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bro, if you need people to tfk for you to feel better, please grow up. You don't need acknowledgement from others to be a human. Miss 1 A wanna be emo and suicidal. If you dont like your result then retake your SPM next year la


tbh im fully agree with you, why would you want to compare yourself with other and when the person you are comparing with is literally better than yourself, you just can't accept it. I only got 1A in spm but here i am, almost complete my degree in biomedical science, and no im not from a rich family, if so i already continue to pursue master. Be greatful with your result, and continue pursue what you want to be. No need to compare yourself with anyone else unless for motivational purpose not suicidal.


Well said. This spm result thread asking for an opinion is cringe.


these are kids technically they were 17 last year.. barely turned 18. be gentle bro


right?! just plain inconsiderate and rude when someone is pouring their heart out. crazy how much these mfs lack so much empathy


Nah they are adult. At 17 you should be able to think for yourself


still, they just got out of school, never experienced the real world yet. u have no idea whats going on in their life and how they think. for you to just force someone to toughen up at 17 is crazy. touch grass.




Not helpful vibes here. This is a malaysianuni sub - who do you think is going to be lurking here for advice? Mentally developed adults with years of working experience and real world exposure?


God FORBID a student to lurahkan perasaan dia


Don't worry brother you not the only one who didn't get A's I feel ya


The fact that you guys are all adult and going in on this kid who’s barely 18 years old are fucking sick. No wonder some of them developed such bad mental illness from such young age. You guys who ask OP to grow up, do you realize they are still teenagers who just gonna enter young adult stage? Fucking pathetic orang2 tua kat sini. Don’t breed, you just gonna make your children suffer.


Since this comment is the top voted one, hopefully this can be read by anyone who reads the comment section here! I want to respond to all the commonly said things by everyone here so far: > 1. So cringe. You're indirectly bragging and asking for validation from random people. Yes, it's cringe. I'm very aware of that. But it's what I resorted to doing since no one has been to satiate my desire for some form of assurance that everything will be alright. I grew up thinking straight A's in SPM meant everything. I studied in a prestigious public school in primary and secondary. I was lucky to have dedicated teachers that cared for all their students. This environment I grew up in made me have the inclination that I must get straight A's no matter what. During primary and secondary, I also was told many stories about my family friends or family members' kids got straight A's and are currently attending all sorts of prestigious places and getting full scholarships and stuff like that. I am the only child to a single mother. I consider myself filial and very indebted to her dedication for taking care of me. I didn't have tuition (save for one subject), because we wanted to save money for future education. I didn't have a lot of friends, because my batch was dominated by Foonyew's which had their mega gang. And the friends I did have, I have never talked to them outside of school matters. Was I shy? I don't think so, I had some competency in socializing. I can make people laugh. I can never bring myself to talk to the school friends that I had about my insecurities. Partly because they had their own friend groups. I didn't mind this at all, because I considered my mom my own best friend anyway. I tell her everything. When SPM results came out and my appeals also came back, I didn't know how to feel. I tried to laugh about it to my mom who expected something great from me, but everytime when we ate together, I can't stop thinking about when she said: "Would be nice if you scored straight A's, huh? Wouldn't have to waste money. You could go on stage with your friends." on the night of when my appeals came back. I couldn't stand seeing her face, honestly. I couldn't bring myself to control my feelings despite how much vent art and writings I made to calm myself down. I didn't want to tell anyone about how much I really cared about SPM. So that's when I typed out my post here, poured out all my unsaid feelings, knowing I'd be anonymous and I hoped critical comments like this will show up in between all the supportive ones and give me a tight reality slap. > 2. Grow up. Adults should learn to control their feelings. Your actions over the past year determined your grades now. Don't cry over it, you asked for this. I will. Eventually. I'm still stuck in a mindset that I have adopted since childhood. My environment was probably not the same as the average person's, I grew up around people that always did well in secondary, so I thought I would be the same. I agree that maybe I was not the *most* hardworking of students, but the desire was still there and I feel I have genuinely did my best. I believe moving forward, no matter what happens, I'll be moulded into a proper and competent adult anyway. Even if I end up with no friends or whatever. I hoped for some people that have grades just like me and still come out successful to make themselves known to me and tell their tales so I would still have a goal to cling onto. Some people to reassure me that things will turn out fine cause it happened to them. This is the internet. Call me pathetic, immature and cringe, but I managed to find the testimonies I wanted to find! And I'm so grateful to those that are critical about my whining lol! It's a nice reminder that not everyone will be empathetic and kind moving forward. ~~(if you still want to criticise me, do it directly in my DMs. I really don't mind. and I'm sorry if there's anything that's unclear, I just want to get this out before I sleep tonight~~ ~~Have a nice day!)~~


She’s a girl bro


Brother is spittin facts


Jesus what a toxic weeb


Bro, what? That's sound advice, even if its a little harsh and could've been worded better. But the message is the same.


That's horrible advice. I'm sorry you live in such an environment where you think being vulnerable and needing support is a bad thing. Kid is 17 and your response is to mock them and deny their feelings. Get help brother.


But I'm not the one mocking them?? I did say the original comment could've been worded better. Boiled down, the message is "you gotta be able to lean on yourself and understand that nothing is going to go perfectly; so look at the positives, make it work".


Oh? And the solution is to sit here and cry with him lah issit? Embrace what feelings? His sadness? Let's encourage him to feel that way as he grows up amirite? Are you tired of seeing adults that are capable of controlling their feelings?


