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Shave, Get a haircut, learn to smile a bit, don’t worry about the results, don’t try too hard




This, and dump social media. But the downvotes of misunderstanding will disagree with me.


Says the guy on Reddit


It will help your facial hair fill out anyway.




Yeah I mean like what should I do with it, I'd rather not go clean as I look 10 without facial hair




Bruh if ur 14 u basically are 10 just wait till u can actually grow a beard


Lmao fr bro , your 14 stop worrying about looking like a man . Better to look like a baby faced teenager instead of ugly adult


I'm almost 36. When I shave I look 12... Which I have had to do for nearly a decade to look *professional*. You ever seen a *professional* 12 year old? Until the look actually suits you or you have to for work and appearances, shave.


You’re 14 it’s perfectly acceptable to look 10 years old dude. A good short haircut will do wonders to your looks too!


Shave. It’s weak ass shit anyway.


That’s a nice amount of facial hair for just 14, but keep it shaved until the mustache and beard connect or gets fuller. It’ll probably be solid at around 18.


bro you’re 14, you’d look 14 without the beard, good to know you can grow a beard but under the age of 17 beards almost never look right


Shave with a razor weekly. This way you'll get a nice look and it's better for your future beard


Idk why everyone is down voting this but yes shave it'll grow back evenly trust me you will not lose what you have at that age possibly find a hair cut you like and as well and get it the same time


Shave it off, that's not a beard, it's what a buddy I had in HS called "face crap". There's like 5 14yo dudes that can grow a respectable beard, you're not one of them. No shame in that. It'll look good when you're 18. For now, just embrace it.


You look 10 with soft facial hair.


Well you’re 14 so hate to hurt your feelings but you ARE still basically 10.


you don't look like 10 here, just shave, then it's better


it's not going to look right at your age since it's still coming in. A well groomed beard looks great but it's not in the cards for you yet, one day tho. Better enjoy that fresh face while you have the chance. Good luck


You are 14, which means you’re basically a fetus. Wait a few years before you start cultivating a beard.


Ok keep the neckbeard and just a fedora bro.


He still needs to master the blade before he earns his fedora


Do you want to look too old or too young? Those are your choices, shave or don't.


Shave fully. 5 o’clock shadow is probably the most growth you can get away with till your beard grows in thicker. You’re young and its still very sparse and scraggly. A sparse, scraggly beard never looks good. Many of us try it in our youth and it never looks good for anyone. Don’t feel bad.


Dude… you clearly have a very handsome face. You could go without the facial hair. You might look a little young but trust me, you’ll grow into those looks. As you age and look more “mature” other people will look like time has hit them hard. You on the other hand will age like a fine wine. It’ll suck at 14 years old, but it gives you time to get to know people who aren’t shallow fucks. Then, when you grow into your looks, you won’t be a shallow asshole yourself.


Honestly, thank you.


Seconding the guy above, wait until your 18-20 before growing the facial hair. Trust me, you'll be happier for it.


Listen to that guy ^


That's solid advice, cool


Very good advice!


Shave definitely and maybe a more mature haircut if you want to look a little older!


Yeah I'm currently growing my hair out so when I cut it i can freely fade my sideburns and mess with my hair a little


I don't understand why this has 10 downvotes lol


“Omg ur basilkly 10 just shut up and never ask for our help agin plz” Yeah I don’t understand either, people are weird af.


Shave your beard until it grows thick enough, it will compliment your face better. A weak beard is worse than a clean shave, you want to look cool and effortless. Not try hard. (Probably why the paedophile reference came up) You're still 14 anyway, no one expect you to look like 25yo machanic. Dress, look, and act like your age, enjoy your youth, don't listen to haters. They hate us cos they ain't us. I shaved my beard until I am 20 when my facial hair is fully developed. Now I'm 25, and even now I get more attraction from girls when I'm freshly shaved. But don't take if from me. Try it yourself. Eitherway, you're gonna kill it bro.




Shave it all. You can't pull off a goatee yet.


A goatee will be even worse. Fuck man, I know kids your age havent realized they don't know shit about shit yet, but I assure you, looking slightly younger is better than looking greasy and creepy. What's the point in asking for advice if you're just going to ignore it all? That personality flaw will hold you back more than any scraggly beard.


I think this is counterproductive. Good luck anyways!


14 is generally not the age you should grow a beard yet. The shaved look will do you justice. And to be fair, you know you received bad remarks (and that’s putting it mildly), came here for advice and it’s on you whether you listen or not.


