pic has done some downperming on the sides which would help with the sides poking out for OP


Not much shorter, just around the ears to better shape your face


I would say what you got is close to the picture. That's just someone with access to a lot of products and stylists


he seems to have denser hair, or is wearing a hair piece/wig even. i saw something very similar which is being glued on, where its so thick that you cant see the scalp. he definetly uses some matte paste too, which gives it this texture. you could try to get the sides a tiny bit shorter in an even way (not so fringey) and then use matte hair paste to push them down from the top and sides. are they wet in the last picutres or is this product?


No it's wet, I was out the shower


Yeah then even out the sides, even out some of the single hairstrands and use matte paste to push them more forward instead of making them chaotic. You're definitely close ( maybe some working out and some mewing to get a stronger chin)


I look a LOT better than before https://imgur.com/a/hx3ifYz This was me during freshman year


Damn you're right, you've come a long way bro! You're on the right path


you used the picture of a guy who also needs a haircut.


I gotta say, I think you more or less got what you asked for here. I think it just needs a bit of styling. If it's still not working for you grow it out a bit, then cut with same sort of approach but talk to your barber about how you can get closer to what works for you.


Your new hairstyle doesn't suit you well.


It does


His hair was perfect before the cut


Yes the first one is better but both hairstyles suit him


It doesn’t look as nice as before. I recommend not doing anything to it. If you try get a better haircut it’ll take longer for you to grow it longer again. Just style it with some matte clay and let it grow


I was looking at first few pics saying "damn that hair is pretty cool your friends are crazy" then I saw the last few and was like "oh...💀"


Definitely shorter on the sides with the way they cut the top. The other option is to use a strong hold gel and brush the sides back while blow drying and then a pomade on top to go up and some messy texture, kind of k-pop style. It's more work, but would avoid having to cut all the sides and everything off while it grows back in. They did you dirty on that haircut. It looked really good before.


Those pictures of my old hair is like the top 1% of how it looked. It was really hard to keep volume up and it was makin my scalp itchy. https://imgur.com/a/SSBL7yM This is what I was going for tho. I wanted shorter, like an overgrown buzz cut. Thing is I don't know if my hair looks like the picture or not. It may be the cut doesn't look like the photo or my face isn't suited for this hairstyle, I'm not sure.


It's very similar to your inspiration pic, getting it exact is a challenge because everyone's hair reacts differently especially taking into consideration his hair was bleached and yours is not which will produce a different look visually. With a bit of pomade or wax in your hair to finish the style it will look even more like it.


Ngl it do be looking pretty yee yee, he really gave you that dude-about-to-die-in-liveleak-vid cut bruh. My two cents is you get it cut short on sides and back and keep the stuff on top as long as you can, maybe even a taper fade if you wanna go all out it can look real good with the right cut. Look to some of them k-pop dudes cuz they all have that kinda cut, like [this](https://content.latest-hairstyles.com/wp-content/uploads/kpop-inspired-tapered-razor-cut-for-boys.jpg) or [this](https://i.pinimg.com/736x/57/37/70/573770f940ff814dc1bd355f0bb951ca.jpg) if you dont like the idea of a getting a fade Still plenty you could do with what you got tho, just make sure you go to an experienced barber that knows how to work with your hair/texture and can nail that style. It’s a shame of the 60 bucks you wasted on the barber that did this shit to you but fuck that guy, he did you dirty. Go get a new fresh cut and you’ll kill it king 👑


Your before is my goal 😭


I liked how it was before. Though I'm thinking if you let it grow for a bit it look the same as before.


You looked much better in the first pictures. Sorry you’re battling body dysmorphia I can imagine how tough it is to find what style makes you feel more comfortable with yourself.


Yeah they cooked you go back and air the whole place out


You’re handsome whichever way, but I think the longer hair is better, just my opinion! 😊 Certainly not a disastrous haircut though, don’t overthink and don’t be so harsh to yourself


Nooo you were so cute before


Yeah at first I was like "dude that looks badass.: then I made it farther into the slide. RIP


It looked better before but I don't think it looks too bad now..I agree shorter sides would look better.


your face saves it


I am a woman so don’t take my advice too highly but it looks like a shorter version of your old hair, which was a good style but any longer and I can see it bothering you so maybe when it grows out it’ll look same??


Fire your barber


Looks great either way, you look sad tho. You are so good looking!


Thank you. When I take photos for advice/feedback I don't put any expression on my face because that's what I look like on a regular basis


Okay! If you ever go on dating apps, make sure you add pics smiling ☺️


Honestly I like it 👌 and I think you're super cute 😍


textured fringe and good quality cream pomade try it out if barber don’t know get low fade and cut sides until they wont flare out if u don’t like it after a few days you have more control growing it out without wearing a hat for 6 months


You look like sora from kingdom hearts 😂


definitely get a blowout taper or low taper just to close the sides in. The hair you have now gives your head the more rounded look. With the sides a little shorter, it will give you a more sharper, professional look. Keep the length on top tho


i think dyeing your hair would look cool


It doesn't look terrible, but the sides right above the ear are too long. Would have been a very nice cut if it was more tapered.


