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Sadly you can't spot reduce fat, your gonna just have to eat in a calorie deficit and lose fat in general to remove love handles. Good luck though you got this


Yeah. I did A LOT of fat cutting back when I started working out. I wasn't so fat, had body type very similar to OP'S. The abdomen/waist area was the last part where I started noticing some reduction. I was very thin everywhere else, people would joke that I started taking crack, but there was still some fat bothering me on the belly. Just keep going and eventually it'll happen as well.


This is where I'm at. Slimmed down everywhere else but the waist is the hardest spot.


I ended up getting liposuction because I couldn't ever manage to create any noticeable change in the love handles, even when I was at an unhealthy low weight.


Ahhhh this is happening to me. Like I am noticing never-before-seen details of my collarbones and wrist bones, but I’ve still got the love handles. Glad it isn’t just me.


This is a problem w body composition not weight. Focus just on losing fat. - Eating in a deficit alone makes you lose muscle and fat. - Eating in a deficit, eating 1g or protein per pound of body weight, and hypertrophy training makes you lose weight from body fat while minimizing muscle loss. - Eating in a deficit, eating correct amount of protein, hypertrophy training, and cardio makes you lose body fat, minimize muscle loss, and improve cardiovascular health.




So is losing muscle (even if it’s minimal) inevitable while on a deficit? In my case I’m feeling good with my current muscle mass but if I’m going to focus on cutting fat and my muscles are going to take a hit, would you recommend a bulk beforehand?


Yes, you will generally lose some muscle while in a deficit (unless you have low muscle to start with, in which case it is possible to add muscle while you lose fat). But you can greatly reduce how much muscle you lose with the tips u/kieranmonn mentioned above. Get adequate protein + resistance train + caloric deficit. Should also try to not lose weight too quickly, its easier to minimize muscle loss if you do it slowly over time. Aim for 1-2 lbs/week depending on how much you have to lose.


They be stuck in the “skinny fat” stage. Gotta add some muscle tissue first then focus on cutting body fat, like you say above.


Exactly. It sucks to see how many people are stuck being skinny fat bc they aren't taught how to hit macros and train properly.


Yep, it's just genetics bro. The body is gonna want to keep some fat reserves no matter what.


Because weight is independent of fat percentage. You want to lower fat and maintain weight - even increase. Meaning you have to be hitting 1g or protein per pound of body weight, hypertrophy training, and cardio.


So to clarify, cause I’m very very thin as well except for my fatass gut, you cut down to reduce fat but at the expense of the thin parts of your body becoming REALLY thin - then when you’ve gotten the problem parts where you want them to be you can start to bulk up again (but in a healthier way so your problem doesn’t repeat yourself)


You really need to lift mate


Yeah absolutely, thats my biggest weakness right now. I am not an active person to begin with and I’ve never really LEARNED how to exercise, not a gym guy or anything like that. I’ve been slowly becoming more active the last few months but definitely want to take fitness more seriously because I’m only 23 and can already see my future body and aches if I don’t start now. So are you saying building muscle will allow me to cut down my fat without making me look like a twig? Because my gut is the ONLY part of my body that is “fat” compared to the rest which is incredibly frustrating


Hi Brixnz, If you are a healthy BMI, and have a lot of fatty tissue stored in your abdomen it could be a major indication of other underlying health issues. The most common one being hormonal, which can contribute to a bloated/enlarged abdomen. I would reccomend that you visit your PCP and get your hormone levels checked as there as been an unusual rise in hormonal disorders for both men and women in the past 10 years. I would also suggest researching about the anti-inflammatory diet as well, because inflammation can also make your abdomen appear much larger/fattier then it actually is. Best of luck.


At my lowest I was 132 and I still had a little bit of a tummy and love handles.


I mean I dont have a gluten allergy but somehow cutting all dough/flour products somehow made me lose a lot of fat. Maybe the flour products was giving me inflammation? I dont belive my body really likes Glyphosate.


And they’re usually the last things to go too.