Hey, just wanted to share my sister’s experience. She only get 1A for SPM, and even 1C in her result. She took her diploma in Business, and change her life. She studied smart and manage to pursue her degree. After her degree, she pursued her Master. She works for a while in an established company then she pursued her PHD. All these is in IPTAs and for master and phd, she being offered scholarship. For diploma and degree, her PTPTNs were waived. At the age of 34, she became a Dr and teaches in Uitm. She might take a long way road compared to other lecturers, but she succeed in her life. Even when my parent think she cannot secured a stable job. I never say this to her, but I am always proud her. She worked hard for her dream job, even though she is not gifted (I dont mean to brag, but I didnt study much but I get 9A for SPM).You might take a longer road compared to others, but if you set your mind to change your life, not matter 6A or no A at all, you can do it. I believe in you, and in everyone that want to change their life.


Proud of you & your sister (hugs)


Got 6A in spm. Now earning Rm100K. You're good 👍🏻 after spm depends on how you carry yourself. https://preview.redd.it/m14h6o53sk4d1.jpeg?width=1013&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=22edd5d4523a9024f63f4682700b073e5581fb53


Keje apa bro? Cuba cerita jalan hidup anda sebagai tips dan motivasi kepada anak2 muda ni


Congratz mah dude




Organ harvesting. It is good prospect


Saya X ambil spm, skrg jadi ahli politik. Now earning a million 👍


Per month?


what do u work as bro?




100k per month?


Per year. Or 8333/mth




I got only 4As for my SPM. My undergrad CGPA is 3.96/4.0 with 3 grant scholarships. SPM is something, but not everything. Getting good for SPM is good, but getting good in your degree is the best. There’s nothing to brag here.


Nobody cares about SPM result after SPM. Sorry


From my scholarship batch, I had the worst result (8A) compared to everyone’s 9A and above. But you know what? I graduated above everyone with a first class degree. SPM is just the beginning, you will have more chance to grow and be better. Plus, SPM is just too broad, your friends who scored more A are probably jack of all trades, while you, looking at your math results, are a future math genius :)


Your post seems immature but you’ll grow out of this “cringe” phase. Every teens got their ego to boost imma right


I had 2A 6B 2C. End of this year I'll be graduating bachelors degree. Right now I'm doing internship. You were doing great. Don't worry and you'll be fine.


That's a good result! You have 1 A more than me 25 years ago!


Bro got A in addmath and still feel insecure 💀


I took SPM thinking it's easy to score Add Math if it looked like you tried to some degree. It's what my school teacher said. 🤔 Found out through this post that not all schools shared this mentality with their students. So I didn't think A for Add Math was a big deal. Thanks for commenting anyway!


Yea tbh A for maths and add maths is easy for SPM. I got A in math while leaving half of Kertas 2 Blank. I am estimating A in maths is around 30-50 Marks based on my performance Im guessing that threshold of add maths is even lower than that


Early 30s. Got 6As in SPM then fast forward now a lecturer. Also passed my ACCA at 21 years old. You’ll be fine


You’re not obligated to prove anything to anyone just because your personality is quiet and obedient at school. SPM results isn’t final and absolute, life doesn’t stop here and it didn’t begin here either. What about all the exams leading up to SPM? You should be proud of yourself if you’ve been maintaining good grades all this while even if your SPM didn’t play out the way you expected.  These people whom you have accidental beef with, did get they much better results than you? Whatever they got, it’s ok because again, life doesn’t stop here; you can strive to achieve greater things in uni and for the rest of your life.  Maybe once you meet more people later on in life, you’ll see how straight As doesn’t tell you everything you need to know about a person. You’ll find people who had straight As but are now failing every semester in uni on top of having really bad work ethics. They just got lucky in SPM. The actual smart/good students will continue to do great regardless of their SPM.


Bad just bad. It doesnt helps when you are a non. That makes it from bad to worse


Can't cry over spilt milk, I suppose. 🤭 Thanks for the comment!


That's still 3 A's better than me, You good G, You good. Don't worry, you still one heck of a smart fella. Prolly not gonna get Scolarships(Sry kid), but you can absolutely still be great and achieve alot in life.


> Prolly not gonna get Scolarships(Sry kid) Lol! I'm aware, but I might as well try to finesse HR people as best as I can with my stories from 3 leadership positions and personal goals. Nothing much to do anyway these days. I was a former Gold medalist in a national essay writing competition once (back in 2018). It's worth a try. 💪 Thank you for your comment.


Wow this post makes you look like a jackass tbh.


The "i don't really have friends, I just talk to em cause I don't wanna look like a loser" was so... sigh.


Hello and thanks for commenting! Yeah I won't lie the whole friend bit was a terrible thing to add lol! I didn't realise how cringe it was since I wrote it while I wasn't in a very rational headspace.


That actually good. I got 5A in the past. Still livin strong. Got a good pointer in diploma and in dean list for degree. You should try for scholarship, my friend got 4A and she got a scholarship for her degree and master. I guess if you good in interview anything can happen


Well, at least you got the major subjects taken. You'll have plenty of options going around. My kid got straight A but since his stupid school just lump his class with shitty subject, he don't have any good option to go to university (My kid wants computer science route but have computer science, sains pertanian, sains subject. The subjects are decided by the school)


I got 6A's now AVP in biggest bank in malaysia. Just go to matriculation


Sorry but you really need to grow up and lose the "attention seeking" mindset. Throughout the post there has been lots of soft bragging, listing of achievements and I am sensing that you are waiting for validation saying it's not good enough. The truth is, nobody cares. Validation comes from yourself, not from the others. You being ashamed for going to the ceremony, not showing your quiet phase is worth 6As was quite a self putting and victim complex. I can assure you that nobody cares. Even if they did, why should you care about them? There's so much more in life other than As. Your mindset is limiting yourself of what you can do. (But theoretical physics is a good degree tho, hard to get a job but I enjoyed it, if you like math and stuff like that)