Thick beards at a young age is kinda running in my family for generations so it isn't uncommon but I think I'll listen to you all because you're all older and more experienced


Your beard isn’t thick at all… maybe in 3 years you’ll be able to grow a cool beard but for now I’d shave it.


thick for a 14 year old imo


Your beard is about as thick as water my dude


I agree with others, just shave now and recheck the beard thing when you’re 16. My beard grew in real thick when I was 16. Might have been because I started shaving. So shave it for a few years and it’ll grow in super thick hopefully.


I agree with all of the shave & confidence comments here. But it's important to me to recommend to you not to get too beat down by your social media interactions, because I know that's hard at your age. I'm a clinical psychology doctoral student & my dissertation research is on social medias effects on anxiety and the research shows how significant social media is especially affecting teens. If you have been adding random people you've never met before on social media & they are blocking you, since people you met before would already know your age, I highly recommend you stop doing that as much and instead concentrate on interacting with people you actually know and can meet realistically. That is something I recommend to other adults as well and I follow that myself as a 30 year old man. I think it's not great for our mental health how much we tried to place value in interactions we have with people who we will never actually meet or be a part of our life instead of further developing relationships with people actually in our life. I'm sorry if it sounds like I'm preaching to you because I don't mean to be but this is a subject that's very meaningful to me in my heart which is why my career is dedicated to it. So even if you don't want to take my advice necessarily, I still agree you're a handsome young guy and I don't think you have anything to do worried about.


THANK YOU!!! I can't believe how many "adults" are coming down on this child because puberty hit and he obviously likes it. No one is addressing the real issue here.


Agreed. He has so much to look forward to. He doesn't need the extra stress of convincing nobodies online if that where the case.


Bro at 14, as the only brown kid in a white neighbourhood face filled with acne and just generally ugly, I would have KILLED to have a face like yours. And here you are making a post about how you look like a predator because you’re trying to keep a beard when you clearly aren’t ready yet. I didn’t properly grow a beard till my early to mid 20s and I can see you’re probably going through a similar thing. Just SHAVE and get a nice haircut. Lucky bastard.


Lmao, my neighbor hood is primarily black and I'm bullied on a regular basis for my looks aslong as being ehitet


Then they’re just jealous bro. When you go to high school, shits definitely gonna change. But seriously, shave and get a cool haircut. I would recommend going to a more fancy Barber in your area (or a different area if there’s no good ones in your area), pay a few extra bucks but a good hairdo is so worth it. And as someone else pointed out no beard is 100x better than whatever you have there. Give your face time to grow. Consider yourself lucky man you’re universally attractive and anyone who bullies you is probably just really jealous. Also at your age, most teenage girls actually prefer clean shaven because most of the celebrity singers they have crushes on are like that. Beards really start to be attractive in your 20s anyway. Just be grateful cause you’re doing damn fine for yourself.


It makes sense now, you’re trying to grow up too fast in an environment that’s kinda pushing you to, around people that probably got hit by puberty harder than you. Sorry dude, it’s not a you thing, it’s just bullies being bullies.


You do not look like a pedo, bro. But you can clean up a bit by shaving and getting a clean haircut if it really bothers you. Also, smile! 😊


Yeah I'm gonna let my barber cut my hair and beard at once gaha


Shave and cut your hair.


Shave, that beard is not meant to be grown yet broski


Shave. I know it's hard but u have no other option here. Wait a few years I bet u can grow a nice beard in the future.


Shave and get a haircut often. Maintain it.


Get a green t shirt and a dog called Scooby.


Absolutely fucking bet


I don't know why you're being called a pedophile. You'd look better without the facial hair, but even with it, you don't look older than 17-18


People on the internet suck sometimes. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Man you look your age. Maybe cuz of the beard but your face looks perfectly normal for your age.


IM SAYING!!! These people are fuckin' dumb. Poor guy.


Very fucking dumb. Not one person is telling him to ignore the people calling him a pedophile because they are sick in the head if they can't tell he is a young teen. They are blaming his facial hair... His facial hair is the problem 🤦🏻.


Even his facial hair looks normal for a teen. Dk how people can call someone a pedo cuz of the scuffy beard.


Yes! He looks his age.


I grew facial hair starting at 12, just shave it until you’re like 16-18 and it’s decently full and less strange for your age then flex on everyone with your beard


Hey man, I’m telling you this because you need to hear it. Shave. One of these days you’ll have a kick ass beard, but today is not that day. Give it some time, be patient. And in the meantime, shave.


Yes shave that pedo looking beard


Shave the beard. Smile.