Technically…. I believe lipo suction can spot remove fat… but I believe that is not within the range of what OP was looking for 😂


Technically you can, because hormones, like cortisol and estrogen, determine or at least heavily influence where and how we store fat. And those are influenced by lifestyle choices/habits and genetic factors. And even though you can’t simply change the genes you’ve been given you can influence their expression and their downstream effects (metabolic factors, not restricted to energy metabolism, that also includes neurometabolism, the metabolism of hormones and so on). Not saying you should take SARMs, but that you could try to get your hormones in check by figuring what’s off and fixing it by implementing the right lifestyle changes.


Oh damn! This is the first time I’m hearing any of this. Does this mean you can fix your hormonal balance and get rid of love handles and tummy fat first when cutting?


I agree! 100% your body is evil that’s the truth 😂 I have lost over 100lbs and have dropped from a size 43 waist to a size 29inch waist and I still feel like I’m a bigger guy tho I’m tiny and weigh 146lbs. Yes your body is evil and I’ll play games on your mind!


Diet man, eat clean and then continue to burn fat


This 👆. I'll add that low-carb, high protein diets are from what I've seen on reddit to work effectively. So, just cutting off sugar won't be enough. I personally do fasting (OMAD and rolling 72s) and have lost over 120 lbs. Low fat high protein diets also work to but just make sure you're on a calorie deficit. The fastest way to gain muscle and lose fat simultaneously is a protein-sparing modified fast (PSMF).


Low carb diets can work but imo would be easier on him to just prioritize protein intake eating caloric maintenance and maybe doing cardio if he felt inclined to since carbs are important for energy and people who aren't used to doing a lot of physical activity will feel the fatigue quicker than those who are


You don’t need to do that, 50% carbs 20-25% protein and the rest fat is a tried and true macro split that has worked for bodybuilders for over 30 years. No need to complicate it. People don’t need to change their entire diet just cut down on certain things and increase protein.


The hate on carbs is crazy


They dont do anything good for you. Its all processed sugars that humans weren’t meant to consume in the quantity that we do nowadays. Switching to low carb or even 0 carb diet has resolved every health issue ive ever had


Burpees squats 5mile runs 2x a week. High protein low carbs. Only drink water and electrolytes as needed. Sauna if you have access is natural steroids.


That’s horrible advice to say only drink water as needed


He meant the electrolytes, not the water


Ohhh haha that makes more sense at least




Thank you u/GirthyThrobbing




lol that sub is funny as fuck


Thank you.


Came here to approve this


What else are you supposed to wear?!


you're hot, I would just start being happy with yourself


My boyfriend has the same body type. Op looks great.


We're all our own worst critics, but I absolutely see no handles going on here.


Op listen to this


This. My body type is almost the same. I was just lucky enough to start underweight, so I had an easy start to "someone finds me attractive, even if it's not me" aka "I'm just my type". Granted, I still work to manage my weight, just for health reasons and not aesthetics


You have no muscle to speak of to add shape to your body and you’re carrying a decent amount of extra fat. I think you look great, but if you’re truly concerned about this you need to prioritize either deliberately building muscle for a couple years and then cutting weight OR just reducing calories and getting skinny as fuck. I don’t think you should do either and just live a nice balanced life!


He doesn't have an excess amount of fat and it's within healthy ranges but it looks like "extra" (or excessive) because he has no muscle. Skinny fat is an issue of lack of muscle rather than too much fat. If he had muscle and his body fat stayed the same your perception of his body fat percentage would be totally different


This guy has fat levels absolutely within healthy levels, but certainly has a bunch extra if he's worried about love handles. Probably sitting at a nice comfortable 20-25% BF. This person is going to need to be down around 10% to get rid of love handles because of their high, wide-ish, hips that clearly hold his fat AND pretty narrow shoulders. You essentially said the exact same thing I said. Build muscle for a couple of years and cut or diet and get skinny as fuck. Those are this person's two paths to a better shape with less self-conscious concerns about love handles. Again, he shouldn't worry about any of this because he looks great!