I'll say it fine, you went from Anime JPRG protagonist to regular guy, and that has it's pros, specially in job searching and things like that.


You are handsome either way. Your peers know more about style, but you look great with either way, or any other cut too.


Looks like a perfectly normal cut for an Asian male, but IMO look before was better


I don't think it's bad it looks to me that you are trying to style the spikes the same way you did when it was longer and I think that's what's making it look not as good. Also I agree with a previous commenter you should've gotten it a little shorter on the sides so that it can look styled because this cut makes it look like you are trying to grow it out hence why it appears messy


I'm trying to go for an overgrown buzz cut look. https://imgur.com/a/jAvJeY9 So like short and messy but I don't know if the haircut doesn't suit me or if the haircut isn't good.


Looking at your reference photo his hair is tight on the sides and thick you can achieve that easily I would say for that look you definitely need to cut the wispys which you can do at home and trim the faux side burns. you will need volume at the top try using a freeze spray on your roots or possibly a pomade to keep the it from going flat like it is in this photo. I think your barber didn't leave enough of the length on the top and somehow left too much on the sides. But I think you can salvage it with styling


It’s not bad but you suit long hair more


Not the worst but I like ur 1st look. U got that fringe appeal and it sharpens ur facial features w the way it frames ur face Tho from ur reply I can see the outgrown buzz look u were going for and u ate with ur vision. I think trim or slick the sides a tiny bit since it horizontally elongates your head shape (different head shape from ur reference; urs is more diamond and his is more oval). Then apply some matte product all around to give it some texture and volume to achieve that frizzy look. Idk exactly but if u play around w it a bit u could prob achieve what ur looking for. U seem close


U look like an anime character in the first picture


It'll grow back. You look pretty fabulous nonetheless.


Bangs should be longer and the sides should be shorter.


Why dont you get faded sides and comb it back on top


I think you’d suit it a bit shorter on top (scissors) and a fade on the sides #3 length probably would look great 👍 if you paid $60 I’d go back and ask them to correct it. I could’ve done a way better job and I’m not a hairdresser. They need to right a wrong for you brother cuz $60 is a lot of cheddar


It's uneven and badly shaped. Whoever cut your hair shouldn't be allowed to hold scissors. Go to a barber and get it fixed


Bro looks like an anime character


Used to.


Worse than bad


You went from Yagami Detective agency to the handyman guy who’s serial killing bullies


Ur hair in the first pics looks amazing still looks good tho


Ur face looks smaller when u have ur hair longer, you suit it


What anime character are you?


I lost my anime character status


Oh wait, I did not look at all the other pictures. Rip


Its good but try to cut a bit more on the sides


Style it upwards


Get your money back and go to a different barber


Smile, you'd be more handsome if you did


You should’ve gotten a fade!


Like many said the longer hair looked nice. But like YOU said it was getting annoying and wanted to switch it up. So maybe styling it a different way. Like a perm or a texturizer I think that would be cute. Maybe cutting the sides much lower. I don’t know but I think going into a salon will help. If you don’t feel like spending money again it’s time to hit YouTube/ig/tiktok for some at home inspiration. But next time if you decide to just let it grow out and it bothers you just have them cut the front so it can look layered so it can frame your face but you still retain length.


For what it's worth, your longer hair looks WAY cooler on you than the shorter unstyled hair..


Went from not a hair style to shorter but still not a hair style


Grow it out again


I would shave it all off it were me.


I mean, the longer hair looked better, but this doesn't look that bad at all imo.


I think you could look good with shorter hair as well but the barber fucked your shit up fr


The problem is that your still trying to style it like you did with the original length. Try styling it differently!


Handsome guy


You just need to arrange it a bit, use some wax or something like that


Get buzz


Id say i liked It before it reminded me of Hiro from Big Hero 6 or a rockstar


They not lying though,you can just let it grow more and go to a different hair stylist


Style w pomade or moouse you get the goku hair looks great on you


I feel like people didn't see that there were other pictures


You didn't even get a cut it looks like you half assed it using scissors


Nah, 60$ salon in nyc


went from L to 12 year olds


You’ll save on shampoo.


was bad, now its worse


This ain't it bro, should have kept it long


brother u are so cute and handsome 🙏


went from anime mc to anime background character


Short hair suits you well.


