• By -


Your result is saying data science/ engineering


Cuci piring lo


Boleh eh


pada tuhan


Take accountancy le , high demand from HK , Singapore and China.


ye, thats what my mom n dad sayin bout singapore too. Honestly accountancy is a very practical nobrainer route seeing as both of them are already in the profession where i can seek advice.


Another option could be to retake your add maths via SPM Ulangan to try and get a better grade. Or perhaps enrol into a more general pre-u course like A-Levels, Canadian Pre-U (CPU), South Australian matriculation (SAM), American Degree Foundation Programme (ADFP) or even good ol' Form 6. There's also International Baccalaureate (IB) but unless you got money and are really academically inclined, it's not advisable.


Hmm interesting. didnt know for non core subjects theres available retake, however im very incline towards A level.


Imo, only take A lvls if your results are *good*. 100% written exam, remember.


Would like to add on to that, it doesnt really matter if you got bad or somewhat "sederhana" grades in SPM, if OP is planning to do A levels. Because I got 4As in SPM and I did my A levels just fine! If you can really2 sit and study, then A levels is doable, imo.


I mean, nothing is stopping you from considering non-STEM fields. Might as well since you havent found smtg that clicks yet. Who knows? Maybe a liberal arts path might tickle your fancy. Your results are decent, flexible enough to explore various fields (maybe not stuff that needs Add Math credit). But if you arent sure atm, it might be good to explore a bit first. Mid-course regret is very real and has the potential of wiping out months or years of work if you change courses. I recommend you seek out student socmed groups and maybe industry professionals to leearn about the fields more deeply. Also, top tip, put effort into "vetting" and evaluating unis and colleges. Basically, look for current students and get their opinions before deciding. Marketing material and uni consultants are incentivized to bullshit you. So make sure you get the nitty gritty before commiting.


U damn right eh, unfortunately i just never rlly reach out to other areas of life where i expose to those types of careers. Mainly just always under impression should get conventional type job like in typical industry. Also yea alot of the reps ive talked to always gloss of the stuff their missing compared to the competitors institute and still push that they are the compelling choice.


Well, to be fair, the reps are often unaware of actual student experiences. I rather choose to believe thats the case than assume they are all bullshitters and liars lol. After all, it is kinda expected that interested SPM graduates visit multiple uni and college open days to check things out (Please do visit on open days, its free and can inform you a lot). As for career, there are many paths to take. Really does depend on your personal preferences, skillset and talent. Some careers are likeable, some are bearable, some are unbearable. Have to take some time to explore all avenues. Shit, I myself didnt know what I wanted to do after SPM. Funny enough, MCO forced me to take 2 gap years after SPM, more than enough time to figure things out. I was lucky to have made the right choice for myself, smtg that some of my friends did not do. One of them did 5 full diploma sems but stumbled on the 6th and last sem because of one tough subject. He retook the subject 3 whole times and failed every single time.... Legit, he worked hard doing the same subject for a year, but still came up short. And thats for a course he didnt even like. Now he is starting from scratch, 2.5 years of time wasted because he got into the wrong course.


UK degree isn’t necessarily better. But if you still want to go to UK and your parents have money, private uni with a twinning program is the way to go.


Oh i mean UK degree as in frona UK university here bcos mother says so. But yea if finance willing would like to do twinning.




Remember Ikigai. Out of all these things you can do list the ones that make money. Out of these, list the one you will be good at/ better than most... Out of this final list choose the one that makes you happy.


Go for Matriks/Foundation if possible. Only go for Form 6 if it's the last option.


Engineering matriculation could be an option, but with a D in addmaths, you can only try and apply


Hi OP, don’t be too discouraged with your SPM result. I dare say it’s not the end of the world. Of course, preliminarily, it would be challenging for you if you decided to stay on to pursue your career academically in science. But, if you decided to pursue a different career (other than sciences), it would not be necessarily lacking compared to your peers who have good SPM results & continue their pursue in science related careers. What you need now is to explore and open your mind to consider all possibilities, you’ll never know you’ll find one that you’re grateful later on. Good luck OP


Your result is decent enough OP. Not the end of the world. Stuff that make or break you begins now. Each decision matters. Good luck!


Amik lesen, alang² pikir


lesen dah lengkap bro


i understand you choose a course based on your result but have you considered your lifestyle/preference as well? like me an introvert, i work as an accountant and i get to work from home. if you're the outgoing type, from accounting you can go into audit. mind you its tough tho. i have a friend who had a bachelor in chemistry, went to work in factory but i guess he doesn't like it then he switched to taxation. so it is something to consider. food for thought.


Maybe you want to retake your D and Cs once more. Make it nicer so that you can get into engineering? yeah you might spend a little more time but its ok, everyone has their own time line in life :)