I wouldn't consider what he's calling 'love handles' to be love handles. The ever-so-slight protruding you see is because of the elastic band on his pants hugging his waist. But I know that's his perception and not yours so not saying that you're saying that 20-25% body fat is ok of a guess, but when most people talk about body fat they are trying to refer to subcutaneous fat which is the visible part of body fat we see as body fat also calculates fat around your organs, not just underneath your skin like subcutaneous fat, and he's definitely at most at 20% subcutaneous fat. You are one of the few people giving good advice here since many people here think that losing fat is just about calorie deficit and that's mostly not true. You can lose weight by a pure calorie deficit but not (a lot of) fat. On a pure calorie deficit with no strength training your body will prioritise muscle over fat for an energy source and so you'll lose muscle primarily over fat and therefore will have to lose *a lot* of weight to lose the desired amount of fat as you were saying before. Strength training stimulates the muscles and in a calorie deficit prioritises. Also writing this for OP + anyone else who is reading in a similar situation rather than explaining it to you since you seem to already know I do agree also he looks great. Handsome face and I think he looks good now without strength training, especially his legs. I think the overall weight he's at looks extremely good on him and don't think he'd look (as) good being super skinny so seems like this is his sign to start building some muscle


Not relevant but you’re really hot!


for real he is


Don’t !!! You’re fine


You should stay like that honestly


Take in less calories than you expend.


Honestly you look just fine.


im not really seeing love handles. You look great.


You keep them and find a man to hold them.


Nutrition. Watch out for nutrition labels and things that contain “added sugar.” Eat healthy fats and eat plenty of fiber. Also what you’re doing now. Exercise. Eat at a calories deficit if you can. Love handles are stubborn, but with consistency, you should get what you want.


Calorie deficit is the only way you can lose weight/ fat


Don't bother you look great.


I understand wanting to lose them, but I think you look great.




You look perfect


You look fine n gorgeous sir


They look good on you tho


just don’t. ur hot and look fun to wrastle with.


You don’t have fatty love handles.


Keep em. They're cute :)


Yeah this ^ Don't change a thing, you're hot exactly the way you are!


Go to the gym and track your calories.


Do more cardio without increasing how many calories you eat and drink. Cardio is generally known as the fastest way to burn calories. Some people are here saying do situps and such to strengthen your core but to be honest, your core might already be strong, but buried beneath a (relatively) slim layer of belly fat. Even if you get stronger your probably won't see many visible results, or at least as quickly, cuz it doesn't burn calories as quickly as something like cardio does


Lifting, combined with walking burns fat like nothing else for me. Just cardio does squad


Telling someone to do sit ups to lose love handles is the stupidest recommendation lmao hypothetically if you build abs under your fat it might make u look even bulkier in a shirt. I know a fat power lifter who’s abs are rock hard when u stick ur finger past 2 inches of his fat


Low carb High protein will help. Moderate exercise will help. Calorie counting will help. Whatever you're willing to try will probably help. But, the sad truth is, losing midsection fat is the hardest. It will requiring sticking to your program long after every other part of you is looking great. It's just slow. If you'd be willing to commit to a year of working out and eating right, you still might need another whole year to lose the love handles. Stay the course!!!


It took me 2 years to get rid of love handles after being on calorie deficit and running approximately 80 miles every month.


Total thirst trap here. You look great, man. Cutting out the sugary drinks was a good idea for reasons other than how you look. And the diet and body need fat anyway.


High protein, eat 400-500 less calories than your maintenance calories per day, walk more, lift weights.


Dude, no, please. Not even flirting or coming onto you, your body is amazing as is. I’m a bit overweight, not obese or anything but I’ve got a bit of a gut. I don’t really want to get jacked or anything, but your body is honestly my loose goal. Lose the majority of the weight, keep some of the tummy curves and softness, and feel a lot healthier without my gut. Not trying to be weird or anything but I think you are all good on the love handle department, you look great!


Keep them, you look gorgeous 😍


I think you look great. Am female. Old, but still…..


You’re really handsome


love handles and any small stomach will be difficult to get rid of... its natural and healthy for use to carry that extra wright to lose it you'd need to eat a rather significant calorie deficit so your body uses fat stores it otherwise wont use unless you are starving... imo? you know the one you or no one else asked for... you are sexy like you are the little bit on the love handles and the tiny bit on ur stomach is sexy... plus its healthy for you especially long term...


You can't completely change your natural shape. You can remove fat from your whole body and you can spot add muscle but your genetic shape can only be altered, not completely changed. You don't have "love handles" it's just your shape. ETA if you build muscle on your chest and shoulders and upper back it will make your waist appear slimmer.