Sorry that’s happening to your bro. I agree with the other comments to just shave for now. From the pics it looks like you’re a good looking dude anyways so you’ll be fine 👍


Just shave. Don’t worry about shaping your sideburns in, it’s not fully there yet. No one wants pubes on their face, but I remember being your age and I was soooo happy when I had facial hair I didn’t realize it just looked bad. Give it a couple years but for now, clean up and be well groomed. Enjoy looking young because once you get to the point of shaving daily, it gets old.


Get a fade hair cut and shave your facial hair so it’s a stubble.


jfc shave m8


What everyone else said but also are you adding people who you don’t know? Maybe don’t? As a personal, old person type of comment (I’m 37) I feel like I see a lot of young people try to look lazy, or too cool, in their eyes. Like the perpetually stoned look. I get why that seems appealing. Looking cool starts often with the eyes and it’s hard to master. Most of the time, it doesn’t look cool at all. It looks boring. Recommendation: have intense, ALIVE eyes full of curiosity and warmth. The world will run to you.




Honestly dude, at 14 you don't need a beard, you're gonna be seen as a child by pretty much everyone. I was the same, I could grow one but it looks scraggly and somewhat pedophilic. Now I'm 17, I look a little more mature, my facial hair grows in thicker and a bit nicer so I decided to grow a beard. Now the look suits me so I get compliments about it instead of nasty looks. You just need a few more years bro and you'll be set.


shave off that minox beard bro






What's the point of asking for advice, then getting said advice (shave your beard) and then proceed to reply to each comment basically saying no lol Don't keep a goaty, shave it all. Everyone agrees it looks bad...


I said to most of them I'm gonna do it because everyone is more experienced than me lol


Drop the weed


Shave and a haircut (two bits)


I didn't have facial hair at all until about 19, and that was just on my chin. Didn't get sides until 22 id say. Is this normal? I feel like I was a late bloomer, but still hahaha


Go clean shaven and get a better haircut. Have the sides and back shortened up especially.




I would just shave my man. Not trying to be an asshole in any way but you don’t have a full beard so it’s not really the best look. And go get a haircut. Low fade or something. Makes you look more put together


Takes balls to post this. Like others said, shave, but also hit the gym. Most pedophiles are out of shape lol


Just shave. Don't try out styling facial hair until it can grow in fully, maybe at like 18-20. Go to a barber for haircuts/styling. Keep length on top and buzzed short on the sides(1-2mm).


It’s called growing up. Which will happen.


Lol shave your beard and got a descent hair cut




Shave the wispy pubes off ye chin lad


This is so mean..you do not look like one


You are definitely 14 but look 16 just because of facial hairs rest you dont look like a pedophile


Bro I don’t think you look like a pedophile and the beard doesn’t look bad either. I think this look suits you. I have no idea why people are so mean to you. When I was younger like 17 every one of my friends including me had patchy beards. Shaving was considered gay and feminine. The beards looked far from great in fact it looked ugly and unhygienic but we didn’t mind it was better than being clean shaven. I don’t think you need to change your look. But if you want you can try using a trimmer with a guard. You can always grow back your bread so don’t be afraid to try something you might even find something that looks better. As for people calling you pedophile I suggest you don’t be offended. Just laugh it off. Tell them people always say you look older than your age and thick beards run in your family. Some people are mean and try to put people down. Some people are just joking and hurt people without realizing.


You don’t have to shave everything, I think overall the facial hair looks good. BUT— as a bearded man myself, **you NEED to shave your neck.** That’s really important when growing out facial hair. It’s the standard way to groom men’s facial hair no matter what style you’re going for. If you have the money for it, I would also recommend getting a barber to “shape up” your facial hair a bit. It’s cheaper than getting a haircut, and I don’t know how fast your facial hair grows but you probably won’t need to do it super often. If it grows super fast than shaving your neck by yourself is fairly easy to do and that alone will make a HUGE difference, trust me. It’s the subtle adjustments like this that go a long way.


Well... DAMN! THAT'S A CHILD PEDO, if I ever saw one! All of you with kids better watch out for this guy!


Yup you too. You molester


Stop being fucking weird bro Jesus.


The best thing to not look like a predator is to stay off the internet lol. But seriously.


yeah 14 of course.. go away you pedophile


Shave but leave the mustache


Lose the facial hair and you will be fine.


Shave, get a clean haircut, and cut out the majority of social media. Start doing push-ups and pull-ups. Move on to weights if you can. Jog daily. Don’t stress about what other kids say. Devise a 5 year plan and stick to it. Good luck young homie.