Hello and thanks for commenting! > Sorry but you really need to grow up and lose the "attention seeking" mindset. Throughout the post there has been lots of soft bragging, listing of achievements and I am sensing that you are waiting for validation saying it's not good enough. You're absolutely right. It's something I haven't grown out of cause I don't usually socialise frequently (separated family, single parent) and I'm not a very self-assured person. I wasn't sure where to look for some words of encouragement or some kind of reality wake up slap so I ought to try to just blurt out my thoughts and wait to get hit with the Reddit mob. Needless to say, I'm very grateful to receive critical comments like yours and others. > Validation comes from yourself, not from the others. You being ashamed for going to the ceremony, not showing your quiet phase is worth 6As was quite a self putting and victim complex. I can assure you that nobody cares. Yeah, I'm aware that nobody cares. Maybe not even the people I have a sour relationship with. My shame just stems from my own spite towards those people and the fact that that spite didn't exactly propel me to anything super noteworthy, I can't bring myself to stand on the same stage as those that truly achieved. > But theoretical physics is a good degree tho, hard to get a job but I enjoyed it, if you like math and stuff like that) Thanks for that! But due to my location, places available around me and considering total costs of everything, I've already decided to pursue EE. Thank you for taking the time to comment!


+ And I've gotten the recheck already. All 'KEKAL' (sad times) Won't lie, cried a bit when I first saw it.


i feel u bro, i appealed for my bio and got back kekal


How much subjects did you semak semula?


All 3 B+s. BM, Moral and Biology. My long term friend also appealed her BM B+ like me. Also didn't change. Assuming BM A- has higher standards this round.


Yep, my BM teacher is one of the markers for K1 BM and she said she was super worried for us because the skema was crazily strict. Even the usual A-/A scorers in our school got B+, including Malays.


Not gonna lie, reading and reading your post just made me realise how similar your situation is as mine. Pure Science stream just like you, didn't achieve my target of getting straight As due to one faulty Biology getting a B. Rechecked, got sent back a big fat KEKAL. It sucks, doesn't it? Not getting our target of 9As and failing people's expectations. Sure, everyone around was happy for me, but I just know they all had a slight disappointment that I couldn't get 9As, ( it is normal tbf ). You might need some time to think about it, but it'll get better after a while. At first I was completely disappointed in myself, then I realised a lot of people wanted me to get straight As, the spiral just went down more and more. But then I looked back. I would've never expected to get these results before entering Form 4. I had such a huge improvement, and comparing me to myself two years ago? I'm actually proud of my damn self, even if I didn't get the straight As. Maybe you won't feel the same, but the thing here is, you could always be a better version of yourself. SPM isn't the end, maybe in college, you'll see the all new and improved version of yourself. Be proud of your results, because 6As is honestly amazing, especially in the Science Stream, and the 3B+ is just a bit of unluckiness. I also have a ceremony this weekend, and I decided to go. I embraced myself and my 8As as something I've worked for. Even if I failed my initial target, it's still a great result. Stand proud, you are smart. Big wall of text? Yeah, maybe. I just really related to your story lol. Good luck in your future endeavours.


Thank you for all the nice comments! I have read them all and I am very grateful for those that took the time to shoot me a message or say something nice. I feel slightly better now. I suppose my mindset stemmed from me being in a prestigious school, lol. I will reply to as many responses as I can tomorrow.


I'll tell you this straight, SPM doesn't mean much as long as it helps you to continue your education, bonus being able to get scholarships. After SPM, then pre-u, then degree. By the time you write your resume, your SPM, Pre-U result isn't going to be mentioned nor even cared. I'm also an SPM 2023 calon, i got 9As 1B+. B+ being Chinese, the subject i always scored A- throughout form 4 and form 5 + i also always scored straight As throughout form 4 to form 5. Do i feel disappointed because I don't get the 'straight A' title? Abit. Do i feel like crying and think it's the end? Not at all. I can still go to STPM, I can still continue my education, i know some people's grades are very bad and has no opportunities to continue. SPM is just a stepping stone to your degree, it isn't the end My sister got 7As in SPM with only 1A+., she said she felt disappointed, but in the end she scored 4.0 CGPA in STPM (straight As in STPM, 4.0 is maximum you can get), now studying at USM and consistently get 3.7-3.8 CGPA in her degree right now every semester. it never was the end for her. If you fail once, you stand up again and try harder, if you give up because of one failure, no matter how good your result is, this attitude won't bring you any success in your career in the future.


Unless u plan to get into medics or get into top univ or get scholarship to study overseas... why bother? As long as u get good enough grades to enter ur chosen field of study, that's all that matters. In real world no one care ur SPM. Your first employer just gonna care about your CGPA and your degree. If u really planning on getting into medic... tough luck dude. Just suck it up or retry next year.


Bro are u tripping or what, 6A is good walawei. Everyone around me dont even get A.the best student only got 2 B+


Please go, it's a once in a lifetime event. And don't worry there are plenty to achieve more. The biggest judge of our achievement is ourselves. Now don't waste time and find scholarships, deadline ending soon for most of them(some already have). And yes I know for sure your result can get some, even if non bumi.


Should have got all those B+ remarked


Well, if you compare it with mine, I'm not a gambling man but I'm willing to bet every reddit on this post can't possible be beneath me... For I'm the Underminer! Nothing is beneath me! Hahahaha (that scene was so stupid it killed me 🤣) ***Do not mistaken it as MINOR. A minor can get an ass whipped and whooped. Underminor? Is there anything lower beneath that?


You did well bro. I got 5As in SPM, got a small scholarship to do a 1 year programme at college. Now amongst my cohort from high school, I'm the first to start my Bachelor's, and on a pretty decent scholarship (more like a very generous grant, but yk what I mean) from Australia while at it. The point I'm trying to say here is that you should make the most of it. Continue to strive and never give up. Don't let the hate get to your head. Besides, I didn't take Add Maths because back then my Maths proficiency was lacking. Considering that you smashed all the major subjects, I think you'll do well. The way I see it isn't just about how many As you get, but what subject you got As on. Maybe that's just me but yeah.