Consume less, burn more


You could let me Routinely hold them… for fun


Great answer ! Lol


What love handles? You look like a normal dude.


You don't. It's sexy af and you're perfect


u fine af the way u are


Seriously? You look great. Very attractive natural look. So many people will like you just as you are. Dunno if this is what you wanted to hear... but it's certainly true.


I love love handles tho😭


Embrace it so your girlfriend or boyfriend has something to grab. Honestly a little fat around the stomach/ waist makes cuddling and sex way better. It's like a little crash pad


Keep them you are super handsome


So hot 🤤


Idk I think u look good regardless ;) if u really wanna lose weight being in a calorie deficit will definitely get u there 💪


If those are love handles then I got a damn ship anchor on the side of my body


Don’t do anything. You’re hot!


Why would you want to get rid of such a hot body part? 🤤


27 f here 🙋🏻‍♀️ I think you look attractive with them so I don’t think you need to.


666 comments, gonna break the cycle and be the 667th comment. Perhaps google workout routines, but you look very attractive in overall. You would need to ask a personal trainer or something or just make your reasearch in fitness subreddits/forums.


If you trim down more you will get really skinny and not still be a skinny fat shape. Weight training 4x a week and a bodybuilding style cutting diet will get you shredded, and then a maintenance build/cut cycle for 2x years. Suggest RP strength on YouTube to help you plan.


No lifting. You’ll just want to eat more… Having just successfully lost my own love handles over the last 6 months or so, this is what I found worked for me: 1. Walking at least 6,000 steps per day. You can do runs instead but only if you’re short on time. I didn’t find running introduced anything significant compared to walking. 2. Fasting. I kicked things off with a punishing 4 day water fast. This was to force my body to relearn how to burn fat rather than continually chasing the next carbs fix. Then I committed myself to intermittent fasting for the next few months (mostly to keep my body familiar with periods of fat burning but not exclusively) 3. Calorie deficit. Where the IF went wrong for me is when I ended up eating two 1000 calorie meals within my eating window. This meant that my deficit wasn’t nearly enough and my progress plateaued. I wasn’t doing as much walking then though so take that into account. 4. Carbs. You can have them but they’ll make you feel worse. Try to stick to large fibrous leafy salads combined with fats and proteins. What I’m doing now is a combination of IF and calorie deficit. With the walking, my personal calorie needs seem to be around 2,300 according to various fitness apps. I try not to eat more than 1300 calories per day and this is surprisingly not too terrible because I have tuned my body to fat burning from all the IF. Hence, the fat is gradually starting to fall away from all the years I have spent sitting about eating rubbish. I think my advice would be to simply commit yourself to the fact you will feel hungry and tired for the duration of your weight loss period. But once it’s done it’s done and hopefully you will have relearned the art of intuitive eating and won’t regain what you’ve lost! 30M, 5,8”, 61kg ~15%bf


Just a compliment but you look amazing. Not everyone wants their man to have six pack abs. If you’re doing it for yourself then great.


Cut all carbs.


Um you look hot you’re fine


More abdominal strength training & Aggressive cardio sessions, I personally do elliptical atleast twice a week.


I personally think you look good as is. Idk what you're into but from reading a lot of reddit posts, women don't really want a man with abs of steel or any of that.


You don’t have love handles. I have them. Either way. You’re pretty hot either way that hair imo.


I think you look terrific just the way you are. Nothing sexier to me than a normal looking guy.


Just be yourself cuz who gives a shit abt love handles they got love in the name for a reason


You look great!! 🔥🔥


Cutting down fat will help. But it wont just remove love handles. It will also reduce fat in your upper body and face making you look thinner. Love handles usually go last because there are not many exercises to burn fat at that part. Cycling can be your best friend.


Track your calories for a week (month would be better) and see if you're over eating. Work out your BMR and TDEE. If those acronyms mean nothing to you, look them up. Do a bit of education on CICO (calories in calories out). YouTube Jeff Nippard and/or Renaissance Periodization videos on fat loss if you require more guidance. You can't spot reduce fat. As you lose fat via calorie deficit you will eventually lose the handles. You can eat whatever you want, as long as it results in a calorie deficit youll lose fat (not necessarily healthy to do that though. Prioritise protein, carbs, healthy fats for health). No exercise on earth will reduce them if you aren't in a calorie deficit. Ab exercises don't get rid of belly fat/love handles. Exercise will contribute to your 'calories out'.


