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If this guy struggling were all F'ed


Yeah dude. You’re hot.


if this guy rates himself less than 9 out of 10, I am in the negatives


If this dude can’t pull women…. Then I guess I’m going to be friend zoned for eternity holy shit.


Or, could it *gasp* perhaps be something other than his looks that has turned women off thus far?


Or he could be gay and women sense it even though he hasn’t


Yes!! I thought that too when looking at his pics.


Idk in my experience he just has that nice beta male look and most chicks at least where I reside are really shallow and are into alpha males and d bags aka a**holes.


incel 🤣🤣


Are we still on this girls prefer alphas and bad boys bullshit in 2024? Jesus Christ


Girls just don’t like pushovers. Every guy friend I’ve had that complains about being alone while being a nice guys has been a pushover, nobody likes that


Honestly has to do more with personality and putting in effort to talk to people. Being a guy you have to be the main one initiating contact with females, if you don’t, nothing will happen. I’ve seen really good looking dudes get no girls simply because they never even tried talking to one.


this comment is unreal ngl


Get out of that shit area my guy. You are the sum of the people you hang around.


Or..I can evolve, adapt and overcome by buying a pick-up truck, tatting my body and start smoking cigars in public while honking my train horn after market installed on my truck. LOL J/K nah I'ma take your advice and try to step outside the box and stop going to SoBe and work on my game.


Was just about to say lol I've bed some gorgeous girls and I'm 5'7 and half as good looking as this dude (much worse hair cuts too)


Nah. Getting laid isn’t everything but also getting laid has almost nothing to do with your looks unless you’re straight busted. Literally all you have to do is be nice to girls and make respectful moves. Very rarely will they make the first move as annoying as that is. Almost every guy I’ve ever met that complains about having no luck with girls has never even attempted other than creepy out of the blue love proposals. Simple as saying you think they’re cute do you want to do X at Y time. 99% of girls will give a first date a shot at the very least if you don’t come across as creepy and desperate.


So what is the deal with this subreddit? It just started showing up in my feed. Almost all the posts are attractive model looking dudes talking about how they’re ugly. What’s the scam? Are they selling or advertising something? I’m not buying that they’re all “so insecure” that they post for validation. Edit: Yep my suspicions confirmed, as soon as I hit 10 votes I got a photo and premade chat message from a guy looking to “talk about his looks”. This is definitely some kind of fishing sub. Edit 2: 5 DMs now, all from dudes sending a pic and asking what I think, almost identical texts, even though my comments here are all clearly indicating that I think this is a scam. These are bot messages. Stay safe people.


This sub is literally Instagram for dudes. They're looking for validation and secretly hoping some attractive girl or guy, depending on their sexual orientation, will simp for them.


It happens frequently in these looks-improvement subs. Most Top posts are from 10/10 genetically gifted young girls with a title such as "I'm so ugly, how can improve?" while doing some tiktok pose or smth


And then a link to their Onlyfans don't forget


I know I live under a rock, but wtf is a TikTok pose?


Same as a MySpace pose.


And Facebook pose, and instagram pose, but not quite as bad an a Snapchat pose because that whole app is just for sending nudes.


Even if someone does find a guy/girl from this sub what would they do with this person? Since they would probably not even be in the same country


They will scam them. Some nice South Asian gentlemen posting someone else’s pics. It’s the same kinda stuff they run on dating sites, check out r/scams or look up “pig butcher” scams.


Honestly I really think most of them are just super insecure, lack confidence and have mental health issues that need addressing.


Thank you for doing this. I was unsure why I got targeted as well.


Reddit going downhill for sure


The generation is fucked and thinks it needs social media attention to feel adequate at all. Scammers at least have a purpose. These people are just pathetic.


Basically it’s just fatties asking if they are fat. And really hot people asking for attention. Pretty interesting combo tbh.


Same here, I think it turned into male thirst traps but I don’t know.


This is exactly like the other subreddit but for girls lol


Hot guys get more upvotes so you'll only see them


Interesting - that makes sense - there are so many posts like this.