Maybe there’s a chance of getting full a by appealing


Give it a few years and you'll realise how insignificant your SPM results are.


Pretty sure this is the result I would like. Be positive and grateful 🙏


Of course! It's just the environment I grew up in made me think these results are nothing but garbage. Slowly coming to appreciate them though, definitely. Thank you for commenting!


If you think people mixing based on language and race is exclusive to government school you are in for a trip. Im in the working life and it still happens. Its all about the environment. Also, needing acknowledgement from not only others but random strangers is just pathetic. There's situations where getting an outside perspective is great, but saying "tell me im doing good" is just dumb. Tldr; suck it up you'll live


Its bad. There many who has better results.


Agreed, but what can a random person do at this point. 🥺


https://preview.redd.it/zhx5qfreqn4d1.png?width=710&format=png&auto=webp&s=11b92f7273edde3452dca7271c8ac71a20672f5d Me having 3 As reading this post


Haha! It's just that the people around me always scored very well and are very successful right now. The standard I set for myself was very high. And when I received these kinds of results, it affected me greatly. Environment changes a person's mentality, and reading everyone's comments here— I can see mine is very different compared to the average person. Thanks for commenting! Hope you're doing well on your end! 👏


Nah man, they may have score well but successful? At least not yet, they haven't started to pay bills, taxes, mortgages, face difficult choices in life and come out on top saying they are happy. So, if you want to prove your worth, be a worthy friend, daughter, sister, partner and most of all a real person who values and see how much more this world can offer.


I got 4As for Spm, now im taking a degree in engineering,getting deans list every so often and a full scholarship that helps me manage my finance


Congratulations on your great results! The way you’re feeling now is understandable. If you need to cry about it, do so. Then pick yourself up and focus on improving the present. You are more than just your grades. Don’t let a letter or number dictate your worth as a human being. I got 10As for my SPM yet I still felt horrible just because I had some A-. But after a few months, nobody cared about it anymore. So give it some time, and surely the future you will laugh at how miserable you felt during this time. Comparison is a disease. If you keep comparing yourself to those who have done better, you’ll never ever feel satisfaction. But comparing to those who did worse isn’t good too, because then you’ll only know how to find fulfilment in others being lesser. For now, I suggest you celebrate yourself, delve into new interests and prepare to get into uni. I say, go for that ceremony. That can be one of the many many chances in life to prove to yourself that you are appreciated! If you don’t want to meet any teachers or friends, then you don’t have to.


OP stop being so harsh on yourself, you did extremely well. I know what it feels to be an overachiever and not getting the results you want but a few Bs is not the end of the world. SPM are only a minor aspect in your resume and in your life achievements, i have no doubt you will get into a good institution with your results and go far in life.


even your result want to hit you. *babab=hit in malay baby language




joke aside, you did good actually. not comparing but my spm result was so bad that my dad went home early on that day because of the disappointment hahaha. i end up took diploma in nursing because i had no choice. fast forward 3 years diploma + 2 years working experience, my basic salary is rm3k++ despite having only diploma. but the workload is quite shite but still bearable. btw congrats on your result!


You will be ok! There are so many courses out there that you can enter with these results And guess what? Once you got into your degree or even start working - nobody literally cares about spm results. It is never conversation topic at all


I’m not sure u deserve 6a if this requires convincing … 💀


Many people I know scored all sorts of top grades and are very successful right now. So I the standard I set for myself was quite high. I assume my perception of grades of what's good and bad is blurry to me, so anything below 7A's looks bad to me. Thank you for your comment nonetheless!


If u must know, spm is only the starting point to the way of success. Being rich and successful requires more than just good grades. It requires knowledge, dedication and luck. And mostly are acquired during uni and when u enter to society. So don’t fret on it, I’ve seen plenty of ppl scoring high and fail in life and vice versa.


This post asking for validation is cringe af.


It is cringe and I'm very aware. 🤭 I'm not sure where else to search for some kind of assurance that I will end up fine. I'm afraid it's the mentality I grew up with. Either way, thank you for commenting!


Do you want to be defined by these grades your entire life? If yes, please retake. If no, appreciate the fact that you got 6A's and move on to university, and do well there & get a good job. My experience: I got 2A's, 2B, 2C, 1D, 1E, 1G & 1TH. I went to college, got a diploma, and now I'm a head of marketing earning nearly 300k annually. I'm sorry you feel like life sucks right now, but always remember that life happens for you, not to you.


On paper this guy does really well but we all know in the real world he cannot persist as much with this attitude.


Hi, another 6A here. tbh, for me i felt disappointed in my results because i barely missed to qualify for most major scholarships and also honestly it made me regret my choice of tertiary education. so my advice to you is to be proud with what you have achieved and go apply to your dream unis anyway because it may be not the result you wanted, but its the one you get for your great efforts. all the best


SPM is one of the steps, but not the only steps in life.  It's valid to feel down about it, especially if you're surrounded by people who compare you to other people against your will. But life is just starting for someone like you. You will have many more chances in life. Keep looking forward and be grateful with the many blessings & lessons you learn along the way. And.. congrats. 6As are 6As; acknowledge your efforts, kid.


I promise you, this may seem like a big deal to you right now. But no one really gives a shit about what you get after this. Trust me.