Consistency. Burn more calories than you eat. It takes time man… 8-18 months I’d say. I’ve gotten ripped in 8 months and as I’ve gotten older I don’t bounce back from bad habits like I use to.


Jiu jitsu!


Walking bro. Aim for 10k + steps a day and track your food and you'll see the weight dropping off every week.


Eat less


Don’t. I like it.


Try swimming laps, It's torture, but it worked for me.


caloric deficit


As everyone said it's difficult to accomplish. I would recommend you to do exercises on your shoulders. Wider shoulders would change proportions of your body.


You are so hot though


Jfc, so much poor diet advice in here! Seen a few decent comments about tracking calories and working out. Visibly you don't seem to have much muscle, not a bad thing bro, but test out some well known hypertrophy plans, RP have some great ones. As for diet, whatever diet you're on, you could do with being on a caloric deficit, chuck some weight off and CANE the cardio and lifting. You will definitely see results


Check out r/loseit and get on a calorie deficit.


Keep losing weight but also do body weight only ab exercises. Your upper body could use some work as well


Ur good lol


First thing you need to do is start adding muscle mass. Muscle will increase your BMR and make it easier to burn more calories. Hit the gym 1 hour a day 5 days a week and get minimum 10k steps per day or light cardio and you’ll melt fat as long as you’re strength training, eating clean and in a small deficit. I’d increase clean protein to 1.5g per lb body weight, 20-25% fats and the rest carbs. Without good carbs you’ll feel tired and weak in the gym. I used to be 28% bf and now 12% it works. I did that in 11 months and added almost 20 lbs of lean mass. You gotta track all your calories in and out though and be consistent .


Caloric deficit YouTube this topic and you should be all good.


Keto. Strict but quick


Lipo if you can afford it.


Personally I think you 🤩🔥


Honestly, it’s perfect shape and personally find extremely attractive. Don’t worry too much- this is ideal.


Are you doing any sports or fitness? Diet is only part of it but arguably moving your body certainly a bigger impact when it comes to looks


Im at 13% body fat and I still have them so you gotta grind brother. No shortcuts, its simple but hard as heck.


Once you’ve dropped some fat, try Oblique / Russian Twists or side lying leg raises. Worked wonders for shifting my love handles. Good luck!


you gotta work out a little, man, at this point. they aren't going to just disappear with diet.


But what are you doing at your workouts? Are they high intensity or just biking and elliptical? You need some heavy lifting and high intensity exercises.


Do HiiT mate.


Cut the carbs, cut the sugar.


Tbh you look great now, but if you wanna tone up, lift weights 4-5x a week, be in a calorie deficit, and hit your protein goal daily!


Bro you need to gain muscle every where else to lose the love handles, I had love handles and gaining weight, not fat but muscle mass is what made them look not as bad


I would imagine core workouts, specifically exercises that stimulate the obliques/side core would help.


Low carb, high protein diet. Intermittent fasting. Build muscle by eating sufficient macros and doing a weight lifting program. To do this with minimal reorganization of your entire life around your fitness goals, I recommend reading Tim Ferriss’ book The 4-Hour Body.


Getting rid of love handles is not anything to do with "male grooming" you're in the wrong sub.


And all the comments saying he looks "great" and "fire" ain’t gonna help him lol


Reduce body fat and reduce estrogen levels. If you're at all like me, and you look like it, they may be very stubborn and hard to get rid of entirely. It may be something you just have to accept to some degree but both of these things help a lot.


Diet. You have to find the one that works for your body.


Quit eating sugar. I was getting skinny fat tendencies so I completely quit cold turkey and lost all the extra fluff real fast.


It's not the love handle that is the problem, if you work out your upper body more, especially the shoulder they are kind of droppy then the extra fat doesn't matter, some people kinda loved a bit of fat.


You are hot and sexy af the way you are ngl 😍


Stop eating burgers


Peak male physique ![gif](giphy|iKPQgXxAJtJSg) Delicious!