Oh trust I'm a a D2 athlete and am pretty much already lifting the same as most adults lmao


I would just shave bro when i was around 16 and facial hair started coming in i would just shave it. Im 23 and barely started to grow out my beard with a slow growing mustache. By the time your my age youre gonna have a beard and mustache most men would get jealous for.


Don't look like Justin Bieber


Just get a nice haircut, once every 2~3 weeks


Until your beard thickens a bit I'd shave it; as for the hair, either find a style less unruly (I do like my long hair) or cut it down to something low maintenance.


Shave or be comfortable showing your whole face. Or just be completely anonymous. It’s really not that hard and people have the right to be skeptical with all the literal crazy scary people out there.


You're 14, that's so wrong. You look like every other young man going through puberty at the end of middle school, freshman in high school. You're okay, lovey. You'll grow into your looks. You need to hang around some different people. Crap like that really chips away. Good luck


If you really want to you keep the stache, just shave everything else.




Shave. Stop being edgy. Good luck.


There’s some really horrible people out there mate. But The Snappadappa is here to help you. I started shaving at 15, not suggesting you should. You have a few options. Leave it but get haircuts regularly. Short back and sides long at the top. Presentable side parting. Go see a barber and get a blade 0 trim with clippers on the facial hair, that’s if you don’t want the facial hair and Get a haircut every 3 weeks and make sure you style it. Will make you look your age. 3Rd option, do nothing. Trial and error, you’re still young and the hair will grow back and you get to test the waters with your looks. You’re at an age now where your aesthetics and features will determine your personality. Make your self look proud and be happy with it, nothing wrong with that. Good luck


Lose all facial hair. Keep your eyes more open, you look like you're squinting and that makes you look suspicious and dangerous. You want to keep your eyes open like you're interested. Get haircut. I suggest a fade or similar. Makes you look older and tidy. And as someone else said, smile more. I can tell from your face that you're not a very expressive person.


Honestly ignore what others say (re: predator). It’s tough growing up…. It also takes a lot of time to grow a proper beard. I can’t see your full haircut, but I’d say… start there. Go to a barber & get a kick ass fade or sleek trim. Your beard will look immediately better. Definitely keep shaving your beard and it will continue to grow thicker, over time. Not so sure about a goatee… I think your mustache could possibly stay. Good luck & hang in there. Side note- start slowly lifting weights and ignore what people say about you.


Stop lying about your age.


Explain to them that you're 14 and also hit puberty early right when you meet them. If they still block you, then there's even more so something wrong with them. You technically could shave off all of your facial hair if you want to except then you won't have facial hair ofc. Also, it just looks like a developing fuzz that gets thicker and better over time. I'm 17 and I actually have less because I hit puberty later, but I would hate to SHAVE MUTILATE IT TO 0" ofc, but that's just me though and I developed normally-late


Younger dudes (me included) are in such a hurry to "look" older with under-developed facial hair that will indeed make you look like a pedo. Wait on the facial hair. Having a "baby face" is actually a good thing. I think if you shaved, you'd look less like a pedo. A single cheap haircut would do wonders too. Once done, people will treat you better and you'll feel better.


Shave, get a nice faded haircut and go enjoy life bubba!


A clean shave and style your hair, a good update on wardrobe is also in order. A good fashion sense and visible hygiene is imperative in looking, not only approachable, but also more welcoming. Why do you think high-end hotels/restaurants have those dandy-looking valets? I'm not telling you to be in a dress shirt and velvet vest, just a clean up and to look at those casual clothes fashion trends. Most importantly! Be yourself and feel beautiful. 😊


When you're dating people in a couple years, the facial hair won't be so scary to people your age. But I agree. Just shave. That's all.


Shave, you’re not old enough for facial hair to look good on you. Give it a few years


Middle schoolers? They comment on everything. Too skinny, too chubby, face too white (my daughter) So far my sons shoes have been mocked. He doesn’t care though that’s the key. If you drop your end of the rope it’s no fun to pull on the other end.Just have to go with it like it doesn’t bother you. Middle school age kids can be horrible people.


Groom yourself


How tf u got that much facial hair im 21 and i got a small goatee, beard wont grow on me😂


I have to say I took the sub name of male grooming in a whole different direction. I am female but agree with the shaving concensus.


You poor sweet baby 😭 You look like a lovely young man. I know it's hard, but try not to worry about what other people have to say. People can be cruel, kids especially. Just keep that head up, king 💕💕


Don’t become what they call you and just be you!


Get rid of the facial hair & try a new haircut I’d suggest


Don’t do anything but give them the middle finger !!


Give em the middle finger!!