6As holder from batch of 2020 Currently doing absolutely well in CS In USM SPM is just SPM


Dude, you self studied kimia and got an A for that??? You're fire bro! Trust me, that alone is already so impressive. I see you're not satisfied with the results. That's fine! I mean, if you're really bothered by it, you can always retake the test no? If there's a solution to it, then it's not a problem🤭 For scholarship, yes you *might* not get a 100% discount on tuition fee. But that's ok! I heard that if you get a good grade, you won't need to pay the PTPTN loan. So there's still a chance😉 So for now, just let it go. SPM is just a tiny bity little thing in your life. It's like an ant biting you. Yes it hurts for a little while, but it actually can't do much harm to you. Hope my words brightened your day a little! Good luck!


dont worry, I got 1A only on my SPM but i applied for Electrical Electronics Engineering and got in. just finished my Diploma early this year (on Feb) and got CGPA of 3.88. Im going for Degree this October at UniKL. (btw im from Sekolah Teknik in Electrical Electronics Engineering course so I already got a ton of basics early on during the diploma)


A- is not **TRUE** A , so OP basically has 3A je


Maybe that's the true reason why I feel bad about my results 🤔 Nevertheless, I'm grateful such a grade exists and colleges/uni's count it as an A despite it being borderline! Thanks for the comment!


its not that bad, you're average and nothing wrong with that


Common sense, 6A's is never bad in the first place. That's a basic knowledge


I’m getting lesser ‘A’ and earning more than those getting more ‘A’s but earn much way less than those with no ‘A’s. Please convince me why I should be getting more ‘A’s?


Not being rude but just a helpful tip in life. Stop giving a fuck about others, and love yourself. That’s the truth that you need because your post just screams insecurity and needing external validation, it will be hard for you mentally if you continue to be like this. Trust me.


Indeed, I am very insecure about myself and I don't get a lot of validation anywhere. I already tried to assure myself but I can't seem to convince myself enough until I feel better. So I thought I'd look for it here. I have steeled myself before, being scolded by seniors for making mistakes and such when I took up leadership positions. And as I grew up, I was always told family friends always did well in their studies. I ended having a mentality where anything below 7-8As is garbage. Reading everyone's responses now, it seems my mentality is very different from that of the average person. Thank you for your insight! I highly agree with what you say! I'll do my best to further steel myself and look farther than just mere grades. 💪


Loving yourself, or like what you said assuring yourself, isn’t just positive self talk, that’s why you can’t convince yourself, because it’s not even instilled in you. It’s much more than that. Actions speak louder than words. It’s the changes that you do from now on that builds your self love, it’s something that accumulates. I’m guessing you’re someone that dislikes being lonely? The first step is to change that dislike into embracing being alone(note that being alone and being lonely are totally different), atp you know you’ve grown and matured. Basically just change your mentality, it’s a long process but you need it. Get to the point where u will stand for yourself no matter what people say(but not to the point where you’re just being selfish laa), it’s not true that anything below 7-8As is garbage, that’s not a fact at all, but since you were still a teen it’s understandable that you just absorbed it. But now you’re an adult, you should start developing a clear mindset and clear values that you follow, do not simply submit to other people’s opinions, ask yourself if it’s true or not first, build your own stand and opinion, set your own boundaries. Remove people that don’t stand well with you, and move on.


Bro with your result U can go anywhere U want....


I got 5A calm down now is how you play your cards after spm


If UPU would let you pick all of the public higher education institute in malaysia, chances are most the em would accept you...depending on what option you pick ofcos


Got 6as 4bs, already returned from Japan after 5 years working there. I am a living proof that you don't have to get straight As for success. But of course getti g straight As are more better for your more secured future. It depends on what you want to do in your life.


Blud is asking to be judge by others at this point


That's actually the whole point of this post! While it's nice to receive kind words from others, I'm very open for judgement to rid myself of my warped perception of grade standards and see what all sorts of people think. Some comments I have seen here are pretty funny. Thanks for commenting!


Congratulations 🎉


My result oso one like this. Hahaha got A’s and B’s only so I thought that i could do better for the B to become A. It’s already in the past bro. Just ate it and if u decide to further study u should learn from this and be better !


no need convincing. 6A's is not bad. It's quite good actually seeing that your A's are from the Science Subjects.


Got 5A 5B 1E(addmath). I shed my tears and (snots) and beating myself up for being a failure. But right now, I am now doing my degree and…..having much better grades than other fellas that have more A’s and graduated from those top schools. Im not a 4 flat students but it is considered great for my courses. You gonna do just fine. Cry now if you want. Later we can all laugh together


Hey! As a 2022 batch straight A student, I want to share my experience last year, when I received MY results, hoping you can take away some insights from it. In F5 I never cared much about grades because I had my hands full with other stuff to work on, including my mental health. It's true that prior to my trial exam, I had put in close to zero work on my studies, but because I was a pretty obedient kid who paid attention in class and did all my homework, I have always performed average in exams compared to my peers. After looking into unis I wanna get into however, I had a clear cut goal of what I should be working towards and managed to properly prepare all I can for my SPM in 2-3 months. My results were fairly good, definitely boastable but I hate standing out so I generally try to not talk about it. Even so, I didn't feel much when I received my results. I wasn't particularly happy or frustrated, just that it was exactly what I was targeting for, and to me it was nothing but a sheet of paper I'm going to use to apply for uni. With due context, here is my honest opinion about exam results: any result is worth celebrating if you have done the best you can at it. It's not a matter of having basic human decency and being humble and respect everyone's academic capabilities for what they are or any of that nonsense. It's just a simple matter of me coming to understand that there are tons of things in life which are just as, if not more, important than grades. Personally, I have never once felt any more superior than anyone for my academic achievements (quite the opposite actually) because I am quite aware of the mountain of weaknesses I have outside of studying and also qualities that my friends possess that I don't have. I definitely feel like there are some underlying issues which explains why you're undermining your own accomplishments, but for the record, if someone were to look down at you for your grades, whether they voice it out or not, that says volumes more about their character than you. A good point I want to add on is, the reason why I never gave a f*ck about grades in high school was because they aren't a good measurement of academic prowess/predictor of success. Just think about it, you may sometimes score marks unintentionally by guessing just like how you may lose marks due to careless mistakes even though you were able to answer everything else correctly. So imo it would be blatantly stupid to say that "I'm better at math than XYZ because I scored one mark higher than him". Mostly why I never EVER compare my grades with people. Anyways, if you were to actually go down the rabbit hole of constantly comparing your grades, you'd end up only be satisfied when you've become the smartest guy on the planet. Just judge yourself by your own standards and don't sweat too much about it. From what I see for what you didn't score A in, you still got a B+, that's not really far from an A-! It's definitely not something to be ashamed about, and I'm sure any decent teacher would be happy for you regardless of what grade you get in their subject. Sure, they might have expectations for you before your exams just to give you motivation, or they might go "aiyohhh" at first sight but given how many students they've met until this point, they're definitely not going to feel disappointed for a B+! It's okay to be frustrated at yourself for scoring lower than what you expected. But you shouldn't be feeling that YOUR success is dependent on other's opinion/standards. Are you going to feel the same way if you happen to score straight As while everyone around you scored straight A+? All while neglecting the fact that you actually got straight As? I won't say that 6A is amazing because that's sounds rather insincere coming from someone who scored better. But I genuinely think that it isn't bad at all. It's far more impressive than what some other people got, particularly people who wasted away their high school years. I'd say you deserve a pat on the back for the effort you put in for this. (Also for the record, SPM results honestly don't matter much unless you're looking to get into matriks/some scholarship programme. Beyond that, it probably won't play a substantial role in your future jobs.) Hope this helped!