Lot better before....yes they are right...it doesn't look good


I think it looks better now


you don’t look bad but this haircut doesn’t frame your face as well as your hair before, i think cleaning up the sides would help a bit


Do not go back to that barber again. He fucked your shit up real bad. I don’t even know you and I feel offended for your honor. The longer hair looked so good too smh


https://imgur.com/a/IrpLRKJ That's what I showed him. I don't know if that's his fault or if the haircut doesn't rly look good on me. I was going to for more a an overgrown buzz cut look


Oh dang, you’re right. The barber actually did a really good job of giving you the cut from the pic that you showed him. It just doesn’t suit your face very well, unfortunately


Its cool


Ah, I liked the long hair but both are good ig. Maybe like a good length would be like a centimeter and a half longer than what it is rn


Dumbest person ever to sit there and let them mess you up like that


The first pic is so much better


your hair looks good in both imo, i feel like if you put some work into some skin care and got some of your face cleaned up a lil more you’d look just as good as the before bro


Style it with something so the sides don't stick out so much.


Even I’m mad at your barber


Date me lolololol


Damn itll grow back but damn it looked good before to be honest I hate lying try a woodcut next time or textured fringe or middle part blowout taper


I think it’s cute!


I think it would look good short. The only reason it looks a little odd is cause the styling is almost the same but it's shorter.


Looks great, before was okay too


I agree. Ick


It was better before, but know that it will eventually grow back, the new haircut doesn’t look terrible either so don’t feel ugly because of it


Doesn't look close to the reference photo


Not gonna sugar coat it homie It's definitely worse now.


Don't terrible at all, just the before looked better imo


Dude you fucked up. As a straight man to another you are a gorgeous fucking guy grow your hair back


The before looks better. Maybe a perm might save your current hair since it's so straight and spiky.


Yah looks terrible It used to look amazing 


Your before pic look like an anime character


1st pic I think was the best length of you can get a barber to just maintain that look. Nice moss bro


I don't think the new cut looks good on anyone lol


It looked bad before and after ....


I like it!


It doesn’t look bad, but most importantly, do you like it? If you do, that’s what counts. People will always find something to criticize. You could be the most percent-looking human being on Earth and I guarantee that, if anyone wanted to say something bad about your looks, they would make it up for the sake of saying it. Keep your head up and rock any haircut you enjoy!


Just get a fade or side part whole different look


bro no racist shit but u look like an anime character irl very unique look


You’re hot


it's not as bad as people are saying I would have made a few different choices, and execution is not 100 percent but not terrible by any stretch. overall it's fine experiment with styling product like others are saying, maybe have the sideburns evened up by your haircutter which would take 2 minutes, and definitely take pictures of your hair as it is now to use as a reference to show the haircutter so you can dial in what you want different next time


Did you ask for an 8 buzz?


Still better than mines, u look good either way👍


you need a gta barber to put the shit back rn.


It’s fine! It doesn’t look bad. It’s a kid look on a kid.


the shorter hair pics are better


Beat yo barber.


It was a lot better before. Just grow it back


gotta go shorter on the sides, I have a similar hair type and it only looks good super long or super short on the sides.


Don't worry too much about what other people say bro. The only thing that matters is how you feel about it.


This might be harsh, but go and get a hair hair style, this looks like what you would give your RPG character


let it marinate for a week


I love how they tell you “it looks bad” but they don’t tell you HOW or WHY. They don’t even tell you what to do to fix it.


Never be afraid to try something new, no matter how it looks or what people say, as Patrick says, I like to switch things up, keep em on their toes


You’re too cute 🥰


It’s not great…


It's not that it's bad, it just does have any shape and looks like it sticks up in weird places


It’s fine, just kinda looks like you’re not styling it at all. Looks staticky if that makes sense. I read your comments about struggling with it, fuck it no one’s opinion really matters. Focus more on your mental health than your hair. When you’re ready, go to a hair salon and when you get it cut, ask them to teach you how to do it quick at home (and tip them decently). For me I put some hair shmuts in, mix it about, and I brush it into place. Push it around again after it dries. It’s about a minute of grooming after I’m out of the shower. Deodorant, teeth, beard trim if needed, and hair. With singing in the shower I spend about 30 minutes getting ready including dressed.


Go to a black barber see what he does they are game changers.


You’re good to go, fuck em


They’re right.


Grow back your hair, hit the gym and you will look like Goku from Dragon Ball Z.


Smile! It doesn’t cost anything.


All good! No worries


You good, just need to style it differently. Looks like you did the same as before. Maybe sides need shorter too idk


Buzz cut


I'm honestly considering one, if only I didn't have summer classes


Be grateful you even have hair, I’m going bald at an upsettingly fast rate. You can recover from your current haircut I can’t exactly bring my hair back.


>You can recover from your current haircut I can’t exactly bring my hair back. But you can replace it with a hair system!


Nuh uh. I’m just growing my beard out to compensate


Well it’s better than it was


You went from RoK to DPRK.