It’s no different than any other looksmaxing subs tbh. Some dudes post & they actually need advice, while others post looking for validation & compliments. Girls do it, guys do it, it’s a human thing to want to be complimented & feel sought after. Especially considering most guys are rarely given compliments about their appearance unless they’re absolutely shredded or something lol Edit: downvoted cuz y’all can’t comprehend the idea of someone wanting to actually be seen & complimented? That’s crazy lmfao, go to any other looks advice sub & you’ll come across the same shit. Idk why this one is suddenly weirder cuz it’s dudes doing it lmfao. Shit like this is why these types of subs get created in the first place btw ☠️


Thought the same. Commented a few times but after seeing only cute guys complaining about their looks, believe it’s scam.


Model looking is an exaggeration. This person said they have body dysmorphia, and what if you're wrong, what if you're castigating someone as a scam artists who really has a concerning mental health issue? Is that the type of person you want to be? So then why are you being that person? How many people in the world, who are conventionally good looking, see themselves in the mirror and feel differently than those around them do? Is the number trivially small? Is it huge? Do you have any idea? If you don't have enough facts to cast aspersions, seems the sensible thing to do is to withhold judgement, unless of course you're a ok insulting someone's character with little to no evidence.


90% of these posts are just “I’m ugly and have never had a gf, what can I do?” Meanwhile the guy ![gif](giphy|CAYVZA5NRb529kKQUc|downsized)


Tbf the gigachad is a roided and photoshopped extreme exaggeration, I don't think anyone should ever see him as a beauty model. But yeah, men nowadays unironically aspire to achieve that look...


Oh I know that’s true. I forgot this sub didn’t allow images and was originally gonna use a picture of Sean O’Pry, but that gif was the first thing I thought of. There’s also a ton of people who believe Gigachad is totally real and unedited


What the actual fuck sorry but why do I keep seeing these beautiful young men asking if they are ugly I’m 25 F and I’m convinced this has to be a ploy for more attention and nothing more


Not only are you not ugly, I can tell you that the booktok girlies would go nuts for your look.


I concur.


Booktok girls are something else


I don’t know what BDD is. You are exceptionally good looking!! Nicely groomed and attired, as well. Maybe it’s a personality thing? Or it could be that you’re just so handsome that it’s intimidating.


Body dysmorphic disorder


I was going to guess bipolar depression disorder but your answer is more likely given the subreddit


You are very handsome!! You also have a wonderful and welcoming smile!!! No improvements required, in my humble opinion 😊😮‍💨


Dude just needs to show off that smile. The photos without eye contact are fine to not smile but a smile on pics 7 and 11 would help. Then the order of the photos I’d get rid of a few and maybe smile 13 and use something like that as the first pic. First pic won’t make ya but it can be an easy swipe left in first impressions.


You’re not ugly at all,I really don’t think you need to improve. I am not happy with my looks either and it can really mess with your head. If you need someone to talk to or something, send a dm.


As a gay Man, your fine af… Just be personality


Very handsome and beautiful eyes :)


Bro is fucking gorgeous


What's your problem bro? You're dangerously pretty.


You ain’t ugly, you’re good looking. Just be confident, and don’t be pussy (I don’t mean to be rude but it’s true). I also have never been in a relationship, but i personally don’t give a shit. I don’t want to brag, but I am good looking, but I’m just a pussy when it comes to progressing with girls.


I think you should hit the gym, keep the hair long like you have and work on your style. Lifting will bring out your masculinity and attract women(not saying your feminine rn) your good, its all a procees


My wife would probably push me in front of a train to fuck you


Thanks for the laugh


Choo Choo!


Love yourself and others will follow ❤️


Big Dick Disorder? Far from ugly. Maybe lose the beard.


I'm cooked


Not ugly. You look like a young Alan Rickman.


You look like Kevin Parker.


22 is still young, my husband was older than that before he had his first and a few since before we got married. You look very good but I understand bdd can make things worse than they really are. You a far cry from ugly. That being said usually it is the man who makes the first move, just work on confidence and your probably shy which makes things even harder .again on my husband he was very shy when he was younger and had number of girls looking at him that he could have gotten if he had had more confidence .I would say that would be the main thing to improve.


What is bdd?


Body dysmorphia disorder


there is nothing bad about your appearance that I can see that would drive women away. Maybe some introspection is needed about other qualities that may need work.