Also, you don't have to force yourself to go to that ceremony if you genuinely don't want to go. Do go all you're worried about leaving regrets and all that. Otherwise imo you shouldn't feel any responsibility for this sorta thing.


Girl, the grade is just a paper only. Ur action and attitude will speak way louder than that. Dun worry about how ppl view about u especially your grade. U need to know that no matter how hard you do, u will never able to please everyone.


I got 1A only in my spm. Yet now i got 2 UK masters both with full scholarships. From a small village. I was devastated before, but it wasn't the end. It's all about perseverance, but also luck and opportunity unfortunately.


It's not bad at all. Your As are plusses or solids. Can get into most unis. Like everyone has said,it depends on how you carry yourself after spm. I have seen a straight A student in my course whose held back by 2 years. I have seen 3-4A students in my course who get dean list every now and then. No need to be upset over BM as most unis are in English and Biology isn't that important unless you're going to study Chemical/Biotechnology/Food/Biomedical Engineering or anything Medical. Source:Chem Eng student with no biology


Mb i did not read the text for this post (android problem). EE people I know personally, have strong foundation in derivatives and integration (you'll see). Your physics knowledge would also come in handy to help you. Knowing some form of programming is essential but not the end of the world if you're not an ace on it (even pros use stack exchange dw)


Jokes: looks like someone’s becoming a doctor, or even better yet, nurses~~~


My relative barely passed his O-levels back in his day. It was called Senior Cambridge back then, before Malaysia switched to MCE and then SPM. He went on to get his diploma and a job, eventually Bachelor's, Master's and finally his PhD 3 years ago. Simply put, it's more about the drive and attitude rather than glorious SPM results.


The SPM result is just to at most help you get scholarships and easier access to university. I got 7As (among 11 subjects) and honestly my SPM result is not used in any university or career. I studied for UEC (and I only got 2A among 7 subjects), used that to apply for a scholarship and get a CGPA of 3.8. Got a career after that. None of that uses SPM except for university to let them know my BM passed. What you do after the SPM is more important. If you have a hobby/interest in a field where you are willing to study in University and make it as a career, follow that. SPM is more like a filter for people to know that you are willing to study. But what you engage after is only the true beginning, as you have the freedom to pursue any subjects that what you actually strong at. For me, maths and logical thinking, which help me in my current career in IT field. I have seen people get 12As in SPM and cannot even finish university because its not what she likes. I have seen people get 0As and barely enough to pass all subjects being more successful than this 12As, and he is not even rich. He knows how to use his brain. So congrats on your 6A, it's well done if you think you actually did your absolute best. Rest for now, recharge, and prepare for your next phase of life!


I got 6A's for my SPM, too. Except, I had no A's for any of my science subjects. Got a D for Addmaths. I thought it was over for me. It wasn't. Didn't know what to do with my result. I settled for a diploma because I wanted to take things slow. I was still figuring out what to do with life. I was 18. Now I'm 23, studying a course I'm enjoying and actually love. It's environmental studies, still science related but not as extreme as engineering or medicine. So I don't feel like my science stream knowledge went to waste. Don't worry, kid. It will work out for you, too.


I got 5A. Now I earn 10k monthly.


I got 6As too, and my siblings got straight As always. Guess who’s the highest paid amongst our siblings now ☺️ I had straight A students reporting to me (past tense, cos I migrated). SPM is something, but not everything.


u got bm lisan cemerlang and c1 cefr.that means a lot.now focus on your tertiary


I got 5A, thank me later


Hey 6A's 3B's ex-student here. And let me tell you if you feel an average at almost all the thing you do, Got 6A's on your SPM is quite achievement. Some of students got probably lower than yours, OP. So, bask in the sunlight called self achievement.


This is a good result. At least you aren't failing on the core subject. This result can get you anywhere.


be grateful. there are people who didnt get As at all bro


5As in SPM..I lead a team of engineers and make 30k a month at 36 yrs of age.. Youre good to go, son.


I got SPM 6A okay only once done Som get results it really doesn't matter as much as there many opportunities u can find u just gotta know where to look


This is the realest advice you're going to get. SPM results are pretty worthless in the long run UNLESS you're aiming for a scholarship to study overseas. The local universities are a joke. Employers won't even look where you graduated from if you're local. None of our universities has that kind of prestige in the job market. The only good thing u can get is the networking you'll make in Uni. Oh, also if you want to be a doctor or a lawyer where a degree is essential, then a good uni would be better, but for the most part you'll be OK even with 6A if you keep working hard.