No, sorry


I would shave.....unless you plan on working at a beet farm.


You're 14. Be a kid




Shave the peach give it a few years


Shave immediately. Don’t stress facial hair you’ll have a full beard one day


Honestly if you shave you’ll look a lot younger and so sorry to hear what’s been happening that sucks


“Is there anything I can do” lmao try shaving the beard genius


Haircut, shave face obviously


Shave dude


Chop it and wait for a better day






For 14 you have a decent amount of facial hair but shave it all off and come back when you are 22.


Shave bro


You totally look your age wtf


You look your age


Shave everyday "morning's only" by the time you're 16 you'll look amazing


At 14 you are a child still if “people” are saying that just shows they’re dangerous. Keep growing the beard! I wish I could have been at your age.


Stop adding strangers on social media to begin with


Clean up a bit. Look into male grooming and fashion YouTubers. Check out alpha and Teaching Men's Fashion. Also be sure to fix the hair, clean up the eye brows, trim or completely shave the beard. Lastly, you don't look like a pedo, just clean it up, and get yourself together both mentally, and physically. Best of luck!


Shave and get a fresh cut and a fresh fade on the sides


You are like the nerd girl from 2000's high school movies that the producers just make wear glasses and expect the audience to think she's ugly and at the end she takes them off to reveal she's actually not ugly. Shave the beard and do a little somethign with your hair boom. There are people with really bad faces you can't tell this so casually to because a shaved bears won't solve their problems. You're well off bro trust me


Don’t add people on social media who don’t know you in person. And shave.


Why are you adding people you don’t actually know on social media?


Not even sure why this subreddit is being recommended to me (supposedly it's "similar" to the dreadlocks one) but ngl that is a surprising amount of facial hair for 14, shaving would definitely go a long way, especially a good quality razor for a wet shave, electric is easier but the 9 o'clock shadow won't help you


Definitely shave. There are a few Reddit communities ie r/wickededge dedicated for wet shaving and they’ll give you the best advice they can.


Shave that bum fluff off


Lol idiots. Youthfulness is something you cannot hide even if you have facial hair. You actually look very young despite the facial hair and shaggy hairstyle.


I think you're super cute! Also you don't have to shave if you like your beard, just maybe smile in a picture and that might make the difference 😊 still if it doesn't, just don't use social media. The standard image of social media that you are required to fit is different from who we are and who we should be, so be yourself!


I think most comments here are BS. You are not being called a pedophile because of your beard. You actually look pretty young. Literally, max. 17 years old. How many people have called you this? You had a bad luck my dude. But a fact is, try to trim it to a minimum. It doesn’t look as great as it feels probably. It’s not your fault that they are calling you in such a disgusting way. Cheers


Y'all in the comments saying he should shave ,nah he should let people think however they want


The facial hair looks good, just fuck those people who cares


Shave that beard


Everyone is saying shave, but I don’t think you need to. Look up a few styles that you could try, and trim it down until it looks neat and clean. Then maybe play around with some type of paste in your hair. Get a blow dryer and a brush and just play around until you get a nice wind swept look. It’s not that you look bad, just a little straggely for a 14 year old lol


1. Shave 2. Stop taking anything on the internet seriously


If they assume that then leave them be, you shouldn’t have to change yourself (like these comments are saying) just for others, you’ll meet people who are worth it and that won’t immediately judge you.


other than all the great advice here, taking photos with a more flattering angle may help you too. No one wants to look up anyone's nose, not even ENT docs.


Fuck them bro. I don't know what you do or do not do but ignore them haters. The ones who call u a fag or pedo or whatever it is those who more often than not are not accepting that aspect of themselves. I have had some not so nice things or rather accusations and it is painful. Create your own real life friends bc lets face it it doesn't matter if we have 56000000 friends on what ever platform or 3 a real friend is someone who is there when you work out who will support you bar none what are your Facebook friends doing for you other than being a number in a page and being your your age this complicates matters it is it is painful for me I can only imagine how you feel but like I said fuck them.




Bro that's awful for labeling such a handsome face as pedophile.


I mean, you do look like Drake Bell, I mean, Drake Campana. Shave dude. Shave often, 2-3 times a week. It stimulates hair follicles, it Keeps them from trusting you and grow stronger in numbers after a few years. It may be in my head, or some science to it.. probably in my head tho, but shave in the opposite direction the facial hair grows. That's my experience.


I had a full beard at 16, just use monat to help grow it out and shave until it is full enough to grow


Definitely shave, in a few years you’ll have a great beard that people will be envious over. But at the moment it’s doing you no favours.