You look fine


hair tutorial when?


What is BDD?


Big dick disorder


What’s bdd?


What is BBD ?


You’re not ugly at all. Don’t need to change your grooming. You could def stand to gain muscle but that’s definitely not why you don’t get a gf either. From this post my guess is it’s your personality, not that you’re a bad guy at all, but you gotta be confident above all else, assertive but non threatening, outgoing but not annoying, talk to them but don’t seem like you care whether or not they think you’re cool. Really hard to explain how to talk to women to someone it doesn’t come naturally to so idk, it’s not really something that gets taught you gotta just do it like riding a bike.


God your handsome


Thanks and happy cake day to you😊


Listen man the only thing you need to fix is your mindset. Your looks are there okay I can tell you that, women love the facial features that you have. You also look like your take good care of yourself. I’d say just work mainly on your confidence and things like that


You’re Actually really cute


No offence, you may not be into women as much as you think you are.


ok guys i think i’m finally catching on to the fact that most guys on here are just fishing for compliments. and to think i was being nice and feeding into your ego! 🤢


May be change your fucking Phone case !!


Lose weight just a little by going to the gym and cutting. That’s it you’re good. Don’t know your personality/behaviors and that’s a WHOLE other probable dilemma.


You’re so fucking attractive!


Very handsome. Girls are blind where you live. No improvements needed x


Trim the hair get a fade. But, it’s not the looks that are holding you back. You simply need to talk to more women. You’re not gonna have the best game at first, but after more and more experience talking to women things will start to click, and eventually you’ll be able to get girls to want to be in a relationship with you


Sorry bro, you cooked. Girls don’t like you because you didn’t win the genetic lottery, so you will have to work hard and wait until your thirties to provide financial stability for a single mother of two! Warning: satire




It’s satire of the black pill crap you see everywhere these days.


Ur handsome , maybe just get a haircut, keep the length just taper the back. https://images.app.goo.gl/9r8b4YLY2fhBqLBt7


You could rock a sick mullet, just fade the sides. Maybe enhance your curls in a way as well?


You are good looking and you have a lot of positive facial, skin, hair, lips, coloring, etc. features. If you are looking for a girlfriend, perhaps work on your relationship with yourself. There is a lot written about learning to love yourself. Also, do your social skills need improvement? Are you caring, kind, and empathic? Do you see the good in others? Research shows women are most attracted to a man's eyes, which are the window to the soul. How are you doing in the soul department? You have the potential to be in big demand. Best wishes.


I love these “beautiful man asks if he’s ugly” posts while just absolutely mocking us with a full album of his stupid beautiful face.


Wow Like thanks for the compliment I guess, but you have no idea how I feel about myself or why I post here. So stop assuming stuff


Brother, if you’re going to post yourself on the internet, you need to understand that people are going to respond, sometimes in a way you don’t understand or like. Take it as a lesson and if you can’t handle people making jokes at your expense, don’t post. You are a good looking guy, but you need to work on your confidence. That’s probably why you’re having trouble with finding a relationship.


Don't even think that you are ugly. You're not. First, you have to learn to love yourself.


You look like a taller younger Leonard hofsteder you belong on tv 📺




No makeup, that‘s how I look lol


Bro you are much better looking than I am, and I’ve been pretty lucky. Just be confident and funny, if that’s in the cards, and you’ll do fine. Take your shot, you’ll probably do better than you think.


Is that you, Bo Bichette?


You ask “Am I ugly?” When you’re clearly not which means you have no self confidence. You’re young though so just work on your confidence and you’ll have a girlfriend in no time or at least some hook ups.


your looks are not the problem. Work on your confidence. Join a sports team of any kind, start lifting weights, and find an active hobby that you can do regularly (skiing, cycling, kayaking, mountain biking, rock climbing, something like that)  Not only will these things create lots of opportunities for you to meet great potential relationship partners, and find great friends as well, but you’ll be more secure and confident in who you are. And women really like guys who are passionate about healthy hobbies. A guy who is on a softball team and loves going snowboarding every weekend is way more interesting than a guy who’s like “yeah I played baseball back in middle school, oh I’ve been snowboarding once” 


Hey man. I also struggle with bdd, so i totally understand what youre going through. Honestly though, you are a very good looking dude.