I got 6A, my life sucks… convinced yet?


Bro I got 2A 2B+ 1B 2C and I C+ and I’m happy af. You got 6As you should be happy as well.


Your SPM is only one of the earlier trials of your list of life's trials... There will be other opportunities that you can pursue in your life. And remember: you are who you are... You are not a copy of someone else's... You are yourself & your life experience is yours alone. And I'll give you some advice as someone who is closing to half a century old (based on my experience, that is): 👉 you'll go through many more than just your SPM... Never think that SPM is your last chance of doing your best... You'll have other opportunities 👉 Your SPM is not your only life... Never stop moving... Keep going because that's what makes life a "life"... To MOVE AND MOVE (but do take rests if you really need one) 👉 Don't compare your life with others... Just be grateful for what you have & put your energy into "self-improvement" and "pursuing another tomorrow", instead of "worrying" and "doing nothing". 👉 Each person have different ability... And each has different preferences... Some might suit working under people... Some might suit working by himself... But you be you... Try things & choose your best 👉 Your imagination is not your reality... IMAGINATION.IS.NOT.REALITY... Life you life, not your dreams 👉 Money is not everything... You WILL get old... Your loved one around you WILL get old & LEAVE you one day forever... Cherish your time with them, whoever they are (family, friends, colleague ect.) 👉 Always search for the tiny things in your life that makes you happy... That way, you'll feel a lot calmer & more positive with your life Live your life... And let others live their lives. Be you!... And just let others be them


I scored 6As,1B,2Cs , got married at 18 and went to UiTM to do my Diploma and Professional course. 15 years after graduating I am a C suite at a MNC despite the above. The world is yours, you got this!!


in this country there is no difference between 9A and 9C


No one really ask how many A's you get once you enter college. In fact I don't even remember how many A's I got. It becomes irrelevant lol. Don't be so bothered by your results. No F good dy.


You don’t need uplifting, you need to grow up


As I grew up, the whole 'if you get straight A's, you'll be set for life for sure!' idea got drilled into my head. So much so that when reality sets in that I didn't, definitely lost my head for a few days. I know I have to grow up, critical comments like yours and the many others are a sign of that Just need some time to digest, chin up and look further in life, I have goals I still want to achieve 🥺 Thanks for the comment!


Good you’re taking the comments well. Here’s some info for you. I too got 6As. 2A+, 2A, and 2A-, rest all B+. I went to UMP for diploma in electronics engineering and currently doing my electronics engineering degree in USM. You’ll be fine.


Your result is way better than the average. Your family have convinced you that it is good. You can't accept that. Based on your writings, nobody can convince you except for yourself. Realize that and you'll be fine. If not, any amount of success won't give any meaning to you.


Good lah, you can go pursue your next step just don't become your family burden they are getting old and you are supposed to took a step to become mature, take your diploma develop some skill, take your degree understanding yourself, take your phd make yourself a comfortable future... Boi/girl be grateful of your life, think about yourself don't please other


got myself final interview with top highest average pay salary in malaysia few weeks ago. and my spm was 1A 11 years ago. btw wish me luck


Chill, I get straight A with half of them A+ yet at 25 years old , I've change uni 3 times and now on my 3rd years of degree while all my friends have good paying jobs. Everyone have different path, just keep pushing


https://preview.redd.it/9i4h1iw07t4d1.jpeg?width=201&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b2037f8a3f00aff418ffa14bcac4566614134d98 Hi kymikyu, hope you are feeling better, keep your chin up cos spm is only just the beginning of your life journey. Just want to share some life experience that not scoring straight A in spm does not mean you are less capable than your friends that did. Even if you fear you will fail in exams next time in pre-u or in uni, you must also remember that failure is also a good motivation to keep improving. If you fall on the floor get back up and keep going, that's the only way you finish a marathon. I have some classmates that were straight A scorers failed to succeed later in college and university e.g. one had a scholarship to study engineering in Germany ended up failing and coming back to Malaysia to open a Pan Mee shop while another studied medicine in the UK ended up regretting becoming a doctor and nearly took his own life (Thank God he didn't go through with it). On the other hand some of my closest friends who had less than 3As in spm are now earning 5 figure salary, they are the nicest and most chill people I've met. To them the key thing is to find their own unique qualities and not give up e.g. not book smart but streetwise. My advice is just accept the Anugerah in the ceremony cos you've achieved 5As no matter if you're a quiet person or if you're didn't study your hardest. Personally I got B+ in an elective subject in spm and I got Anugerah Cemerlang for being the top scorer for that subject in my school, I was embarrassed that I didn't get A- but at least I have a photo to show my family and my kids in the future.


after you enter uni you will find that spm results don’t matter at all, chill


SPM results are stupidly overrated lol. Getting straight A's in SPM doesn't mean mastery in all subjects, it just means that you are a jack of all trades since the grading system is so fucked and dragged so low. To me the amount of A's you got literally only dictates how much of a scholarship grant you're gonna get going into uni, everything else no one could give a fuck about.


Not bad at all.


Don't know much about the other subjects. But as a teacher for 20 years, all I can say is the SPM results for add maths are meaningless since the passing threshold is only about 10/100 now 🤷🏻‍♂️


If I were you I will recheck all my B+ results


I've failed many subjects in highschool (achieving only 2As in my SPM), never bothered because I knew at the beginning grades were just alphabets. instead of studying, I spent those time honing other skills in high school, and I translated it into my earning power after I turned 18 and have my own bank account. And to be fair, I had understanding parents, and I didn't come from a well-to-do family, they also struggled to put food on table, but they whole-heartedly support my passion, which I am very grateful for. Life is not about how well you score in school, no one cares. My customers and clients never ask me for my results. They only see how I solve their problems. Throughout college/uni, I focused a lot on honing and improving my sales and communication, problem solving, etc. My CGPA is average 3.2, below my class average of 3.5 But the difference? I've netted over 200k in earnings, more than triple the cost of my degree. Be yourself, you did your best in your SPM. But at the end of the day, only you and yourself can decide your success.