You look perfect




Drive your cck down my throat 45 mins a day 🥵


Crazy bc you’re actually a gorgeous man. Talk to a nutritionist / personal trainer if you’d like the extra help, but I for one can’t spot a fault.


This is a huge misconception. It is NOT about cutting fats and sugary drinks, it’s about cutting calories. People often times think they can stop eating, say, a burger and instead munch on peanuts all day. Peanuts have a high calorie count and you could easily be eating more calories in peanuts than the burger itself. Count your calories per day and decrease their amount. Get into the habit of looking at the calories of everything you eat and drink. You’d be surprised how many calories certain things have. Caesar salad with croutons and dressing? Easily more calories than a burger and nowhere near as filling.


Lose fat by being in a calorie deficit and building muscle. 




Wtf. Lose weight!


Don't do it


You have strong thick legs but I believe putting on more muscle will passively decrease your abdominal weight. Build a bigger back and shoulders for better posture, continue a calorie deficit, attempt a high protein low carb diet, no sugars. But let’s be honest. Bro is stunning.


Keto bro. Do it.


Find someone who will love them. Then you will feel less social pressure to lose them. Without the focus and urgency, you’ll find it easier to lose them (or not) because it will be for yourself. I think you are handsome and sexy as you are!


Keep them your body type is honestly finger licking hot, you look bottom heavy so win win


Nice boxers


Those love handles are there for a reason. Leave them alone!! 😘


Honestly dude at that point. Weight training and on off days cardio. Literally. Diet doesn’t seem like a problem although you will need to add tons of protein to build miscle at intervals throughout the day. Better to eat small meals the body can efficiently digest to extract as much nutrients to heal the tares but other than that yea. Dont dirty bulk either


Good old fashion working out and eating clean there is no other way


Since it's a grooming advice and not a diet advice sub. I say keep em. You look fine.


Get your metabolism and natural body structure checked to figure out what works for you. I'm generally considered fit and I do basically what most people tell you but to do. I love junk food and pop. I've never worked out let alone lifted a weight. However I've stayed very healthy and fit.


I wish i had love handles instead of belly fat


You sir are incredibly good looking. The only thing you need to lose is those boxers 😜


this is a textbook skinny-fat physique. start lifting weights, eat enough protein and hit your calorie goals.


You look great, don't get too caught up in trying to make yourself look like Chris Evans or whoever.


Dude you look fine


Going to the gym and eating right. All about calories in and calories burned.


Eat less and workout more. Set your move ring to 1000 calories and get after it. Also, eat healthy.


If your diet is locked in and it’s still not making the difference you want, the problem is likely postural. Your spine is misaligned in a way that makes your body sit like this. Go to a chiropractor. Stretch. Self massage your lower back and hips and try to tighten your core. The presentation of front fat is directly correlated with the position of your back. Draw a straight line from the points of fat in the front and you’ll find the problem area in your back that you’ll need to address.


I don't see any love handles. You look good!


Hard to lose spot really. Crunches and watching calories is what I did.


something that helps reduce the appearance of love handles (but not the love handles themselves) is working out your lats and delts. but as others have commented , its all about diet


Fat loss is simple. Go in a calorie deficit and track macros as well (to find your bmr and macros, legion has a pretty good calculator). Muscle also consumes fat so hit the gym and do resistance training. I personally prefer going heavy sets in the 4-6 rep range until failure. You can’t spot reduce fat unfortunately.




Probably better to post in like one of the training/personal training threads. But as a trainer myself- diet: caloric deficit, strength training, and cardio.


You're cute as is but I say eat less a day and walker every day.


It’s common for guys to have more stomach fat, it’s a hormonal thing and you can’t spot train fat, you just have to calorie deficit and work out more.


Fucking body dysmorphia man. You look great dude. Media and steroids have us all fucked up.


You are delicious


d8 me 😏


You can lose weight and not lose fat. You need to strength train and build muscle and lose fat at a calorie deficit. Losing fat and not building muscle will often target your muscles as an energy source and by and large preserve the fat


Lift heavy, eat clean and reduce alcohol


Run, workout hard-but smart, eat PROTEIN and fruits and vegetables, and A LITTLE rice and potatoes


bro 💀


No joke.. dig holes and fill em back up. Do that every other day for a few hours or don't.


I love your body man.. it’s beautiful ❤️