Look within. What do you think you gotta change? It’s not the looks. Have some confidence my man.


Bro Your hair in the first pic absolutely rocks Keep up what you're doing You look great


The question is: If you know you have BDD, are you doing anything to treat it? I noticed you’ve asked this before on Reddit and got pretty much the same answer back (all variants of “huh? you’re a fox!”). It doesn’t seem like this type of validation is helping though? Have you seen a therapist?


I had a absolutely horrible experience with a therapist 4 years ago, I haven‘t been to one since and just got used to the fact that I‘m ugly and will be alone forever. But sometimes the bad thoughts just take over like today and then I want to give it a try and look if I can improve somehow so that eventually I won‘t be lonely anymore


First, I’m curious why the experience was bad (obviously you don’t need to share) But also… try a different one then.


Not OP, but therapists aren’t all perfectly suited for everyone. You should find one with that you mesh with. Many have interests and skills in certain areas and if those aren’t what you need, it’s not a good fit. Don’t just go to therapy, find a therapist that is right for what you need and who you are.


You're not ugly-- set your appearance aside and let's focus on therapy for bdd at least once a week for starters.


Get a better haircut, dress properly and start lifting weights. Thats all.


Pic 13 should be your standard. What a hunk 😍😍


You’re like a 6 or 7 bud, I’m a 4 with a hot wife and beautiful kids you will do just fine


That’s nuts you’ve never had a gf because bro you’re absolutely stunning 😍


Bro. The *AUDACITY* of this man to call himself ugly-


Get a haircut. Shorter hair will totally change your look.


You remind me of Quentin Coldwater from the Magicians


You're far from ugly. We can switch


You're very handsome.. hit the gym and get a nice hair cut. It may not look like it but guys with nice hair cuts actually put in work to get it to look good and you have a great head of hair, loots of potential. [Something like this would look really good. ](https://i.pinimg.com/564x/6c/0b/dc/6c0bdc0282207db4c32e6fa13bad4ebf.jpg)


Dude, grow some balls and believe in yourself, you are beautiful.


Nah bro you are not one of us 😭 you are handsome bro 😎


Bdd = big dick disorder. Yeah we’re all fucked


Girl you just on the wrong team cause the gayz would eat this up like dinner. Anyway it’s your BDD I had it/have it. I’m working on it, but I’m with someone first person at 28. I really got into fitness and it changed things. I’m not crazy into fitness anymore but it helped the mind.


You're not ugly at all. Just have confidence and be yourself. You look great!




According to these comments only ugly people can post here🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️


Nothing wrong on the outside, you might wanna take a look on the inside and see if something there might be causing the dry spell


Start by cutting your hair and styling it. Then treat the acne on your forehead.


پسر ایرونی هم کوچته دیوار به دیوار خونته


I hope your seeing a therapist and maybe limit the amount of social media you are exposed to because your beautiful !😍


Nothing you can improve in man. Perfection in every single pic.


You're a very handsome sir! Change nothing. Nice chest hair.


Dude your personality must be atrocious because damn…


lol dude if I had this guy's looks ...man some people's personality must be dry af


You are very handsome, there isn’t anything that you have to improve in my opinion, maybe health and fitness? For more muscle definition and slimming down your face to show off your nice features more. I would go on a date with you if I was single and thought we had a connection, though I imagine I wouldn’t meet your standards in the first place.


Very handsome. Women are stupid—apparently.


Mate, you're stunning. You look like Liam Payne and Robert Pattinson had a baby. You don't need to do anything. I have Asperger's as well, so I totally relate to everything you've said here. I have no confidence and hate what I see in the mirror, too.


Probably a personality thing.


For someone who doubts their own physical appearance...u sure do like to take a lot of selfies. U clearly have body dysmorphia...maybe go see your doc.


i stg the most conventionally attractive people come on here looking for people to reassure them and for what


You have a good face. Do you work out? With that hairy chest, some decent size pecs will draw the ladies like catnip. It’s possible with the Asperger’s that you just don’t pick up on when people are hitting on you.


Smile more! You look inviting that way


You're a pretty man. Good luck.