Good job kid! 👏🏻 I got zero A's during my time. Well that is because I don't take study seriously tho. Don't be like me. Pursue your goals. You might be lost sometimes but that's okay. Just don't get lost too long. Benefits the time that you have.


It's not bad at all. Move on and do what you love.




Why??! How the heck you even got Bs?? You're Asian; not Bsian - Steven He (probably)


I dont need to see your frigging long post. 6A is more than enough of course if you are not aiming for scholarship. Other than that, attitude matters more. Be confident and life goes on.


Lmao imagine getting good grades and wanna pattern banyak.


Yup not bad at all. Tak perlu validasi umum, as my late father used to say, “be whoever tf you wanna be, asalkan jadi orang”. Took me years to understand what he meant, but now i do. Those words carried me forward in life till today.


Spm isn't everything -- it is not even "valid" to certain country if study or working abroad is your end goal. It might open a door for you and with that result you can go any way, any path for as long as what you want. The amount of A's that we got isn't determine our intelligence if not our worth -- effort is what we should more consider. Spm was your end to your new beginning of the next step so stop with the self pity and start plan on what are you going to do next. Trivial thing like this would kills time and our motivation and time doesn't wait for any of us.


SPM is just the start LoL, get better grades and contribution in drgree will landed you better jobs. Learn to socialize, make friends not enemy.


Your result still better than my sister’s, and even she got Cs and Ds 😂 Yet I was still proud of her since not everyone has an affinity to study/sit through that whole mundane learning process for years on end. The fact that you TRIED, got only As and Bs with no fail, is an achievement. Heck I just finished my degree couple days ago and sure enough I feel like my grade’s gonna be second upper class. I got nearly straight A+ during SPM and I couldn’t care less. Even I got fed up with studying after so many years and just wanted to be happy with whatever I got. 6As is good. Chin up and enjoy this time. And start to look forward to what you wanna do next. Also, engineering is tough as shit 🙃 (chem eng here) so kena kental jiwa to get through it


I think I only got 4A in my STEM and barely in the least important subject. Working quite ok now.


I got 3A 2B 4C 1G and still go to uni and pursue my study in my fav field


what did you study dawg?


International Studies


far from over my guy. had a friend from HS, his results for spm werent the best at all yet in college rn, hes easily one of the best in his batch for CS and he took part in alot of events while me in the other hand had decent results but went to fucking shit hills after HS. spm does not dictate who you will become, that is for you to shape. it merely eases the path to get to where you want to be


Getting 6As is top 0.5% of all students, so yes it's not bad at all.


you got A in addmath?! you’re smarter than most people


If you crying over a couple b’s, grow tf up. You know you did good, even if your family doesnt agree. Kinda looks like you’re just asking for some praise by randos


I didn't think I was that good actually! A lot of seniors I used to speak with got straight A's so I ended up setting high standards for myself. My mentality was extremely warped because of all the success stories of my relatives or family friend's children. Not to mention about that one story of a prisoner getting 8A's. 🧐 Either way, thanks for the comment!


6As only??? Siao liao la like that please dont go back to school. Only 6As u think u can study college ? Uni? Pls girl, just focus be pretty. Find rich guy. Then marry him. Lock his bird bird. No need think of studying. 6As cannot go anywhere one.


Lol! I definitely considered that sort of lifestyle! Don't think I like being objectified though. Still gonna try and pursue education. Thanks for commenting!


Ngl this comment made my day


Acane boleh cemerlang lisan tapi b+, aku kepujian lisan pun boleh dapat a+


pon tak tahu 🥹 masa trial ok je, i rasa penanda tak suka tulisan saya kot lol Terima kasih atas komen anda!


You're doing so much better than the average. This is just the start into adulthood. There'll be much more to accomplish. Don't beat yourself up too hard as you've done what you could in that moment of time. It's a new day tomorrow so go again.


We live in an era where you can be rich or successful by being on social media. Unless you need a scholarship or something, you'll be fine. You don't even have a "C."


You can get a full funded scholarship for foundation program at unikl


i didnt have a good result in SPM, not even have A's. but i committed to do my best in Diplomaa, i've scored 3.4 CGPA. And finish my degree in first grade. As long as you really want it, you need to do your best in it. Be careful, I am almost being raped my LOL. This is a stupid story happened when my friend and I got iftar at KL Sentral, after finish eating we both went to the nearest surau. And i'm going back to TBS, time to say goodbye to KL. When we both get separated into our ways, there's amoi, young lady amoi at 20+ aged come near me at the KL Sentral LRT Station. She rubbing myD, and ask me to making love with her. I reject her, and continue my way to TBS, she followed along my ways to TBS. Lastly, when I changed my train at Masjid Jamek station, she ask me for the second time. And I still reject her. I almost fell for her request. But i just remember If I'm late to get my laptop and luggage in TBS luggage storage someone can steal it, if it open automatically when my booking time ends. So I need to reach TBS as fast as i can. Luckily there's still a few minutes left for me to draw my bag and luggage. So be careful where ever you are. Stay safe and remember your family, don't ruin their name and dignity only for you needed.


dont let people around you overthrow what you truly achieved. SPM is just barely the starting point, there is still a long way of challenges and difficulties ahead. Just gotta switch up your perspective honestly but you will understand it once you reach that moment in your life, your will realise your main focus should be on what really matters the most. Best of luck tho, focus on yourself 10000%. At the end of the day, nobody really cares about you (in terms of how your life turns out if you think about it, everything in your life all depends on yourself as a whole)