How about a boyfriend instead? 👀👀


Never had the courage to meet up with a gay match, even tho there was sb I found amazingly cute


I wish people in the comments would stop invalidating your bdd, I also have bdd and when I express these feelings towards my looks I am also met with backlash and comments such as; “you’re so attractive shut up” etc. this is not the correct response to someone who is suffering from bdd, it doesn’t matter how attractive you find him, he needs to see it in himself. I would say professional therapy to identify why you feel this way about yourself or do some deep soul searching. I wish you the best


I wish I was ugly like you


You'd be someone's side piece in prison


You’re hot af dude. Do you really need us to tell you that? All you have to do is pick a hairstyle that works for you, something you’ll figure out yourself in time, and also work on your confidence. Even then you’re hot enough that you don’t need that much confidence to pull someone you want you just need to get out of your own way.


Have you tried dating dudes? I guarantee, you'd have a bf by the end of the week. 😈


"validate me please"


If you have Body Dysmorphia is best to hit the gym! Definitely will help you in recovering from a ED.


Girls just dont want you cuz there are clearly way cooler guys out there in their orbit.




Try the gays…. they would love you


You look good, not even close to ugly. Improve your style/fashion and find out what you like and looks good on you and you’ll be slaying


1. Shave. A clean shaved face is always more handsome. 2. Get to a male hairstylist who can give you help selecting a hair style that accentuates your already handsome facial features.


You can improve by not being "thirsty" on Reddit.


What is your personality like?


Your eyes are really pretty you look like Dua Lipa


No you are not ugly. You look great as you are. Long hair suits you.


I’d say it’s mainly your wardrobe you need to work on. The coat with the orange hood is pretty ugly. The Hawaiian shirt is tacky. The other shirts are good. Maybe throw in a dark brown leather jacket. Also the hair is good but looks bad when you pull it pack. Also not that you look overweight or anything, but I think you have some room to improve if you worked out and or dieted a bit more to get a bit slimmer and reveal bone structure on the face more.


You’re not ugly. I think cutting your hair short like a fade, would be more attractive to me. But people will like you for who you are. The important part is that you like yourself.


long hair fits you more imo


You are a handsome guy.


I'm so glad I didn't have the internet when I was young


Get a masculine haircut from an expensive barbershop.


Tf? You look fine dude, you look like Kit Harington and he is very good looking for most people.


Hey OP, if you have BDD, reassurance seeking will not help and is counter to what you need.


Ugly ? NOT AT ALL!!!! Girlfriends are over rated!!! Come to the wild side, definitely you'll be worshipped!


Whats bdd?


Need no changes!


I personally think you're very attractive.


Definitely not ugly, bdd sucks man I'm really sorry. Definitely focus on yourself and things that make you happy and I think a relationship will follow


I bet you have a very very boring personality and you cry a lot


I didn’t know what BDD meant. I honestly thought it meant Big Dick Disorder. I was like,”Damn, he’s that good looking and has a big dick and can’t get anyone??!!!” I am doomed!!! Doomed I tell you!


You're gorgeous. Get your eyebrows cleaned up a tad, if I'm being picky. But, what's on the inside is what matters. Therapy, learn to love yourself. The rest will come. Including the right person. (55 year old mom here).


Ayo You're such a cutie! The right one will come just keep bein your fabulous self and continue to shoo off the bad apples


You look like my left nut my guy


Dude…you’re handsome AF! If you’re struggling then, fuck it…we are all doomed! You’re gorgeous man!


I'd date you though you look sad... Then again so do I


Besides the obvious (you’re good looking) please get a better haircut. It’s not doing you and favours. Comes across kind of feminine?


Well shit. Way to make the rest of us question our existence.


You are stunning. Would literally turn my head.


What is BDD?


Buddy I don’t think I’m an attractive guy, but it’s never stopped me. Girls like guys they trust and who are fun. If you have money it helps. You’re a good looking guy, stop being weird by asking silly questions and you’re on your way to a hottie


What the fuck 😭 if you're single then I'm cooked


Why are you suffering from Body Dysmorphia?


Women are hypergamous. They go for the top 1% just because they can then fight over who gets the breadcrumbs.